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2017CAUDITCouncil of Australasian University Directors of Information Technology Inc

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Council of Australasian University Directors of Information Technology

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CAUDIT’s purposeOur purpose is to support our members in leading the application of digital capabilities to transform education and research.

CAUDIT pursues its purpose by focusing on initiatives that create value for three broad stakeholder groups:

► CAUDIT’s member representatives ► CAUDIT’s individual members (institution and

staff) ► The higher education and research sector

CAUDIT’s valuesCAUDIT is guided and informed by an underlying culture of sharing between members.

Our emphasis on sharing is guided and informed by reference to three consistent values: we connect, enable and challenge our members.

ConneCT This value is exemplified by:

► Inclusiveness – we seek and respect the views of all members

► Participation – we encourage participation by all members

enAbLe This value is exemplified by:

► Collaboration – we work together, and we share ideas and experience between members in a trusted, collaborative community

ChALLenge This value is exemplified by:

► Stimulation – we invite critical and strategic thinking, and we foster stimulating discussions

CAUDIT Membership categories

CAUDIT offers three levels of membership.

Full Members are universities represented on Universities Australia (UA) or Universities New Zealand (UNZ). At December 2017, there were 42 Full Members.

Each Full Member appoints a Primary Representative who can attend and vote at CAUDIT meetings, and can serve on CAUDIT’s Executive Committee. Primary Representatives also vote on applications from universities and other organisations seeking to become CAUDIT Associate Members or Affiliate Members.

Associate Members are Australian and New Zealand universities that are not members of UA or UNZ, and overseas universities. Associate Members’ Primary Representatives can attend CAUDIT meetings, but do not have voting rights. At December 2017, there were twelve Associate Members.

Affiliate Members are organisations that are not universities. Affiliate Members’ Primary Representatives can attend CAUDIT meetings, but do not have voting rights. At December 2017, there were seven Affiliate Members.

A full list of CAUDIT’s 61 Members and Member Representatives appears on pages 29-33 of the Annual Report.


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TAbLe oF ConTenTsPresident’s report 2Chief Executive Officer’s report 3ConneCT 4Maintaining long term relationships 5Advancing strategic partnerships 5CAUDIT Member Meetings 6Autumn Members Meeting 2017 6Spring Members Meeting 2017 6CAUDIT Member Representatives 7New CAUDIT member organisations welcomed 7Extending CAUDIT’s impact through cooperative action 8CHEITA Study Tour 2017 8THETA 2017 – Connecting Minds, Creating the Future 9THETA 2019 9

enAbLe 10Strategic procurement 11CAUDIT members’ procurement priorities 12Governance of CAUDIT’s strategic procurement 12Vendor webinars 12Member initiated surveys 13Investigating a CAUDIT-hosted information repository 13The practical merits of structured professional learning 14Nurturing the next generation of IT leaders and managers 14Extending the influence of CLI and CMP alumni 14CAUDIT Leadership Institute 2017 15CAUDIT Leadership Institute faculty 15Planning for CAUDIT Leadership Institute 2017 15CAUDIT Managers Program 2017 16Broadening participants’ networks and management skills 16CAUDIT’s Communities of Practice 17University Software Licensing Collaboration (USLC) 17

Cybersecurity Community of Practice 17Enterprise Architecture Community of Practice 18Research Support Community of Practice 18P3M Community of Practice 19Business Analysis Community of Practice 19Special Interest Groups (SIGs) 19

ChALLenge 20CAUDIT’s 2017 Top Ten Topics 21DVC Corporate Top Ten 21Generating interest in the Top Ten 21Member engagement in generating the Top Ten 23Preparation for 2018 Top Ten Topics 23Benchmarking 24CAUDIT’s Benchmarking Advisory Committee (BMAC) 24Applying CAUDIT’s Complexity Index internationally 24Advocacy and support 25CAUDIT’s contributions to national policy reviews 25CAUDIT Awards proposal 25

oRgAnIsATIon oVeRVIeW 262017 financial performance 262017 CAUDIT Governance Overview 272017 CAUDIT Executive Committee composition 282017 CAUDIT Members and Representatives 29CAUDIT Staff 34

Community of Practice Significant Contributors 35Participants in CAUDIT Leadership Program 2017 36Participants in CAUDIT Managers Program 2017 37Participants in inaugural CHEITA Study Tour, intiated and coordinated by CAUDIT 37

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Institutions across our region are driving change at an ever increasing rate and it is very evident that this is being underpinned by digital transformation and capabilities. Technology is integral to the university for both its teaching and research delivery. However, a solid technology foundation is no longer enough for the organisation to build upon. The CIO is being asked to step up and help enable this transformation through innovative use of digital and information. It is important that CAUDIT continues to grow and evolve to support its members in this endeavour.

2017 was another busy year for CAUDIT, for both members and staff. Very importantly, earlier work undertaken in conjunction with the members saw the release of a revised purpose and a new set of values for CAUDIT: Connect, Enable and Challenge. We live in a digitally enabled era with changing demands, expectations and realities, and CAUDIT can support its member representatives and their staff in their supporting the achievement of their institution’s strategic goals. This comes out very clearly in the revised purpose statement; “ … support our members in leading the application of digital capabilities to transform education and research.” Through respecting the views of its members and encouraging participation, CAUDIT can help its members Connect; Enable the sharing of innovations and experiences and Challenge its members through critical thinking and discussion.

The year saw CAUDIT supporting its members to Connect and Enable through a very successful THETA Conference and advancing strategic partnerships with organisations such as AARNet. CAUDIT’s strategic procurement activities were refocused on fewer high value activities in alignment with input from the members. As well, the CAUDIT Leadership Institute and Managers Program continues to Enable and Challenge our next generation of IT leaders.

I would like to thank the CAUDIT staff for their hard work and support over the year and the CAUDIT Executive for their contribution. I also would like to acknowledge and thank Elizabeth Wilson for her contribution as CAUDIT Chair, a role she relinquished in July 2017 on departing Edith Cowan University as CIO to take up the post of CIO in the Victorian Department of Education and Training.


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2017 was another rewarding year for CAUDIT. Membership grew with the addition of four new members, each having research or education missions.

While considering membership enquiries the Executive discussed a more formal approach to partnerships. Following this, CAUDIT initiated and signed a Memorandum of Understanding with AARnet aimed at encouraging identification of opportunities to take joint action for the benefit of members, the higher education & research sectors, and both organisations. We will explore further opportunities for additional partnerships in 2018.

CAUDIT engaged with Universities Australia and the DVC-Corporate group, providing an overview of CAUDIT and its activities early in the year and following up with an engagement around the ‘Top Ten’ Topics which highlighted interesting similarities and differences in the priorities of each role. Activities such as this provide a simple, yet effective, vehicle for discussions within institutions leading to a greater understanding amongst colleagues of priorities and motivations. These activities are also of considerable interest to vendors wishing to engage with the sector.

We continue to develop the sector’s future leaders through the Leadership Institute and Managers Programs and provide opportunities for Member Representatives to interact with a broad range of speakers and to share experiences with each other.

Interaction with our international colleagues continued in several ways including a very successful study tour run in conjunction with the annual EDUCAUSE conference. CAUDIT participants were joined on the tour by ten colleagues from our counterpart associations in the UK and Canada. The CAUDIT Higher Education Enterprise Architecture Reference Models continued to be of high interest within the sector with it being distributed to 191 institutions around the world by the end of the year.

Part way through 2017 Elizabeth Wilson, President of CAUDIT and CIO at Edith Cowan University resigned from the sector to take a new role in state government. Members voted Bruce Callow into the role of President for the remainder of the term. We also welcomed Scott Sorley as Treasurer, Niranjan Prabhu and Bev McQuade. Many thanks to the Executive for their work on behalf of members during 2017.

As we move into 2018, I thank CAUDIT staff for their initiative and enthusiastic work throughout 2017 and look forward to a productive year. Ongoing activities will continue to return value to the sector while we also commence new activities in conjunction with members and Communities of Practice.


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CAUDIT’s priorities directly reflect our members’ views – they determine how CAUDIT acts to maximise the contribution of information technology, and of specialist IT staff, to organisational performance and stakeholder expectations.

CAUDIT proactively fosters and maintains networks which support our members to pursue objectives held in common with other higher education and research agencies.

CAUDIT provides members with platforms for the exchange of ideas and strategy about emerging opportunities to influence the productive deployment of information technology in higher education and research.

our emphasis on inclusiveness and participation ensures CAUDIT’s relevance to our members’ complex strategic and operational contexts.

In 2017, the practical expression of Connect was evident in CAUDIT’s:

► development of strategic partnerships with significant actors in higher education and research

► conduct of Autumn and spring Member Meetings

► expanded membership

► involvement in cooperative activity with other higher education and research agencies, both nationally and internationally

► management of TheTA 2017, in collaboration with ACoDe (Australian Council on open, Distance and e-Learning) and CAUL (Council of Australian University Librarians)

This value is exemplified by:

► Inclusiveness – we seek and respect the views of all members

► Participation – we encourage participation by all members

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Maintaining long term relationshipsCAUDIT constructively connects members to other higher education and research agencies. CAUDIT’s members benefit from enduring relationships with organisations having allied interests.

Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL)

CAUL and CAUDIT work closely to ensure IT supports sustainable, contemporary library services for higher education and research. Since 1998, CAUL has nominated faculty members to the CAUDIT Leadership Institute.

Australasian Council on open, Distance and e-Learning (ACoDe)

ACODE and CAUDIT have worked cooperatively since 2003 when both bodies endorsed an MoU recognising mutual interests in aligning IT with teaching and learning. Since 2011, ACoDE, CAUL and CAUDIT have planned and managed biennial THETA conferences.

Australian eResearch organisations (AeRo)

AeRO has emerged as a national hub for agencies enriching research practice and outcomes through best use of IT. Instrumental in AeRO’s establishment, CAUDIT continues to further AeRO’s aims. CAUDIT’s CEO is co-chair of AeRO’s Executive Committee. Since 2014, CAUDIT has provided administrative support to AeRO, including banking and employment contracting services.

Coalition of higher education Information Technology Associations (CheITA)

CHEITA comprises representatives from higher education and research associations throughout the world. Face-to-face meetings, including country updates, are scheduled to coincide with international conferences such as THETA, UCISA, EUNIS and EDUCAUSE. Since 2016, CAUDIT’s CEO has served as CHEITA Vice-President (Membership).

CAUDIT maintains strong links with counterpart organisations. We interact regularly with CUCCIO, Canada’s community of higher education information technology leaders, and ASAUDIT

(Association of South African University Directors of Information Technology). Both use CAUDIT’s Complexity Index to support IT performance benchmarking. A Joint Action Agenda endorsed by CAUDIT and ASAUDIT facilitates ASAUDIT’s access to Leadership Institute development and participation in member-only events.

Australian Computer society (ACs)

CAUDIT recognises that IT professionals in higher education and research sectors ascribe to a broad professional identity. In 2012, ACS and CAUDIT adopted a Memorandum of Understanding acknowledging complementary roles in advancing professional excellence for IT professionals employed by CAUDIT members.

Advancing strategic partnerships Australia’s Academic and Research network (AARnet)

In late 2017, CAUDIT and AARNet signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which established our first strategic partnership under a new approach to deepening benefits to CAUDIT members.

In 2017, CAUDIT’s Executive Committee decided to seek agreement from several organisations to transform long term relationships into strategic partnerships. Their role is to facilitate focused collaborative action that advances the interests of the higher education and research sectors.

A strategic partnership offers scope to move beyond the boundaries of a vendor relationship, or a coincidence of organisational aims. With strategic partners we can envision and implement joint endeavours that elicit lasting benefits. All joint endeavours will be underpinned by a framework agreed with each strategic partner, and formalised in a MoU.

Good progress was made in 2017 on developing strategic partnership MoUs with Gartner Inc, Higher Ed Services (HES), and Tertiary Education Facilities Management Association (TEFMA).

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CAUDIT Member MeetingsCAUDIT’s Autumn and Spring Members Meetings are singularly important events in CAUDIT’s calendar. They promote exchange of ideas and strategy, and connect members by renewing and invigorating professional networks.

Significantly for CAUDIT, Members Meetings are opportunities to monitor CAUDIT’s progress and refresh priorities. Autumn and Spring Members Meetings provide grounded feedback on action taken, and crucial guidance on responses to emerging needs and opportunities.

CAUDIT maximises participation in, and relevance of, Members Meetings through member involvement in planning. Thanks are due to:

► 2017 Autumn Members Meeting Program Committee, chaired by Fiona Rankin, Director IT, University of Wollongong

► 2017 Spring Members Meeting Program Committee, chaired by Chris Bridge, Director, ITS, Queensland University of Technology

Autumn Members Meeting 2017The 2017 Autumn Members Meeting (AMM) was held in Auckland on 10 and 11 May, immediately following the THETA 2017 conference. Then CAUDIT President, Elizabeth Wilson, opened the AMM with an update on CAUDIT’s priorities. Members’ views were invited about CAUDIT’s strategic planning emphasis.

AMM feedback was provided formally by 22 of 42 attendees, with 53.6% considering sessions very or extremely valuable, and 45.4% considering them valuable. AMM presentations included a mix from within and beyond higher education and research. Among highly rated AMM presentations were:

► ‘Leadership through culture change’ – Dawie olivier, Chief information officer, Westpac New Zealand

► ‘EDUCAUSE priorities: Update and discussion’ – John O’Brien, President and CEO, EDUCAUSE

► ‘Harnessing the forces of change: Digital transformation at universities’ – Stephen Whiteside, Chief Digital officer, University of Auckland

► ‘Innovating learning environments in education’ – Glenda Morgan, Research Director, Gartner

► ‘2016 CAUDIT Study Tour highlights and learnings’ – Scott Sorley, Executive Director ICT Services, University of Southern Queensland; and Kerrie Campbell, Associate Director Research Technology Support, University of Adelaide

spring Members Meeting 2017CAUDIT’s 2017 Spring Members Meeting (SMM) was held in Brisbane on 19 and 20 October. CAUDIT’s new President, Bruce Callow (Chief Digital officer, Griffith University) addressed the Meeting.

The SMM program took its lead from items ranked in CAUDIT’s 2017 Top Ten Topics:

► ‘Business Transformation’ (ranked 6), considered from the viewpoint of customers, people and finance, and how IT is an integral to transformation

► Security, reflecting two 2017 Top Ten entries – ‘Information Security’ (ranked 3) and ‘Secure Collaboration’ (ranked 5)

Among highly rated SMM presentations were:

► ‘The anatomy of an attack’ – Garrett O’Hara, Mimecast

► ‘Digital transformation: Insight into the change to Australia’s first large-scale digital hospital’ – Michael Draheim, Metro South Hospital and Health Service, Brisbane

► ‘Protecting our national interests online’ – nicholas Coates-Lam, CERT Australia

► ‘Cybersecurity in higher education: Where to from here?’ – Tim Lane, Griffith University

► ‘Advanced threat actors targeting the Australian education sector: The who, what and why’ – Tim Wellsmore, Director, Threat Intelligence & Consulting, Mandiant International

► CAUDIT updates on Communities of Practice, professional development, Top Ten, benchmarking and procurement

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CAUDIT Member RepresentativesAt 31 December 2017, there were 61 CAUDIT Members, each with a CAUDIT Member Representative who holds a senior role in their organisation, such as Chief Information officer, Chief Digital officer or Director, Information Technology.

The infographic shows the distribution by years of service of CAUDIT’s Member Representatives. Average length of service to CAUDIT is 4.34 years, with a median of 2.94 years. During 2017, 14 Member Representatives (35%) took up that role.

Twenty-five Member Representatives (41%) have been appointed from outside the higher education and research sectors, attesting to the diversity of experience and insight CAUDIT can call upon. At December 2017, only 10 (16%) CAUDIT Member Representatives were female. CAUDIT supports member organisations to improve gender diversity at senior levels in IT through leadership, management, professional development and networking opportunities via programs such as CAUDIT Leadership Institute, CAUDIT Managers Program, and Communities of Practice.

new CAUDIT member organisations welcomedRecognition of CAUDIT’s effectiveness in meeting the needs of the higher education and research sectors is signified by new applications for Affiliate membership received and approved during 2017:

► Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)

► Garvan Institute of Medical Research

► Geoscience Australia

► UTS:Insearch

Our new members represent a wide span of educational and research purposes. CAUDIT’s concentration on strategic, cost effective application of IT provides a focus for that diversity. Our commitment to inclusive engagement with all members ensures our focus is closely informed by member priorities.

CAUDIT welcomes our new members who join our register of 61 higher education and research institution members in Australasia and the region.

► 4 new members joined in 2017 bringing the total to 61

► 2017 saw 14 (23%) new substantive member reps

► The average length of service of all CAUDIT Member Representatives is 4.34 years

► 9 (15%) were appointed before 2009

► Average number of substantive new Member Representative appointments each year since 2010 is 9.75

► 10 (16%) of all Member Representatives are female

► 25 (41%) have been appointed to their role from outside the HE/research sector

MEMbEr rEprEsEnTATIvE snApshOT - As AT 31/12/17

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extending CAUDIT’s impact through cooperative actionInformation technology is ubiquitous in higher education and research. Balancing stakeholder expectations with feasibility and cost places constant demands on staff capability, existing infrastructure and institutional budgets. That balancing task also places a premium on cooperative endeavours.

CAUDIT’s strong capability in collaboration is essential for working effectively with our diverse membership. In listening to our members, it is clear they value CAUDIT’s involvement in sectoral initiatives where IT is a foreground consideration.

Since 2014 CAUDIT has assisted in establishing AeRO (Australasian eResearch Organisations) and supporting its growth. During 2017, CAUDIT refreshed its relationship with the University Procurement Hub (UPH). Cooperative endeavours like these also offer platforms for specific projects, like those initiated by AusCERT and Higher Ed Services.


Cybersecurity is an abiding concern for CAUDIT members. In 2017, CAUDIT’s Cybersecurity Community of Practice worked with the Australian Cyber Emergency Response Team (AusCERT) to pilot with a number of CAUDIT members, AusCERT’s Information Sharing and Analysis Centre (ISAC) for CAUDIT members.

CAUDIT continued to act as collecting agent for AusCERT membership fees, yielding members a 50% discount on annual AusCERT fees.

higher ed services – Digital student Data project

Global student mobility is increasing. The Digital Student Data (DSD) project, managed by Higher Ed Services (HES), is responding to longstanding demands for secure national and international transferability of students’ academic records.

CAUDIT has assisted Australian and New Zealand member organisations to engage with the DSD platform, My eQuals. At the end of 2017, 23 universities had gone live with My eQuals.

CheITA study Tour 2017CAUDIT members value high awareness, at home and abroad, of change and performance in IT. In response, CAUDIT cultivates connections that support global networks and collaborations. CAUDIT’s international remit includes working closely with the Coalition of Higher Education Information Technology Associations (CHEITA).

The inaugural CHEITA Study Tour, initiated and coordinated by CAUDIT, embodies CAUDIT’s international collaboration capability. The Tour attracted 26 participants – 16 from CAUDIT member organisations and 10 from CHEITA affiliates in Canada and the UK.

Participants’ preferences informed the Tour program design. Visits to nine north-eastern USA universities garnered insights for participants into innovative use of new and emerging technologies in teaching and learning, research, and student experience.

Steven Wojnarowski, CAUDIT’s Director – Analytics & Strategic Initiatives, undertook the exacting task of Tour planning, supported by a small working group of colleagues from CUCCIO, UCISA, EUNIS and EDUCAUSE. Tour leadership and coordination on the ground was shared by Steve Johnston, CAUDIT’s Director – Strategic Procurement, and Paul Sherlock, CIo (Library and IT), University of South Australia.

Participant feedback attests to the Tour’s success. All who provided feedback rated it as extremely or very valuable, and said it exceeded or met expectations. Participants welcomed the Tour’s international profile and approach, and remarked on the benefits of interaction with other participants.

Study Tour participants are listed on the inside back cover of the Annual Report.

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TheTA 2017 – Connecting Minds, Creating the FutureConducted biennially, THETA conferences promote best use of IT in higher education and research domains. THETA 2017 was jointly hosted in Auckland, New Zealand, by The University of Auckland and Auckland University of Technology.

From 7-10 May 2017, conference participants attended more than 80 concurrent sessions across seven conference streams:

► Digital Transformation

► Innovation in Teaching and Learning

► Strategic Leadership

► People, Culture and Capability

► The next Generation Library

► The Research Ecosystem, and

► Business Solutions

Since 2011, THETA – The Higher Education Technology Agenda – has been planned and managed through a partnership between CAUDIT, CAUL (Council of Australian University Librarians) and ACoDE (Australasian Council on open, Distance and E-Learning).

THETA 2017 attracted 648 participants from 17 countries. Through underwriting, budgeting for, and monitoring THETA’s financial performance, CAUDIT plays a key role in ensuring a valued participant experience.

The success of THETA 2017 is a tribute to those who contributed time and energy to conference planning and management, notably with fortnightly meeting contributions during the early months of 2017. CAUDIT thanks:

► Members of the Organising Committee, chaired by Liz Gosling, Auckland University of Technology – CAUDIT was represented on the Committee by its CEO, Director – Analytics and Strategic Initiatives, and Director – Strategic Procurement

► Members of the Programme Committee, chaired by Liz Coulter, University of Auckland

► Members of the Experience Committee, chaired initially by Beena Dooblah and then Lynda Clements, The University of Auckland, with CAUDIT represented on the Committee by Beena. CAUDIT’s Manager – Engagement & Administration was a Committee member

► Members of the Technical Committee, chaired by Bruce Colloff, Auckland University of Technology

► Members of the Vendor Experience Committee, chaired by Steve Johnston, Director – Strategic Procurement, CAUDIT

TheTA 2019In late 2017, a panel commenced selection of the professional conference organiser for THETA 2019 from a field of eight invited to tender for the role. The six person panel comprised representation from the University of Wollongong (host of THETA 2019), CAUL and ACoDE, with CAUDIT providing three members.

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CAUDIT recognises our members’ operating and strategic contexts are diverse and multidimensional – we invest energy and care into securing procurement outcomes that draw on our members’ collective expertise and deliver benefits for all our members.

CAUDIT magnifies the impact of our members’ expertise in IT applied to higher education and research. The CAUDIT Leadership Institute and CAUDIT Managers Program enable staff of our member organisations to share their knowledge, skills and experience with the next generation of managers and leaders.

CAUDIT’s Communities of Practice refresh professional networks across higher education and research sectors, support collaborative problem solving, test new ideas, and generate and share practical learnings about effective, value-adding IT use.

our emphasis on collaboration among members anchors CAUDIT’s capacity to achieve common goals and to maintain a high performing IT capability.

In 2017, the practical expression of Enable was evident in CAUDIT’s:

► dedicated, determined and productive approach to strategic procurement

► successful delivery and enthusiastic reception of CAUDIT Leadership Institute and CAUDIT Managers Program

► facilitation of information exchange between members on specific topics

► continuing support for Communities of Practice as a means of curating, sharing and cultivating specialist IT knowledge

This value is exemplified by:

► Collaboration – we work together, and we share ideas and experience between members in a trusted, collaborative community

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strategic procurementCAUDIT continues to deliver value to members with substantial negotiations such as those outlined below. CAUDIT adopts a collaborative, consistent negotiation position, and ensures aggregated market strength is recognised.

It is important to note the close relationship between procurement and sponsorship of CAUDIT events. Some 60 vendors were engaged as sponsors of THETA 2017. Vendors also take up other opportunities to engage with CAUDIT members, including through sponsorship of Autumn and Spring Members Meetings and Community of Practice events such as the USLC SLAM.

Refocusing CAUDIT’s procurement activities

CAUDIT’s 2016 Strategy Review reaffirmed the importance of our Procurement Practice to members. It also identified the need to focus on fewer activities. In April 2017, a survey of CAUDIT members produced recommendations on high priority work for the 18 month period through to the end of 2018.

CAUDIT’s Strategic Procurement Committee confirmed the procurement focus over this period should be limited to a small number of activities, with initial work concentrated on Microsoft, VMware and Oracle as priorities for attention. Members expected this focus, given substantial negotiations were scheduled for 2017 with both VMware and Microsoft.

Renewal of the VMware Agreement

Renewal of the VMware Agreement was completed in March 2017, with a new multi-year term. The agreement was once again taken up by all university members in Australia and New Zealand. During 2017, CAUDIT continued to work with VMware to provide technical updates to CAUDIT members.

negotiations on a new agreement with Microsoft

Since 1993, CAUDIT has negotiated an agreement with Microsoft on behalf of the sector. It was anticipated that 2017 would see the eighth renewal over that 24 year period. However, negotiation with Microsoft during the course of 2017 proved challenging.

Significant effort was committed to developing an offer acceptable to both Microsoft and CAUDIT. Discussions with Microsoft continued for more than nine months, and reflected the changing nature of IT, both across industry sectors and within higher education and research. In particular, those changes include continuing transition from on-premise licenses to cloud licenses, and the sector’s financial position.

An interim resolution was struck by extending the existing agreement for an additional 12 months, with negotiations to achieve an ongoing agreement scheduled to recommence early in 2018.

The extension provides an opportunity to reset the agreement by giving broad consideration to the sector’s ongoing requirements, and through implementing a new framework for education which Microsoft introduced in October 2017. The negotiation will be guided by a Negotiation Working Group and Technical Working Group.

Establishing a new, multi-year agreement with Microsoft will continue to be a focus into 2018 along with the renewal of the existing Microsoft Premier Agreement.

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CAUDIT members’ procurement prioritiesAs noted earlier, in April 2017 CAUDIT members were surveyed to establish their views on high priority procurement activity for the 18 month period through to the end of 2018. Survey results fell into two categories.

Members nominated six priorities for procurement activity with vendors: Microsoft, VMware, Oracle, Adobe, Cisco, and AWS.

Three other priority areas were marked out by CAUDIT members to inform strategic procurement over 18 months to the end of 2018:

► assurance benchmarking to ensure each university is not overpaying for equipment and services

► cybersecurity, and

► student experience

governance of CAUDIT’s strategic procurement In 2016, CAUDIT’s Executive Committee adopted revised governance arrangements for CAUDIT’s strategic procurement activity. Introduced during 2017, the new arrangements reinforced transparency and probity as longstanding characteristics of CAUDIT’s procurement practice.

CAUDIT’s Strategic Procurement Committee commenced operation in 2017 with new terms of reference. From January to August 2017, Bruce Callow, Chief Digital officer, Griffith University, served as Chair prior to accepting nomination as CAUDIT President. In mid-August 2017, Robert Irving, Director of the University of New England’s Information Technology Directorate, was appointed by the Executive Committee as Strategic Procurement Committee Chair.

CAUDIT thanks Bruce and Robert for their leadership in this crucial role and also thanks other members of the Committee for their input:

► Lisa Burley, RMIT University – General Member

► Louise Hayes, Edith Cowen University – General Member

► Vito Forte, Edith Cowen University – General Member

► Kerry Holling, Western Sydney University – Member appointed by the CAUDIT Executive Committee

► Chris Bridge, Queensland University of Technology – Member appointed by the CAUDIT Executive Committee

► Mark Caldwell, Otago University – New Zealand Representative, and Chair of the New Zealand Tertiary Technology Procurement Group

► Steve Johnston, Director, Strategic Procurement, CAUDIT – ex officio Member

Vendor webinarsThroughout 2017, CAUDIT engaged with and conducted vendor webinars for members. A broad range of vendors presented (e.g. Cherwell, DXC, Microsoft, Quest Software, Rimini Street, TrendMicro, VMware) with some presenting on more than one occasion. Some webinars informed and advanced procurement negotiations. Others enabled members to explore products and services promoted by vendors.

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Member initiated surveysCollaboration has notable advantages for CAUDIT members, not least because it can reduce time and effort required to shape IT advice and project plans. In 2017, CAUDIT continued to facilitate collaborative information exchange by providing members with tools and support to survey other CAUDIT member organisations about specific topics.

In 2017, CAUDIT enabled members to conduct surveys on seven diverse topics: cloud-based services costing; enterprise print services; external contractors – security and access; online payment and e-commerce platforms; project management as a service; student portals; and teaching and learning technologies

Demand fluctuates from year to year for surveys conducted by, or on behalf of, CAUDIT members. While seven surveys were completed in 2017, this is low compared with previous years – 22 in 2016 and 11 in 2015.

CAUDIT members are encouraged to make use of this avenue for collaborative information exchange. Such exchanges serve many purposes, including access to learnings from the prior experiences of other members through to assisting in crystallising and mitigating risk.

Quick question facility

Trusted information from the CAUDIT member network can also inform decision-making about less complex topics. CAUDIT offers a ‘quick question’ facility through the Member Representative email list. This avenue allows CAUDIT members to seek information and guidance in response to a single query.

Investigating a CAUDIT-hosted information repositoryIn 2016, CAUDIT members expressed interest in the idea of a collaborative information repository that would allow members to load content considered to have some utility for other members. The proposal for an unmediated access repository is that it will entail CAUDIT providing the framework for and hosting the repository; members would be responsible for vetting, collating and moderating content.

CAUDIT’s Executive Committee has supported the proposition in principle. In the latter part of 2017, the proposal was under consideration as part of a scoping study for a CAUDIT website refresh.

CAUDIT presently hosts a mediated repository which enables IT staff across CAUDIT member organisations to share resources and facilitate collaborative activity. Additions to the CAUDIT Repository during 2017 included:

► Files from the 2017 Forum conducted by the Victorian Directors of Information Technology (VDIT)

► Presentations from the 2017 Forum held by the P3M Community of Practice

► General resource files assembled by the Cybersecurity Community of Practice

► THETA 2017 presentations and videos.

CAUDIT staff also lodge material in CAUDIT’s Repository, such as survey results, procurement deals, Top Ten Issues documents, and vendor webinar recordings.

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The practical merits of structured professional learningCAUDIT recognises ongoing professional development is essential for technology professionals in higher education and research sectors.

Change is constant. Higher education and research are ever more reliant on wise, flexible, collaborative, focused application of IT that is alive to their distinctive characteristics.

Generic training and development has its place. But user expectations shift rapidly. Professional development sensitised to sectoral perspectives enables design and delivery of appropriately differentiated responses to user requirements. It enables IT staff to meet stakeholder expectations.

Demand for IT talent is high. In a competitive market for skilled IT professionals, access to well structured, high impact professional learning is an advantage to CAUDIT members. It is direct evidence of their status as employers of choice offering contemporary professional working environments.

nurturing the next generation of IT leaders and managersThe CAUDIT Leadership Institute (CLI) and the CAUDIT Managers Program (CMP) are centrepieces of CAUDIT’s professional development strategy.

The CLI and CMP are highly effective enablers. They have impact because they invite our members to collaborate with the next generation of IT leaders and managers in higher education and research.

Through the CLI, CAUDIT showcases the expertise of its members – expertise tempered by extensive, contemporary, practical experience in the sector.

Through the CLI and CMP, CAUDIT enables aspiring leaders and managers to develop their professional careers, and to gather cultural and practical knowledge that supports them to make incisive contributions to CAUDIT’s member organisations.

Extending the influence of CLI and CMP alumniCAUDIT’s commitment to high quality, high impact professional learning is evident in the longevity of CLI and CMP, both anchored by IT priorities for higher education and research that CAUDIT members identify.

CLI commenced in 1998. At the close of 2017 there were 836 alumni.

CMP commenced in 2013. At the close of 2017 there were 92 alumni.

CAUDIT is fostering collaboration through alumni networks. A new step in this direction was the first meeting of University of Sydney CLI alumni in early November 2017. Sarah Chaloner, Head of ICT, UTS:Insearch and CLI faculty member, addressed the gathering, along with Cassandra Spencer, CAUDIT’s Manager – Engagement & Administration. Mike Day, University of Sydney’s CIO, led discussion about goals for members of the group, including sharing leadership capabilities developed through CLI in ways that support all IT staff to connect with the wider University of Sydney community. Alumni planned to meet again early in 2018.

A number of CMP 2016 participants conducted meetings using networking strategies encountered in CMP face-to-face sessions. These initiatives benefit both them and their colleagues, and signal the value of holding CMP sessions at different universities.

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CAUDIT Leadership Institute 2017CLI 2017 was held from 14-18 August with 35 participants – 28 from Australia and seven from New Zealand, and representing 24 CAUDIT member organisations. CAUDIT congratulates all participants on becoming CLI alumni. A participant list appears on the inside back cover of the Annual Report.

CLI 2017 conducted group sessions and one-to-one coaching sessions with CLI faculty. Faculty members met at the end of each day to review program fit and participant engagement. Participant feedback indicates an enthusiastic reception to CLI’s intensive schedule, which they report being both professionally demanding and personally rewarding.

Participants valued the Executive Insights session with Marnie Hughes-Warrington, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), ANU. They also reported high regard for sessions on High Impact Communications, Leading with Emotional Intelligence, and Resilient Leadership.

CAUDIT Leadership Institute facultyCLI’s success and influence has always relied on the collaborative efforts of faculty members. They bring to the CLI a breadth and depth of experience that powers program planning and delivery. CAUDIT is grateful for their generosity and commitment of 2017 faculty members listed in the table below.


Faculty, 2013-2016 Director, 2017-2019

MARgIe JAnTTI Director – Library Services, University of Wollongong President, CAUL


LIz gosLIng CIO, Auckland University of Technology

Faculty, 2011-2013, 2017 CLI Director, 2014-2016

gene sPenCeR CIO, Ursinus College, Pennsylvania


sARAh ChALoneR Head of ICT, UTS: Insearch


MARK gRegoRY Vice President – Corporate Services, Flinders University


LInDA JoRn Director – Academic Technology, University of Wisconsin-Madison


CLI faculty membership is refreshed on a cyclical basis. CLI 2017 was the final year as faculty member for Liz Gosling, who graciously extended her membership for a year after stepping down as CLI Director in 2016. Margie Jantti also completed her term in 2017, and was presented with the CAUDIT Meritorious Service award by CLI Director, Michael Kirby-Lewis.

During 2017, CAUDIT sought involvement of two new faculty members who will formally commence their faculty roles in 2018:

► Jill Benn, Librarian, University of Western Australia – Jill joined the faculty as an observer in 2017

► Mike Day, CIO, University of Sydney

Planning for CAUDIT Leadership Institute 2017The planning session for CLI 2017 was conducted in February 2017 in Rotorua, New Zealand. Under the leadership of CLI Director, Michael Kirby-Lewis, faculty members reviewed and updated the program.

A key future input to faculty deliberations will be results of a survey conducted on the skills and attributes CIOs require. Developed in late 2017, the survey will inform discussions on core competencies and will be distributed in January 2018 to CAUDIT member representatives, and to DVCs Corporate, Research and Academic.

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CAUDIT Managers Program 2017The schedule for CMP 2017 incorporated four face-to-face sessions and three one-on-one coaching sessions, all held between March and november. PaceLearning was again engaged to run the CMP following very positive feedback from 2016 participants.

Participant numbers were limited to 20 so that an intimate environment could be maintained as a support to the introspective learning journey CMP entails. In 2017, CMP participants came from 14 CAUDIT member organisations. A participant list appears on the inside back cover of the Annual Report.

Participants were welcomed to CMP 2017 via a pre-commencement webinar on 30 March which introduced the facilitators and covered program objectives and schedule. The webinar also explained the aim and structure of the Leadership Skills Inventory (LSI) which participants complete before and after the program. The LSI is a tool for understanding personal practice and benchmarking progress.

broadening participants’ networks and management skillsOn 25 and 26 May CMP participants gathered at James Cook University’s Townsville Campus. Jonathan Churchill, JCU’s Director of IT and CAUDIT member representative, welcomed them and introduced JCU staff with whom they engaged in a series of meetings.

Topics covered included:

► Management and leadership foundations

► LSI feedback

Griffith University hosted the second face-to-face session in early August. Bruce Callow, Griffith CDo and incoming CAUDIT President, met participants for an informal, enthusiastic discussion about his career. Topics covered at Griffith University included:

► Self-mastery – the art of moderating spontaneous (non-helpful) actions and thinking

► Straight talk – difficult conversations with difficult staff

In September the CMP 2017 cohort assembled at the city campus of the University of Technology, Sydney. At an IT Leader Meet & Greet, participants interacted keenly with Chrissy Burns, UTS CIO, as she spoke about her career. Topics covered at UTS included key collaboration skills for emerging leaders:

► The art of influence

► Managing change

The final face-to-face session took place in November at Deakin Downtown, Deakin University’s offices in Melbourne’s CBD. Participants met William Confalonieri, Deakin University’s CDO, who discussed his career journey with them. on the first day at Deakin Downtown, participants worked through what CMP 2017 had furnished in personal lessons about management and leadership. On day two participants received their final LSI results, using them to identify professional and personal development actions they will act on.

Interspersed with group sessions were three rounds of one-on-one coaching between the course facilitator Greg O’Brien and each participant. During the third round in October each participant outlined their progress in leadership development within their workplace.

At the close of 2017, Cassandra Spencer, CAUDIT’s Manager – Engagement & Administration, commenced a review of CMP program content and structure in consultation with PaceLearning.

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CAUDIT’s Communities of PracticeCAUDIT’s Supporting Communities of Practice Policy undertakes to ‘support and encourage the formation of formal Communities of Practice where this provides a vehicle for interaction, knowledge sharing and developmental growth of staff from CAUDIT member institutions.’

More than 500 IT, eResearch and Library staff from CAUDIT member organisations participate in a CAUDIT Community of Practice (CoP). Activities of the six current CoPs are determined by members who use their CoPs as avenues for information sharing, networking, and coordinated problem solving of shared challenges.

CAUDIT enables effective CoP functioning by offering a range of tools and services. CoPs have access to CAUDIT’s communication channels (such as the eNewsletter, mailing lists and website). CAUDIT maintains a Yammer network to support collaboration and it is used by many CoPs, and also by the Executive Committee. CAUDIT provides advice and support CoPs in organising forums, symposiums and conferences. Cassandra Spencer, CAUDIT’s Manager – Engagement and Administration, and Semir Cerkic, CAUDIT’s Logistics officer, provided support including registration management to all CoPs that conducted events during 2017.

CAUDIT acknowledges the contributions of CoP members, and the diligent leadership of CoP chairs and committee members.

University software Licensing Collaboration (UsLC)Chair: Jeff Stafford Team Leader – Software Services, GriffithUniversity

USLC’s influence is growing, as evidenced by the success of its Software Licensing and Asset Management Conference (SLAM). Held from 30 August to 1 September 2017, the event attracted 47 delegates from 28 CAUDIT member institutions – the largest contingent in SLAM’s five year history. Fifteen sponsors also attended.

Delegates presented case studies and participated in panel sessions, sharing experiences of SAM implementation and practice. Microsoft and VMware provided updates on sector contracts and negotiations. Attendees were also challenged by keynote addresses:

► ‘Change is all around us’, delivered by CAUDIT CEO, Anne Kealley

► ‘Five Common Audit Mistakes’, delivered by Guriq Sedha of Sedha Consulting

► ‘Guide to Oracle Audits’, delivered by KPMG’s Col Ellis

SLAM 2017 was a tribute to the organisational skills of Jeff Stafford, Anne Cameron and Mark Noonan.

Cybersecurity Community of PracticeChair: Tim Lane CyberSecurityProjectsManager, GriffithUniversity

As in previous years the Cybersecurity CoP managed a demanding agenda in 2017, including:

► responding to AARNet’s request for feedback about Distributed Denial-Of-Service capabilities

► reviewing AusCERT’s Information Sharing and Analysis Centre (ISAC) proposal which the CoP met fortnightly to discuss and progress

► collating reference material to add to CAUDIT’s online library, and which CAUDIT staff assisted them to load

► actively using the Community’s network to discuss phishing and spam/malspam filtering

Tim Lane and Griffith University’s Ashley Deuble progressed a CoP initiative to identify a Top Ten list of ISAC initiatives. Tim Lane was also active across CAUDIT’s network in sharing information and introducing a number of tools.

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enterprise Architecture Community of PracticeCo-Chairs: Jeff Kennedy EnterpriseArchitectureManager TheUniversityofAuckland

Nigel Foxwell Head,EnterpriseArchitecture, Strategy&Risk JamesCookUniversity

Enterprise Architecture (EA) CoP meets regularly to progress EA framework model updates, guided by the CoP’s Higher Education Reference Model (HERM) Working Group. In 2017, the CoP allocated reserved funds to a Confluence license, providing a collaborative working space for developing the models. The Working Group’s activity is validating the models and their descriptions, so assisting all CAUDIT members to maximise value from them.

EA Symposium 2017, hosted by QUT, ran from 20-22 November under the theme, ‘Enterprise Architecture: Starting with the University’, The program included:

► ‘Starting with the University’, a keynote delivered by Suzi Derbyshire, DVC Learning & Teaching, QUT

► A presentation by Marcus Blosch of Gartner on ‘Higher Education Perspective on Enterprise Architectures’,

► World Café on ‘Engagement, Innovation & Disruption: What does it mean for EA?’

► HERM forum, led by Nigel Foxwell and the HERM Working Group

Continuing interest in eA reference models

CAUDIT’s 2016 Annual Report recorded the joint release by Enterprise Architects and CAUDIT of Industry Standard Enterprise Architecture Reference Models. Enterprise Architects released IP to CAUDIT, enabling distribution of the models to CAUDIT members and approved international higher education institutions.

By the end of 2016, CAUDIT had provided the Reference Models to CAUDIT members and 51 European and North American universities. Interest was unabated in 2017 – by year’s end more than 190 institutions in 22 countries had been provided with access to them.

Research support Community of PracticeCAUDIT welcomes the Research Support CoP, launched late in 2017. A variety of functions are represented in its membership, including libraries, research support and IT. Members use Yammer to share information and highlight events of interest. We look forward to recording its activities in future Annual Reports.


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p3M Community of PracticeChair: Antoinette Kesha StrategicProgrammeManager, TheUniversityofAuckland

Members of P3M (Portfolio, Program and Project Management) connect via monthly meetings, and during the CoPs annual forum which is open to the broader CAUDIT network. In fact, registrations for the 2017 Forum far exceeded expectations with more than 40 delegates from 16 CAUDIT member organisations.

The Forum, hosted by University of Wollongong on 30 and 31 October, traversed topics from the value of the Project Management office to resourcing strategies and governance. Delegates commended the event which is a compliment to the organising committee: Jodie Crawford, Antoinette Kesha, Nicola Vere-Critcher and Christina Romanin. P3M members from Edith Cowan University and University of Western Australia have undertaken to organise the 2018 Forum.

During 2017, the CoP formulated a sector wide assessment of options in response to an entry in CAUDIT’s 2016 Top Ten Issues: ‘Reshaping the workforce to position ICT as an agile enabler and strategic partner’. Impressed with the CoP’s output, CAUDIT’s Executive invited the CoP to speak to the CAUDIT Autumn Members Meeting (AMM) in Auckland. The CoP deputed Andy Jenkins, Portfolio Manager, The University of Auckland, to make the presentation and member representatives at the AMM provided positive feedback.

At the end of 2017, Antoinette Kesha completed a hardworking two year term as P3M Chair. In 2018 she hands over to Jodie Crawford from the University of Wollongong.

business Analysis Community of PracticeChair: Carmel Brown Manager,ServiceDesignandBusiness Processes(Governance&Quality) QueenslandUniversityofTechnology

In 2017 the Business Analysis (BA) CoP used Yammer to share experience and circulate articles and organise networking opportunities. Given common ground between business analysts and project managers, the P3M CoP welcomed attendance of BA CoP members who were also invited to participate in, and contribute to, P3M’s 2017 Forum.

Chair of the BA CoP, Carmel Brown, has been an advocate for Community engagement and has recruited new members to the BA and other CAUDIT Communities.

special Interest groups (sIgs)It’s a boon to IT staff to have the capacity to work through isolated issues and specific problems with colleagues who are grappling with the same topics in other CAUDIT member organisations. SIGs are a networking strategy of choice for these circumstances.

SIGs can take several forms. Commonly, they arise in response to single topics of interest to IT staff, and they remain active while interest is high. SIGs can also be informal affiliations which are activated on an as needs basis, such as the CAUDIT Associate Directors Network which uses the Yammer network to support informal collaboration between approximately 100 members.

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CAUDIT supports it members to lead the transformative application of digital capabilities within their organisations – that support entails provoking debate on familiar assumptions and emerging challenges which structure and strain IT use in higher education and research.

CAUDIT produces sound information, reliable data and rigorous analysis that supports our members to engage in productive, open exchanges about institutional and sectoral IT strategy and priorities.

CAUDIT ensures members’ views are communicated in challenging and accessible ways, including to those who are not IT specialists in the wider higher education and research community.

our emphasis on stimulating discussion and critical thinking assists member organisations to prepare strategic IT options and advocate their adoption.

In 2017, the practical expression of Challenge was evident in CAUDIT’s:

► publication of the 2017 Top Ten Topics influencing IT strategy and operations in higher education and research

► ongoing IT benchmarking data capture and reporting

► international engagement in ground-breaking practice for IT benchmarking

► advocacy for members’ views on government policy proposals

This value is exemplified by:

► stimulation – we invite critical and strategic thinking, and we foster stimulating discussions

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CAUDIT’s 2017 Top Ten TopicsCAUDIT has published its Top Ten Topics annually since 2006. The Top Ten helps:

► ensure IT’s potential is represented in the flow of ideas within the higher education and research sectors

► inform our members’ strategic choices

► alert vendors to current and emerging higher education and research IT priorities

All Top Ten Topics in 2017 had appeared in earlier lists. Notable in 2017 was that:

► Student Success Technologies ranked first, as it did in 2016

► Information Security, and Secure Collaboration, ranked three and five respectively, marking heightened attention to IT security factors

DVC Corporate Top TenAt the request of the Universities Australia DVC Corporate group, CAUDIT facilitated a survey to identify the group’s Top Ten. A comparison between this and CAUDIT’s 2017 Top Ten survey results was circulated to CAUDIT members and Universities Australia in September 2017. Student success and support stood first in results for both groups, and digital strategy also ranked highly.

generating interest in the Top TenBroad promotion of CAUDIT’s Top Ten included:

► Top Ten report mentioned on CAUDIT social media accounts and the CEo’s LinkedIn account –one LinkedIn post received more than 5,300 views

► CAUDIT’s CEO presented on the Top Ten at the THETA 2017 conference, and at the Talis Insight Asia Pacific 2017 seminar for librarians

► Wide distribution of the Top Ten report in both hard copy and pdf

1. students

2. Funding

3. strategy

4. Digital

5. Workforce

6. Culture

7. T&L

8. sustainability

9. Competition

10. Innovation

1. students

2. Digital strategy

3. Information security

4. Delivering services

5. secure Collaboration

6. business Transformation

7. educational Technology

8. Workforce evolution

9. sustainability

10. Identity & Access Management

DVC-C IT Director/CIO


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TRenDs FRoM 2015 – 2017

2015 2016 2017

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Member engagement in generating the Top TenThe Top Ten Topics emerge from a rigorous process of development and analysis. The listing is the product of shared assessments from CAUDIT’s member organisations. Those assessments are open to challenge and adjustment by Top Ten Working Party Members, CAUDIT’s Executive, and member voting, all of which guide final analysis and reporting.

Topic and speaker selection for the 2017 Spring Members Meeting (SMM) was informed through the Program Committee’s selection of two entries from the 2017 Top Ten as the focus for the SMM agenda. CAUDIT’s P3M Community of Practice investigated, and developed options to address, topic 8 on the 2017 list. Andy Jenkins, Portfolio Manager, The University of Auckland, presented outcomes from this work to the Autumn Members Meeting.

CAUDIT is indebted to the 2017 Top Ten Working Party Members:

► April Weiss, Associate Director – Enterprise Services, Australian National University

► Louise Howard, Director – IT Infrastructure & Cloud, Griffith University

► Steve Jacob, Associate Director – IT Operations, Western Sydney University

► Paul Morgan, Senior Manager – Client Services, University of Wollongong

The Working Party’s activities were facilitated by Steven Wojnarowski, CAUDIT’s Director – Analytics and Strategic Initiatives.

Preparation for 2018 Top Ten TopicsThe 2017 Spring Members Meeting in Brisbane saw initiation of the topic identification stage for the 2018 Top Ten Topics. Members were invited to identify items from the 2017 Top Ten Topics list that would continue to be priorities in 2018, and to add new topics.

The 2018 Top Ten Working Party, formed in late 2017, comprises:

► Vito Forte, Chief Information officer, Edith Cowen University

► Paul Hardaker, Associate Director – Academic and Campus Experience, Western Sydney University

► Newton Braga, Head – Information Technology, University of NSW Canberra/Australian Defence Force Academy

► Ian Willis, Associate Director – Technology Support & Student Systems, University of Adelaide

The Working Group was active in the last quarter of 2017, finalising topics to put to a vote of CAUDIT members in December 2017.

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benchmarkingThrough data capture referenced against CAUDIT’s Complexity Index, CAUDIT supports its member organisations to benchmark IT performance on an industry-wide basis. CAUDIT’s Benchmarking Report published annually since 2003 – facilitates comparisons for IT enterprise systems, management, workforce and investment. In 2017, 49 CAUDIT members (including all Australasian universities) participated in Benchmarking data collection.

Benchmarking indicates total IT investment in 2016 by those 49 CAUDIT member organisations stood at $2.5billion. Of that, 56.6% was allocated to non-staff IT costs, up from 55.6% in 2015 and the highest recorded level since 2008. Benchmarking data from 2017 also show:

► IT staff FTE counts were higher at 23 institutions, unchanged at 6, and lower at 18

► average IT investment per student (EFTSL) increased in 2016 by 6.4% to $2,273

► share of total IT investment as a proportion of total revenue across the sector reached a new high of 7.3% - reflecting the increasing role of technology in the sector

► ICT supported 755 locations, up 5.9% on 713 locations in 2015

CAUDIT’s benchmarking Advisory Committee (bMAC)BMAC reviews and revises data definitions, and assesses the benefits of adding new data items to CAUDIT’s Benchmarking System.

CAUDIT thanks BMAC Chair, Paul Sherlock, and all BMAC members for their value adding contributions during 2017.

Applying CAUDIT’s Complexity Index internationallyThe Coalition of Higher Education Information Technology Associations (CHEITA) has sought to test the potential benefits of a Complexity Index (based on CAUDIT’s Complexity Index) to universities and university systems globally. In 2017, four international universities were recruited for CHEITA’s Deep Dive investigation of the Index’s utility.

Outcomes of the initial investigation were being written up by the end of 2017, and were outlined in a THETA 2017 presentation.

CAUDIT is particularly grateful for Paul Sherlock’s work in leading much of the discussion with CHEITA, and representing CAUDIT in those interactions.


% Central IT investment % Non-central IT investment % Central IT staff % Non-central IT staff

75.9% 77.8% 78.4% 78.7%

24.1% 22.2% 21.6% 21.3%

2013 2014 2015 2016

22.5% 21.1% 21.7% 21.5%

77.5% 78.9% 78.3% 78.5%

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Advocacy and supportCAUDIT member organisations have shared interests whenever national policy and planning reviews influence how IT is applied in higher education and research. CAUDIT consults with members to gather members’ views, develop internally consistent responses, test their robustness, and formalise submissions.

In 2017, CAUDIT represented the agreed perspectives of our members to three significant policy and planning processes:

► Consultation on Draft2016NationalResearchInfrastructureRoadmap

► Review of Australia’s .au Domain Management

► Implementation of Second Level Domain Registrations (Direct Registrations)

All submissions are available on CAUDIT’s website.

CAUDIT maintains a watching brief on policy initiatives influencing the use of IT in higher education and research. CAUDIT offers advice and support to member organisations about such initiatives, such as the Mandatory Data Breach notification Scheme.

CAUDIT’s contributions to national policy reviews 2016 Draft national Research Infrastructure Roadmap

In January 2017, CAUDIT lodged a submission on the Draft2016NationalResearchInfrastructureRoadmap, released by the office of the Chief Scientist. In particular, CAUDIT noted the importance of working closely with higher education and research institutions in creating the Australian Research Data Cloud – one of four priorities under the Roadmap’s focus area of Digital Data and eResearch Platforms.

The Roadmap submission followed CAUDIT’s 2016 submission regarding the DraftNationalResearchInfrastructureCapabilityIssuesPaper.

Review of Australia’s .au domain management

In December 2017 CAUDIT responded to the Discussion Paper issued by the Department of Communications and the Arts as part of its Review of Australia’s .au Domain Management. CAUDIT’s submission emphasised the importance of ensuring any new controls emerging from the Review do not adversely affect the brand identity and value of ‘’, DNS security, or DNS system reputation. CAUDIT also sought improved governance arrangements for the Board of .au Domain Administration Ltd (auDA), and improved stakeholder engagement by auDA.

Mandatory Data breach notification scheme

The Mandatory Data Breach notification Scheme imposes obligations on organisations, such as CAUDIT members, to notify individuals if their personal data has been subject to a data breach could result in serious harm. CAUDIT kept members advised during 2017 of institutional preparations that may be necessary to acquit responsibilities under the Scheme, due for implementation on 22 February 2018.

CAUDIT Awards proposalIT leaders and staff in CAUDIT member organisations are no strangers when it comes to meeting challenging IT expectations or in launching ground-breaking IT initiatives, both in their own institutions and across the sector.

In late 2017, CAUDIT’s Executive Committee considered options for formally recognising outstanding contributions. To that end, the Committee supported investigation of a CAUDIT Awards model. As a first step details were sought from the New Zealand IT Directors Group about its annual awards model.

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2017 financial performanceCAUDIT submits its financial statements to annual independent audit. As part of their audit of the 2017 financials, Bandle McAneney & Co advised CAUDIT’s financial systems and internal controls are well managed.

CAUDIT’s return to its members on membership fees

Membership fees for 2017 were held at the 2016 level i.e. no increase was applied.

Membership fee income enables CAUDIT to continue to deliver outcomes and support initiatives that advance members’ priorities. Direct measures of the return CAUDIT members receive on their fees can be evidenced through CAUDIT’s strategic procurement activities which save the sector in excess of $126.5m on education pricing each year. This annual report describes other substantive contributions made by CAUDIT during 2017 to members and the higher education and research sectors.

The chart (below) shows the distribution of membership fees, across the six activities and the three new values.








, Lea








Development Delivering





g Th






enabling Collaboration & Knowledge sharing


















enAbLe 51%

ConneCT 20%

ChALLenge 29%

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2017 CAUDIT governance overviewreflecting CAUDIT’s membership in our name

CAUDIT’s Annual General Meeting was held on 7 May 2017 via video.

The AGM voted in favour of the following special motion:

► ‘That the name of the Association be changed to Council of Australasian Directors of Information Technology with no changes to CAUDIT’s current operating model’

Member representatives felt the change from ‘Australian’ to ‘Australasian’ more accurately reflected CAUDIT’s breadth of membership.

The General Meeting was held on 12 October 2017 via video. 35 Members were represented at the meeting. (34 were represented at the AGM.)

new purpose and values statements endorsed

In September 2017, CAUDIT’s Executive Committee reviewed the outcomes from extensive exchanges with the CAUDIT community about our strategic intent. The Executive Committee endorsed a purpose statement, with an accompanying statement of three values, that reflects what CAUDIT’s members had conveyed by way of consistent goals and expectations.

CAUDIT’s purpose is:

► To support our members in leading the application of digital capabilities to transform education and research

CAUDIT’s values are:

► Connect, through inclusiveness and participation

► Enable, through collaboration

► Challenge, through stimulation

The 2017 Annual Report is presented within the newly adopted framework of the purpose and values statements.

Cyclic policy reviews undertaken

CAUDIT’s Executive Committee cyclically reconsiders all CAUDIT policies. During 2017, the Executive Committee reviewed and endorsed changes to the following policies:

► Conflict of Interest Policy

► Copyright Policy

► Corporate Credit Card Policy and Procedures

► Delegations Policy

► Meritorious Awards

► Privacy Policy

► Refund Policy

► Supporting Communities of Practice

► Travel Policy

Policy documents are available on CAUDIT’s website.

The Executive Committee met six times throughout the year:

► 08 Feb 2017 – video

► 07 April 2017 – Brisbane

► 14 June 2017 – video

► 05 September 2017 – Sydney

► 11 October 2017 – video

► 12 December 2017 – Brisbane

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2017 CAUDIT executive Committee composition CAUDIT gratefully acknowledges the contribution of Elizabeth Wilson as CAUDIT Chair, a role she relinquished in August 2017 on departing Edith Cowan University as CIO to take up the post of CIO in the Victorian Department of Education and Training.

Bruce Callow, CAUDIT’s Treasurer, was elected unopposed by the member representatives to complete Elizabeth’s term of President through to the AGM in May 2018. Scott Sorley was elected unopposed as CAUDIT’s Treasurer.

At December 2017, the members of CAUDIT’s Executive Committee were as follows.

CAUDIT extends its thanks to Executive Committee members who completed their terms during the course of 2017:

► Elizabeth Wilson, who served as CAUDIT’s President from April 2016 to July 2017, and as Secretary from May 2014 to April 2016

► Michael Kirby-Lewis – formerly Past President (July 2017-May 2017), President (April 2014-April 2016), and Public officer (April 2014-May 2017)

► Liz Coulter, formerly an nZ Representative (December 2015-February 2017)

► Fiona Rankin, formerly an Ordinary Member (May 2015-May 2017)

PResIDenT From July 2017

(Treasurer to July 2017)

bRUCe CALLoW Chief Digital officer

Griffith University

TReAsUReR From July 2017

sCoTT soRLeY

Executive Director – ICT Services

University of Southern Queensland

oRDInARY MeMbeR From May 2017

(filling vacated Past President position)


Director – Information Technology

Australian Catholic University

nz RePResenTATIVe From May 2017


Director – Information Technology Services University of Waikato

VICe PResIDenT From April 2014

ChRIs bRIDge

Director – Information Technology Services

Queensland University of Technology


Secretary from May 2016 Public officer from June 2017


Chief Information and Digital officer

Western Sydney University

oRDInARY MeMbeR From May 2017

Rob IRVIng

Director – Information Technology

University of New England

Co-oPTeD MeMbeR From October 2017


Chief Information officer The University of Adelaide

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niranjan PrabhuDirector

Karen hillDirector

Rob PickeringHead of IT & Business


Jackson ChanDirector (from 12/7/17)

James smithManager IT Services

newton bragaHead of ICT

David FormicaChief Information

officer and Director

graham FosterDirector

Carina KempDirector (from 17/11/17)

Ian de MontfortDirector (from 26/11/17)

brendan DaltonChief Information


Peter LambertDeputy Chief Defence Scientist (Corporate)


The UnIVeRsITY oFneW soUTh WALes











DeFenCe sCIenCeAnD TeChnoLogY


2017 CAUDIT Members and Representatives

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UnIVeRsITY oFWoLLongong

Tim MannesExecutive Director

Christine burnsChief Information


Mike DayChief Information


Fiona RankinDirector

David ReeveChief Information

officer (from 1/4/17)Mary Davies

(1/1/17 - 30/3/17)

Daniel beechamChief Digital officer

(from 21/8/17)Conrad Mackenzie(1/1/17 - 20/8/17)

Kerry hollingChief Information &

Digital officer

gina WhiteDirector, Technology

Services & Chief Information officer

Rob IrvingDirector

Anthony MoliniaChief Information


sarah ChalonerDirector

(from 20/10/17)


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sYDneY: InseARCh

Pat gouldDirector


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sA TAs






Kerrie CampbellChief Information

officer (from 11/9/17)nicole Fishers

(1/1/17 - 10/9/17)

Rob MoffattDirector

Jonathan ChurchillDirector

Roy PidgeonDirector, Information &

Digital Technology

bev McQuadeChief Information

officer (from 16/3/17)Kerrie Campbell(1/1/17 - 15/3/17)

scott sorleyExecutive Director

Andrei ClewettDirector (from 1/2/17)

barry Mahoney(1/1/17 - 31/1/17)

Chris bridgeDirector

bruce CallowChief Digital officer

Paul sherlockChief Information


Jeff MurrayChief Information


Rajan DavioDirector



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Patrick RamsdenChief Information

officer (from 28/2/17)

Trevor WoodsDirector, Chief

Information officer

Warwick CalkinChief Information

officer (from 14/8/17)Assine george

(1/1/17 - 1/4/18)

sahar oujilInterim Director (from 19/7/17)Andrew Tully

(1/1/17 - 30/6/17)

Vito ForteChief Information

officer (from 19/9/17)elizabeth Wilson

(1/1/17 - 21/7/17)

byron CollinsChief Information officer & Head of

Infrastructure Services

zoran sugarevskiExecutive Director

Paul oppenheimerExecutive Director

Peter PowellExecutive Director

& Chief Information officer (from 23/10/17)

Peter nikoletatos(1/1/17 - 14/7/17)

Michael grantDirector

William ConfalonieriChief Digital officer

Chris RasmussenExecutive Director

The UnIVeRsITY oFMeLboURne







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Mike harteDirector

Jason ManganDirector (from 3/7/17)

elizabeth Coulter(1/1/17 - 28/2/17)

stuart ReillyDirector

eion hallDirector

stuart haseldenDirector

Andy KeillerA/Chief Information


Alistair JamesChief Information


Liz goslingChief Information


gopal KolapalliDirector

(from 30/3/17)berry Amol

(1/1/17 - 29/6/17)

Charith silvaVice-Chancellor

(from 4/9/17)

William TapioDirector of ICT


Kisione FinauDirector





oF TeChnoLogY

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CAUDIT staff


sTeVen WoJnARoWsKIDirector, Analytics and Strategic Initiatives

seMIR CeRKICEvents and Collaboration officer

sTeVe JohnsTonDirector, Strategic Procurement

CAssAnDRA sPenCeRManager, Engagement and Administration

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Community of practice significant Contributorsp3MAntoinette Kesha Chair of Community 2017 Forum Lead & Committee The University of Auckland

Andy Jenkins Speaker at CAUDIT Autumn Members Meeting The University of Auckland

Jodie Crawford 2017 Forum Host & Committee University of Wollongong

Christina Romanin 2017 Forum Committee University of Newcastle

enterprise ArchitectsJeff Kennedy Co-Chair The University of Auckland

Nigel Foxwell Co-Chair & EA Model Committee Chair JCU

Paul Tasker EA Symposium Chair QUT

Felicity James EA Symposium Committee QUT

Kylie Oakes EA Symposium Committee QUT

Julie Pollard EA Symposium Committee QUT

Bronwyn Farlow EA Symposium Committee QUT

Anne Templeton EA Symposium Committee QUT

David Johnston-Bell EA Symposium Committee Deakin (left sector June 2017)

UsLCJeff Stafford Chair Griffith University

Anne Cameron Deputy Chair Monash University

Mick Bowen Secretary Southern Cross University

Mark Noonan Membership & Communications QUT

Emiliano Fisanotti General Executive Member UNSW Sydney

Steve Johnston Ex-officio CAUDIT

business AnalystsCarmel Brown Chair QUT

CybersecurityTim Lane Chair Griffith University


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Participants in CAUDIT Leadership Program 2017Aaron Finnis Associate Director, Information Security & Risk Flinders University

Adam Barry Applications Group Manager Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)

Adriano Salutari Manager Desktop Technical Services La Trobe University

Aldon Hartley Associate Director IT Academic Solutions The University of Auckland

Amanda Nixon Manager, eResearch@Flinders Flinders University

Brett McCready Technology Platforms Manager Auckland University of Technology

Carina Kemp Director, Scientific Data Geoscience Australia

Carmel Brown Manager, Service Design and Business Processes (Governance & Quality)

Queensland University of Technology

Christine Tsintarakis Digital Strategy Business Engagement The University of Sydney

Derek Winter Manager, Information Security The University of Sydney

Evan Greenwood Associate Director Infrastructure and Technology Services

The University of Auckland

Fiona Taylor Applications Manager Lincoln University

Gaith Bader Manager Online Services The University of Sydney

James Algie Manager, Procurement & Finance IMTS University of Wollongong

Janelle Tamlyn Associate Director Client Support and Service Improvements

University of Tasmania

Karen Moore Enterprise Architect The University of Sydney

Kylie Percival Associate Director, Academic Engagement The University of Adelaide

Laszlo Gercsov Senior Systems Analyst Library Systems Macquarie University

Lauren Ward Team Leader - IT Service Desk University of Wollongong

Li Shin (Catherine) Tan Acting Manager Storage Management Services Griffith University

Lloyd Walker Manager University of Otago

Luke Angel Manager Service Automation & Events The University of Queensland

Mark Cossettini Manager, Vendor Management office The University of Sydney

Martin Miller-Crispe Manager, Service Management office Griffith University

Matthew Guppy Team Leader - Technology Support Queensland University of Technology

Nicole Wason Senior Business Analyst Auckland University of Technology

Nicole Hoare Associate Director Information The University of Sydney

Paul Farran IT Manager, Service Centre Transformation The University of Sydney

Ricky Critcher IT Campus Manager University of South Australia

Tanya Holm Senior Data Librarian University of New South Wales

Tim Pedersen Associate Director - Enterprise Business Services University of Tasmania

Timothy Beevor Technology Strategist RMIT University

Tracey Wilson Portfolio Manager University of Wollongong

Tracy Deane Manager, Systems Infrastructure University of South Australia

Xin (Victor) Zhong Lead network Engineer The University of Waikato


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Participants in CAUDIT Managers Program 2017Aaron Costello Manager AVS Projects University of Technology, Sydney

Bret Parkinson Client Systems Team Leader University of the Sunshine Coast

Brian Stevens Project office University of Southern Queensland

Chad Nurmi Principal Systems Analyst Edith Cowan University

Con Borg Team Lead, Voice and Video Services Flinders University

Daniel Cox Manager, Student Applications The University of Adelaide

Donald Jeffrey Library Campus Coordinator Griffith University

Geraint Draheim Senior Application Specialist The University of Adelaide

Irene Pridham Planning Analyst Western Sydney University

Jared Walley Team Leader Audio Visual Engineering Deakin University

Joel Millwood IT Service Development officer James Cook University

Kevin Lane Senior Infrastructure Engineer James Cook University

Matthew Clayton Service Manager - Lecture Recording Queensland University of Technology

Narelle Simmons Research Client Services Manager Defence Science and Technology Organisation

Nick Rossow Manager Griffith University

Rudo Tagwireyi Systems Engineer but seconded as Project Manager The University of Auckland

Sharon Crapp Senior Support Analyst Western Sydney University

Tammy Tanner Team Leader (Acting) IT Service Desk University of New England

Tim Hetherington Project Manager Deakin University

Participants in inaugural CheITA study Tour, initiated and coordinated by CAUDITBarry Mahoney Director, IT Performance University of the Sunshine Coast

Bev McQuade CIO The University of Adelaide

Christine Burns CIO University of Technology, Sydney

David Preiss Chief Technology officer, Information Technology Services RMIT University

Eion Hall Director, Information Technology Services University of Waikato

Fiona Rankin Director, Information Management & Technology Services University of Wollongong

Jason Mangan Director IT Services The University of Auckland

Jason McKay Director, Enterprise Architecture The University of Melbourne

Jonathan Churchill Director, IT & Resources James Cook University

Nicole Fishers Acting CIO, Information and Digital Services Flinders University

Niranjan Prabhu Director, Information Technology Australian Catholic University

Patrick Ramsden Chief Technology officer Swinburne Univeristy of Technology

Paul Sherlock CIo (Library and IT) University of South Australia

Rob Moffatt CIO The University of Queensland

Scott Sorley Executive Director University of Southern Queensland

Zoran Sugarevski Executive Director Victoria University

Steve Johnston Director Strategic Procurement CAUDIT


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CAUDITCouncil of Australasian University Directors of Information Technology Inc

[email protected]

+61 2 6222 7576

PO Box 9432Deakin ACT 2600Australia

Stay in touch with CAUDIT on:




ABN: 39 514 469 351

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