
Cosmetic Dental Procedures that help in having an Aesthetic and Functional Teeth

The physical appearance comes first before personality. Most women believe that how you look will be the first impression you can give to someone. Aside from having an expressive eye and kissable lips, girls love to have a healthy and white tooth. As we are not blessed with having this, we find ways on achieving oral health but without sacrificing the beauty. Dentistry has made a

solution by having cosmetic dentistry as an area of specialization. A cosmetic dentist focuses on the enhancement

of the look of a person's gums, teeth and bite. Different procedures can be applied and your dentist can help you be

informed which type will bring in the best smile for you. Here are some of the procedures they do.

WHITENING Bleaching or whitening of the tooth is a common

dental procedure among individuals. If you have stained or discolored teeth, you can consult a cosmetic dentist. Though many whitening products are available online, it is safer to get your dentist's opinion if that won't harm you since not everyone's tooth can be bleached.

RESHAPING Reshaping also termed as dental contouring

wherein the small amount of enamel is removed to alter the shape length and surface of one or more teeth. The cost is inexpensive, free from pain, can be a substitute for braces and improves oral health.

BONDING If you have a chipped tooth or have gaps in

between your teeth, this procedure works best for you. It uses a tooth-colored material that is bonded in the tooth and a special light makes the material dry and set. An edge of having a bonding is that it doesn't require much enamel removal. A session of a tooth bonding can last up to an hour. This procedure can also be expensive though you can make your insurance plan cover it for you.

BRIDGES These are used to fill in your missing tooth and

treated as your false teeth. Such bridges are made from alloys, porcelain or gold. This material surrounds the teeth before joining the crowns and fixing the bridge in the prepared teeth.

BRACES At first, we might think that braces just add up to

our fashion style but its more than what you think. They are also used to correct crooked tooth or other jaw disorders. There are also two phases for brace treatment which are by braces and by retainer. Once the braces are attached, each visit your dentist will be tightening to get the proper output. Just be sure that you don't have allergies to either latex or metal for the braces to be used safely.

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