Page 1: Contents Page Likes and Dislikes

I really like this contents page for the use of bright and bold colour. I really like the use of red because it is very eye catching. It helps to make the articles stand out and look bold. The use of the main photo for one of the articles makes the article stand out more within the page.

I am drawn to this contents page due to the use of the large picture which is the main feature of the page over the writing. It will really attract attention to the page as Kanye is a bit personality at this time that a lot of people are drawn to.

I am not really keen on this contents page due to the use of so much text and the large use of rectangles in dull colours as the backgrounds. I feel that if they had used brighter colours it would look more appealing. I know that I for one if I was reading this magazine I would very quickly turn to the next page and just find out what articles are within the magazine when reading it.

Within this page I really like the line of pictures of the stars within the magazine. I feel that this is effective because it is clearly showing the audience who the articles are about and also making it obvious what page they are on. I like also that they don’t reveal any information about them so that the audience has to turn to the page and read the article to find out what it is about. I don’t like how much text is within the page though.

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