Page 1: Contents · 2018-03-17 · 5 If you’ve ever struggled with your weight or felt insecure about your body, the prospect of shedding pregnancy pounds can range from mildly daunting
Page 2: Contents · 2018-03-17 · 5 If you’ve ever struggled with your weight or felt insecure about your body, the prospect of shedding pregnancy pounds can range from mildly daunting


ContentsIntroduction 4

Overview: How it Works 6

Phase 1: Mobilize Body Fat and Curb Hunger 8

Phase 2: Accelerate the Burn 22

Phase 3: Brava, Bella! Forever Fabulous 28

Breakfast 32

Lunch and Dinner 33

Snacks and Desserts 36

Dining Out 38

Beverages 41

Fruits and Vegetables 42

Healthy Fats 44

Grocery List 45

Frequently Asked Questions 48

Copyright © 2013 by Keller Provost Media, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopy, information retrieval system, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Page 3: Contents · 2018-03-17 · 5 If you’ve ever struggled with your weight or felt insecure about your body, the prospect of shedding pregnancy pounds can range from mildly daunting


If you’ve ever struggled with your weight or felt insecure about your body, the prospect of shedding pregnancy pounds can range from mildly daunting to downright terrifying. After pregnancy, women enter a new hormonal landscape. We take this for granted during pregnancy, but the effects of this transition can be long-term in several respects, especially in how the body processes carbo-hydrates and insulin. When unmanaged, this hormonal shift can lead to blood sugar fluctuations, mood swings, and excess body fat accumulation. This guide offers simple nutritional strategies to balance hormones so you can safely shed the baby weight while deeply nourishing your body.

Endocrinologists classify pregnancy as a hyperinsulinemic state. This means the pregnant body has a heightened insulin response for a very specific biological purpose: to appropriately gain weight and acquire extra fat stores so the devel-oping fetus will be adequately fed in the event of famine or sudden food short-age. Largely due to this surge in insulin and its impact on other hormones, such as leptin, a healthy pregnancy yields dramatic fat accumulation in a relatively short period of time. This is a good thing. Unfortunately, this exaggerated insulin response occasionally overshoots and contributes to such things as gestational diabetes. And sometimes the hormonal signal to gain and store extra body fat doesn’t switch off automatically after giving birth. If you know someone, perhaps your own mother, who gained weight with each pregnancy and never managed to lose it, you’ve witnessed the long-term impact of a heightened insulin response. The good news: through simple dietary changes that are safe and effective, even for breastfeeding moms, you can start now to bring that insulin response under control so you can enjoy a fit, healthy and vigorous life. The first step to restoring balance is to transition your body from carbohydrate metabolism to fat metabolism – a metabolic state that burns stored body fat as fuel. This metabolic shift arrests hormonally driven fat accumulation so your body can burn off the extra insulation you no longer need post-pregnancy. To effectively transition into fat metabolism, it is crucial to replace carbohydrate-dense foods with healthy natural fats, proteins, and low-starch vegetables. As you reign in carbohydrate consumption and step off the roller coaster of false hunger driven by blood sugar and insulin, a hormonal response which is height-ened during and after pregnancy, your metabolism will recalibrate and begin to burn stored body fat as fuel. This yields sustained energy as well as body fat loss. Whether you’re struggling with energy lows, symptoms of nutrient deple-

tion (hair loss, excessive fatigue, dull, dry skin), or stubborn baby weight that doesn’t seem to budge – this plan will help you look and feel your best.

Most diets can be roughly divided into two camps: the ‘calories in, calories out’ folks who insist only calories count; and the low carb enthusiasts who argue calories don’t matter – fat loss comes down to restricting carbohydrates. Both approaches offer helpful insight, but they also present significant drawbacks. While low calorie diets tend to instill constant hunger and require massive self-control, low carb alternatives require long-term abstinence from the foods we love. The Dia Method™ 3-Phase Fat Burn plan harnesses the power of both perspec-tives while skirting the pitfalls of each. The secret is to shift your body into fat metabolism by limiting carbs (Phase 1) and then accelerate the burn with moderate calorie restriction (Phase 2). Decreasing carbohydrate consumption jump-starts fat metabolism and curbs hunger. Once you’re efficiently burning your own body fat as fuel, you can maximize progress by keeping calories within a specific range – low enough to see rapid fat loss but high enough to keep you safe and your metabolism revving. Perhaps most importantly, Phase 3 transitions you from fat loss to long-term maintenance, equipping you to be a fit and healthy mom for life!

Consult your physician before starting and following this or any nutrition plan.

Following The Dia Method™ every mom can enjoy: Sustained energy levels Replenished nutrient stores Loss of excess body fat Totalbodyfitness that surpasses pre-pregnancy condition!


Page 4: Contents · 2018-03-17 · 5 If you’ve ever struggled with your weight or felt insecure about your body, the prospect of shedding pregnancy pounds can range from mildly daunting


To quickly and efficiently launch your post-pregnancy body into fat metabolism – a metabolic state in which you curb hunger, enjoy sustained energy, and effort-lessly burn stored body fat as fuel – it’s important to temporarily eliminate all grains, sweets and starches from the diet. Your primary source of carbohydrate during this phase will come from vegetables and fruits. In fact, many of my clients have found they consume greater variety and quantity of fresh produce following this program than they ever have! Commit to this level of carbohydrate restriction for two weeks, and your body will redirect from using carbohydrates to burning fat (including your body fat!) as its primary fuel source. Instead of crav-ing carb-based foods like crackers, cookies & sweets for quick energy, especially when sleep deprived (aka: motherhood!), your energy will come mainly from fat – both the fat you eat (nuts, butter, avocado, etc.) and your stored body fat!

Although you will be limiting carbohydrates, rest assured that this is not a typical low carb diet. First of all, you will enjoy a colorful variety of foods from day one – not an endless monotony of eggs and bacon. Even more importantly, The Dia Method™ incorporates a vital secret to keep you feeling good as you transition to a nutrient-dense, low carbohydrate lifestyle. If you or anyone you know has ever felt crummy when trying a low-carbohydrate diet, the true culprit was not lack of carbs but rather dehydration and mineral imbalance. It goes without saying that dehydration and mineral imbalance are not acceptable for new moms, especially if breastfeeding! With one simple yet crucial step – daily consumption of hydrating, mineral-rich broth during Phase 1 – you will effectively guard both your hydration levels and your mineral stores to feel great as your metabolism adapts to a new fuel system.

Now that you’ve stopped the flow of carbohydrate driven fat accumulation, your body has hormonally unlocked its fat stores to burn as fuel – Congratulations! You have entered fat metabolism. You’ve also restored your body’s natural hunger response, meaning you’ll no longer feel ravenous two hours after a carb-heavy meal that dramatically spiked and dropped your blood sugar. Your newly re-calibrated body seamlessly alter-nates between two main fuel sources: the fat in your diet and the fat stored in your body, keeping energy levels high and moods stable. This metabolic state makes it relatively easy to reduce food intake without feeling deprived or hungry. The greater the deficit between intake (the calories you eat) and expenditure (the calories you burn), the faster you will shed excess body fat. Our goal during this phase is to hover in a moderately low caloric range for safe, steady weight loss that richly nourishes your postnatal body and revs your metabolism. During Phase 2 you will safely accelerate the burn as you slim down and tone up.

Well done! You’ve met your goal. Phase 3 will equip and empower you to enjoy your fit and fabulous physique for life.

What does a pregnant client have in common with a menopausal client?

Each woman is flooded with a major hormonal change that radically alters her body’s response to insulin and therefore fat regulation. Each woman spontaneously accumulates and stores excess body fat, usually in predict-able patterns. Perhaps you witnessed your mother or aunt transform from a ‘pear’ to an ‘apple’ as she passed through menopause? Her hormonal context shifted, eliciting an impact on fat accumulation and storage. Because carbohydrate consumption drives insulin, which drives fat – the same strategies that work during the postnatal period also prove remark-ably effective during menopause. With the tools presented here, you’ll be prepared to weather that storm when it comes. The Dia Method™ 3-Phase Fat Burn Plan outlines a realistic and sustainable approach to stay strong and sexy for a long, healthy, vigorous life. It works during this challenging time as a new mother, as a grandmother, and beyond.

Phase 1: Mobilize Body Fat and Curb Hunger (2 weeks)

Overview: How the plan works

Phase 2: Accelerate The Burn (usually 2-8 weeks depending on fitness goal)

Phase 3: Brava, Bella! Forever Fabulous (lifestyle maintenance)

Fat metabolism offers 3 amazing benefits: 1 sustained energy! No more blood sugar crashes and desperate reaches for quick-energy carbs.

2 Diminished hunger.

3 Fat loss as your body meets its energy needs from stored fat.

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This is an example of how carbohydrates spike blood sugar, causing a surge in insulin followed by a rapid drop in blood sugar, which triggers ravenous, tummy-rumbling hunger. For many women, unpleasant symptoms like shakiness, lightheadedness, mood swings and headaches can accompany these blood sugar lows. Beyond the obvious discomforts listed above, carbohydrates drive insulin production, which drives fat accumulation and storage. During pregnancy, the insulin response tends to be exaggerated – and in some cases this exaggerated insulin response lingers well after pregnancy. Transitioning to fat metabolism is the answer to step off the blood sugar roller coaster and flip the switch from body fat accumulation to body fat mobilization.

While it’s true that dietary fiber slows glucose absorp-tion and can therefore decrease the severity of blood sugar surges, even ‘healthy,’ ‘complex,’ and ‘whole grain’ carbohydrates inhibit your body from releasing stored fat. I’m not saying there’s no value in these foods or that you can never enjoy them again. But if you wish to mobilize your body’s excess fat, eating carbohydrate-dense foods will disrupt that process due to their

Have you ever wondered why you can eat a bagel or bowl of cereal for breakfast and find yourself sleepy and starving by noon?

Carbohydrates (simple orcomplex,refinedorwhole) ultimately break down into glucose*.

When glucose enters the bloodstream, it stimulates insulin secretion.

Insulin drives fat into your fat cells and keeps it there.

*Some carbohydrates also break down into fructose, which is processed in the liver and implicated in chronic disease, including metabolic syndrome, fatty liver, heart disease and obesity.

hormonal impact on fat metabolism. To efficiently shift into fat burn mode, it’s worth swearing off bread and pasta for two weeks.

Because carbohydrates drive insulin, which drives fat storage, it is important to minimize consumption of carbohydrate-dense foods if you wish to burn fat. This is why we avoid all grains during Phase 1 – the nutrient ‘benefit’ of grain simply isn’t worth the ‘cost’ of interrupted fat burning. However, fruits and vegetables are another story! They are far richer in vitamins and minerals and therefore worth the small insulin response they elicit. Choose fruits and veg-etables that deliver the highest nutrients for the lowest insulin impact. Think high fiber, low sugar – and you’ll make wise choices. For quick reference, I’ve compiled a list of great low-carb, highly nutritious selections in the fruits & vegetables section.

Follow the Phase 1 guidelines to transition efficiently and completely from carbohydrate metabolism to fat metabolism. This metabolic shift will unlock your body fat stores to be burned as fuel while eliminating false hunger, carb cravings and blood sugar spikes followed by the inevitable crash.

hoW eating carbohyDrates inhibits Fat metabolism:

Think high fiber,lowsugar – and you’ll make wise choices.

1 MoBILIze BoDy FAT & CuRB HungeR


(2 weeks)

“Since I completed Leah’s program – the comment I hear most is “did you really carry two babies to term?” even my oB was stunned that I was back to my pre-baby weight so quickly. Personally I was just thrilled, that despite the stories I heard about the lingering baby weight, I was able to pack away my overstretched mater-nity clothes when my little ones were three months old.”

Sheelagh D., age 36, 2 children, twins

For tired moms who might be thinking, “I can cut back on carbs,butwhataboutmymorningcoffee?!”Goodnews!With a few minor tweaks (like no added sugar), you can enjoycoffeeorteainallthreephases(seeBeverages for details).

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will more accurately reflect fat loss than the scale, which doesn’t differentiate between fat and muscle tissue.

If you’re also tracking body weight, weigh yourself once a week under similar conditions, for example: naked, in the morning after going to the bathroom and before eating or drinking. Use the same scale consistently.

To reveal true weight change over time: Avoid weighing yourself more often than once a day.

If you prefer weighing daily as opposed to weekly, average your weight every 7 days and track the average from week-to-week.

Make note of your cycle day when recording weight: Some women fluctuate up to 5 lbs. with monthly cycle.

A food journal is very helpful!For at least two weeks, record everything you eat and drink, including quantities. Use a kichen scale for accuracy. Your food journal may be on paper, computer or a mobile app (see sidebar: Tracking Carbs).

the basics

Eat meats, natural fats, vegetables, 1-2 fruits and (if you wish) dairy.

Drink at least 8 cups of water per day; 10-12 cups if breastfeeding.

Drink 1-2 cups of broth per day – required!

Eat when you’re hungry. Stop when you’re satisfied.

no sweet beverages (including 100% juice)

no cookies, crackers, chips, sweets

no grains, breads, pastas, cereals, rice, beans or starchy vegetables

Before diving in, take time to prepare:

Make or buy broth – this is the key to feeling good while going low-carb (see Phase 1: Drink Broth Daily!).

Stock your kitchen with appropriate foods (see Grocery List).

Throw out the junk! At the very least, banish tempting foods to an area reserved for others in the household.

If unsure of portions, consider buying a kitchen scale.

Day 1, Phase 1: Try on your favorite jeans and note the fit – can you zip them? Can you fasten the button? If you’re comfortable weighing yourself, step on a scale to establish a baseline measure.

on a weekly basis: Observe & note the difference in how clothes fit, especially a favorite pair of jeans. Before you know it, those pre-pregnancy skinny jeans might actually be too big! Because The Dia Method™ workout system is helping you burn fat and tone muscle, clothes

Getting Started

Phase 1


go from glucose Metabolism to Fat Metabolism

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headaches, dizziness/lightheadedness) or if you notice a temporary dip in milk supply.

During the transition to fat metabolism, your body requires 1-2g (1,000 – 2,000 mg) of supplemental sodium per day to maintain hydration and mineral balance. The easiest way to consume this is by drinking 1-2 cups of broth or bouillon (estimate 1g sodium per 8-oz. cup of prepared broth). Begin drinking broth the day you begin Phase 1.

The key to feeling great while transitioning to fat metabolism is to drink adequate broth every day during Phase 1. Embrace this simple, hydrating and nourishing step.

If you or anyone you know has ‘gone low carb,’ you might be familiar with a cluster of symptoms somehavedubbedthe“Atkinsflu.” It’s fairly common to suffer headaches, lightheaded-ness and general feelings of malaise while decreasing carbohydrates. I’m happy to inform you this is entirely avoidable! The true culprit in these symptoms is not a lack of carbohydrates, but rather a combination of dehydration and mineral imbalance – we will avoid both by drinking 1-2 cups of broth daily. Let me explain.

When the body is in glucose metabolism (you can assume this pertains to you unless you’ve been follow-ing a very low carbohydrate diet), the kidneys retain excess fluids and salts. This can sometimes lead to the ‘false fat’ of swollen, waterlogged tissues and other undesirable effects. When you lower carbohydrate intake to transition into fat metabolism, the kidneys spontaneously excrete excess fluids and salts. This is a temporary “flushing” response to the metabolic shift. On the one hand, this is great because it helps your body shed excess fluids as well as burn body fat. But it can also contribute to a temporary risk of dehydration. This is particularly a concern for nursing moms, hence my emphasis on this point. In addition to the daily minimum, drink an extra cup of broth if you feel any symptoms of dehydration (dry mouth, thirst,

“I am absolutely amazed and delighted to have lost so much weight and to have so drastically changed my body. I am now down to my pre-baby weight (the weight I was before my FIRST baby)–afigureIneverthought I would see on the scales again! I have gotten compliments from my colleagues and friends, all wanting to know how I did it so fast! My husband, who has seen me struggle with exercise regimens and diets in the past, is very happy to see me wear sexy clothes once again and not hide my bodyinloose-fittingclothing. I have had to buy new clothing several sizes smaller than be-fore. What a wonderful feeling! The diet regi-men helped greatly and was one of the easiest diets I have ever been on. I never felt hungry or deprived. I continued to nurse successfully throughout without any problems.”Atoussa S., age 41, 2 children

also known as

consommébouillon stock soup base

Drink at least 1 cup (8 oz.) of broth per day. If breastfeeding, drink 2 cups (16 oz.) daily.When perspiring heavily, drink an extra cup of broth.

Drink Broth Daily!

Phase 1

Page 8: Contents · 2018-03-17 · 5 If you’ve ever struggled with your weight or felt insecure about your body, the prospect of shedding pregnancy pounds can range from mildly daunting


HoMeMADe BRoTH AS HeALTHy FooD:Has your mother ever given you chicken soup when you were sick? Virtually every culture has a tradition of soup making and acknowledges the powerful immune-boosting impact of such foods. This is due to several factors, most notably the vitamins and minerals (calcium, potassium and magnesium) that leach from the bones into the broth. I make broth all winter (quite easy to simply have a pot simmering or throw some bones & veggies in a slow cooker) to enjoy as a delicious, nutritious consommé before meals. It’s also a wonderful, healthy ingredient to have on hand for cooking virtually anything. Add broth as your liquid instead of water, and your dish has richer, more complex flavor as well as added vitamins and minerals (brilliant addition to simple dishes for children who are picky eaters!). It’s simply a healthy food with many wonderful benefits.

Too MuCH oF A gooD THIng IS STILL Too MuCH.OK - now that I’ve sung the praises of broth, I don’t want you to drink quarts a day. More is not necessarily better. When it comes to water, minerals and hydration it’s all about balance. Adding a little broth (especially home-made) to the diet is a positive thing. But pouring excessive sodium into a carb-heavy diet will lead to water retention (not pretty). So please take all of this with a grain of salt and consider incorporating a little broth into your life in a way that makes sense.

SouRCIng BRoTHBroth can be homemade or store-bought, animal-based or vegetarian. Organic, natural options are best. Choose a full sodium (not low sodium) variety because that’s the whole point – we’re drinking the broth for its sodium content. Avoid products that contain MSG.

Don’T HAve THe TIMe To MAke BRoTH?

HeRe ARe SoMe TRuSTWoRTHy BRAnDS you CAn Buy AT youR LoCAL SuPeRMARkeT: Better than Bouillon



Imagine Foods

If vegetarian, miso or vegetablebrothisfine.

Remember to target 1g sodium per 8-oz. serving. Prepare according to package directions.

Phase 1


Stewing hen or animal bones (leftover from roasted chicken or bone-in cuts of meat). Bonus tip: Keep a sealed bag in the freezer for storing leftover bones. Use this collection for your next pot of broth when you have enough bones to fill half of a soup kettle.

1-2 tablespoons vinegar (any variety, but I prefer apple cider vinegar)

1-2 onions

2-3 carrots

2-3 stalks of celery

2 tablespoons dried thyme or herb of choice

water to fill pot within ½ inch of the brim

fresh parsley (optional)

sea salt (1 teaspoon per quart of broth)

Directions: Place bones in a large kettle or slow cooker and cover with water. Add 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar. Allow bones to soak in the water-vinegar solution at room temperature for 30-60 minutes. This initiates de-mineralization of the bones to enrich the broth with calcium, potas-sium and magnesium. While the bones are soaking, prep vegetables and add them to the kettle along with the dried herbs. Fill the pot with water until contents are ½ inch shy of the brim. Cover and bring to a boil, then reduce to a light simmer. Allow to simmer 6-24 hours. The longer the broth simmers, the more nutrient-dense it will be. After removing from heat, add a bunch of fresh parsley (optional) and steep for 10 minutes. Allow broth to cool. Strain and pour the liquid into quart-size jars. Add 1 teaspoon of sea salt for each quart of liquid. This step is vital to ensure adequate sodium per cup of broth. Refriger-ate. When chilled, skim any fat off the top of the broth before using. Consume refrigerated broth within 7-10 days or freeze to store long-term.


Page 9: Contents · 2018-03-17 · 5 If you’ve ever struggled with your weight or felt insecure about your body, the prospect of shedding pregnancy pounds can range from mildly daunting


TRACkIng CARBSTrack carbohydrate intake with a food scale and a tracking program app or tracking program of some kind is easier and more efficientthanlookingup foods individually, and measuring is far more accurate than guessing. virtually every food contains some amount of carbohydrate, so be careful not to assume something you think of as a fat/protein food (an egg for instance) has zero carb content. even for those who don’t want to be bothered with counting, a few days of measuring and tracking carbohydrate intake is illuminating and empowering.

Daily carb allowance: 50g

The Nitty GrittyPhase 1

AvoID SugARy BeveRAgeS & CARB-DenSe FooDS

Any sweet beverage (including 100% juice!)

Corn syrup

Sugars (all types)

Agave nectar

Maple syrup


Sugar substitutes (stevia is ok – see Grocery List)


Dried fruit

Jams and jellies

Grains: bread cereal bagels granola rice oatmeal pasta quinoa Starchy vegetables: potatoes winter squash sweet potatoes peas yams corn beets beans parsnips cooked carrots

= 2 slices of bread, but don’t waste it on bread!

I provide the ‘slice of bread’ measure to help visualize the total carb content I wish you to consume at each level. During Phase 1, you will consume this entire carbohydrate allowance (50g) through fruits and vegetables. If you eat 1-2 servings per day of recommended fruits (1 medium apple + ½ cup blueberries = 30g) and plenty of low-starch vegetables (2 cups lettuce + 10 slices green pepper + 5 spears sautéed asparagus + 1 cup roasted cauliflower = 13g), you will stay within the Phase 1 carbohydrate allowance. Please see the Fruits & Vegetables section for best choices.

Protein: 75–125g daily

This is a not a high protein diet. Excess protein will ultimately convert to glucose and stimulate insulin production. Avoid exceeding 150g protein per day as an absolute upper limit. It’s pretty easy to eat within the protein requirements if you incorporate protein into breakfast (eggs/cheese/yogurt/smoked fish/meat), enjoy a protein-rich snack, and eat 4-6 ounces of meat/poultry/fish (about the size of the palm of your hand) at both lunch and dinner.

eat as much fat as you want – let appetite guide you. Incorporate fats at every meal or snack. Excellent sources of natural fats include butter, cream, egg yolks, animal fats that naturally accompany meat or fish, coconut oil, olive oil and avocado. The bulk of your calories in this program will come from natural, nutrient-dense fats. These profoundly nutritious foods are vital to re-establish metabolic equilibrium and replenish the body following pregnancy. They also enrich breast milk with fat-soluble vitamins and other nutrients important for brain development. For health reasons, always choose the best quality foods you can afford – for example, grass-fed butter, pasture-raised eggs, organic coconut oil.

Don’t count calories – Eat when hungry. Stop when satisfied. One caveat: be careful with nuts, peanut butter, cheese, and any food you find yourself mindlessly overeating. Limit yourself to 1-2 oz. of these semi-addictive foods. This amounts to one moderate handful of nuts or up to 2 tablespoons of peanut butter. Measure a portion – sprinkle on a salad or enjoy as a snack – and put the rest away. If you know you can’t have ‘just one,’ don’t even start. Some battles are better avoided.

= 3 servings per day of 4-6 oz. protein (such as 2 eggs + 1 chicken breast + 1 hamburger patty)

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Eating tips Check food labels for hidden sugars: Fructose, rice syrup, brown rice syrup, cane juice, agave nectar, agave syrup, barley malt, corn syrup, dextrose, fruit juice concentrate, glucose, high-fructose corn syrup, maltodextrin, maltose, molasses, raw sugar, sucrose and turbinado sugar.

eat 3 ReAL MeALS and (if hungry between meals) 1-2 snacks a day.

no MInDLeSS MunCHIng. Do not graze all day – very easy to consume more than you realize!

Do not eat what’s left on a plate – better go to waste than to waist.

If you feed little ones pizza and pasta most meals, do not eat what you’re serving the kids (and consider adding variety to their diet!).

Phase 1

Daily: The Dia Method™ “10 Minutes Flat” workout.

2x/week: The Dia Method™ workout of your choice. These workouts direct your body to burn fat, not muscle.

1 Mama’s First Steps

2 Sexy Mama!

3 Toned Arms & Tiny Waist

4 Firm, Flat & Fabulous

5 Brava, Bella!

Totransitionefficientlytofatmetabolismduringthese2weeks,avoid intense cardio (such as running, high intensity interval training or a cycling class – any activity during which you cannot carry on a conversation). To guard hydration and mineral balance during transition, also avoid severe sweat loss (from saunas or activities such as hot yoga). You may resume cardiovascular workouts during Phase 2.

As you shift gears from one fuel system to another (from carbs as energy to fat, including stored body fat), it is normal to experience a temporary energy dip. You’ll know you’ve fully entered fat-burn mode when your energy levels resurge and remain steady. This is the hallmark of fat metabolism: stable blood sugar, resulting in decreased hunger and sustained energy.

Exercise targets

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Phase 1

samPle WeeK monday tuesday Wednesday thursday Friday saturday sunday

early am









Set out 2 liters (8c.) of water. Finish by end of day.

Set out 2 liters (8c.) of water. Finish by end of day.

Set out 2 liters (8c.) of water. Finish by end of day.

Set out 2 liters (8c.) of water. Finish by end of day.

Set out 2 liters (8c.) of water. Finish by end of day.

Set out 2 liters (8c.) of water. Finish by end of day.

Set out 2 liters (8c.) of water. Finish by end of day.

2 scrambled eggs with 1 oz. cheese, ½ cup berries, tea or coffee, water

1cup Greek yogurt with ½ cup berries, 1 oz. nuts, tea or coffee, water

2 oz. lox, 1 oz. cream cheese on cucumber slices, tea or coffee, water

1 cup cottage cheese + 1 oz. nuts/seeds, ½ grapefruit, tea or coffee, water

2 boiled eggs, ½ apple + 1 tablespoon peanut butter, tea or coffee, water

On the go: tea or coffee with a splash of cream + 2 oz. nuts, water bottle

Omelet with a side of bacon and mixed greens, coffee or tea, water

Salad with 4 oz. chicken, bacon, cucumber, blue cheese, tomato, avocado, oil & vinegar, water

Lettuce wraps with 5 oz. turkey slices and 2 oz. Swiss cheese, carrot & celery sticks, water

4 oz. burger (no bun) with favorite toppings, side salad, pickles, unsweetened iced tea, water

Salad with 6 oz. tuna, black olives, tomato, green beans, boiled egg, oil & vinegar

Lunch date: Caesar salad with grilled chicken (hold the croutons), sparkling water

4 oz. left-over shrimp scampi on bed of baby spinach, tall glass of water with lemon

Fajita salad – toss leftover 4 oz. steak fajita with salad greens, fresh vegetables, oil & vinegar

Not hungry Not hungry 2 oz. nuts Not hungry Cheese stick Yogurt + berries Not hungry

1 oz. nuts Pepper spears + guacamole

3 squares of dark chocolate

Not hungry Not hungry 1 oz. cheese 3 squares of dark chocolate

1-2 cups required. Drink pre-supper to curb hunger.

1-2 cups required. Drink pre-supper to curb hunger.

1-2 cups required. Drink pre-supper to curb hunger.

1-2 cups required. Drink pre-supper to curb hunger.

1-2 cups required. Drink pre-supper to curb hunger.

1-2 cups required. Drink pre-supper to curb hunger.

1-2 cups required. Drink pre-supper to curb hunger.

6 oz. grilled steak, side salad, garlic green beans

5 oz. baked tilapia with olives and tomatoes, sautéed spinach

6 oz. rotisserie chicken with the skin, roasted Brussels sprouts

4 oz. Italian sausage with peppers, onions, mushrooms

5 oz. shrimp scampi on a bed of spinach, 5 oz. glass white wine

6 oz. steak fajitas (no tortilla) peppers, onions guacamole

6 oz. salmon filet with sautéed asparagus, berries with cream

Drink minimum of 2 liters pure water

Drink minimum of 2 liters pure water

Drink minimum of 2 liters pure water

Drink minimum of 2 liters pure water

Drink minimum of 2 liters pure water

Drink minimum of 2 liters pure water

Drink minimum of 2 liters pure water

10 Minutes Flat + Mama’s First Steps

10 Minutes Flat 10 Minutes Flat 10 Minutes Flat + Sexy Mama!

10 Minutes Flat 10 Minutes Flat 10 Minutes Flat

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Eat meats, natural fats, vegetables, 1-2 fruits and (if you wish) dairy.

Drink at least 8 cups of water per day; 10-12 cups if breastfeeding.

Supplement with broth as needed.

To mobilize fat at a faster rate, you may choose to restrict calories as outlined in Phase 2: The Nitty Gritty.

The Nitty GrittyDaily carb allowance: 75g

Brava! You made it through the transition! Now that you have entered fat metabolism, your body will relinquish stored fat to meet your daily energy needs. The greater the deficit between intake (caloric consumption) and expenditure, the faster you will burn off excess fat reserves. In other words, now that you’re in fat burn mode, your body is readily burning body fat as fuel. To speed up fat loss, simply cut back slightly on calories. Continue in Phase 2 until you achieve your fitness goal, 2-8 weeks for most women.



the basics

Enjoy up to 1 serving per day of grain or starchy vegetable.

Enjoy up to 2 cheat meals per week.

Occasionally enjoy up to 3 bites of dessert.

no sweet beverages (including 100% juice)

(usually 2-8 weeks depending on fitness goal)

= 3 slices of bread, but don’t waste it on bread!

= 3 servings per day of 4-6 oz. protein (such as 2 eggs + 1 chicken breast + 1 hamburger patty)

At this level, your daily carb intake comes primarily from low-starch veg-etables (1 cup eggplant + 1 cup sautéed collards + 2 cups arugula = 20g) and fruits (1/2 red grapefruit = 11g) + up to one serving of grain or starch (1/2 cup pasta = 22g). Note: if your fat loss slows dramatically when you add one serving of grain or starch to your diet, you are still exceptionally sensitive to carbohydrates! If this happens, reduce to 50g a day until fat loss resumes and continues at a steady pace.

Protein: 75–125g daily

Do not exceed 150g per day. To stay within the recommended protein in-take, incorporate protein into breakfast (eggs, Greek yogurt, smoked fish, breakfast meats), enjoy a protein-rich snack, and eat 4-6 ounces of meat/poultry/fish (about the size of the palm of your hand) at both lunch and dinner.

eat as much fat as you want – let appetite guide you. When fats are included in a meal or a snack, we tend to eat less total food because we feel full faster. Furthermore, healthy, natural fats are deeply nourishing for the postnatal body. See the Healthy Fats section for more information.

If you wish to accelerate fat loss, target 1500-1800 calories per day (1800-2100 calories per day if nursing). It is possible to be in fat metabolism without losing weight if you consume so many calories that you meet or exceed your daily energy needs. So if you want to see steady weight loss, I recommend staying within these caloric targets.

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Keeping it realAllow yourself up to two (2) cheat MEALS per week:


Allow yourself 3 bites of your favorite dessert from time-to-time. Do not exceed 3 moderate-size bites. Anticipation and thefirstbitearethemostpleasurable. The second bite is almost as good. The third bite is still great but not as delightful as the second and a far cry fromthefirst.Yournextbite (#4) – not even worth it. Stop at 3 and know you enjoyed maximum pleasure with minimal consequence.

Daily: The Dia Method™ “10 Minutes Flat” workout.

3-5x/week: The Dia Method™ workout of your choice. These workouts direct your body to burn fat, not muscle.

1 Mama’s First Steps

2 Sexy Mama!

3 Toned Arms & Tiny Waist

4 Firm, Flat & Fabulous

5 Brava, Bella!

You may resume cardiovascular workouts, such as running, elliptical training or cycling classes. Guard hydration and mineral balance with 1 cup of broth an hour before sustained exertion and sweat loss.

Exercise targets

Phase 2

To keeP youR FAT MeTABoLISM RevvIng, AvoID 2 CHeAT MeALS In THe SAMe DAy.

This can lead to carb overload, disrupt your fat burn and leave you both sluggish and waterlogged. Think ahead about the coming week and plan your cheats. Fully enjoy each one without shame or guilt. This freedom is important to exercise so you never feel deprived. The choice is yours.

A dinner date where you order exactly what you want, eat until satisfied, and share a dessert.

A particularly hectic day when your only lunch option is a slice of pizza with the kids.

Girls’ night out – appetizers & a glass of wine with friends.

Dinner at a relative’s home who serves carbs in every course.

Your favorite brunch/breakfast indulgence one weekend morning (a bagel is calling your name; girlfriends invited you out to brunch).


1 slice of bread 1/2 small bagel (3”)

1 English muffin 1/3 large bagel (4 1/2”)

1/2 cup pasta 1/2 cup oatmeal

1/2 cup rice cold cereal: check label

1/2 cup beans 1/2 cup starchy vegetable

During Phase 2, you may enjoy up to 1 daily serving (25g) of carb-dense foods. What does that look like?To broth or

not to broth?During Phase 2, broth is optional. The broth served as a temporary hydration support during Phase 1 as you transitioned from carbohydrate metabolism to fat metabolism. Now that you have completed the metabolic transition, broth is optional. It’s wise to drink a cup of broth an hour before intense exercise or perspiration, or anytime you feel dehydrated (common symptoms include dry mouth, thirst, headaches, dizziness and lightheadedness). Clear soups may be continued as a healthy part of the diet if you wish.

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Phase 2

samPle WeeK monday tuesday Wednesday thursday Friday saturday sunday

early am









Set out 2 liters (8c.) of water. Finish by end of day.

Set out 2 liters (8c.) of water. Finish by end of day.

Set out 2 liters (8c.) of water. Finish by end of day.

Set out 2 liters (8c.) of water. Finish by end of day.

Set out 2 liters (8c.) of water. Finish by end of day.

Set out 2 liters (8c.) of water. Finish by end of day.

Set out 2 liters (8c.) of water. Finish by end of day.

2 poached eggs, toasted English muf-fin with ½ T. butter, tea or coffee, water

1 cup Greek yogurt, ½ cup blueberries, tea or coffee, water

3 oz. lox, 1 oz. cream cheese on 6 bagel chips, tea or coffee, water

2-egg omelet with mushrooms and spinach, ½ grape-fruit, tea or coffee, water

1 cup Greek yogurt, ½ cup raspberries, tea or coffee, water

1/2 c. oatmeal, 1 oz. cream, ½ apple sliced, 1 oz. pecans, tea or coffee, water

2 hard boiled eggs with 1 oz. cheddar, tea or coffee, water

Greek salad with 6 oz. chicken, tomato, olives, cucumber, red onion, 1 oz. feta, oil & vinegar

Open-faced tuna salad sandwich (1 slice of bread) with lettuce and tomato, pickles, water with lemon

Cheat meal #1:2 slices of pizza, baby carrots with ranch dressing, birthday cupcake with kids

4 oz. fresh mozza-rella with tomato, basil 1tablespoonolive oil, sea salt on bed of raw baby spinach

Lettuce wrap with 4 oz. roast beef and 1 oz. cheese, pickles, unsweetened iced tea

Taco salad (no shell), 4 oz. lean ground beef, 1 oz. cheese, onions, peppers, guacamole

4 oz. ham or turkey, 1 oz. cheese, lettuce, tomato on 1 slice bread, raw celery & pepper spears

Not hungry 1 cup vegetables + 2 oz. hummus

Not hungry Not hungry Celery sticks w/ 2T. peanut butter

Yogurt + berries 3 squares of dark chocolate

1 oz. almonds Not hungry 1 oz. cashews Not hungry Not hungry Not hungry 1 oz. mixed nuts

1-2 cups optional. Drink pre-supper to curb hunger.

1-2 cups optional. Drink pre-supper to curb hunger.

1-2 cups optional. Drink pre-supper to curb hunger.

1-2 cups optional. Drink pre-supper to curb hunger.

1-2 cups optional. Drink pre-supper to curb hunger.

1-2 cups optional. Drink pre-supper to curb hunger.

1-2 cups optional. Drink pre-supper to curb hunger.

4 oz. grilled steak, 1c. grilled vegetables, 2 cups mixed greens + 1T. oil & vinegar

5 oz. chicken breast, 1 cup roasted eggplant on bed of 2 cups fresh spinach, 5 oz. wine

4 oz. turkey burger in lettuce wrap w/ tomato, 1 oz. cheese, ½ avocado, 2 cups mixed greens

5 oz. pork chop, ½ cup sauerkraut, ½ cup applesauce (no added sugar), 1 potato pancake

6 oz. salmon, ½ cup roasted sweet potato, 1 cup green beans, 5 oz. wine, 3 bites of any dessert

Cheat meal #2:Appetizer, pasta entrée, 2 glasses of wine, dessert

4 oz. roasted turkey breast, 1 cup roasted cauliflower, 2 cup romaine lettuce w/ 1T. vinaigrette

Drink minimum of 2 liters pure water

Drink minimum of 2 liters pure water

Drink minimum of 2 liters pure water

Drink minimum of 2 liters pure water

Drink minimum of 2 liters pure water

Drink minimum of 2 liters pure water

Drink minimum of 2 liters pure water

10 Minutes Flat + Mama’s First Steps

10 Minutes Flat + Sexy Mama!

10 Minutes Flat 10 Minutes Flat + Toned Arms & Tiny Waist

10 Minutes Flat + Firm, Flat & Fabulous

10 Minutes Flat + Brava, Bella!

10 Minutes Flat + 30-min brisk walk

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Well done!You’veachievedyourgoal.Phase3offersvitalstrategiestoremainfitandfabulousforlife.

SeCReTS To STAy SveLTe & SeXy FoR LIFeSeasonal carb check. Every 3 months, resume tracking carbs for a few days. Stay under 100g per day for optimal health and goal maintenance.Weekly weigh-in. Learn to love your scale as it reflects ongoing success.



(lifestyle maintenance)

Eat meats, natural fats, vegetables, 1-2 fruits and (if you wish) dairy.

Drink at least 8 cups of water per day; 10-12 cups if breastfeeding.

Supplement with broth as needed.

Eat when you’re hungry. Stop when you’re satisfied.

the basics

Enjoy up to 2 servings per day of grain or starchy vegetable.

Enjoy up to 2 cheat meals per week.

Occasionally enjoy up to 3 bites of dessert.

no sweet beverages (including 100% juice)

If interested in numbers, see carb and calorie targets in Phase 3: The Nitty Gritty.

The Nitty GrittyDaily carb allowance: 100g

In addition to abundant low-starch vegetables (2 cups baby spinach + 1 cup broccoli + 1 cup zucchini + 3 dill pickle spears = 21g) and 1-2 fruits each day (1 cup mixed berries = 17g), you may add up to 2 servings of grain or starch (1 slice sourdough + 1/2 cup roasted sweet potatoes = 42g). This totals 80g of carbohydrate from vegetables, fruits and starches. Add incidental carbs from nuts, dairy or sauces, and you quickly approach the upper limit of 100g. Note: if you gain weight after adding additional carbohydrate to your diet, return to 75g or 50g per day until you stabilize at your goal weight. Sad but true: individuals have varying degrees of carbo-hydrate tolerance and this shifts dynamically over the lifespan.

Protein: 75–125g daily

= 4 slices of bread, but don’t waste it on bread!

= 3 servings per day of 4-6 oz. protein (such as 2 eggs + 1 chicken breast + 1 hamburger patty)

Daily: The Dia Method™ “10 Minutes Flat” workout.

3-5x/week: The Dia Method™ workout of your choice. These workouts guard muscle mass to maintain metabolic rate.


Cardio workouts, such as running, swimming, cycling & elliptical training, are optional. Guard hydration and mineral balance with 1 cup of broth an hour before sustained exertion & sweat loss.

Do not exceed 150g per day. You will easily stay within the intake guidelines if you incorporate protein into breakfast (eggs, cheese, Greek yogurt, smoked fish, breakfast meats), enjoy a protein-rich snack, and eat 4-6 ounces of meat/poultry/fish at both lunch and dinner.

eat as much fat as you want – let appetite guide you.

If you enjoy counting calories, aim for about 1800-2100 calories per day (2100-2400 calories per day if nursing).

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Phase 3

samPle WeeK monday tuesday Wednesday thursday Friday saturday sunday

early am









Set out 2 liters (8c.) of water. Finish by end of day.

Set out 2 liters (8c.) of water. Finish by end of day.

Set out 2 liters (8c.) of water. Finish by end of day.

Set out 2 liters (8c.) of water. Finish by end of day.

Set out 2 liters (8c.) of water. Finish by end of day.

Set out 2 liters (8c.) of water. Finish by end of day.

Set out 2 liters (8c.) of water. Finish by end of day.

1 cup Greek yogurt w/ ½ cup blueberries + 1 oz. walnuts, tea or coffee, water

2 fried eggs, 1 slice toast, ½ T. butter, ½ c. fresh strawberries, tea or coffee, water

1/2 c. oatmeal, 1 oz. cream, ½ c. sliced pear, 1 oz. pecans, tea or coffee, water

2 soft-boiled eggs, 1 toasted English muffin, ½ T. butter, tea or coffee, water

1 cup cottage cheese, 1 oz. al-monds, ½ cup canta-loupe, tea or coffee, water

1 cup Greek yogurt, 1/3 c. granola or muesli, ½ grapefruit, tea or coffee, water

Cheat meal #2:Pancakes, syrup, butter, bacon or sausage, juice, tea or coffee

Small wrap w/ 4 oz. chicken, ¼ c. salsa, ½ bell pepper, 1 oz. cheese, lettuce, ½ avocado

1 slice thin crust cheese pizza + large salad w/ 4 oz. chick-en, olives, tomato, cucumber

Lettuce roll-ups with 4 oz. turkey and 1 oz. Swiss cheese, ½ T. mustard, dill pickles

Fish tacos (4 oz. baked tilapia) w/ 1 c. lettuce, ½ c. tomato, ¼ c. red onion, 2T. salsa, 2T. guacamole

4-oz. salmon burger on ½ whole grain bun, 1 T. tartar sauce, sliced tomato, 1 c. green beans

2-egg omelet, ¼ c. salsa, 1 oz. cheese, 2T. guacamole, 2c. mixed greens w/ lime vinaigrette

Cup of chicken soup, Caesar salad with 5 oz. grilled shrimp, unsweetened iced tea

Not hungry Not hungry Not hungry Not hungry Not hungry Not hungry Not hungry

Not hungry 3 squares of dark chocolate

1c. carrots & celery w/ 2T. peanut butter

3 squares dark chocolate

Not hungry Tea or coffee with 3 bites of a treat

Late lunch- not hungry

1-2 cups optional. Drink pre-supper to curb hunger.

1-2 cups optional. Drink pre-supper to curb hunger.

1-2 cups optional. Drink pre-supper to curb hunger.

1-2 cups optional. Drink pre-supper to curb hunger.

1-2 cups optional. Drink pre-supper to curb hunger.

1-2 cups optional. Drink pre-supper to curb hunger.

1-2 cups optional. Drink pre-supper to curb hunger.

6 oz. tofu stir-fried with 1 cup vegeta-bles, ½ c. white or brown rice

5 oz. marinated flank steak,1 c. grilled zuc-chini, 2 c. greens w/ Dijon vinaigrette, 5 oz. wine

5 oz. rotisserie chicken, 1 c. garlic sautéed asparagus, ½ c. quinoa, 2 c. mixed greens

5 oz. roasted turkey, 2 c. mixed greens with gorgonzola, pear & walnuts, 1 c. steamed broccoli

Cheat meal #1:A couple drinks & several shared appe-tizers with girlfriends – no keeping track!

5 oz. grilled pork ten-derloin, ½ c. mashed sweet potatoes, ½ c. braised cabbage

4 oz. beef burger (no bun) with sautéed onions & mush-rooms, 2 pickles, 2 c. mixed greens

Drink minimum of 2 liters pure water

Drink minimum of 2 liters pure water

Drink minimum of 2 liters pure water

Drink minimum of 2 liters pure water

Drink minimum of 2 liters pure water

Drink minimum of 2 liters pure water

Drink minimum of 2 liters pure water

10 Minutes Flat + Brava, Bella!

10 Minutes Flat + Firm, Flat & Fabulous

10 Minutes Flat + Sexy Mama!

10 Minutes Flat + Toned Arms & Tiny Waist

10 Minutes Flat 10 Minutes Flat + 30-min run/walk

10 Minutes Flat + Mama’s First Steps

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So you might be wondering… what do I eat for breakfast if I can’t have my usual bagel, toast or bowl of cereal?Below I’ve compiled a list of metabolism revving alternatives to carb-heavy breakfast fare. As a general rule, breakfast should be primarily fat and protein to balance blood sugar and jump-start your metabolism. If you can barely look at food before noon, enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with a generous splash (1-2 oz.) of cream.



Tea/coffee/espresso served black or with cream and/or cinnamon Heavy cream is preferred (1-2 oz.); half & half is ok. If you desire sweetness, a touch of stevia (see Grocery List) is a healthy option.


Eggs, prepared any way you like, perhaps with cheese, vegetables and/or meat

Omelet, frittata, etc.

Yogurt (whole milk, organic) with berries and/or nuts. Greek yogurt is higher in protein and lower in carbs.

Cottage cheese (whole fat – 4%) topped with nuts or fruit

Crisp breads (see Grocery List) or celery sticks with cream cheese, peanut butter or almond butter. Crisp breads are allowable during Phase 1 if your daily carbohydrate intake remains under 50g.

Steak and eggs

Breakfast meats (see Grocery List for all natural products)

Cheeses and cold meats (natural, minimally processed)

Smoked salmon and cream cheese on celery sticks, crisp bread or cucumber slices

Tuna/whitefish/chicken/egg salad with celery sticks

Canned fish with raw veggies and chunks of hard cheese

Mixed greens with grilled chicken or other protein

Handful of nuts (almonds, macadamia nuts, pecans, walnuts, peanuts, almonds, pistachios, brazil nuts – roasted & salted or raw if you prefer. Cashews are a little higher in carbohydrate, so eat fewer of those.)

BReAkFAST (all 3 Phases)

LunCH & DInneR (all 3 Phases)

In the midst of preparing meals and snacks for children, feeding newborns, and a million other things…moms often completely forget to nourish themselves.

Instead, we grab a bite of this or that on the run. Our son’s mac & cheese, our daughter’s pizza. A couple graham crackers as our toddler snacks…we leave ourselves undernourished in terms of nutrients as we consume empty calories. Although mindlessly consuming calories all day long, we never feel satisfied as we would if we sat down for a moment to experience the ritual of a meal, even simple and quick. On the rare occasion when we do manage to find something for ourselves on the go, our choices tend to be a quick sandwich, slice of pizza, or bowl of cereal…What can replace the convenience of a sandwich? At the very least, you could make it an open faced sandwich (if you’re in Phase 2 or 3) – simply ditch one slice of empty carbs & calories. Even better, make it a lettuce wrap (great in all phases)! Or toss your favorite sandwich into a salad. I’ve compiled a list of strategies and handy alternatives to make lunch and dinner nourishing, satisfying, and fat metabolism friendly.

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Salads of all kinds with a selection of the following ingredients:• Meat/poultry/fish 4-6 oz. (tofu or cottage cheese if vegetarian) • Avocado/nuts/seeds (optional)• Vegetables – raw, marinated or roasted/grilled• Cheese (optional)• Olive oil & vinegar or lemon juice (avoid hidden sugars in salad dressing)

Convert your favorite sandwich into a lettuce wrap:• Turkey and Swiss cheese• Chicken salad• Roast beef, etc.

4-6oz.proteinentrée(meat/poultry/fish/tofu)+ 1 or 2 non-starchy vegetables:• mixed greens tossed in olive oil & vinegar/lemon juice• sautéed greens (kale, collards, chard, spinach)• roasted Brussels sprouts• zucchini sautéed in butter and garlic, topped with parmesan• roasted eggplant, summer squash• ratatouille• steamed broccoli or cauliflower with melted butter & cheese• asparagus • coleslaw (beware of added sugar)• tzatziki with fresh vegetables• pickles, pickled vegetables• sauerkraut • kimchee• sautéed/roasted cabbage• tomato slices with olive oil or truffle oil, balsamic vinegar, salt• caprese salad (fresh mozzarella, tomatoes & basil with olive oil)• bell pepper spears• carrot & celery sticks• seaweed salad (beware of added sugar)

Soups/stews can be great, but avoid dumplings, potatoes and cornstarch (often added to thicken stews and cream based soups). Also avoid butternut squash, parsnip, potato or carrot based soups.

Sit down, even if it’s 10 minutes, and eat a real meal on a plate that looks something like this:

LunCH & DInneR (all 3 Phases)

1/3 protein. Include the fat that occurs naturally with the protein, such as chicken with skin or eggs with yolks.

2/3 low-starch vegetables. This can be a large tossed salad or one part salad and one part cooked or raw vegetable of choice. Accent with natural fats (for example, a pat of butter melted over steamed vegetables; olive oil, nuts and/or avocado tossed on a salad).

Aim to incorporate at least 1-2 cups of fresh greens daily. Greens that you CHEW (not drink – juices stimulate insulin release and promote fat storage).

1/3 protein

2/3 low starch vegetables

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Snacks are totally optional on this program. You may find yourself completely satisfied with three meals a day. Especially if you’re nursing, you may find you need to eat more often… If hungry between meals, enjoy one or two snacks per day and keep the quantity in check. If you like nuts, stock up on 1-2 oz. pre-packaged portions. Or cheese sticks/snack size options. If eating fruit, stick to half a portion (for example, half of a medium apple) and pair it with 1-2 tablespoons of peanut butter or 1-2 oz. cheese or nuts to balance blood sugar response.

Avoid eating carbs on their own, even in small doses, because blood sugar and insulin responses are exaggerated. For example, a few bites of fruit or dessert following a complete meal with protein and fat will have a much less dramatic impact on your blood sugar levels than when consumed on their own. If you’ve ever eaten an apple while hungry and found yourself hungrier, you know what it feels like when blood sugar temporarily spikes and then drops. Consuming carbohydrates without fat or protein to blunt the blood sugar response amplifies hunger, destabilizes energy and often contributes to mood fluctuations.

Snack suggestions• 1-2 oz. nuts (= 1 small handful)• 1-2 oz. cheese (= 1-2 sandwich-size slices, 1-2 cheese sticks)• Celery sticks with 2 tablespoons of cream cheese or peanut butter• Sliced cucumbers with cream cheese and smoked salmon • Carrot sticks or bell pepper spears with guacamole

• Raw vegetables with favorite dip (cream cheese dip, spinach & artichoke, guacamole, etc.)

• Avocado sprinkled with sea salt and a squeeze of lemon

• Yogurt with berries or ½ chopped apple & cinnamon. Greek yogurt is especially high in protein and low in carbohydrates.

• Cottage cheese (4% milk fat) topped with toasted almonds• Half of a pear or apple with 1-2 oz. cheese or nuts/nut butter• Crisp bread with butter, cheese, peanut or almond butter. Crisp breads are allowable during Phase 1 if daily carb intake remains under 50g.• Beef jerky/turkey or salmon jerky/beef sticks/salami • Hard boiled egg• Olives, pickles, marinated vegetables• Tea/coffee/espresso with heavy cream or half & half

Dessert ideas• Berries and hand-whipped cream

• Dark chocolate (70% cocoa or higher)

• A few slices of pear topped with cream and cinnamon

• Apple slices sautéed in coconut oil with cinnamon

• Cheese plate

• Fresh fruit

• Tea/coffee/espresso with or without cream

Dessert ideas

• All of the above Phase 1 dessert ideas are great choices.

• Real ice cream (1/3 cup or less) – never settle for diet or low fat!

• Three moderate-size bites of any dessert. Share it with the table! (You know yourself – only go there if you can stop after 3 bites.)

SnACkS (all 3 Phases) DeSSeRTS

Phase 1

Phases 2 & 3

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BreakfastOrder any egg dish with a side of mixed greens, fresh fruit or sliced toma-toes instead of toast and potatoes. A side of breakfast meat is also a good option. See the Breakfast section for more choices.

LunchWhether at a sandwich joint or a fancy restaurant, salads are a great choice. Even a sandwich is workable as long as you order it as a lettuce wrap or a burger without the bun, and substitute a salad for the fries. Drink water, club soda or unsweetened tea with lunch. If you’re attending a more formal lunch, select a protein entrée with a side salad. Skip the bread and potatoes. If others are indulging in dessert, order a coffee or tea, fresh fruit or a cheese plate.

DinnerMany of my clients simply ask the waiter to skip the breadbasket. Always a good strategy. Salads are great. Clear soups (without noodles, dumplings or beans) are a good choice. Main courses are remarkably easy – most restaurants will serve a protein main dish (chicken, fish, steak) with two sides. One side is usually a vegetable (so far, so good) and the second side is a starch (rice, potato, etc.). I always ask to substitute a dinner salad or another vegetable in place of the starchy side. For example, I’ll order a steak with sautéed spinach and a side salad as opposed to potatoes. Delicious, satisfying and virtually carb-free! Order a glass of wine if the occasion calls for it. Fresh fruit, cheese or coffee/tea for dessert.

When approaching a dining out experience during Phases 2 & 3, you may continue with the strategies you employed during Phase 1 or allow your-self a little more flexibility. Start by prioritizing the carbs that are most important to you. What’s the best offering at a given restaurant? With the occasional exception (a restaurant with amazing, fresh-baked bread that’s really worth the carbs), skip the uninspiring bread they plop on tables as a matter of course. Clearly it would be counterproductive to eat the bread and the potatoes and wine and dessert… When at a nice restaurant, I will usually opt for a glass of wine with dinner and a few bites of a shared dessert – the bread and potato aren’t worth it to me. But if you’re at a restaurant with amazing bread or to-die-for potatoes, then you might enjoy one of those carb-dense treats and skip dessert. The choice is yours.

DInIng ouT


PHASeS 2 & 3

CoFFee SHoP/CAFe SuggeSTIonS (all 3 Phases)

• Tea/coffee/espresso drink with or without cream (avoid milk)

• Quiche/frittata – skip the crust

• Nuts (packets often near checkout)

• Boiled eggs

• Cheese & fruit plate

• 3 moderate bites of a treat you’re sharing (Phase 2 & 3 only)

Once you have the hang of it, it’s remarkably easy to eat out while following this nutritional program.

Remember: the guiding principle during Phase 1 is to eat natural meats, healthy fats, and low-starch vegetables while avoiding breads, pastas, sweets, and potatoes.

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Drink plenty of water during all three phases. This helps your body flush toxins and cellular waste as you burn fat. It also prevents eating due to thirst masquerading as hunger. Especially if you’re nursing – drink! Drink!

DInIng ouT


Water: At least 8 cups per day; 10-12 cups per day if nursing. Still or sparkling Cold, hot or room temperature With a squeeze of lemon/lime or cucumber slice

Broth: Required daily during Phase 1. Optional during Phases 2 & 3. Tea/coffee/espresso with heavy cream or half & half. Optional. Unsweetened iced tea (black/green/herbal). Optional.

Red or white wine, one glass (up to 6 oz.) at lunch or dinner.

Liquor (1 serving of gin, vodka, whiskey, rum, tequila, brandy, etc.) – straight up/on the rocks/with soda. Always with food! At least a handful of nuts to slow absorption.

If you really want a beer, keep it to 12 oz. max and count it as one of your carbohydrate servings for the day. Make it your favorite brand so it’s really worth it. Only allowable in Phases 2 & 3.


Any beverage with added sugar or artificial sweetener. Stevia is ok, but I recommend gradually weaning yourself off of sweet beverages entirely.

Mixed cocktails with simple syrup, juice or other sweet additives.

Fruit juices, even when 100% juice.


Restaurant Type all PhasesPhases 2 & 3Up to 1 serving of: avoiD

American Meat, poultry or fish with vegetables, salads, 5 oz. wine

Bread, pasta, potato or 12 oz. beer

Deep-fried anything, sweet drinks

Fast Food Burger or grilled chicken (no bun), salad, lettuce wrap, unsweetened iced tea

Open-faced sandwich on ½ bun or small wrap

Soda, sweet tea, fries, onion rings, shakes

French Meat, poultry or fish with vegetables, egg dishes, sauces, salads, 5 oz. wine

Potato, bread, crepe, French onion soup or cassoulet

Any sweetened beverage

Mediterranean Meat, poultry or fish with vegetables, kebab, tzatziki, fresh salads, 5 oz. wine

Tabouleh, beets, beans, hummus, potato, bread, rice, orzo or pita

Any sweetened beverage

Italian Meat, poultry or fish served over a bed of spinach (in-stead of pasta), vegetables, salads, 5 oz. wine

Pasta, potato, risotto, gnocchi, bread, polenta, thin crust pizza or 12 oz. beer

Deep-fried anything, any sweetened beverage

Japanese/ Sushi

Miso soup, sashimi (no rice), beef, tofu, poultry, seaweed salad, 3 oz. sake, tea

Sushi rolls (6 pc.), noodles, rice or 12 oz. beer

Any sweetened beverage

Mexican Meat, poultry or fish, veg-etables, salads, fajitas (no tortilla)

Rice, beans, tortilla, plantain, or 12 oz. beer

Deep-fried anything, agua fresca

Thai Thai basil chicken, shrimp or beef, curry, stir-fry, beef salad, duck, clear soups, steamed vegetables

Keep sauces to a minimum – high in sugar! Rice, noo-dles, or 12 oz. beer

Deep-fried anything, any sweetened beverage, soda

Diner Meat, poultry or fish, vegeta-bles, omelets, salads, burgers (no bun), fresh fruit plate

Potato, pasta, bread, pancake, waffle, French toast, hot cereal

Onion rings, fries, soda, juice, sweet tea, shakes

Deli Chicken or tuna salad, any sandwich as lettuce wrap, salad with grilled chicken, deli meat & cheese roll-up, eggs & bacon

Open-faced sand-wich on 1 slice of bread, small wrap, toasted English muffin, ½ bagel

Soda, juice, sweet tea, sweetened beverages


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During all three phases, you will eat plentiful servings of fresh produce, especially low-starch vegetables! Dive right in. These foods are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber.


Leafy greens of all kinds – raw and cooked (but not juiced) Lettuces, all varieties Spinach Arugula Collards Chard Bok choy Parsley, cilantro, fresh & dried herbs (basil, mint, etc.) Kale

Celery Peppers (bell, red, green, jalapeno, etc.)

Cucumbers Broccoli

Broccoli rabe Asparagus

Cabbage, green and red Cauliflower

Brussels sprouts Zucchini

Eggplant Summer squash

Onions Garlic

Leeks Shallots

Carrots (raw only) Radishes

Spaghetti squash (steam and serve with butter & parmesan)

Jicama (crispy & refreshing root vegetable that’s very low carb)

Mushrooms (not really vegetables, but healthy nonetheless!)

Fermented vegetables Pickles (dill preferred over ‘bread & butter’) Sauerkraut Kimchee (Korean sauerkraut, often spicy hot) Any pickled vegetable without added sugar/sweetener

vegetables: best choices (5 - 8 servings per day)

1 cup of raw or ½ cup of cooked vegetable = 1 serving

Potatoes Sweet potatoes

Yams Corn

Peas Beets

Parsnips Turnips

Cooked carrots Winter squash (butternut, acorn)

Beans (legumes)

vegetables high in starch/sugar (count as carbohydrates)½ cup of starchy vegetables = 1 carbohydrate serving (25g)

Berries (raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, etc.)

Melon (except for watermelon, which is very high in sugar)

Citrus fruit (lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit) Guava

Tomatoes Olives Avocado

Peaches Nectarines Plums

Apricots (fresh only) Apples Pears

Cherries Kiwi Papaya

Fruits: best choices (1 - 2 servings per day)

½ cup or 1 medium fruit (apple, orange, peach, kiwi) = 1 serving


½ cup or ½ banana = 1 serving

Banana Grapes

Pineapple Mango

High sugar and high-glycemic fruits to avoid or minimize: Dried fruits, jams, jellies and fruit juices.

Phases 2 & 3 only

all 3 Phases

all 3 Phases

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The best fats to support overall health, efficient metabolism, and radiant skin include saturated fats, monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids.

Dietary fats: Best (saturated and monounsaturated, omega-3 fatty acids)


Animal fat with the meats they naturally accompany (chicken with the skin, marbled steak, bacon, etc.) – especially from grass-fed or pasture-raised animals, which are higher in omega-3 fatty acids.

Butter and dairy fat Coconut and palm oils (never hydrogenated)

Egg yolks Olive oil (extra virgin)

Avocado Fish oil

Dietary fats: Acceptable (monounsaturated, industrially processed)

High oleic safflower/sunflower oil (Hain’s is a good brand.) Canola oil

Dietary fats: Avoid (trans fats & omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids) All trans fats (anything hydrogenated/partially hydrogenated)

Vegetable oils high in polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as: Soybean oil Corn oil Peanut oil Regular (not high-oleic) safflower or sunflower oil

We’ve been trained to fear the ‘evils’ of saturated fat. A growing body of evidence reveals dietary carbohydrate, not saturated fat, as the true culprit in heart disease and many other chronic diseases. Gary Taubes provides an excellent review of the research in his game-changing book Good Calories, Bad Calories. In fact, there is very little evidence to support the contention that a diet low in cholesterol and saturated fat either reduces death from heart disease or increases one’s life span. As Americans collectively lowered saturated fat intake, increased sugar consumption, and followed food pyramid guidelines to incorporate 6-11 servings per day of grains… we got both fatter and sicker. The Dia Method™ Fat Burn Plan offers a healthy and effective alternative. It works now as you recover from pregnancy, and it delivers in the long-term as a sound nutritional approach. See the FAQ for documented health benefits of well-designed low carbohydrate diets.

Produce Meats/Fish Dairy/Eggs Snacks Remember!

Leafy greens (raw, all kinds!)

Rotisserie chicken

Eggs (pasture-raised, local)

Macadamia nuts

Broth* or bouillon

Spinach Turkey Yogurt (Greek) Almonds Olive oil

Kale/chard Duck Kefir (similar to yogurt)

Pecans Coconut oil

Avocado Drumsticks

Hard cheeses

Walnuts Tea/coffee

Asparagus Deli meats

Soft cheeses

Brazil nuts Green tea

Broccoli (rabe too) Chicken

Sour cream

Peanuts Dark (70%+)chocolateRadishes Steak, all cuts



Wine Cabbage Ground beef

Cottage cheese


VinegarMushrooms Turkey burger

Goat cheese

Peanut butter

Mustard Onions Salmon burger

Heavy cream

Almond butter

Mayonnaise*Garlic Brisket

Half & half


HerbsTomatoes Pork tenderloin

Whole milk

Cheese sticks

CinnamonCauliflower Ham



Stevia*Bell peppers Bacon Crisp breads*

Carrots, celery Sausage Olives

Cantaloupe Pork chop Beef jerky

Cucumbers Lamb Salmon jerky

Zucchini Seafood Turkey jerky

Eggplant Smoked fish

Sprouts Shrimp

Sauerkraut Scallops

Pickles (dill) Oysters

Kimchee Clams

Berries (all!) Tuna

Apples/pears Sardines

Oranges Tilapia

Grapefruits Cod

Lemons/limes Salmon

Peaches/plums Dorado

*Product notes provided on following page.

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PRoDuCeOrganic is wonderful, but it is not necessary. Fresh is best when it’s local and in season. Frozen is also great, and more affordable for things like berries.

MeAT/PouLTRy/FISHBuy the best you can afford. It’s not required to eat organic, grass-fed meats. But in the interest of optimal health, I’ll list the best possible choices in order:

1. Grass-fed, free range, pasture-raised from local farmers

2. Organic

3. Hormone-free, antibiotic-free

Fish: wild-caught is usually best. Farm-raised is ok. Eat small fish to avoid mercury.

Cured meats, cold cuts (salami, bacon, turkey slices etc.): avoid preservatives such as nitrates and nitrites (check the ingredients list toward the end). Applegate is a trustworthy brand.

DAIRy • Skip dairy if you know you or your baby reacts adversely to it.

• Always choose whole milk or full fat options. The complete food, with its naturally occurring fat, is more nutritious and has a lower blood sugar impact than skim or low-fat dairy.

• Yogurt has been shown to accelerate weight loss.

• If/when you have access to aged raw milk cheese, choose raw over pasteurized cheeses. Raw milk cheese, especially from grass-fed cows, is the most nutritious and easy to digest.

If you don’t have access to grass-fed or raw dairy, simply choose the best you can find: whole fat, local, minimally processed, organic if possible, without added hormones. As I mentioned, you can follow this nutrition plan with standard food from any grocery store. I’m providing ‘bonus’ information to help you choose the most nutritious options when available and affordable.

gHeeGhee is clarified butter, and it can take a higher heat without burning than butter. Some stores carry a grass-fed ghee in the olive oil section. Ghee is stable stored at room temperature and an excellent source of potent fat-soluble vitamins. This is one of the best fats to cook with because it’s very healthy and stable at high heat.

BRoTH In an ideal world, make your own at home (see Phase 1: Drink Broth Daily!). For convenience (what mom has time to spare?!): any full sodium broth (chicken, beef, fish) will work great. If vegetarian, miso or vegetable broth is fine. Aim for 1g sodium per 8 oz. serving. Good brands include: Better than Bouillon (paste), Rapunzel (cubes), Pacific Natural (liquid) and Imagine Foods (liquid). Avoid any product that contains MSG.

CRISP BReADSCommon brands include Wasa Bread, Melba Toast, RyeVita, Finn Crisps, and Ak Mak.

MAyonnAISe Avoid mayo based in soybean oil. Instead, choose high oleic safflower mayonnaise (such as Hain’s), olive oil based mayo, or canola based mayo.

STevIA A safe, natural herb that’s powerfully sweet (a tiny drop goes a very long way!). It’s zero carb, zero calorie, zero glycemic index. Avoid stevia products with chemical additives & alcohols. Good, clean brands include: SweetLeaf (both packets and SteviaClear liquid drops are available at, NuNaturals, and Now Foods. That said, use stevia sparingly and eventually not at all. As your palate adjusts to less sugar in the diet, you will find foods taste best without added sweetener.


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If you feel you would benefit from a boost in this area, consider adding 1-2 tablespoons of chia seeds a day. These can be sprinkled on yogurt, incorporated into smoothies, or stirred into a glass of water with a spritz of lemon juice or splash of unsweetened cranberry juice for flavor. Allow mixture to soak for 10+ minutes, and it will thicken. This substance acts as a marvelous ‘broom’ to sweep your digestive tract for smooth operations.

However, plant-based protein sources tend to be higher in carbohydrate (beans, legumes, nuts) than meat-based protein. Weight loss can be a little slower on a vegetarian diet than an omnivorous diet because it’s more difficult to keep carbohydrates low while maintaining adequate intake of other nutrients. If you follow a vegetarian diet and find it difficult to consume the recommended protein intake (75-125g per day), you may consider 60g protein per day your absolute minimum. Greek yogurt, cheese & eggs are good sources of complete proteins for lacto-ovo vegetarians. Enrich your diet with nutritious fats, such as avocado, coconut oil, olive oil and nuts/seeds. It’s vital to keep carbohydrate intake under 50g/day for the first two weeks, but you’ll likely find 75-100g per day more achievable in the long term. Also, please avoid reliance on soy as a primary source of protein. Soy has a hormonal impact that can inhibit weight loss and most soy products are both industrially processed and chemical-laden which makes them undesirable as a go-to for daily protein intake.

Cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage) are notorious for causing gas. Some moms and babies tolerate this family of vegetables without a problem, but many do not. Other gas-inducing foods to avoid include dairy, chocolate, garlic, nuts, wheat & beans (some of which you’re avoiding anyway during Phase 1).

FRequenTLy ASkeD queSTIonS

q: What if I don’t cook?A: Stock up on prepared foods from a deli or supermarket:

Grilled or roasted chicken Grilled or smoked salmon

Shrimp cocktail Cheeses of all kinds

Pulled pork Roast beef

Sliced turkey Cottage cheese (4% fat)

Tuna/chicken/egg/whitefish salad Chicken broth

Prepared vegetable dishes, cooked & raw

q: What if I plateau before reaching my goal?A: There are a few strategies to consider:

Reduce carbohydrate intake by 25-50 grams a day.

Resume tracking carbs and calories for a few days or weeks.Keep carbs low and consider caloric cycling: 2-3 days of low intake (1200-1500 calories) followed by one day of moderate consumption (1500-1800 calories). Repeat this pattern for 2-3 weeks. The cycling approach allows the body to burn fat at a faster rate (due to greater caloric deficit) while the intermittent moderate consumption reassures your body it’s not starving and therefore prevents the collateral damage of slowing the metabolism (a common adaptation during extended periods of caloric restriction.)

Decrease total consumption. Studies suggest the average person underestimates consumption by 20-40%. In light of that, consider decreasing your daily carbohydrate and caloric targets by at least 20% (for example, if shooting for 75g carbohydrate & 1800 calories, revise upper limits to 60g carbohydrate & 1440 calories per day).

Implement the ‘plate rule’ for lunch & dinner: 2/3 of plate: low-starch vegetables

1/3 of plate: protein (4-6 oz.)

Incorporate 1-2 tablespoons of healthy fats (for example, melt a pat of butter over steamed vegetables, toss a salad with olive oil, eat chicken with the skin, the egg yolk with the white. Dietary fat is vital for nutrient absorption, blood sugar stabilization and satiety. Include fat in every meal.

Q:Whataboutfiber?A: If you’re eating abundant low-starch vegetables, 1-2servingsoffruitandavoidingrefinedcarbohydrates… youshouldbegettingplentyoffibertomaintainregularity.

q: Can I follow The Dia Method™ Fat Burn Plan as a vegetarian?A: yes! vegetarians (particularly those who eat dairy & eggs) can follow this dietary plan.

q: My breastfed baby seems gassier since I started this diet. Is that possible?A: Perhaps you’ve been eating more cruciferous vegetables than usual. These are easy to avoid.

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If you want ice cream, eat a few bites of real, delicious ice cream. Don’t try to fool yourself with frozen low-fat yogurt or splurge on zero calorie ‘treats’! Eat real food and enjoy it.

FRequenTLy ASkeD queSTIonS

q: Should I buy low-fat or low-calorie ‘diet’ foods when available?A: no!! Please avoid ‘foods’ labeled as such. Diet products are highly processed and full of additives.

q: What do you think of protein powders or protein bars?A: Please avoid isolated proteins. They are chemically processed and have a negative hormonal impact (whether isolated soy protein, whey protein or casein).

q: Sure, I’ll lose weight – but is a low carb diet healthy long-term?A: yes! Research data overwhelmingly supports the healthfulness of a well-designed low carbohydrate nutritional approach.

These products are highly inflammatory. Avoid anything isolated or powdered. Eat whole foods in as natural a state as possible (whole milk – not skim milk or whey protein). If you’re a big fan of breakfast smoothies, consider the below recipe with all ‘real’ ingredients:

Breakfast smoothie • 4 oz. full fat cottage cheese/ricotta• 2 oz. plain, whole milk yogurt• 2 oz. frozen raspberries or mixed berries• ½ - 1 tablespoon coconut oil• 1 pinch of stevia (optional)Pour all ingredients into blender and mix to desired consistency.

Documented health benefits of a low carbohydrate, high fat dietary approach include the following:• Reduced levels of systemic inflammation; • Improved insulin sensitivity;• More stable blood sugar;• Lower blood pressure;• Healthier cholesterol profiles (higher HDL & safer LDL particle size);• Lower triglycerides;• Decreased risk of metabolic syndrome, diabetes and many cancers;• Improved body composition (i.e. less fat, better muscle tone).

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