
Welcome! We’re glad

YOU are here!

A community

centered in Christ,

gathering in love,

growing by grace,

going forth to serve.

Contemporary Worship

August 22, 2021 • 9:00am

Opening Praise

Come As You Are

Welcome & Prayer of Adoration


Prayer of Confession (Leader/People)

As you come to Christ, that living stone, you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood. (I Peter 2:4-5)

Trusting in God’s transformational forgiveness, let us confess our sins, first silently, then together as the body of Christ.

(silent personal prayers are offered first)

For the times we have lied to one another And the times we have been lied to, Heal us, O Christ. For the times we have laughed at another’s pain And the times we have been laughed at, Heal us, O Christ. For the times we have spoken when we should have remained silent and the times we have remained silent when we should have spoken, Heal us, O Christ. For the times we have betrayed a friend And the times we have been betrayed. Heal us, O Christ. O God of heaven and earth, you emptied yourself of power and became a baby in order that you might heal our sick world. Teach us to empty ourselves of the things that destroy us and keep us alone. Empty us of our greed, of our meanness, of our fear of others. Amen.

Christ Presbyterian Church 944 E. Gorham St. Madison WI 53703


Songs & lyrics used by permission. CCLI License #477443 One License #A-720651

Ministers The People

Preacher Rev. Dr. Jessica Patchett

Prayers of the People Rev. Dr. Sharol Hayner

Scripture Reader David Strait Worship Director Vocals, Piano Natalie Handley

Bass Guitar, Vocals John Itson

Drums Will Ault

Acoustic Guitar, Vocals, Derek Handley AV Coordinator Pat Green Livestream David Clay

Slides, Vocals Trinity Kulp First Impressions Team The Hughes family Sara Lubbers Karen Parillo Cheryl Shult Chris VanderArk Helena VanderArk

Assurance of Forgiveness

Once you were not a people, But now you are God’s people; Once you had not received mercy, But now you have received mercy. (I Peter 2:10) Friends, believe the good news of the Gospel: In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven and made new!

Cornerstone (Reprise)

Passing the Peace of Christ

The peace of Christ be with you. And also with you.


Children’s Sermon


Musical Reflection Soon Love Soon

Words and Music: Vienna Teng, 2002

Hearing the Word

Scripture Exodus 2:11-25

Message We’re All Kinfolk

Responding to the Word

Prayers of the People

God with Us


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