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Page 2: Comprehensive Step-by-Step know postcards are profitable because you receive them and see them ... With well-targeted lists you get the best prospects possible ... ideas, a single


Comprehensive Step-by-Step Postcard Marketing Guide

Copyright© - Riccardo Ferrari & Wave Marketing, Inc.

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Published by Wave Marketing, Inc.

7668 El Camino Real 104609 La Costa, CA 92009

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The Publisher has done everything possible to be accurate in the creation of this document, but does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are 100% accurate due to many factors, and also the rapidly changing nature of the internet. The Publisher assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever and will not be held responsible for any losses or damages of any kind incurred by the reader whether directly or indirectly arising from the use of the information found in this report. The reader assumes responsibility for using the information contained herein. The author reserves the right to make changes without notice.

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There are no guarantees that you will make any money with this information. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation and contain risks of financial and time loss. You should always seek the advice of a legal professional before taking any action and users of this information assume all risks. Neither the publisher nor author nor editor nor contributors, shall be liable for any loss of profits or

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commercial damages, including but not limited to, financial, incidental, consequential or other damages.


This e-book mentions names of individuals, products, companies and services that are not trademarked by the author and belong to their respective companies or individuals. They are mentioned in this publication for information purposes only and not to effect endorsement or validation.

About The Author

Riccardo Ferrari is a successful marketer with over 27 years of experience. He was the #1 earner in four major direct marketing companies, helped thousands of people become independent entrepreneurs and achieve a better, more prosperous life. As an expert in marketing and advertising he provides cutting-edge information derived from years of hands-on experience that can help you achieve serious results.

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I feel like I can’t drive this home hard enough. The contents of this course are among the most valuable marketing tips you’ll ever read. Don’t feel like you can put them aside for a few days and ignore them while trying other things and still be successful. Although the title of this e-book is about postcard marketing, it contains valuable advertising principles, techniques and information that apply to other advertising media, including online advertising.

This report focuses specifically on writing ads for postcards and I have included many samples. BUT, with this training, you can use the same skills to write classified ads for ezines, text banner ads, headlines for web copy, subject lines for emails, Twitter, Facebook postings and much more. These are the same techniques I use every day! I have also included a valuable resource page at the end of the report. On that page you will find names of printers, list brokers, automated mailing services, websites and more. I’m about to open an entire industry to you.

Most people are aware of what direct marketing is, but most do not realize everything that is involved in marketing. Direct marketing is all about finding a large market — a huge hungry crowd - that is desperate to find a solution to their needs. People ready to buy now.

Marketing is not a temporary thing. Marketing is more than sales. Marketing is a number of important actions, including:

1. Finding out where your customers are and what they want.

2. Getting your potential customer’s attention.

3. Motivating them toward buying.

4. Getting them to actually buy.

5. Getting them to keep buying.

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In this e-book you will learn how to do all five of these things with direct mail - specifically with simple yellow postcards, which are particularly effective for selling certain products and business opportunities.

What You Need to Know to Make Money with Simple Yellow Postcards — Anyone Can Do It

Direct mail is 100 years old and today is a thriving $41 billion industry.

Just think about it – big companies all over the world still use direct mail. AOL sends out those free CDs we’re all so used to. Sears sends you product offers. Avon sends you an entire catalogue. I must have a pile of radio shack newspapers. Don’t you? Information publishers, mechanics, doctors, lawyers, lawn care professionals, real estate brokers, printers, insurance agents, success coaches, and software programmers all use postcards very successfully.

Why do dentists send postcard reminders instead of sending emails?

Even big Internet Marketers like Alex Mandosian, Jay Joiner, Mike Filsaime, Dan Kennedy, Joe Vitale and many others use direct mail on a consistent basis.

Postcard marketing and direct mail is not some amateur, “weekend marketer” activity.

It’s a powerful industry that creates fortunes for those who do it well.

It’s not so much an art as it is a science. If you do it properly, you’ll open up a whole new world of available income you never realized was there.

Unfortunately, in this day and age of email and blogging, some people have lost their way. They assume that, because of the internet, the value of a good piece of direct mail is diminished.

Well, guess what – they’re dead wrong. That’s why you’re reading this after all.

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You know postcards are profitable because you receive them and see them on your coffee table or desk for weeks! If you are in marketing you probably have a collection of them like I do.

I love postcards, especially simple yellow postcards. This little 4x6 yellow guy scoots between giant competitors like magazine ads, newspapers, TV, mailers, catalogues, and the internet, and for “peanuts” we score incredible home runs! With well-targeted lists you get the best prospects possible instead of the usual Internet Lookie Loos.

I find that postcards are an overlooked marketing secret and, when taken seriously, can be very, very profitable for any business.

The internet is becoming complicated. It’s technical, crowded and can be overwhelming.

You will also notice it is much easier speaking to a prospect who has responded to a postcard as opposed to some sort of online marketing technique.

Postcards are more memorable. They make prospects more willing to respond to your message – rather than just writing it off as another one of those opportunities. In many respects you’ll find offline prospects to be of high quality and more receptive to your offer.

Many come here to learn how to start making $500 a day the easy way, just by sending out simple, effective yellow postcards to promote their business.

You know the ones – the little pieces of paper that show up in your mailbox every now and then. Sometimes you call the number. Sometimes, you don’t. But, it sits there and occupies valuable eye space for a lot longer than an email or website ever could.

You probably get the exact same messages in your inbox, but how long does it take to delete the email? Four seconds?

Now, how long does it take to get rid of that postcard on your coffee table? Three to ten days or even weeks sometime? Which method do you think works better?

Yeah, I thought so.

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It’s here that we’re going to start – with the fact that direct mail, and the little yellow postcard in particular, works and it works extremely well. But, what exactly is it and how do you use it? Let’s take a peek.

Why Postcards Work

Direct-mail postcards are powerful because they provide an immediate “in your face” message that causes interested prospects to take action.

When you target specific lists with the right message and call to action on a yellow postcard that stands out in their mail box, you probably have a better impact than with any other advertising medium.

A postcard is like a huge 4x6 display ad. But, unlike magazine or newspapers where the prospect’s attention is divided between other ads and ideas, a single yellow postcard placed alone right in their hands is simply unbeatable.

A powerful headline, a benefit or two that solves a problem and a clear call to action is all it takes. Sound simple? There’s quite a bit to it, including marketing psychology and copywriting skills.

Postcards Are Cost Competitive

Postcard mailing can seem expensive, but it’s only perception. After all, we may think email is more or less free. You pay a small fee for the list server you subscribe to, and the rest is free space.

But it’s not that simple. Today, email marketing done right requires your own server, large expensive lists and a gazillion technical details that take months and months to learn. Other types of online advertising like Google PPC, FB PPC, SEO and social media are expensive, time consuming and most people don’t know how to do them very well.

Direct mail requires printing and a stamp for every piece you send out. Want to send out 1,000 4x6 postcards? It will cost you at least $280 in postage, plus the printing fees and the list rental. But, the impact of postcards versus email or online marketing will surprise you.

The overall customer acquisition cost and quality of leads using postcards versus online advertising can be substantially advantageous.

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Of course, that’s why you’re reading this e-Book - to learn how to have a positive ROI, maximize profit and minimize cost with simple yellow postcards.

Simple Yellow Postcards Cost Less and Work Better Than Fancy Ones

Let me repeat that inexpensive yellow postcards work better than the fancy, brightly colored photo cards. Why?

Like anything else in advertising, it’s about psychology and testing! Years of testing reveal that “non-pretentious” yellow postcards with a clear and powerful message work better than fancy postcards when selling business opportunities.

Here’s the thing about postcard marketing. You only have 15 seconds to get someone to respond. The person looking at your postcard will give you these 15 seconds, but nothing more. Your goal is to give them a compelling reason to listen to an 800 sizzle message or visit your website.

So, in this 15 second window, a picture can be potentially distracting from the core offer on the card. Pictures are suggestive. If the viewer spends his time staring at graphics trying to read something buried in them, you’re losing valuable time that they could be using concentrating on your message and taking action.

Graphics are risky because they convey a message and tie into specific emotions. Sometimes it works and sometimes it works against you. Marketers use pictures as “reinforcement.” But, most of the time they come out as cheesy and send a message of insecurity to the reader that you’re trying too hard.

Have you ever seen those postcards that say “make $10,000 in 30 days!” with a picture of a couple and dollar bills raining all over them? Give me a break!

Pictures are better used in institutional advertising to create “brand recognition.”

Let me also say that graphics do work for certain direct response products or opportunities, but you need to pick the right ones along with the right

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design, and it takes a lot of research to make sure the overall look and feel works for you. Sometimes cartoons are appropriate and may increase response.

If you are selling and branding a new type of bed or a new water filter it would be a good idea to add a picture.

If you are a Real Estate agent, beautiful color postcards with your picture and other home related graphics are proven to work very well.

But, in the business opportunity arena where you want people to call an 800# to listen to a 2-minute recording or visit a web site, your message and offer on a simple yellow postcard is a better choice.

Soft yellow is very visible, but not loud. It’s doesn’t get lost in the pile of mail like white. Yellow gets attention without suggesting danger like red.

The message stands out like a giant display ad and puts pressure on the reader to take action. What you DEFINITELY don’t want is a busy design with lots of words on it. I see this all the time. People try to sell the deal on the postcard. Don’t. Sell the action (more on this later).

The Primary Costs to Consider

1. Cost of paper and printing the postcards

2. Cost of the mailing lists

1. Postage

By using only small, 4x6, yellow postcards, we just eliminated a half dozen other costs like pictures, color printing, typesetting, layout, glossy paper and more. So, we’re already on the path to profits over expenses.

Making a Profit

The key to successful mailings comes in understanding what the total cost of mailing the postcards will be, how much immediate response you need to break even and what level of response you need to make a profit.

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For example, if it costs you $0.48 per postcard including postage, printing and list rental, you’ll spend $480 for 1,000 mailings. That’s not too bad. But, you need to be sure you can generate at least $480 in sales from those 1,000 mailings.

• You need to consider the price and type of product or opportunity you sell. Is it a one-time sale or a repeat sale?

• How much do you make per sale?

• How many sales you can make for every 1,000 mailings?

• What type of back-end sale program do you have for future sales?

In the end, you need two valuable pieces of data:

1. Total customer acquisition cost 2. Value of the customer per mailing

These are two valuable pieces of information that work together.

Some products make a profit right away and have a decent customer acquisition cost from the get go.

Some businesses (depending on the offer), break even or lose a little money on the initial mailing (negative customer acquisition cost at first), but they may have a back-end sales process or receive residual income from each customer that increases the “customer value”, making it all worthwhile and profitable.

McDonalds for example, spends $100 in advertising per every new customer it gets. The initial meal purchase may be only $6.00, but the long-term repeat business may be thousands of dollars.

“Customer value” is the ultimate name of the game.

And your customer value is determined by…

Traffic, Conversion and Retention

Every business depends on cost of traffic, effective conversion and customer retention. I don’t care if it is a boutique, a sandwich shop, a fitness center, an insurance company, or your business opportunity. You must perfect these three elements to aim for maximum customer value.

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You may have a great postcard and message, but if your presentation or sales funnel or blog is ineffective you will have a poor conversion. You may have a great sales funnel, but if your message is poor nobody will see or hear it.

So once you have the right list, message, and postcard, you need to analyze the effectiveness of your sales funnel and customer retention strategy to ensure a profitable direct-mail business.


You should focus on testing your mail piece before you start pouring huge chunks of cash into a mass mailing. There are several ways you can test your message. Small, very targeted mailings (I say 500 minimum, you can print them from your computer real cheap) and small classified ads. But, for me the best way is Google AdWords.

For a few dollars you can test your message right away. The internet is a brutal, fast paced environment. You either grab people’s attention or they move on in 6 seconds.

If your ad works in Google AdWords, it will work in any other medium. See the full ad writing training session on my blog:

Once you have a message that works, you can step on the gas and put your campaign into high gear.

The national response average is 1% to 2 %. At 2% you are pulling serious dollars.

Your Project Lives or Dies on These Five Very Important Principles

1. A targeted, quality list is PARAMOUNT. You need to know the quality of the mailing list, how it was generated, its age and how targeted it is. You need to know EVERYTHING about the origin of the mailing list. I will go deeper on this later.

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You can have an incredible offer and copy worthy of an advertising award, but if you are a dentist mailing to people that went to a foot doctor 10 years ago, it will not do well! You may have purchased a “medical list,” but it’s the wrong list! If you are trying to get people into a new Catholic church, don’t send postcards to Jewish people and vice versa.

2. 70/20/10 Rule. Your success depends 70% on the quality of the list and your offer, 20% on the copy, and 10% on the design. For example, if you are selling gold to frequent, proven gold buyers for $100/oz. you are going to get lots of calls even if you word it poorly and your design is atrocious! Likewise, you can have a fantastic offer and message, but if are selling a $3,000 gold package to janitors that never requested that information, you will not do well.

3. Frequency over reach. Frequency builds trust and credibility. Once you have a targeted list, it’s much better to send a postcard 4 times to 1,000 people that sending 4,000 postcards to new people. Your postcard is an unexpected stranger. The more often they see it, the better. Frequency increases response substantially (as high as 20% in some cases), quality of leads and customer value.

4. The message. The message on the postcard must get attention, be compelling, and be able to provoke a sense of urgency. Have you ever seen one of those “irresistible” messages that make you pick up the phone or go the web site? That’s the type we are talking about.

5. Price of your product or opportunity. You must sell something with a big enough price that it can produce an immediate positive return. Even in a worst case scenario of 0.5% to 1% response you must cover the cost of the mailing. You can’t do a profit-pulling, “direct-response” postcard mailing that costs $400 to $700 if you are selling a $9 skin cream, not unless it can make you ten years younger in ten minutes, which is very unlike! If you spend, let’s say $500 for a 1,000 mailings campaign and you

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get a 1.5% response rate, that’s 15 sales at $9, which equals $135 profit. A far cry from being profitable out of the gate. Your skin cream better be very good and pull repeat sales from these customers at least 4 times

Getting Started

Because you’re entering a huge industry, there are countless resources available to you and much of it can be found on one website which I’ll show you at the end of this guide.

You’ll find all sorts of tools to help you hone your direct marketing skills in the future. The site I’m talking about has actually been used as a resource for more than 35 different major business schools around the country.

Students around the country use the site to develop their own hypothetical direct marketing campaigns for thesis papers. These papers are used to get their MBAs and advanced degrees – this isn’t just another website.

The benchmark for success in direct mail, and postcards in particular, is how many people respond to your mailings and how much income you can derive from it both immediately and for the long term.

That’s your conversion rate and will determine your overall Return on Investment (ROI) and ultimately your profit.

After your budget and your profit margin are determined, here are the basics to get started:

Research Your Target Audience and Find the Best List

• Are you selling a high ticket or a low ticket item or opportunity?

• Ask who wants your products, service, or opportunity. Outline the perfect customer with all their tendencies, likes, and dislikes. Identify their problems and needs, and pose a solution.

• Narrow it down by age, income level, profession, education, and anything else you can think of that is important for your particular marketing campaign.

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• Find the list that’s most targeted for your product or opportunity and the type of people you want to reach (see my recommendations at the bottom of this report).

• Based on the price of your product or opportunity, forecast your expected response and calculate front-end, back-end profit, and repeat sales profit.

Research Your Competitors

• Research if your product or opportunity is found on other direct mail pieces or online.

• Respond to the direct mail you get and see how the process works.

• Sign up on their list and follow the process online and offline.

• Learn as much as you can and then design a better campaign with a better offer.

Once you’ve done these two steps, you can start digging seriously into composing your message and postcard production and mailing process. But, always consider what factors in your niche can affect the outcome of your campaign.

Let’s Make Some POWERFUL Postcards!

The advertising market is a fast moving place. You either grab people's interest or you lose them.

The first key rule in message creation is, don’t sell the product, sell the action.

I think you can see why it is virtually impossible to sell an item or an entire idea just through an ad. The ad is simply the door opener. It has to be powerful enough to lead the person to more information.

The key is to create a message that will make a reader stop, realize the benefits, and make a decision to follow the call to action.

It is as simple and as complicated as that.

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Simple because you know what you want to accomplish, but complicated because it has to be done with so few words. So you have to be a champion at writing ads.

When it comes to advertising we all want the same things. We want to pay as little as possible and get as many sales as possible…fast. The competition for your prospect's mind is fierce. So, you’ve gotta be good!

There are two important points to consider when writing effective postcards. 1) The psychology of writing postcards, and 2) call to action.

1. Psychology of writing postcards.

What takes a prospect from reading your message to taking action is a compelling “reason why.” Entire books have been written on “reason why” marketing and its effectiveness.

There are THREE types of formats for writing copy.

The first two that are proven successful I learned awhile back in an Alex Mandosian teleseminar. You’ve got to listen to someone that grossed over $180 million with direct mail, right? The third one is what other millionaire copywriters are using.

The first is the John E Power model. He was the first direct mail millionaire in the early century and wrote the book “Reason Why Copy.” A. Make a promise or offer a benefit. B. Give a reason why it is to their benefit to respond. C. Call to action.

Here are examples:

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Fire Your Boss and Make $10,000 a Month from Home. Free Gift Worth

$500 If You Call Now.

No Selling – No Cold Calls – No Long Hours. Spend More Time With

Your Kids Than Working! Call This Recorded Message Now

(800) 555-5555

Amazing, New Doctor-Developed Diet. Lose 10 Pounds In 10 Days. No Exercise,

Eat The Same Foods!

Thousands of Daily Orders Proves It Works. It Will Change Your Body, Start Today.

Call This Recorded Message Now

(800) 555-5555

The second is the Dale Carnegie model. If you read his book “How To Win Friends and Influence People” you see this written all over it. I’ve been reading that book for 30 years. Once every 2-3 years I read it again.

A. Tell a great story. B. Call to action C. Give a reason why it is to their benefit to respond.

Here are the same examples as above, but in the Dale Carnegie model:

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I Was So Sick and Tired Of My Boss I

Was Feeling Sick Every Morning. This Opportunity Saved My Sanity!

Call This Recorded Message Now…

(800) 555-5555 Make $10,000 a Month with No Selling and

No Long Hours. Spend More Time With Your Kids Than Working!

I Was a Chronic Diet Junky That Never Lost Weight With Anything, Until I

Found This Product! Now I Lost 30 Pounds In 45 Days With No

Exercise and Eating The Same Foods!

Call Now For a Free Sample: (800) 555-5555

Thousands of Daily Orders Proves This Product Works Fast. Start Changing Your Body Today.

The third format is the good, old reliable AIDA formula.

Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. This simple formula is taught all over the place and at times may sound like an old adage, but it works!

AIDA isn't some amateur's exercise. AIDA is good marketing. Professional web copywriters always refer to AIDA for writing anything, including my very

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favorite ad and copywriting mentor, the legendary Michel Fortin, author of the Copy Doctor.

AIDA works for everything. Ads, headlines, short copy, long copy, emails, blog posts, articles, sales letters, you name it. Attract attention, raise interest, arouse desire, and have a clear call to action. Another way to put it is Problem - Agitate - Solution. Here are the same examples written with the AIDA formula and the “agitate psychology.”

Are Your Bills and Credit Card Debt Piling Up

With No End In Sight? I Know The Feeling!

Listen How You Can Pay It All Off in 45 Days and Never Worry About Bills Ever Again.

Call This Recorded Message Now…

(800) 555-5555 Make $10,000 a Month Doing Very Easy Work Three

Hours a Day - No Selling and No Cold Calls.

Is Your Acne Condition Affecting Your Confidence and Self Esteem?

I Know The Feeling! Hear How I Got Rid of Acne and Now Have

Beautiful Skin In Just 15 Days.

Call This Recorded Message Now… (800) 555-5555

Thousands of Daily Orders Proves This Product Works Fast. Start Changing Your Image Today.

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The “triple concept” format when selling a business opportunity: If you are selling an MLM, wealth creation, or make money at home program, then this approach works well:

1. The benefit of the program itself 2. The “how to” (the system you are using) 3. Sense of urgency (limited positions)

This Easy Home Business Is Making $10,000

a Month For Average People That Never Succeeded Before!

Tap Into My Yellow Postcard Campaign that

Creates Over 500 Leads a Month For Pennies. You’ll Be Firing Your Boss In Less Than 60 Days.

Act Now – Positions Are Limited.

Run to my web site now!

I Never Succeeded In a Home Business

Before, But This One Is Just Too Darn EASY!

Tap Into My Yellow Postcard Campaign that Creates Over 500 Leads a

Month For Pennies. Run to my web site now! Act Now – Positions Are Limited.

You’ll be firing your boss in less than 60 days.

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<<ATTENTION!>> New Program Is Sweeping The Internet.

Many Are Making $2,000 First Week! Start Earning Immediately By

Tapping Into My System. I Have Everything In Place.

Run To My Website Now!

This Is Way Too Easy! I’m Making $392 a Day Mailing Out

Simple Postcards and You Can Do It Too!

If You Can Mail a Postcard and Take Orders, You Can Make Money!

Spend 10 Minutes At My Website:

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<<I NEED YOU!>> Can You Use An Extra $4,000 a Month

By Working Two Hours a Day?

Call This Recorded Message 800-555-555

Then Run To My Website!

DUMP THOSE 30 POUNDS! Just Like I Did. I Can’t Keep This Product In

Stock. This Is The Biggest Fat Killer EVER On The Market. First 25 Action Takers Get a

Huge Free Gift! Call This Recorded Message

800-555-555 Then See Proof on My Website!

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2. The call to action.

How you deliver the call to action is strictly up to you. There is one rule you must avoid and that is expecting people to call you directly. Your response will be very low. People want to absorb information comfortably on their own time before they talk to someone.

You can deliver the call to action through a recorded 800 sizzle message. For an inexpensive 800# I use

The 800 message can ask the prospect to leave a message and/or visit a website. If they visit a web site it is a good idea to have a capture page so you can capture their information and follow up with autoresponder messages.

You can send people directly to a website without them having to call an 800#. It all depends on your offer. I always encourage relationship building and personal interaction with customers.


IMPORTANT: If You Send People To A Website or Blog To Get Information, It Has To Be Good!

People want to see information presented professionally. Good content and great, complete information are paramount. You must build a great information flow that compels the prospect to buy.

Make sure you test the capture page and monitor its conversion with Google Analytics. It’s a free program. You must know the number of visitors that opt in.

At the end here is your real goal:

Fulfill your customer’s real needs. “It’s not what you sell that’s important, it’s what the customer wants to buy, how they want to buy it, and from whom they want to buy it.” I could write a whole separate book about this.

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Steve Forbes one said: “If you want to ever become successful, you need to figure out what people really want, not what “you think” they want, and then give it to them.”

The legendary marketing expert Perry Marshall wrote these famous words:

“Last year 3 million people bought a drill bit. They didn’t buy a drill bit because they wanted one, they just wanted a hole.”

Instead of concentrating on selling drill bits it’s better to teach people how to make holes and they will buy the drill bit from you! If people purchase cars just for going from point A to point B why do we have all these models and makes? Because people purchase a certain car for reasons other than transportation. What is the emotional connection that makes people buy one thing or another? So, to explode conversion, make sure your sale process or funnel connects with the “internal conversation” that’s happening in the head of your customers. What’s the real reason they should buy your product or opportunity, how is it going to benefit them, is the real or perceived benefit strong enough, and why should they buy from you?

Playing the Numbers

The beauty of postcards (and of direct mail and direct marketing as a whole) is that once you test a postcard and find a winning product or opportunity, you’ll get the same response with 100 postcards as you will with 100,000 postcards. It’s a numbers game…specifically a percentage of response numbers game.

When we’re talking about 5-100 postcards, you really can’t trust those numbers, but when you start approaching sample sizes of 200, 500, or 1000 post cards, the averages start to kick in and you can get a good idea of how much you can make on a certain product, using the specific copy you’ve written.

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Now you can also market more than one product or money-making opportunity. Many people in the home-based business arena are in multiple programs.

Approaching multiple products or niches will allow you to test more than one possible stream of income. You’ll find that many don’t work as well as they could – so, when you find a product or program not selling well, try a different one before tweaking the first one too much.

I never spread myself too thin, but the reality of marketing is that the majority of people will not buy your program. It’s a percentage.

So here’s the question: What are you going to do with 90% that don’t buy from you? You paid for the advertising, right? Those 90% cost you money.

One of the most effective methods is to send out a survey asking certain questions pertaining to their wants and needs. How they feel about certain things. What are the things that stop them from being successful? How they perceive certain issues when it comes to business opportunities and achieving success.

This whole subject is too long to cover here. But, I’m sure you see the value of surveying your list.

Post Mailing Analysis

I mentioned earlier how important it is to keep track of everything you do with your mailings. This is vital if you want to optimize those conversion rates and boost your ROI through the roof.

If you sent out 5,000 postcards to 3 different lists and didn’t actually check to see which ones performed best, how would you know which lists and prospect types to use in the future?

Actually creating ways of analyzing your lists is the hard part. You need to start by making sure your postcards are written in different ways, at least enough so that you can measure different responses.

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One example I like to give is for those that setup a web address as the call to action on their cards.

If you sent out 500 postcards to a list off of NextMark that promised Golf Lesson videos from a pro, you might have five different postcards with different copy to test which ones work best.

For each different type of copy, you should have a different URL. Each URL can go to the same landing page, but you should have different URLs keyed in so that you can test how each card responded.

Each link will go to the same landing page, but the tools you use to track them can be completely different. You can do the same thing with a data entry form by keeping track of the names of the people you mailed on each list.

Good list brokers like NextMark will provide ways to track these names and see which ones visited the site and which did not.

It is vital that you know where your buyers come from so that you can keep track of how much money to invest in which sectors. If you know that your golf list converts at 2% and an MLM list that you got from DAJ Direct converts at 1.5%, you can use those numbers to determine which one will result in the largest profit.

You have to be a lover of numbers to do direct mail. If math was always an your enemy, learn to overcome that fear and you’ll do much better in this industry.

A Quick Summary Direct mail requires that you know the basic fundamentals of your campaign beforehand. You need a good product, the right audience in hand, an offer that works, and a compelling piece of copy on your yellow postcard to draw attention. You then need a compelling (800) sizzle message or website to extract information and push the sale forward, and you need to be able to follow up. But all of that work is for nothing if you don’t have a good way of keeping track of what worked and what didn’t.

Here is a simplified example of how I might analyze a campaign:

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Category Postcards Sent

Responses % Responded Cost Per Buyer

Cost per Lead

Rank Customer Value

MLM 1,321 23 1.7% XX XX 4 XX Home Business

3,123 67 2.14% XX XX 2 XX

Golfing 985 12 1.2% XX XX 5 XX Dog Training

3,542 86 2.4% XX XX 1 XX

High Ticket 2,342 45 1.9% XX XX 3 XX

Who Buys and Why?

In terms of building a business with postcards, it’s all about finding what people are buying right now and matching that with a similar product they may be interested in. There are many profitable niches out there. Golfing, acne, weight loss, rejuvenating creams, dating, parenting, dog training, financial information, you name it.

Of course, you don’t necessarily need to go around spending your time trying to find the “perfect” product. You might find that there are dozens of niches to choose from.

One of the tips I like to hand out more than anything else is to search through existing niches on sites like where you can see info-products along with their sales and popularity data. If you like selling physical products, like the latest computers, TV screens, or digital cameras, then the Amazon affiliate program is the way to go.

Personally, I stick with the “make money niche” for three reasons. It’s a huge market (60,000,000 Google searches a month. It’s going wild), I’m passionate about it, and I like helping other people.

Helping people solve their financial problems is a huge accomplishment in life. I like that.

The goal here is to use your postcards, find a market you are passionate about, and hit that market hard with direct-mail offerings.

While I hope you got a lot of ideas from this chapter, I want to remind you, stick with what you have to get started. If you’re serious about the niche you’re in, it should be the one you first give a shot when you start direct

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marketing. If done right, this will allow you to more effectively target the audience you know best.

Working With the “Make Money from Home” Niche

What follows are some additional thoughts about working with postcards in the make money from home niche, like I do.

First, let me tell you why I like mailing postcards in this niche.

1. Is a huge market. Like I said before, marketing related keywords get about 60,000,000 searches per month.

2. There are about 120 million Baby Boomers and millions of senior citizens that are looking for extra income, but NOT on the internet. Many young people don’t like working on the internet either. And there millions of people out of work looking to start their own business that know nothing about internet marketing.

3. Unlike internet marketing, postcard mailing is something everyone can do. You can duplicate your business in an easier way by helping other people.

How to Connect With Your Prospects’ Real Needs and What Really Matters

Most of the time, when selling a business opportunity, people will call you before they buy. One of the biggest keys in getting people to come to you is knowing what buttons to push. Simple as this may sound, it's actually not as straight forward or as easy as one might think.

Anytime you give your prospect any kind of message, you have to thoroughly examine it and make sure that the things you're saying are the things that really matter to them. To this day, despite the fact that I've read thousands of pages on how to talk to prospects and have many years of practice, at times, I still find myself selling the wrong benefits to my prospects.

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I've learned that it isn't enough to just talk sense with them and be a nice guy; you have to LIVE in their problems.

Pinpointing and fulfilling their true wants and needs is something you have to obsess over. It needs to become the predominate thought in your mind. So, let me ask you: In the home-based business or wealth creation or direct marketing or MLM industry, what are our prospects really after? 200K a year? More time? Quit the 9-5 grind and be free? I don’t think so. These are just wishes and desires that are easy to see in anyone. You have to look past the obvious and dig deeper. How about more specifically: How important that trip to Himalaya they've been wanting to do for 5 years? How important for them is making enough money to pay off all their debt and sleep at night? How much is that debt and how urgent is that desire? That’s a little better, you are staring to gently rub their nose into the real desires and problems, but you are not there yet. See, what they REALLY want is:

“a way” to obtain these things based on their current knowledge, time and what they are willing to do and sacrifice.”

Print this out and read it every day. I just gave you the secret of the master closer.

Everyone “wants” freedom and success. But what they “really want” is to know you have a way they can obtain it on their terms.

It’s your job to give them that.

If presenting the benefits of an opportunity and PROOF it works well for so many people is all it took, every Joe Tow Truck would be rich.

Does it work that way? No.

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If the way you came in touch with your prospect is by butting into their lives with a sales pitch, without connecting with their real problems, you will lose in business.

Most people in direct marketing go nuts about the product and the comp plan, the timing of the opportunity and how well it is working, but none of that means anything to a prospect because it doesn't tell him HOW he’s going to be able to make it work on “his terms.”

So, what does work?

Asking questions, gathering information, and connecting with the conversation inside their heads will show them how they can do it.

That’s the skill you need to learn. In reality, any particular opportunity MIGHT be a way for them to achieve all the things they dream about but haven’t been convinced of yet. They have to clearly see that it will work for them first. Direct marketing is just a vehicle and vehicles don't operate themselves. People need to be shown how to work them. It's no different than stocks or real estate. Both vehicles can help people reach an end goal. No one needs to be convinced that it is POSSIBLE to get rich through those two vehicles. Everyone knows that. But, what they don't know is HOW to use those vehicles to get rich. That's the missing puzzle piece that's keeping them on the sidelines.

It’s really a two piece puzzle.

The first piece is “social proof.” If it works for other people, that’s a step in the right direction. And the second piece is them knowing and visualizing they can actually do it based on a system they can get excited about.

People don’t buy an opportunity, they buy “you and your system.”

This is another thing you need to print out and read every day. The most burning question your prospects have is:

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"Is this going to work for ME?" Can I do it? They see all the circles and the commission levels and the big pay-outs and even all the success stories, but they need to know how all that's going to happen for them.

And what is the #1 element that stops people from succeeding in direct marketing?

Fear of rejection. No one likes to peddle to strangers. No one likes being said “no” to nine times out of ten.

They want to see a real market and a way to tap into it. The way you fill in the blanks for them and answer the question of how it's going to work is by emphasizing the most crucial component of any business: How the Marketing System Works and What They Can do to Make it Work.

This is the most important benefit of your opportunity.

That’s why PROFITABLE postcard campaigns or automated postcard sales are so powerful.

1. There’s no struggling with internet marketing.

2. There’s no rejection; people call you.

3. Anybody can do it.

4. The leads and customers are far better and more stable than internet customers.

5. Once you narrow down what works, you can scale it up as large as you want.

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Follow Up Script for Prospects that Left You a Message or Left a Number on Your Website

You: Hi (Name) I’m calling you because you got a postcard about how I make $329 dollars per day mailing Simple, Yellow Postcard …And how you can do the same.

(Use the same terminology you used on the postcard to jog their memory. Wait for an answer afterwards).

Then work around these three questions:

You: How serious are you about building an income working from home?

You: (Name), what’s your story? How do you make money now?

You: Have you ever been in any kind of a home-based business successfully before?

(These are great qualifying questions that sound normal, but will reveal your prospect’s state of mind. “Successfully” is the key question. They will react to that. Most people will say they are not successful. Ask about the three primary obstacles preventing them from being successful so far. Here is where you make the connection you are looking for. This is your chance to fill the gaps).

You: The nice thing about my home-based business is you don’t have to do any cold calling because all you do is mail our Simple, Yellow Postcard and prospects eagerly call you. You can handle all the call backs in one hour a day.

(Introduce your proposition again, leading with all the reasons why they can do it based on your system and how simple it would be for them. So it’s not an opportunity presentation so much as a “why they can do it” presentation).

You: If I could show you how to make an extra $329 dollars per day from home just mailing simple postcards, would you be willing to listen to a conference call and then spend 15 minutes on a web site?

(if you’ve built a good rapport the answer is yes and the majority of them will follow through. Make the pitch, but make it seem like they are making

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the decision. You need them to come to you, even when you’re marketing to them.)

You: It will give you a chance to hear and experience how easy our business is and how people of all walks of life use our simple system to make hundreds of dollars daily and how you can do it too.

It’s that easy. Don’t complicate it. If you call every opt-in you get from a postcard and keep it this simple you will make money with every mailing. If they have a number of questions in that first informational call, answer with the following:

“I know you have a lot of questions; however the call will answer 95% of them. I’ll be more than happy to answer any other questions you may have after your call…fair enough? Good here’s the call info again.”

Make sure you follow up on that call as soon it ends. You want to capture them at the peak of excitement, when they feel most willing to opt into the offer.

Postcard Design, Paper & Layout

When we are talking about postcard design, the simpler the better. Remember our discussion from earlier. Today, there’s so much visual stimulation online that it’s better to send simple yellow postcards because, oddly enough, they stand out and they don’t look like everything else. Look at Google. It’s the biggest search engine and it’s basically blue and white with text. They keep it very simple. That’s why they are #1. Look at Facebook. It’s the biggest social network and it’s very simple, with a white background and basic format. People want simplicity. They don’t want to be dazzled. They want information. Your postcards should reflect that, because, as any good marketer knows, you need to give the people what they want.

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Above and beyond all else though, do NOT think that you’ll do better than the millions of other direct marketers that have tried flashy graphics on their designs. You won’t be the one person to pull it off.

You’ll just waste your money and time on a method that we already know doesn’t work. Yes, they’ll think it looks nicer. But, that doesn’t mean it will work better.


1. Design. For your purposes, the design is only the text. You’ll be using your sales message to grab their attention and cause them to respond to you. Nothing else matters in terms of what goes on the card...nothing!

2. Size. The size should be 4x6 so the postage is only .28 cents.

3. Color. The color should be pastel, yellow canary not a loud yellow. You can get it at office depot.

4. Paper. The paper is 60 pound card stock.

Post Card Printing Postcard printing can be done in one of two different methods – either on your own computer or with an online printer (as outlined in our resource guide).

Most online printers charge about $100 for 5000 postcards plus shipping. That’s about $0.02/per post card plus shipping. These services will usually take files you design on your own as well. You can design them in a program on your computer like Microsoft Word, and then send it to the program online to print.

Services, like VistaPrint, offer great prices and online design services as well. Ignore their templates though as you don’t need anything fancy.

Or you can let a “custom automated printing house and list broker” do the whole thing for you. This is what I personally do because the minimal cost addition doesn’t justify doing all the work myself. Either way, it’s your call.

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List Brokers

By now you must be sick of hearing me saying how important the list is.

The last thing you want to do is try to start your postcard mailing campaign without a good list of leads to mail to. That’s where the list brokers come in, and that’s where you’ll get the most value from this book.

Step one here is to find a list broker that offers a seasoned, professional service. They should offer great value for your money, and ensure that you are never buying their leads. You should only ever be renting those leads, meaning that they will be only used once by you for a single mailing. This minimizes how often the leads are used and makes the mailings you send out that much more valuable.

There are lots of list brokers to choose from – and they each specialize in different categories. I list the better ones below. I like the service provided by – the site for the Direct Marketing industry’s biggest researchers, where you’ll find all sorts of great providers.

Of course, what kind of guide would this be without a selection of choices at the end? You’ll find a few options to choose from when you reach the end of the guide – including my top two list brokers.

Who Are You Dealing With?

When you start dealing with renting lists, you’ll be dealing with either managers or brokers. You can get great recommendations from List managers, but they will only ever be able to provide lists from within their set grouping of lists.

List brokers on the other hand can go out to the list managers and find lists that suit your needs. That means more options for the same cost on your end – good deal, huh?

Always start out by checking to see if the List broker you choose has worked with your market before. Most brokers can attest to most markets, but some super high end items might not fit the general range of expertise that a given broker has.

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The same goes for specialty mailings like fund raising, MLM, or lead generation for a website.

For the most part, it really doesn’t matter, as long as you’ve done your research, but you still want to be sure the leads you’re getting are well primed and prepared for your postcards.

Here are a few other things to consider before choosing any lists from your broker:

• Do you know who the buyer is? This is the profile you’ve already created in the book.

• When is the mailing and how many are you sending? This can affect the freshness of specific lists.

• Where are you mailing? For most online opportunities, the where doesn’t really matter. However, if you’re working on something local or offline, this can affect which leads you choose.

• Are you ready with your direct mail piece? This one is a big yes if you’ve done everything else in this guide so far.

The information above is important and should be prepped before you send anything out, to make sure you get the best results from your broker.

Getting Your Lists

First up, know that many list brokers will never send you the names directly. They will do the labels themselves and then send them to the printing house.

This protects the lists and the people on the lists. If they just sent you the names, there’s a chance you would use them yourself multiple times. By controlling the printing of the labels, they can control how many people send them out.

You’ll probably need some lead time if you want a lot of postcards going out. I usually recommend giving the list broker between 1-3 weeks to find lists for you, prep them, and get them off to printing. That’s a long time if you’re only doing 100, but if you start doing thousands at a time, you’ll want some lead time.

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Just because you don’t get the names themselves doesn’t mean you won’t get some data cards or summarized spread sheets of info from the broker that shows you what they were sending out on your behalf.

You can get all sorts of data from a good broker that will help you with tracking and analysis of your direct marketing campaign.

Keep track of everything you get and how each list performs. You should have plenty of data from your list broker to help you keep track of what does and does not work. You’ll need that info to make sure that you’re getting what you paid for.

Don’t forget, too, that there might be duplicates between lists. So, if you order 10,000 names from 7 lists, you might need to order and extra 100-1000 names to cover all the duplicates that can pop up between them. This is called the Merge Purge, and is usually covered by your list broker as well.

Resource Guide

Below you’ll find a variety of resources designed to help you find everything you’ll need to get started with your postcard marketing plan.

Preferred Printers:

• – (877) 922-7374 (This is the preferred printer.)

• Lelli Direct Mail – (888) 430-1680

• Ace Printing – (888) 737-9180

• VistaPrint

For most of these printers, you’ll find that it takes about 10 days to receive your order. While waiting, you can use the do-it-yourself system I described in Chapters 1 and 4 to help you get started. There may be a setup fee to get started with a printer.

This will allow you to have your label printer send the info to your printers directly. They can also affix the postage electronically, allowing you to literally get everything done at once, without having to do any work on your end. Because they buy bulk postage at $.22 per stamp, you pay the same in the end.

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List/Label brokers:

The single most important aspect of your postcard mailing process is the list broker you use to get the names and addresses you’ll be mailing to. You’ll simply throw your money in the trash if you don’t have a good list to work with, and this is why most direct mailers fail.

Make sure you only use opportunity buyers/hotline buyers for your lists, since these are individuals who have already purchased something once before, boosting their likelihood of doing it again.

By far the best lists/labels will come from

This is a list affiliate company with hundreds of brokers offering over 60,000 lists spread out over thousands of categories.

The issue with NextMark however, is that most or maybe all their lists have a 5,000 name minimum whereas the other list brokers below have a 1,000 name minimum and one company has 2000 for $150.

Most of the list brokers rent their lists for about $100 per thousand. This means you can use them one time only. If you decide to use the list again in the future for a different product, you’ll need to rent it again.

Here is a list of list brokers that provide the best quality I’ve found:

Wolf Enterprises Fresh, high-quality names of people interested in starting their own home-based business. These are fresh, “out of circle” beginners who have called or written in response to national advertising. Opportunity Seeker Opportunity Seeker mailing lists offer over 45 targeted categories including: opportunity seekers, MLM leads, extra income seekers, home businesses, work from home, get rich quick buyers, mail order buyers and much more. Opportunity Lists Thousands of new opportunity buyers each month! Everyone on the list is interested in pursuing Home Based Business Opportunities. This includes all types of MLM, Network Marketing and Work at Home opportunities. These are real leads - red hot and exclusive to you. No one else gets your leads. They are sold one time only!

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39 DAJ Direct A mailing list that is correct for your offer must be used or you are throwing your money away!! Mailing List Broker and List Manager DAJ Direct provide Opportunity Buyers Direct Response Mail Lists. This is premier list brokerage house for MULTI LEVEL MARKETING, Opportunity Buyer, and Work From Home mail lists. Specializing in providing responsive, targeted Opportunity Buyers Direct Mailing Lists to the MLM (multi level marketing), Business Opportunity and Work at Home community. The reason that most people do not succeed in the Direct Mail Marketing business is simply because they do not know how to choose a list. Business Opportunity Mailing List Tip: Be sure that whoever you choose to buy your Business Opportunity Mailing Lists from, you are clear with your broker that you only want names of those that have purchased a business opportunity in the past (buyers). Stay clear of Income/Business Opportunity Seeker Lists...they are a waste of your time and money. Other Options

Hot-Line Lists – (low minimum)

Publishers Media – (low minimum)

TJT Marketing Associates – (low minimum)

A Warning:

Do not attempt to make copies of the label sheets and then print the lists onto your own labels. They will know and ban you from buying from them again.

They “seed” the list with a few of their own addresses so they can weed out those people who might try and re-use the list again, breaking their Terms of Service and nullifying your agreement with them.

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If you decide not to start with 5,000, you can choose one of the other four brokers I’ve provided above. However, you should eventually look into NextMark and the lists they provide.

They have a search engine you can use to easily search for the different lists that will ultimately match your needs best. You can also search for different niches directly.

Having NextMark in your corner is a huge boon for any Direct Marketer (and a big part of why this guide is a huge value for you).

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With NextMark and DAJ Direct at your side, you’ll be able to do just about anything you can imagine in this industry.

You’ll find that NextMark has some of the biggest and most successful direct marketers in the country on their client list – and no I don’t mean ‘at home’ workers. I mean Fortune 1000 companies, banks, and retail outlets.

Once you get started with the tools offered by these sites, you’ll be far on your way to becoming one of the best in the world at getting your message in front of your prospects with a simple, yellow postcard.

And as you get better and start making more money with your postcard marketing, you can step up your game and start hitting more professional areas, with larger brokers and bigger money making opportunities.

I want to congratulate you on completing this course and starting down the road to making serious profits with the simplest, most effective direct marketing tool I’ve ever used in my own efforts. It’s time to become one of the new online rich.

I wish you great success with direct mailing!

Best Regards, Riccardo Ferrari

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As per mandates from the FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION, 16 CFR Part 255 - Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising, the purpose of this document is to establish the possible compensatory affiliation with Wave Marketing, Inc. and Riccardo Ferrari and Any Testimonials or Endorsements found on the pages of our site.

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Every effort has been made to accurately represent the sites of Wave Marketing, Inc. and Riccardo Ferrari and their potential. However, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques or ideas in these materials. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings in any way. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using these products, ideas and techniques and we do not purport this as a “get rich scheme.”

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