Page 1: Comparison of criteria

Comparison of criteria to my groups production of a horror trailer

Page 2: Comparison of criteria

Trailer ProductionFrom our planning into our production of our horror trailer we show good knowledge of technical skills and have done thorough research into this type of genre production as we have organised a lot of different shot sizes which is expected in the criteria. This can be shown by our selective shots to tell the story through the use of some establishing shots at the beginning of the trailer to show the setting & to introduce the characters to the audience. This will also be used alongside the close ups we plan to use to show the characters faces and ages to the audience and then they can associate themselves with them. This clearly shows us vary shot sizes to show the story from different perspectives which is expected in the criteria.

We will have a lot of control of the camera/video recorder when we film as we have planned to take a tripod with us to the location and to use a tripod to film many of our scenes. By using the tripod we will be able to prevent any shake when filming & we can easily place the characters/objects in the shot by moving the camera with the tripod. This will also allow us to consider framing – especially the use of the role of thirds. By concentrating on the framing and position of the shot will show another technical skill which is shown in the criteria as it will allow us to place the object or the character at the eye level of the audience & which will engage them in as not every shot will be central & will therefore show a lot of variety.

Our group has covered a lot of mise-en-scene required to meet the conventions of the genre & to match the storyline of our horror trailer. This is because we were able to gather props that we could use as we already owned them such as a tent & a torch. This will enable us to appeal to the target audience as they will be able to associate with these props & will show that we have another technical skill of the use of props to tell the story successfully. We intended to use a weapon which in the criteria it says that examiners don’t like as it is inappropriate for the social surroundings that we would be filming in so this would be considered a weakness of our production. But to make our production match the criteria we plan to use an object which is something less fearsome for the audience.

By paying close attention to the use of transitions that we would include within our trailer & by completing thorough research it would mean that we include transitions that are appealing to our genre and to the assessment criteria. The types of transitions we will use in our trailer is the fade to black/dip to black as we found that it creates more tension for the audience and helps guide the audience through the story easily. It is also said that it is easier for the use of a montage at the end of the trailer to be used as it create short and snappy clips for the audience to watch & therefore will show a technical skill and consideration for the audience as for the want to engage them with the action. We will complete another convention as we have planned to use captions/title screens within our trailer. The captions will show the audience the brief story behind our trailer & encourage them to want to go and watch the film. We also plan to have about 6 of them. We also plan to include the name of our film at the end to create a cliff-hanger for the audience.

We plan to record a lot of sound effects to create a sound bridge over the footage that we filmed so it can be heard easier by the audience & tell the story of the trailer. Also we will use a scream to introduce the terror and begin the action that will take place afterwards to grip the audience in & therefore demonstrate that we have good consideration of sound.

Page 3: Comparison of criteria

Ancillary ProductsMy ancillary product ideas helps show that I have knowledge and that I understand conventions of layout and page design as I have arranged my poster drafts and magazine drafts in a specific way to make it easy and clear for the audience to see by structuring it in the way previous horror magazines and horror posters have been made previously. The way it is laid out each piece of text and images on the poster/magazine can be seen clearly. The use of the route of the eye can be seen from my drafts of the poster and the magazine as for the title being the main feature for the magazine/poster and for the image to be the feature for giving the audience the insight into the film.

I have shown that I have completed enough research into conventions of genre and of form as I will include bold fonts on the text that I will use. The reason behind this is because bold fonts are initially the main font used on magazine/poster covers as they are the ones that stand out the most. This means that I am able to grab my audiences attention to my ancillary product and they will then take a look at the product based on the other features I have used. By saying this it shows that I have awareness of fonts which are typical for this genre as the use of bold will help show the genre as it is typically known to be a big show.

I will chose the mise-en-scene for my character effectively for my magazine as plan to use a costume which is plain and has dark connotations. This will help show what type of genre the magazine is and what type of genre our horror trailer is. The type of facial make up that we be used on the character in the image may be a white face and the use of red eyes and black enabling a focus to be drawn on the eye. However I could use a mask to help shield the characters identity and keep the story hidden from the audience & therefore encourage the audience to watch the film. I will consider the lighting which will take place around the character. I will do this by taking the image indoors where there is no opportunity for light to come in & will place the character on a plain wall. The type of mise-en-scene I plan to use for our magazine will be clothing that will be used within the film. This will help create a link between our ancillary products and our horror trailer. This will mean that the characters may be wearing coats and boots and carrying their items into the woods which would be visual within our trailer. Also the location will be seen in the poster as it will create a dark and dangerous atmosphere for the poster and represent the genre easily to the audience. The lighting may be effected when taking this image as we would be out in the woods but when it came to creating the ancillary we would darken the image to create the dark effect.

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