  • Company:Viewing Company Activities

    FMCSA PortalCSA Phase II Release, Month Year v1.6

    Tawana King - Remove COMPASS

    Add release info when known


    Training ObjectivesAccessing, Querying and Downloading Company Activity Information in the FMCSA Portal using the Company Activity Portlet on the Company Home PageCompany Activity Information in the Company Activity Portlet includes:Summary InformationCrashesInspectionsIEP InspectionsInterventions


    Introduction to Company Activity DataThe FMCSA Portal provides a real-time view of company safety activity information currently on file with FMCSAThe information in the Company Activity Portlet includes summary and detail information on:CrashesInspectionsIEP InspectionsInterventionsCompany activity information can be viewed on-line and downloadedA variety of filter and sort options are available to customize what is displayed or downloadedA link to DataQs is provided to facilitate the entry of data challenges


    Accessing Company Activity PortletThe Company Activity Portlet is displayed on the Company Home Page


    Accessing Company Activity (Contd)Information is available at both the summary and detailed level. Users can access summary level or detailed activity information on Crashes, Inspections, IEP Inspections, and Interventions. All Crash, Inspection and IEP Inspection Date filters in the Company Activity Portlet default to the date the activity was posted to FMCSA rather than the actual date of the activityIn the Advance Search view users have the option of changing the Date Type and also have more flexibility in specifying date ranges and other filters


    Company Activity - SummaryUpon login the default view of the Company Activity Portlet is the Summary View, Crashes Tab Selecting the tabs and entering a Date Type and pre-defined Time Frame users can search for summary information on Crashes, Inspections, IEP Inspections, Interventions and Safety AuditsTo access the informationSelect one of the tabsSelect a Date TypeSelect a pre-defined Time Frame from the drop-downClick Search


    Company Activity Summary (Contd)All searches for data under the Summary view results in high level information limited to predefined date ranges

    Tawana King - This slide was already part of the material I simply updated the wording and some of the screen shots. In previous training material, each one of these would've had their own slide. Is this method ok?

    Update the Interventions pic to show a SA with values


    Company Activity Crash ListUse the Crash List view to search for and display a list of crashes within a specified time frame. To search for crashesSelect the Date Type, Time Frame and/or StateClick Search Each entry includes information about a crash. To view additional details of a crash Click the Magnifying GlassTo view all the results in a printable and downloadable format and to access more detailed search parameters Click Advanced Search


    Crash List Detail ViewThe Crash - Detail View contains complete crash information including: Carrier, General Crash Details, Details on the Crash Environment and Location, Driver, Vehicle and Reporting InformationThe detailed view also features a Dispute button to access DataQs. To access DataQsSelect Dispute


    Crash List Advance SearchThe Advance Search View allows users to conduct searches using more specific data parameters, including State and Date Type


    Crash List Download and Print ListSearch results can be downloaded to an Excel file and XML. To download the search results to an Excel file and XMLSelect the Download List arrowSearch results can also be printed. To print the search results Click Print List


    Company Activity Inspection ListUse the Inspection List view to search for and display a list of inspections within a specified time frame. To search for InspectionsSelect the Date Type, Time Frame and/or StateClick SearchEach entry includes information about an Inspection. To view additional details of an InspectionClick the Magnifying GlassTo view all the results in a printable and downloadable format and to access more detailed search parametersClick Advance Search

    Tawana King - Add pic with values - Add text box about default date - Circle Mag Glass - Underline 'Advance'


    Inspection List Detail ViewThe Inspections - Detail View contains complete information for an Inspection including: Carrier, Time, Location, Inspector, Vehicle, Violation, Driver, and Hazardous Materials Information The detailed view also features a Dispute button to access DataQs. To access DataQsSelect Dispute


    Inspection List Advance Search The Advance Search View allows users to conduct searches using more specific data parameters, including State, Date Type and Violation


    Inspection List Download and Print ListSearch results can be downloaded to an Excel file and XML. To download the search results to an Excel file and XMLSelect the Download List arrowSearch results can also be printed. To print the search results Click Print List


    Company Activity IEP Inspection ListUse the IEP Inspection List View to search and display a list of IEP Inspections within a specified time frame. To search for IEP InspectionsSelect the Time Frame and/or StateClick SearchEach entry includes information about an IEP Inspection. To view additional details of an IEP InspectionClick the Magnifying GlassTo view all the results in a printable and downloadable format and to access more detailed search parameters Click Advanced Search

    Tawana King - Add pic with values - Add default date text box - Add Circle on Mag Glass - Underline Advance


    IEP Inspection List Detail ViewThe IEP Inspections Detail View contains complete information for an IEP Inspection including: Intermodal Equipment Provider, Motor Carrier, Time, Location, Intermodal Equipment Provider Response, Vehicle and Violation Information The detailed view also features a Dispute button to access DataQs. To access DataQsSelect Dispute


    IEP Inspection List Advance SearchThe Advance Search View allows users to conduct searches using more specific data parameters, including State, Date Type and Violation


    IEP Inspection List Download and Print ListSearch results can be downloaded to an Excel file and XML. To download the search results to an Excel file and XMLSelect the Download List arrowSearch results can also be printed. To print the search results Click Print List


    Company Activity Intervention List Use the Intervention List to search for and display a list of Interventions within a specified time frame. To search for Interventions Select the Date Type, Time FrameClick SearchEach entry includes information about an Intervention. To drill down and view additional details of an Intervention Click (+)To view all the results in a printable and downloadable format and to access filters and more search parameters Click Advanced Search

    Tawana King - Will need to update the pic to include access to Warning Letter PDF


    Intervention List Detail ViewThe Intervention List Detail View displays a subset of information for an Intervention including: Intervention Type, Date, and a summary of data applicable to the appropriate Intervention Type


    Intervention List Advance SearchThe Advance Search View allows users to search for Interventions by the Date and provides filters including Types of InvestigationsThe Advance Search allows users to access functionality to view a Warning Letter PDF if applicable

    Tawana King - Will need to update pic to include access to Warniing Letter PDF


    Intervention List Download and Print ListSearch results can be downloaded to an Excel file and XML. To download the search results to an Excel file and XMLSelect the Download List arrowSearch results can also be printed. To print the search results Click Print List


    ReviewCompany Activity information is available at both the summary and detailed levelsSummary level activity can be searched by a Date Type, Time Frame and StateAdvanced Search provides functionality to filter data and enter additional search parameters such as Violation, Vehicle and CDL informationDetails of Crash, Inspection and IEP Inspection Reports can be viewed as well as details of Intervention activityWarning Letter PDFs can be viewedCrash, Inspection, IEP Inspection and Intervention activities can be printed and downloaded to an Excel file and XMLDispute buttons are available that automatically sign users on to DataQs to view or challenge posted data


    ENDEnd of Training ModulePlease Close the Browser Window

    *Accessing Company Activities in the FMCSA Portal*The training objectives for this module are to introduce users to accessing, querying and downloading data in the FMCSA Portal using the Company Activity Portlet on the Company Home Page. Company Activity information in the Company Activity Portlet includes: Summary Information, Crashes Details, Inspections Details, IEP Inspections Details, and Intervention Details.

    *The FMCSA Portal provides a real-time view of all company activity data currently on file. The information in the Company Activity Portlet includes summary and detail information on: Crashes, Inspections, IEP Inspections and Interventions. Company activity information can be viewed on-line or downloaded for personal use and a variety of filter and sort options are available to customize what is displayed or downloaded. The Company Activities portlet also features a link to DataQs to facilitate the submission of challenges to posted data.*The Company Activity Portlet is displayed on the Company Home Page. *Information is available at both the summary and detailed level. Users can access summary level or detailed activity information on Crashes, Inspections, IEP Inspections, and Interventions. All Crash, Inspection and IEP Inspection date filters in the Company Activity portlet default to the date the activity was posted to FMCSA rather than the actual date of the activity. In the Advance Search view users have the option of changing the date type and also have more flexibility in specifying date ranges and other filters.*Upon login the default view of the Company Activity Portlet is the Summary view, Crashes tab. Selecting the tabs and entering a Date Type and pre-defined Time Frame users can search for summary information on Crashes, Inspections, IEP Inspections, Interventions and Safety Audits. To access the information select one of the tabs, select a Date Type and a pre-defined Time Frame from the drop-down list and click the Search button to populate the fields with summary data. All Crashes, Inspections and IEP Inspections date filters in the Company Activity Portlet default to the date the activity was posted to FMCSA or the FMCSA Post Date rather than the actual date of the activity. *All searches for data under the Summary view results in high level information data limited to predefined date ranges. For more comprehensive information and more specific search parameters, view information under one of the activity details tabs and utilize the Advance Search option.

    *Use the Crash List view to search for and display a list of crashes that have been posted to FMCSA within a specified time frame. To search for crashes select the Date Type and/or Time Frame available in the drop-down and/or the State in the drop-down then click the Search button. Each entry includes information about a crash. To view additional details of a crash click the corresponding Magnifying Glass. To view all of the results in a printable and downloadable format and to access more detailed search parameters, click the Advance Search link.*The Crash - Detail View contains complete crash information including: Carrier, General Crash Details, Details on the Crash Environment and Location, Driver, Vehicle and Reporting Information. The detailed view also features a Dispute button to access DataQs. To access DataQs Select Dispute.

    *The Advance Search View allows users to conduct searches using more specific data parameters, including State and Date Type.

    *Search results can be downloaded to an Excel file and XML. To download the search results to an Excel file and XML, select the Download List arrow. Search results can also be printed. To print the search results, click the Print List button. More detailed information about each Crash in the list can be accessed by clicking the Magnifying Glass beside each entry.

    *Use the Inspection List view to search for and display a list of inspections within a specified time frame. To search for Inspections select the Date Type and/or Time Frame available in the drop-down and/or State in the drop-down then click the Search button. Each entry includes information about an Inspection. To view additional details of an Inspection, click the Magnifying Glass. To view all the results in a printable and downloadable format and to access more detailed search parameters, click the Advance Search link.

    *The Inspections - Details View contains complete Inspection information including: Carrier, Time, Location, Inspector, Vehicle, Violation, Driver and Hazardous Materials Information. The detailed view also features a Dispute button to access DataQs if users wish to dispute the posted inspection data. This is part of the Portals single sign-on functionality and no additional logon to DataQs is required. To access DataQs Select Dispute.

    *The Advance Search View allows users to conduct searches using more specific data parameters, including State, Date Type and Violation.

    *Search results can be downloaded to an Excel file and XML. To download the search results to an Excel file and XML, select the Download List arrow. Search results can also be printed. To print the search results, click the Print List button. More detailed information about each Inspection in the list can be accessed by clicking the Magnifying Glass beside each entry.

    *Use the IEP Inspection List view to search for and display a list of inspections that have been posted to FMCSA within a specified time frame. To search for IEP Inspections select the Date Type, Time Frames available in the drop-down and/or State in the drop-down then click the Search button. Each entry includes information about an IEP Inspection. To view additional details of an IEP Inspection, clicking the Magnifying Glass. The State drop-down will not contain all US States and will be populated based on the State the IEP Inspection was conducted in for the selected time frame. To view all of the results in a printable and downloadable format and to access more detailed search parameters, click the Advance Search link.

    *The IEP Inspections Details View contains complete information for a selected IEP inspection. Each detailed report includes Intermodal Equipment Provider Information, Motor Carrier Information, Time & Location, Intermodal Equipment Provider Response Information, Vehicle Information and Violation Information. The detailed view also features a Dispute button to access DataQs if users wish to dispute the posted IEP inspection data. This is part of the Portals single sign-on functionality and no additional logon to DataQs is required.

    *The Advance Search View allows users to conduct searches using more specific data parameters, including State, Date Type and Violation.

    *Search results can be downloaded to an Excel file and XML. To download the search results to an Excel file and XML, select the Download List arrow. Search results can also be printed. To print the search results, click the Print List button. More detailed information about each IEP Inspection in the list can be accessed by clicking the Magnifying Glass beside each entry.

    *Use the Intervention List view to search for and display a list of Interventions that have been posted to FMCSA within a specified time frame. To search for Interventions select the Date Type, Time Frame available in the drop-down and click the Search button. Each entry includes information about an Intervention. To drill down and view additional details of an Intervention, click the (+). The Intervention List provides access to functionality to allow users to view a Warning Letter PDF if applicable. To view all of the results in a printable and downloadable format and to access filters and more search parameters, click the Advance Search link.

    *The Intervention List Detail View displays a subset of information for an Intervention including: Intervention Type, Date, and a summary of data applicable to the appropriate Intervention Type.

    *The Advance Search View allows users to search for Interventions by the Date and provides filters including Types of Investigations. The Advance Search allows users to view a Warning Letter PDF if applicable.

    *Search results can be downloaded to an Excel file and XML. To download the search results to an Excel file and XML, select the Download List arrow. Search results can also be printed. To print the search results, click the Print List button.

    *To Review: Company Activity information is available at both the summary and detailed levels. Summary level activity can be searched by a Date Type, Time Frame and State. Advanced Search provides functionality to filter data and enter additional search parameters such as Violation, Vehicle and CDL information. Details of Crash, Inspection and IEP Inspection Reports can be viewed as well as details of Intervention activity. Warning Letter PDFs can be viewed. Crash, Inspection, IEP Inspection and Intervention activities can be printed and downloaded to an Excel file and XML. Dispute buttons are available that automatically sign users on to DataQs to view or challenge posted data

    *End of Training Module. Please close the Browser Window.

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