Page 1: Company LOGO Unit 8 Everybody can help the environment

Company LOGO

Unit 8 Everybody can help the environment

Page 2: Company LOGO Unit 8 Everybody can help the environment

Contents Part I Warming up Part II Campaign California Re-Leaf Part III PBS – a biodegradable plastic product Part IV Short talks on listening skills The “inverted Pyramid” in News Reporting

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Part I Warming up Task A Vocabulary campaign : A campaign is a planned set of activities that people carry out over a period of time in order to achieve something such as social or political change. ( 有计划的 ) 活动 ; 运动;竞选活动 conserve : To conserve something means to protect it from harm, loss, or change. 保护 wildlife: n. 野生动植物 adj. ultimate: adj. 最终的;极限的;根本的 n. harmony: n. 协调;和睦;融洽;调和 ongoing: currently happening adj. 不间断的,进行的;前进的

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message: v. landfill: n. 垃圾填埋地;垃圾堆 disseminate: v. cause to become widely known 宣传,传播;散布 counteract: To counteract something means to reduce its effect by doing something that produces an opposite effect. 对…起反作用 ; 抵消 grassroots: adj. 基层的;草根的;乡村的 NGO: abbr. 民间组织;非政府组织 ( Non-Governmental Organization ) sustainable :可持续的; 能保持的;可支撑的;

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transform: 变换,改变;转化 energy efficiency: 能源效率 minimize: 最小化 make small or insignificant lessen: 减少;减轻;变小 decrease in size, extent, or range emission: 排放物;发射,发散; rehabilitation:[‘ri:h ,bili’tei n] ə ʃə 复原;康复 well-being: n. 幸福;福利;安乐;健康;欢迎 natural capital: 自然资本,自然资产

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filter: v. 过滤;渗入; n. sequester:[si'kwest ] vt. ə 使隔绝;使隐退; amphibian: n. 两栖动物 adj. assessment: 评估 toad[t ud] : n. ə 蟾蜍;癞蛤蟆;讨厌的家伙 salamander['sæl ,mænd ] : n. ə ə 火蜥蜴 caecilian[si:'sili n] :n. ə 蚓螈

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Part I Task A 1. Greenpeace, attitudes and behavior, environment, peace2. World Wildlife Foundation, 1961, future, nature3. Live Earth, climate crisis4. Green School Project, schools, waste, landfill5. Climate Change, knowledge, measures6. Friends of the Earth, network, activist groups, urgent7. Environmental Bureau, 143,31, sustainable8. Foundation, oceans, waves and beaches, 500009. Green Building Council, designed, built and operated, responsible, healthy10. the Alliance to Save Energy, costs, greenhouse gas emissions

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11. the Earth Organization, conservation, rehabilitation, pant and animal 12. Trees, Water and People, natural resources, well-being 13. American Forests, restore and enhance, filter, remove, homes 14. The Global Amphibian Assessment, status, 5918, 600, 60 15. Solar Energy Society, technologies

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Part I Task B organic adj. [ 有化 ] 有机的;组织的;器官的;根本的 unleaded adj. 无铅的;不包铅的; ivory n. 象牙; species n. [ 生物 ] 物种;种类 aerosol ['ε r s l] ə ə ɔ 喷雾器 ; 喷雾罐 CFC CFC is an abbreviation for "chloro fluoro carbon." 含氯氟烃 ( 用于冰箱、喷雾器等 ) reserve n. 自然保护区;储备,储存;

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Part I Task B1. food, doesn’t, packaging 2. vegetables, don’t, chemicals 3. Save, water 4. won’t, forever, earth or sea 5. bottles, once, bank 6. paper, recycled 7. Avoid 8. unleaded petrol9. made from, protected 10. public transportation

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Part I Task B11. wood, rainforests 12. aerosols, haven’t 13. Don’t, plastic boxes 14. batteries, little, 50, energy 15. lights, using 16. conservation, danger 17. 25%, rubbish 18. old people, homes, energy 19. visit, zoos

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Part III PBS biodegradable adj. 生物所能分解的,能进行生物降解的 tableware n. 餐具 microorganism n. [ 微 ] 微生物;微小动植物 enzyme['enzaim] n. [ 生化 ] 酶 degrade v. 降级,降低;退化 dump v. 垃圾场

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OutlineI headache not easily break down II. PBSA. contact / microorganisms / enzymes / smaller pieces / into water & CO2 B. 1. safer90% / degraded / in 90 days/ shorter / in a dump 2. more heat resistant a. melt at 60℃ b. shape retained up 100℃

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C. disadvantage more expensive than ordinary plastic / price 20% higher Application already started to be popularized role plastic food containers & tableware / road signs / team cheering equipment (e.g. horns / mini flags / trash bags / umbrellas / eyeglass frames)

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