
Cmo se dice?

Cmo se dice?Prctica con la pronunciacin espaolaStudents will be instructed to have a piece of paper and pencil available for notes.1Pronunciacin es difcil! Show 5 seconds of clip to stay within fair use guidelines.2AahEayeIeeOohU oohLos vocalesDirections

Students will use Audacity software or digital voice recorders to make their own audio clips.3Ms prcticaDirections1.

Pronunciacin en contextoDirectionsAnteayerahn-tay-aye-airEncenderane-sane-dareIdiomaee-dee-oh-mahOscuridadoh-scoor-ee-dahdUbicacinooh-bee-cah-see-own

Los consonantes difcilesHhola oh-lahJjardnhar-deenLLllamoyah-mohnioneen-yoQuquemarkay-marRRarrozah-rrrosVvideobee-day-ohZ zapatosah-pah-tohDirections: before listening: After listening:

G*generalhay-nare-all(when followed by e or i)G*ganargah-nar(when followed by a, o, u)C*celososay-low-soh(when followed by e or i)C*copiarcoh-pee-arh(when followed by a, o, u)

Los consonantes difcilesDirections: before listening: After listening:


Actividad finalDirections

Si t eres t,y yo soy yo,quin es el ms tontode los dos?Los mariscos amarillescos son muy deliciosos!

Students will receive a paper instructing them how to save files.9

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