

La Société des 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux

Grande Voiture du Missouri

September 2020 - Grand Chef de Gare Franklin V. Angelo L’Editeur Robert C.

Greetings Voyageurs,

This is my first letter as the

Grand Chef de Gare of du Missouri and I

would like everyone to know it is my honor and privilege to

hold this position. We have a lot of things going on this up-

coming year; that we have to prepare for. I want to say Thank

You to everyone that was able to make it to the Promenade on

the 29TH of August in ST Robert, MO. I want to say Thank

You to American Legion Post 331; for allowing us to have the

Promenade there. It was nice being able to see everyone and

fellowship with everyone.

We are still planning on holding the Homecoming this

year at the Oasis starting on Friday the 30TH of October and

departing for home on Sunday the 1ST of November. The regis-

tration forms will be available here shortly and we will get

them out electronically or mail them to everyone.

Hopefully, I will get the opportunity to travel to every-

one’s Voiture at least once this year. If you have something

going on and would like for me to attend please let me know

and I will do my best to make the event. Hopefully this Pan-

demic is almost behind us, where we can get back to our nor-

mal routines.

We are only about a year out from us hosting Prome-

nade Nationale in Springfield, MO. We will need everyone’s

help to make it a successful event. We were very close on mak-

ing our membership goals for last year. I know this year we

will achieve our 100% membership!

I am looking forward to the upcoming year and I know

we will have a great year! If I can do anything, please let me

know and I will do my best to make it happen. I am very hon-

ored and proud to hold this position.

Thank You,

Frank Angelo

Grand Chef de Gare Grande du Missouri

[email protected]


Sous Grand Correspondants Notes

Another year is upon us and it is time to hear from our new dircteurs. The articles for the next newsletter will be due by October 31st 2020. Americanism, Carville Star, and Child Wel-fare

VA Health Handbook Update 02: Your

Personalized Copy The Department of

Veterans Affairs (VA) is committed to

informing enrolled Veterans about VA

health benefits and services they have

earned and deserve. All new enrollees

in the VA health care system receive a

personalized Veterans Health Benefits

Handbook, generally two weeks after

enrollment has been confirmed. The

handbooks are tailored specifically

for each Veteran and provide detailed,

updated information about the VA

health care benefits the Veteran 25

may be eligible to receive, such as

GRAND PROMENADE, August 29, 2020

American Legion Post 331, St. Robert, Missouri

With a rap of the gavel, Grand Chef de Gare Janice Hartley, opened the Grand Promenade sharply at noon with a salute to the

Flag, the Pledge of Allegiance, and a much needed prayer by Grand Aumonier Rose Noonan.

Roll call of officers showed more absent than excused and the rest were sleeping. Roll call of Grand Chefs de Gare Passe showed

11 answering. Roll call of Grand Cheminots showed there was a quorum. Absent was Voitures 3, 38, 966, 1292, 1402, and 1403.

Sous Grand Avocat Rich Heigert said we will use the Grande and Voiture Nationale’s Constitution and then Roberts Rules of Order.

Rich then offered a notion to suspend the rules and not have a Grand Cheminot this year, 2nd by Ben Sargent passed.

Notion offered by Kevin Johnson, seconded by Art Wilson, that the minutes of the June 23, 2019 Grande Promenade be accepted

as printed and sent out...passed.

Grand Correspondant Terry Lanning said he received some information from Special Olympics Missouri. He read two notes of ap-

preciation from the families of James Hartley and Bobby Eisenbath for the gifts that the Past Grand Chefs made on their behalf.

Terry stated there was a vote by the Grand Executive Committee to pay for 25 nurses training pins ($75) that Jim Hartley had re-

ceived and not paid for. This was approved. Later 16 of the 25 pins were bought by a Voiture.

Grand Correspondant Terry Lanning said he received resolutions from AJ Noonan for Grand Commissaire Intendant and Terry Lan-

ning for Grand Correspondant.

Grand Commissaire Intendant, Bob Emery was not able to be here so Terry Lanning read his Finance report. Terry also said there

were $262 in fines not paid out this year, after some discussion it was decided to hold them for now. There is also $354.80 in PG

collections and it was decided to pay this to Boland Nurses Training fund. Terry offered a notion to accept the Finance Report and

to also transfer $1,000 from one of the CD’s to the checking account, 2nd by Kevin Johnson and passed. Terry then offered a no-

tion to approve an additional $1,000 loan to the 102nd Promenade if needed, seconded by Rich Heigert and passed.

Grand Chef de Train Frank Angelo said we are at 97%. The Grand has a total membership of 708, down 22 from last year. Pins

were passed out to Voitures 1292, 1321, and 1541 for reaching 100%.

Grand Chef Hartley called on the Grand Directeurs to give their reports:

Grand Directeur Ritual Kevin Johnson said he was short on reports. 1st place went to 1321, 2nd place went to 448 and 3rd place

went to 1541.

Grand Directeur Nurses Training Rose Noonan said she received 7 reports. 1st place went to 1292, 2nd place went to 460 and 3rd

place went to 1321.

Grand Directeur Americanism Robert Emery sent in his report and said there was a total of $661,402. 1st place went to 448, 2nd

place went to 1541 and 3rd place went to 1321.

Grand Directeur Publiciste Robert Emery sent in his report and gave the following awards. 1st place went to 1292, 2nd place went

to 1541 and 3rd place went to 448.

Grand Directeur Special Awards Ben Sargent – 1st place went to 1321 for Law Officer of the Year Brian Taylor. He also won the

Nationale Law Officer of the Year. The award will be presented at the Fall Cheminot as well as the Nationale award.

Grand Directeur POW/MIA A. J. Noonan – said 7 reports were received. 1st place went to 448, 2nd place went to 1541 and 3rd

place went to 460.

Grand Directeur Youth Sports Ann Puck said $160,650 spent. 1st place went to 448, 2nd place went to 333 and 3rd place went to


Grand VAVS Chairman Chip Berkley gave his report. 1st place went to 1541, 2nd place went to 1292 and 3rd place went to 292.

Grand Directeur Carville Star Mike Scruby said he received 4 reports for a total of $700. 1st place went to 1379, 2nd place went

to 333.

Grand Directeur Box Car Ernie Parker gave his report. 1st place went to 1541, 2nd place went to 333 and 3rd place went to 292.

Grand Directeur Historien Allen Schultz could not be here so Frank Angelo gave his report. There was one historian book by 1541

and one scrap book by 333 received, they received the 1st place awards.

Grand Directeur Child Welfare Terry McDonald could not be here so Terry Lanning read his report. Received 9 reports for 2,835

children and expended $299,000. 1st place went to 448 who helped 569 children and spent $193,000, 2nd place went to 1292

who helped 321 children and spent $46,000 and 3rd place went to 1321 that helped 262 children and spent $29,000.

Grand Directeur Voiture Activities Charles Kuehnel – Terry Lanning gave report and presented awards 1st place went to 1292, 2nd

place went to 1130 and 3rd place went to 460.

Time and Place Committee Art Wilson said the Homecoming will be at the Oasis Hotel in Springfield on October 30 and 31, 2020.

Frank Angelo said he talked to the hotel about the Fall Homecoming and it is still on. Reservation form will be coming out real


Distinguished Voyageur Award Committee Chairman Ralph Turner said there will be an award presented at the Fall Homecoming


Promenade Nationale Representative Rich Heigert said there will be a meeting right after the Promenade.

The following Voitures gave reports on their Voitures: Voiture 130 said they spent $5800 on nurses training, they are still selling

their towels at 50 for $20.00; 1541 is at 100%, had their night at the races, they are selling face masks at $10 each, they hope to

have a Christmas party; 460 is at 94%, have 4 nurses in training.

Grand Chef Hartley called on the Constitution Committee chaired by Robert Phillips. Robert asked Rich Heigert to report on the

Amendment to the Constitution.

Whereas, The Constitution and Bylaws of the Grand du Missouri is a moving document and must be amended from time to time

due to changing times, and

Whereas, The unexpected epidemic of Covid-19 has made it necessary to modify certain procedures in the Constitution and By-

laws of the Grand du Missouri. Now be it

Resolved, That the following changes be adopted for the Constitution and Bylaws of the Grand du Missouri:

Article VI. Procedural Matters (correct spelling of Procedural)

Modify second sentence to Section 3. Suspension of Rules and Amendment, as follows:

The Special Rules of Procedure may be amended at a Promenade only after notice of the proposed amendment has been sent to

all current Voiture Locaux by the Grand Correspondant before the Annual Grande Promenade at which the proposed amendment

is to be submitted.

Add third sentence to Section 3. As follows:

This notice may be sent by mail, email, video chat or phone.

Article VIII. Amendments

Modify Section 1. Amendments, as follows:

This Constitution may be amended at any Annual Grande Promenade by a two-thirds vote of the accredited representatives in

attendance: provided that such amendment shall be presented in writing to the Grand Cheminot and thereupon the Grand Corre-

spondant shall immediately notify all current Voiture Locaux by issuing a notice by mail, email, video chat or phone containing the

purport of substance of the proposed amendment and the date and place of the next succeeding Annual Grande Promenade at

which the proposed amendment will be considered for action, and Provided, further, that upon the adoption of any amendment it

shall not become effective until it has been approved by the Avocat Nationale as provided by the Constitution Nationale.

Add at end of Constitution as follows: Amended at the Annual Grande Promenade of the Grande Voiture of Missouri this

29th day of August 2020.

Janice Hartley, Grand Chef de Gare

Certified as amended this 29th day of August 2020

Terry L. Lanning, Grand Correspondant

Modify Rules of Procedure by adding sentences to 2. Grand Cheminot Meetings as follows:

When a meeting of the Grand Cheminot is not practical or feasible the Grand Chef de Gare may call a meeting via video

conference or teleconference. Voting may be conducted via video, mail, email or phone. In such cases the Grand Correspondant

will record such vote and approval of the recorded vote will be called for at the next regular meeting of the Grand Cheminot.

Robert offered a notion to accept the amendment to the Constitution and Bylaws, seconded by Ben Sargent...passed.

New Business –. Grand Chef Hartley called on the Chairman of the Nominating Committee, Kevin Johnson. Kevin reported he re-

ceived four resolutions. He presented those resolutions to the Grand Promenade. Kevin read the recommendation of for the elec-

tive officers for 2020-2021.

Frank Angelo was elected by acclamation as Grand Chef de Gare. Robert Emery was elected by acclamation as Grand Chef de

Train. AJ Noonan was elected by acclamation as Grand Commissaire Intendant. Terry Lanning was elected by acclamation as Grand

Correspondant. Notion offered by Rich Heigert, seconded by Ben Sargent, that the balance of the officers be elected by acclama-

tion...passed. Kevin read the appointed officers with permission by Grand Chef de Gare Elect, Frank Angelo, which are:

Notion offered by Kevin Johnson, seconded by Ben Sargent, that the appointments by the Grand Chef de Gare Elect, Frank Angelo,

be approved as read...passed.

Grand Chef Hartley relieved the members of the Grande Promenade Committees.

Newly elected Frank Angelo thanked everyone for electing him.

The Promenade was recessed at 1:20 PM to let the families and friends in for the Memorial Service and installation of officers.

The Grande Promenade came back to order at 1:40 PM. Grand Chef Hartley turned the podium over to Aumonier Rose Noonan.

She was assisted by Kevin Johnson and Grand Correspondant Terry Lanning for the Memorial Service.

Grand Chef Hartley asked that the installing officer Passe Grand Chef Kevin Johnson come to the podium. Kevin installed the newly

elected Grand Chef de Gare, Frank Angelo, first. Afterwards Kevin installed the rest of the elected and appointed officers.

Installing Officer, Kevin Johnson, took out of office the Grand Chef de Gare Janice Hartley and presented her with a Passe Grand

Chef's pin. Janice Hartley then spoke to the membership thanking them for the great year she had. She enjoyed each and every-

one and will continue to work with the Grande and Locales.

Installing Officer, Kevin Johnson, gave the gavel of authority to the new Grand Chef de Gare Frank Angelo.

At this time, the families and friends were asked to leave so that we may proceed in closing the Grande Promenade.

The new Grande Chef de Gare Frank Angelo made the following appoint for the Audit Committee with Jim Christman being

the Chairman and with members David Voyles and AJ Noonan. The Audit Committee will make a report at the Fall Cheminot.

Kevin Johnson offered a notion for approval of the appointments, seconded by Janice and passed.

The new Grande Chef de Gare Frank Angelo closed the Grand Promenade in the proper manner at 2:18 PM.

Submitted by

Terry L. Lanning

Grand Correspondant


Grand Chef de Gare Frank Angelo 460

Grand Chef de Train Robert Emery 1379

Grand Commissaire Intendant A. J. Noonan 460

Grand Correspondant Terry L. Lanning 448

Cheminot Nationale Calvin Bumgarner 1379

Alternate Cheminot Nationale Janice Hartley 1541

Voitures (460-760-1321) Ron Leverenz 760

Sous Grand Chef de Train

Voitures (38-448-966-1541) James Christman 448

Sous Grand Chef de Train

Voitures (3-130-1379-1402) Mike Scruby 1379

Sous Grand Chef de Train

Voitures (292-333-1292-1403) Don Barbour 333

Sous Grand Chef de Train

Grand Medicin Tommy Thomas 460

Grand Garde de la Porte Forrest Johnson 1541

Grand Historien Allen Schultz 1541

Grand Avocat Richard A. Heigert 1321

Sous Grand Avocat David Voyles 130

Grand Directeur Child Welfare Terry McDonald 292

Sous Grand Dir. Child Welfare Ralph Turner 460

Grand Directeur Voiture Activities Charles Kuehnel 38

Grand Directeur Nurses Training Rose Noonan 460

Sous Grand Directeur Nurses Training Hallie Williams 448

Grand Aumonier Rose Noonan 460

Sous Grand Aumonier Sam Guenther 1403

Grand Drapeau East C. J. New 1541

Grand Drapeau West Mike Scruby 1379

Grand Lampiste James (Jay) Pflugradt 130

Grand Cheminot-at-Large Ralph Turner 460

Grand Cheminot-at-Large Kevin Johnson 460

Grand Cheminot-at-Large Arthur L. Wilson 448

Grand Cheminot-at-Large Clarence Buckley 760

Grand Cheminot-at-Large Robert Phillips 1541



Sous Grand Correspondant Robert Emery 1379

Grand Publiciste David Bexten 1292

Grand Organizer David Bexten 1292

Sous Grand Organizer Art Wilson 448

Sous Grand Organizer David Voyles 130

Grand Conducteur Dan Levasseur 1292

Sous Grand Conducteur C. J. New 1541

Sous Grand Conducteur Benjamin Sargent 460

Sous Grand Conducteur Gene Vaucher 1541

Grand Directeur Americanism Robert Emery 1379 Grand Directeur Box Car Ernie Parker 333 Grand Directeur Carville Star Mike Scruby 1379 Grand Directeur POW/MIA A.J. Noonan 460

Sous Grand Directeur POW/MIA Harry T. Barnes Jr. 1321

Grand Directeur Ritual Larry W. Elliott 460 Sous Grand Directeur Ritual Bowman McArthur III 460 Grand Directeur Special Awards Benjamin Sargent 460

Grand Directeur VAVS Thomas (Chip) Berkley 292

Sous Grand Directeur VAVS Don Newman II 1541

Sous Grand Directeur VAVS Gary Puck 1379

Sous Grand Directeur VAVS Ann Puck 1379

Sous Grand Directeur VAVS Samuel Mercer 1321

Grand Directeur Youth Sports Ann Puck 1379

Sous Grand Directeur Youth Sports Forrest Johnson 1541

Executive Committee "Advisory" & Protocol Richard A. Heigert 1321

Time & Place Committee (chair) Arthur L. Wilson 448

David Bexten 1292

Kevin Johnson 460

Distinguished Voyageur Leon Hill (3) 1541

Terry L. Lanning (3) 448

David Christian (2) 38

Robert W. Phillips (2) 1541

(chair) Ralph Turner (1) 460

David Bexten (1) 1292

Distinguished Guest Committee Robert Phillips 1541

Terry L. Lanning 448

Richard A. Heigert 1321

MAVO Tom Goodin – Legislative Representative 1292

Thomas (Chip) Berkley– Delegate at Large 292 Grand Chef de Gare Frank Angelo -Delegate 460 Grand Chef de Train Robert Emery - Delegate 1379

Grand Correspondant Terry Lanning - Delegate 448

Promenade Nationale Representative Richard Heigert 1321

Aide de Camp Kevin Johnson 460 Aide de Camp Mike Scruby 1379

GRANDE VOITURE DU MISSOURI Grande Chef de Gare Homecoming & Chemlnot

October 30, 2020 TO October 31, 2020 Oasis Hotel and Convention Center

2546 North Glenstone Ave. Springfield, MO 65803

417-866-5253 888-532-4338

Room Rate $99.00 (+Tax) per night For Deluxe King or Deluxe Double


Make your reservations directly with Oasis Hotel ASAP Mention 40&8 Honor Society for special rate when making reservations

Friday Registration 1500 HRS until 1800 HRS in Kalahari and Mojave Rooms Hospitality Room 1500 HRS UNTIL???? in Kalahari and Mojave Rooms

Saturday Registration 0900 HRS until 1200 HRS

Committee Meetings 09:00 HRS until 1130 HRS LUNCH 1130 HRS until 1300 HRS

Grand Cheminot 1300 HRS-1600 HRS. Grand Chef de Gare Passe Social Hour 17:00 HRS until 18:00 HRS in Hospitality Room

Social Hour 18:00 HRS- Cash Bar/Banquet 19:00 KRS in Maui Ballroom Hospitality Room after the Banquet

Deadline to register fo.r the Banquet is October 20, 2020 Make your check payable to: Volture 460 for registration

SEND TO: AJ Noonan 20165 Highway 28

Dixon, Missouri 65459

Last Name _ ___ First Name Spouse/Guest _ __

Title _ Voiture Number ______

Banquet Buffet $35.00/Person x Number of Guest __ $ _

Registration Fee $5.00 (Voyageurs Only) $ _____

Total $ _______________

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