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Committee to Review the Health Effects in Vietnam Veterans of Exposure to Herbicides

(Ninth Biennial Update)

January, 16, 2013 Beckman Center

100 Academy Irvine, CA, 92617

Presenters: Tanya Mack and Jenna Van Leer (COVVHA) Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance, INC 980 Wheeler Way P.O. Box 1204 Langhorne, PA 19047 Phone: 1-570-468-4035 [email protected] Www.

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Table of Contents

Tanya Mack Testimony Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance…………………………………………..3-6

Jenna Van Leer, COVVHA Member, Testimony about her Mother……………………….…………………………6-8


Email submissions from COVVHA members…………………………………………………………………………………..10-11

Covered birth defects/ Presumptive illnesses in COVVHA……………………………………………………………..12

Congenital Abnormalities totals in COVVHA………………………………………………………………………………….13

Graph of all illnesses reported from COVVHA……………………………………………………………………………….14

COVVHA recommendations…………………………………………………………………………………………………………15-19

• Letters from Tanya’s doctors …………………………………………..16-17

Complete illness list reported to COVVHA about COVVs (2 generation)………………………………………20-30

Complete illness list reported to COVVHA about Grandchildren of Vietnam Veterans………………..31-32

Graph showing Grand Children of Vietnam Veterans illnesses………………………………………………………33

Thanks and Bibliography………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..34


COVV – Child of a Vietnam Veteran

COVVHA- Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance

1st generation- Those exposed to Herbicide Dioxin

2nd Generation- The Offspring of those exposed, A.K.A COVVs

3rd Generation – The grandchildren of the 1st generation

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Good Afternoon, My name is Tanya Renee Mack. I am here representing COVVHA (Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance). I am 39 years old and am a 2nd generation Agent Orange Survivor. My father, SSGT. James Sciaccotti was a Combat Controller in the United States Air Force and was part of the Special Operations Squadron, 101st Airborne Unit in the A shau Valley from 1966 –1968. The age range of children of Vietnam Veterans is roughly between the ages of 20-45. Many of us have Fathers with service connected Agent Orange Claims recognized by the Veterans Administration. Most of us have Dads who are dead or dying of Agent Orange presumptive illnesses that have been recognized by the VA. Our lives and the lives of our kids are the result of a giant science experiment between the United States Government and the chemical companies gone awry.

New information known about human exposure to dioxin and trans-generational

exposures, reinforces our belief of a strong plausibility of an epigenetic link to our illnesses and our Father’s or Mother’s service connection to the Vietnam War. We have been treated as collateral damage. The science is now quickly catching up with what we have known all along, we’ve been damaged by a war we did not fight. COVVHA completes an informal survey when a new member joins our private support community. Through our 500 members (only COVVs) we have consistently been faced with like illnesses, and deformities. We want to bring this information to you, the IOM, urging this committee to finally investigate fully what has been done to us and our children. From our informal research we believe the children and grandchildren of Vietnam Veterans have a much higher instance of several types of disease. (In our submitted documents you will see the categories of illnesses and the number of times the illness has been reported). Represented in our membership also, are several suffering from the illnesses on the Veterans Presumptive lists, please keep in mind this is a group of people between ages 20-45. Diabetes Type II Hodgkin's Lymphoma Ischemic Heart Disease Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Peripheral Neuropathy, Acute and Sub-acute Respiratory Cancers

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Soft Tissue Sarcoma Parkinson’s Disease Our membership of 500 COVVs have reported as many as 93 different congenital anomalies. Fourteen of them listed on the testimony we have submitted are some of same birth defects that are currently covered for the children of Women Vietnam Veterans. Considering there were 6-8 thousand women Vietnam Veterans and Approximately 2.8 million men who served, COVVHA believes this Study was used to keep the children of male Vietnam Veterans from making claims even though early studies showed dioxin caused birth defects in the children of Male Vietnam Veterans. Our fathers were told they were overreacting; there was no scientific link to their children being born with birth defects, rare illnesses and cancers. Air Force study of Ranch Hand personnel responsible for herbicide spraying reported statistically significant increase in reported birth defects in the Ranch Hand group (Albanese, 1988). Defects included: Skin defects, Neural tube defects, Heart defects, Oral clefts, and Kidney defects. Erickson, et al (1984) reported that risks for fathering an infant with spina bifida, cleft lip, and certain neoplasms” were higher for Vietnam veterans than controls. Increased evidence of birth defects were also reported in a population of Vietnam veterans living in Tasmania (Field and Kerr, 1988)., These were ignored, as were many other studies on the effects of dioxin on offspring from other countries, like in Vietnam where reports of birth defects, miscarriage and deformities were rampant.

In September of 2012, Washington State released an epigenetic study looking at exposures of female mice to dioxin and the trans-generational effects dioxin had on the children and grandchildren of the mice. The Study showed there was a negative trans-generational effect. We need more of this type of research, Skinner, et al (2012). That study was funded partially by the Department of Defense. Why can’t they replicate the same study, but just expose male mice?

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COVVHA would like to offer the following recommendations (See our submitted testimony for more):

A. The eighteen plus birth defects for children of female Vietnam Veterans should be approved for children of male Vietnam Veterans: This act alone would help some of the most disabled, and those in most desperate need of services, in the COVV community.

B. Free DNA and Epigenetic testing for the biological Children of Vietnam Veterans :

(Our Data shows that biological children of Vietnam Veterans who have been required by their Doctors to have DNA Testing have proven to show genetic mutations. See submitted documents).

C. An offical agent Orange Registry for Children of Vietnam Veterans

(COVVHA proposes that an official Agent Orange registry be made available to the biological children of Vietnam Veterans.) COVVHA has submitted the types and numbers of each of the roughly 694 illness we have had reported over the past year. We are willing to cooperate with the IOM in any way possible. Now I will turn my time over to my daughter, Ms. Jenna Van Leer, also from COVVHA =====================================================================

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Hello, my name is Jenna Van Leer, I am eighteen years old and the granddaughter of a deceased Vietnam Veteran, who died due to his service connected exposure to Agent Orange.

I would like to submit this personal story about my mom to you, the committee. This story is written in my Mother’s words: I am 39 years old and am a 2nd generation Agent Orange Survivor, I was born with severe hip dysplasia and started having hip reconstruction surgery at just 4 months old. I learned to walk in a full body cast after my second reconstruction at 13 months old. After 15 hip reconstruction surgeries, at age 17, I had my first total hip replacement surgery. 22 years later, I’ve had 4 total hip replacements. Currently, I’m scheduled to have it replaced for the 5th time. At 32 years old I started to develop multiple basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas. They were very aggressive and according to the pathology reports, were a different mutation than normal. I was sent to UCLA to have genetic testing. There, I was diagnosed with Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome (also known as Gorlin Syndrome) with a Mutation in my PTCH1 gene. A mutation in this gene is only caused one of two ways. It is either inherited from a parent or a new mutation occurs due to chemical or biological environmental exposures. Only 20% of all cases reported are new mutations. Both of my parents were tested, and neither one had the mutation which means that I am in the 20% of new mutations. By the time I was 34 I had a total hysterectomy due to Squamous Cell Carcinoma in my Uterus and on my Ovaries. At 35 years old, I was diagnosed with Lupus and Raynaud’s Disease, again no family history. I was also informed the severe back pain that I was having was a curve in my spine.

In 2010, I was diagnosed with Melanoma. I was fortunate that is was caught early and had not spread to my Lymph Nodes. It did however, spread far enough to have tissue and muscle removed, causing a golf ball size disfigurement in my shin. August, 2011, I was diagnosed with another rare form of Cancer called Bowen’s Disease. Now, my Oncologist was extremely worried because they almost never see this in someone as young as me. Bowen’s Disease is caused by extreme exposure to Arsenic and is considered Arsenic Poisoning. Since I have never worked or been exposed to herbicides or pesticides, I was told by

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my Oncologist that it was due to my Father’s exposure to Agent Orange. Over 50% of the Compound used in Agent Orange was Arsenic. In March 2012, my Oncologist found a large tumor on the neck of my gallbladder which required another surgery to have my entire gallbladder removed. As of today, I have had 198 skin biopsies of which 181 were positive for Cancer. I am currently on a new Cancer drug in which I was involved in the Clinical Trial. This drug, however, will only slow down the progression of Basal Cells and still leaves me vulnerable for Squamous Cell and Melanoma. I’m in constant pain and my quality of life has decreased drastically over the last several years. My medical costs with insurance runs an average of $800-$1000 dollars a month. These costs consist of office visit copays ($45 per visit) and tier 6 drugs, these do not count toward my annual out of pocket maximum. Because of this, I struggle every month to make ends meet as my medical insurance and copayments/coinsurance have to be first priority.

In March 2007, in an attempt to get help with my mounting medical costs, I applied to the Department of Veterans Affairs for benefits (38 U.S.C. 1815). I sent the V.A all of the required documents, and medical records. I felt confident I would get some help because after all, Hip Dysplasia is a covered birth

defect. Four months later I received a letter from The Department of Veterans Affairs denying my claim (See Statement below).

“We denied entitlement to a monthly monetary allowance for your claimed birth defect(s) because the evidence does not show that your biological Mother served in Vietnam to qualify for payment under 38 U.S.C. 1815. The claimed disability is hip dysplasia which is considered a qualifying condition. However, regulation 38 C.F.R. 3.815 refers to benefits allowable for an individual with disability from covered birth defects whose biological mother is or was a Vietnam Veteran”

I remember thinking that my Father’s Service to his Country would end up killing me. In my opinion, this was blatant discrimination against men and their offspring. I became depressed and wanted to give up. I was undergoing systemic chemotherapy at the time of my denial letter, and did not know how I would be able to continue since I could not afford the co-insurance for each treatment. Without going into detail, I will say my family has had to give up a lot so I could stay alive.

August 21, 2012, My father passed away from Lung and Colon Cancer. He was 64 years old. His Cancer had been attributed to his exposure to Agent Orange. At the time of his death, he was receiving benefits from the V.A. and was considered 100% disabled due to service connected Agent Orange Exposure…..But of course, according o the V.A., there was no possible way that his exposure could have any effect on me, Sad!

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This story is not fiction, it is what I have grown up watching my mother go through every day of her life , now let me share a quick look into my own life:

This past spring, my mom mentioned to her Oncologist the large birthmark on the back of my leg. Her Oncologist immediately became concerned and wanted to examine my birth mark. My mother’s various forms of aggressive cancer prompted him. After examination, and a biopsy, I have been ordered to have it examined every six months due to some pre cancerous indicators. As an 18 year old woman, I am now afraid that I too will suffer from unexplained illnesses in the future. I am also unsure if my own children will someday also have to bear this burden. My grandfather’s exposure seems to be going through the generations of my family.

I ask the IOM committee to hear our voices. Thank you on behalf of Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance.

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Committee to Review the Health Effects in Vietnam Veterans of Exposure to Herbicides (Ninth Biennial Update)

January, 16, 2013 Beckman Center

100 Academy Irvine, CA, 92617

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SUBMITTED FOR COMMITTEE REVIEW (COVVHA) Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance, INC 980 Wheeler Way P.O. Box 1204 Langhorne, PA 19047 Phone: 1-570-468-4035 [email protected] Www.

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EMAIL SAMPLES RECEIVED BY COVVHA FROM JANUARY 2012- TO DECEMBER 2012 “I am 38 years old and despite very limited physical activity since tearing my ACL in 2001, my joints have become a real source of pain and not just in the knees. “

“My father served in Vietnam and I was born prematurely and am blind in one eye.”

“As a child of a Vietnam Veteran, I was born with a severe DSD (disorder of sexual development) and I was wondering if there was a link to Agent Orange exposure.”

“My mentor and colleague, is the daughter of a Vietnam Veteran and has been battling illness all her life. At the age of 42, she continues to visit doctors, only to walk away with medications that either thin her blood or temporarily numb her pain.” “I have a couple of issues with my body that I was born with, that are not on the list...Tracheoesophageal fistula. My boys 3rd generation have Hypospadias, and my 16 yr old was diagnosed with hodgkins lymphoma. I am a firm believer that we have these because of my father serving in Vietnam, and being sprayed with AO.”

“My brothers 18 year old cannot have children, she is missing a chromosome (Grandchild of a Vietnam Veteran).”

“I am the oldest child, took my parents until they were 30 years old to conceive me due to lots of complications. When I was born I was a c section and had one of my first of many surgical operations right away. Up until I was 16, I've had more than 48 operations. Yes, 48. Ranging from full facial reconstruction, to ear canal reconstruction in both ears, midface advancements, respiratory surgeries, nose surgeries, I've had a tracheotomy at one point. I wear hearing aids, glasses, I can't smell, my back is on fire after standing up for a few minutes, and recently diagnosed with degenerative bone disease in my hip. I'm only 31. I've been on Social Security Disability since I was 18 and get a small amount of SSI on behalf of my fathers benefits.” “My brother was nuked by agent orange in Vietnam, his daughter had endometriosis and a hysterectomy.

His son, a doctor, is in treatment for alcoholism he used to self medicate OCD and anxiety. My brother was nuked by agent orange in Vietnam, his daughter had endometriosis and a hysterectomy. His son, a doctor, is in treatment for alcoholism he used to self medicate OCD and anxiety.” “I am the daughter of a Vietnam veteran who was exposed to Agent Orange. I was born with a heart condition and I am wondering...are their defects found in the children of children from the original veterans?”

“I have a 9 year old daughter born with one kidney with Chronic Kidney Disease (Grandchild of a Vietnam Veteran).”

“My son was born with Spina Bifida and there is no evidence in our family history of any one ever being born with a birth defect (Grandchild of a Vietnam Veteran).”

“At the age of 24(almost 25), I was diagnosed with Borderline Malignant Ovarian Tumors in both my ovaries. At 25, I had surgery to remove these tumors. I lost one whole ovary and a partial ovary to the tumors. There is no history of cancer or this type of tumor in my family.”

“I have several of the conditions on your list, along with another called hyperaldosteronism.”

“My son was born with pyloric and subglottic stenosis as well as a retractile testicle.” “A long-term client at our firm is a Vietnam veteran exposed to Agent Orange in 1969-1970. He has an now-adult child who was diagnosed with Arnold Chiari Malformation Type I (but not spina bifida) when she was 13 yrs old after suffering from headaches and loss of peripheral vision. Subsequently, she had brain surgery”

“Myself, I have a short left arm , my left hand thumb doesn't have a joint, index finger leans to the left, other fingers are small, was born with yellow jaundice.”

In May 2012 I was diagnosed with Arnold Chiari Malformation, I am 45 years old born in 1967. No one else in my family suffers from this condition, on either sid “I am currently 30 years old and have been recently diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.”

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“I'm currently on medical leave from work and was basically told not to come back until I figure out what's wrong with me and a way to fix it.”

“I was born with Clubfoot in both feet.”

“In the past few years, my health has been declining rapidly. I don't remember all the technical/medical names for everything, but they include a collapsed pituitary gland, arthritis in my knees, right shoulder, carpal tunnel syndrome and depression/anxiety.”

“My grandson has a bad case of this skin disorder which covers his back and arms. My son is also affected with this skin disorder and was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when he was 14 years old (Child of a Vietnam Veteran and Grandchild of a Vietnam Veteran).” “I always had strange illnesses growing up until I was Hospitalized and later found out I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.” “I too am a child of a Vietnam Vet born with a birth defect. I am missing 2 fingers on my right hand while it was webbed and i do not have a right pectoris with a bone in the middle of my chest.”

“I am just looking for answers as to why my both children have all these illnesses.” “I am 38 years old. I can not have children because I suffered with ovarian cysts from a young age and then I suffered with infertility and had to have a total hysterectomy in 2011.” I am a 34 year old female and I have officially been diagnosed with the following: 1. Von Willebrand's Disease Type 2 (nobody in my families have ever been diagnosed with this) 2. Endometriosis 3. PCOS 4. Constant Menorrhagia for as long as 11 consecutive months throughout my life resulting in Hypovolemia, Hypokalemia, and severe anemia requiring roughly _30 transfusions over the years. 5. Amenorrhea as long as 6 consecutive months with no menstrual cycle at all 6. Adult Brain Stem Glioma7. Esophageal Ulcer 8. Rheumatoid Arthritis 9. Osteoarthritis 10. Severe Magnesium Deficiency 11. Migraines with aura Multiple Times Daily with Constant Headache since January

12. Three times I have been hospitalized in the last four years with "Infection of an Undetermined Cause" with bizarre masses on my neck and head that inevitably were benign and never a case determined. This was concluded to be an Autoimmune Disease with an Unknown Etiology. 13. 4 Miscarriages 14. Anaphylactic attacks that come suddenly with no determined cause 15. Seizures 16. Many ovarian cysts for which I have had a multitude of operations “I have 32 illnesses including renal failure. I am 37 years old, the same age my dad was when he died from Agent Orange related cancer.” “I am 40 years old. I was born two months premature without my right leg below the knee, several missing fingers on both hands and webbed toes. My Father had five bypasses on his heart at age 38, he died at age 50 of a massive heart attack his death was service connected due to Agent Orange.” “I am 32 years old. I was born without my right arm.” “I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at age 10. At 18, I started experiencing pain in my joints and muscles,at 20 I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, (this DOES NOT run in my family (explain that). At about age 19, I started noticing tremors in my hands and small jerking like turrets almost. I thought it was due to blood sugar from the diabetes or maybe a medication. We ruled out any possible explanation and I was diagnosed last year with early onset Parkinson's. Having had no exposure to harmful drugs or a trauma to my head, doctor's cannot explain the reason for my having Parkinson's at age 22 and younger.” “Our daughter would be 14 right now, she passed away at age 9. She was born with multiple birth defects. Hydrocephalus, encephalocele, small brain stem and Holoprosencephaly and a seizure-disorder. Cerebral Palsy (Grandchild of a Vietnam Veteran).”

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Represented Birth defects

Birth Defects That are on the Children of Women Vietnam Compensation list by the VA but are not compensated for the children of male Vietnam Veterans and are present in our Children of Vietnam Veteran Health Alliance membership (Approximately 500 members). Achondroplasia Cleft lip and cleft palate Congenital heart disease Congenital talipes equinovarus (clubfoot) Esophageal and intestinal atresia Hip dysplasia Hydrocephalus due to aqueductal stenosis Hypospadias Imperforate anus Neural tube defects Poland syndrome Pyloric stenosis Syndactyly (fused digits) Tracheoesophageal fistula

Represented in our membership are several suffering from the illnesses on the Veterans Presumptive lists, please keep in mind this is a group of people between ages 20-45.

Diabetes Type II Hodgkin's Lymphoma Ischemic Heart Disease Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Peripheral Neuropathy, Acute and Subacute Respiratory Cancers Soft Tissue Sarcoma Parkinson’s Disease

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The name and total number of Congenital Abnormalities within COVVHA (500 Members)

Congenital Anomalies (195) Acephaly Ankylogossia AKA Tongue Tied Arteriovenous Malformation (2) Bicornuate Uterus/Septate Uterus (5) Bicuspid Aorta Heart Valve Bicuspid Valve Prolapse Bipartide Patellas Bones Missing at Birth Born Blind Born Deaf (2) Bowel Deformity (2) Brain Stem Abnormalities Brain Stem Small Camptodactyl Caudel Regression Syndrome AKA Sacral Agenesis Choristoma AKA Hamartoma, Tumor in the Ear Cleft Lips Cleft Palate Club Foot AKA Talipes Equinovares (2) Congenital Scoliosis Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Congenital Anosenia, Born without the ability to smile Congenital Heart Blockage Congenital Hips (2) Congenital Hypertension Deformed Arms/Legs/Fingers/Toes/Feet Deformed Sinuses Deformity of Chest/ Breast Deformity of Shoulders/ Muscles Deformity of the Face/Head/Neck Diagonal Earlobe Crease Double Cervix

Double Hernia at Birth Double Ureater (3) Double Uterus/Cervix Double Uvula/Cleft Uvula Duplicate Mitral Valve Encephalotrigeminal Angiomatosis SKA Sturge Weber Syndrome Extra Body Parts (Sibling had 3 Kidneys) Extra Bones Extra Vertebrate Fragile X Syndrome Fused Digits (Toes Partially) Fused Vertebrae in Neck (8) Fused Vertebra/ Disc (2) Gene Mutations 4g4g Heart Defect/Murmur/Newborn (3) Hip Deformity (Something Ate The Bone Away, Thought It Was Fungus But No Explaination Attacking Several Bones In Lower Extremities Hydrocephalus AKA Water on the Brain Hypospadias Hypoplastic Heart Imperforate Anus Jaw Deformity/ Surgery Keratosis Pilaris Lateral Microtia Lumbarization Lung Deformity- 3rd Lung Marfan Syndrome Metatarsus Varus AKA Pigeon Toed Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) (2) Microtia Mild Dysplasia (30)

Missing Big Toe Missing Digits Missing Fingers Missing Right Leg Below the Knee Missing Limbs/ Body Parts Missing Vertebrae Nevus Sebaceous Oculo-Auriculo-Vertebral(OAV) Syndrome AKA Goldenhar Syndrome Osteogenesis Imperfecta AKA Brittle Bone Disease Pancreas was upside down, facing the wrong way Pectus Excavatum Pelvic Bones Not Fused Pierre Robin Sequence Poland Syndrome Polycystic Kidney Disease Scoliosis (18) Slight Deviated Jaw (2) Small Digits on Hands

Spina Bifida (3) Spina Bifida Occulta (3) Spinal Deformities (2) Subglottic Stenosis Syndactyl Tooth Formation Absence, Adult Teeth Never Came In (7) Triple Ureater Triple X Syndrome Truncus Arteriosis Uterine Septum AKA Septate Uterus Vacterl Association AKA Vacterl Syndrome Vertebrae Extra/Missing Webbed Toes

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• New members of COVVHA are asked to self report any illnesses, or congenital abnormalities they may have. We ask them to submit any illness to only add things they think are caused by Agent Orange.

• Mental illness is the most reported issue within our group. • We do not claim this to be a scientific study. It is simply to aid the committee in seeing

what we have observed. We would need real help to complete a significant Study.

Diseases of the Musculoskeletal

System and Connective Tissue


Diseases of the Gentourinary System (410)

Mental Disorders (726)

Diseases of the Respiratory System


Diseases of the Blood and Blood

Forming Organs (50)Certain Conditions Originating In The

Perinatal Period (1)

Number of Times Reported (Approx 500 People)

New members of COVVHA are asked to self report any illnesses, or congenital abnormalities they may have. We ask them to submit any illness they may have and not to only add things they think are caused by Agent Orange. Mental illness is the most reported issue within our group. We do not claim this to be a scientific study. It is simply to aid the committee in seeing

We would need real help to complete a significant Study.

Neoplasms (54)

Diseases of the Circulatory

System (157)

Congenital Anomalies

(195)Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous

Tissue (238)

Endocrine, Nutritional, and

Metabolic Diseases and Immunity

Disorders (247)

Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs (297)

Diseases of the Digestion System


Diseases of the Musculoskeletal

System and Connective Tissue


Certain Conditions Originating In The

Perinatal Period (1)

Complications of Pregnancy,

Childbirth and Puerperium (15)

Number of Times Reported (Approx 500 People)


they may have and not

We do not claim this to be a scientific study. It is simply to aid the committee in seeing We would need real help to complete a significant Study.

Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous

Tissue (238)

Endocrine, Nutritional, and

Metabolic Diseases and Immunity

Disorders (247)

Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs (297)

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A. The eighteen plus birth defects for children of female Vietnam Veterans should be approved for children of male Vietnam Veterans: This act alone would help some of the most disabled, and those in most desperate need of services, in the Children of Vietnam veteran community.

From the Veterans Administration Website:

Covered birth defects include, but are not limited to, the following conditions:

§ Achondroplasia § Cleft lip and cleft palate § Congenital heart disease § Congenital talipes equinovarus (clubfoot) § Esophageal and intestinal atresia § Hallerman-Streiff syndrome § Hip dysplasia § Hirschprung's disease (congenital megacolon) § Hydrocephalus due to aqueductal stenosis § Hypospadias § Imperforate anus § Neural tube defects § Poland syndrome § Pyloric stenosis § Syndactyly (fused digits) § Tracheoesophageal fistula § Undescended testicle § Williams syndrome

Conditions due to family disorders, birth-related injuries, or fetal or neonatal infirmities with well-established causes are not covered. If any of the birth defects listed above are determined to be a family disorder in a particular family, they are not covered birth defects.

B. DNA/ Epigenetic TESTING COVVHA proposes DNA/Epigenetic testing be made available at no cost to the biological children of Vietnam Veterans. Our data shows that biological children of Vietnam Veterans, who have been required by their doctors to have DNA testing, have proven to show genetic mutations. We have submitted results to confirm this. We have at least two others in our group with similar results but did not receive them in time to include them:

“Well, I had done what was called a Jak2 test. The disease I have is called Primary (or Essential) Thrombocytosis. About half of patients with my disease test positive for Jak2, and I am one of them. Basically, it is a genetic mutation that causes the signals in

my bone marrow to not shut themselves off, so they keep producing more and more cells.

After I had my test done and it came back positive, my Dad had already been gone 8 years, so my Mom had the test done, which came back negative. She is not a carrier of the mutation.”

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C. Agent Orange Registry for Children of Vietnam Veterans COVVHA proposes that an official Agent Orange registry be made available to the biological children of Vietnam Veterans structured in the same manner as the Agent Orange Registry available to Vietnam Veterans.

D. Legislative remedies - S.1940 On October 27, 2009 Senate Bill S. 1940 was introduced, referred to committee, and died, during 111th session of congress sponsored by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand [D-NY] In summary, the legislation would: Direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to complete, and report to the congressional veterans committees on, a study of the effects on children of their parents' exposure to herbicides used in support of U.S. and allied military operations in the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam era. Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance proposes a new legislative remedy for S. 1940. Legislation should be re-written and introduced directing the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to complete and report a study examining the health and medical effects of biological children of Vietnam Veterans exposed to herbicides during the Vietnam War Era, NOT LIMITED TO “IN COUNTRY” or “BOOTS ON THE GROUND” E. Parents military on medical (doctors appt forms) Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance proposes that all medical professionals be required to note their patients inherited herbicide exposure in their charts by including a patient questionnaire which asks, but not limited to, if one or both parents served in the military during the Vietnam war era. F. Data Collection Available to the Children of Vietnam Veterans and their Representatives Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance proposes that all medical data being collected by government and non-government entities on the biological children and grandchildren of Vietnam Veterans be made available to the children of Vietnam Veterans at no cost. G. International Agent Orange Research Cooperation Children Of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance proposes international cooperation amongst all leading dioxin researchers and scientists: In particular those working on epigenetic research. H. Epidemiology study for Children and grandchildren of Vietnam Veterans Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance proposes that Epidemiology studies be included in above stated legislative remedies in addition to “stand Alone” studies

I. We do not recommend “Centers” for the Children of Vietnam Veterans, Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance proposes: the utilization of VA hospitals, or community hospitals, or clinics under special coordination programs with the V.A. These are already established places and would significantly reduce the time needed to begin caring for those

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affected by Agent Orange. This would also be geographically more convenient for those who cannot afford to or are too ill to travel long distances.

J. Including Children of Vietnam Veterans in the planning process

Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance proposes a committee of actual Children of Vietnam Veterans be formed to help those creating programs for us that our actual needs are being assessed instead of making assumptions for our population. We maybe the Child of a Vietnam Veteran but we are adults and would like a say in the planning process that will ultimately help the most vulnerable parts of our population. Veterans, widows and researchers have many opinions; however, there must be a true needs assessment.

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Diseases of the Blood and Blood Forming Organs (50) Anemia (29) Antiphospholipid Syndrome Chronic Neutropenia, Severe Clotting Disorders (7) Factor V Leiden Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) Platelet Disorder Iron Deficiency (4) Leukocytosis with Neutrophilia Low Red Blood Count Neutropenia Pancytonpenia Thrombophilia SKA Hypercoagulability Von Willebrand Disease 760-779 Certain Conditions Originating In The Perinatal Period (1) Periventricular Leukomalacia 390-459 Diseases of the Circulatory System (158) Atrial Fibrillation (2) Bradycardia Arrythmia Cardiac Arrythmia (10) Cardiomegaly AKA Enlarged Heart

Cardiovascular Disease AKA Heart Disease Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) AKA Stroke Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI), Severe (2) Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Dilated Cardiomyopathy with Enlarged Heart Ventricle and 4 Heart Sounds Dysphagia Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) AKA Temperal Arteritis Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT) AKA Osler-Weber-Rendu Disease HOCM AKA Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Hypertension AKA High Blood Pressure (42) Hypotension AKA Low Blood Pressure (20) Ischemic Heart Disease Long QT Syndrome Lung Disease/Nodules/ Tumors/Clots Multiple Cardiac Arrests Before Finding Peace at 21/2 YOA (Sibling) Mitral Valve Prolapse

Myocardial Infarction AKA Heart Attack Orthostatic Hypotension Pericarditis Raynaud's Syndrome AKA Raynaud's Phenomenon (5) Rheumatic Fever Sinus Tachycardia (8) Supraventricular Tachycardia (3) Tachycardia AKA Elevated Heart Rate (16) Vasculitis Vericose Veins (14) Vertigo (12) Viral Myocarditis Wolf- Parkinson- White Syndrome (3) 630-679 Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and Puerperium (15) Ectopic Pregnancy (2) Gestational Diabetes Pre-Eclampsia (3) Pregnancy Complications, Undefined Pregnancy, Partial Molar Premature Babies (7)

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Congenital Anomalies (195) Acephaly Ankylogossia AKA Tongue Tied Arteriovenous Malformation (2) Bicornuate Uterus/Septate

Uterus (5) Bicuspid Aorta Heart Valve Bicuspid Valve Prolapse Bipartide Patellas

Bones Missing at Birth Born Blind

Born Deaf (2) Bowel Deformity (2) Brain Stem Abnormalities Brain Stem Small Camptodactyl Caudel Regression Syndrome AKA Sacral Agenesis Choristoma AKA Hamartoma, Tumor in the Ear

Cleft Lips Cleft Palate Club Foot AKA Talipes Equinovares (2) Congenital Scoliosis Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Congenital Anosenia, Born without the ability to smile Congenital Heart Blockage

Congenital Hips (2) Congenital Hypertension Deformed Arms/Legs/Fingers/Toes/Feet Deformed Sinuses Deformity of Chest/ Breast Deformity of Shoulders/

Muscles Deformity of the Face/Head/Neck Diagonal Earlobe Crease Double Cervix Double Hernia at Birth Double Ureater (3) Double Uterus/Cervix Double Uvula/Cleft Uvula Duplicate Mitral Valve Encephalotrigeminal Angiomatosis SKA Sturge Weber Syndrome Extra Body Parts (Sibling had 3 Kidneys) Extra Bones Extra Vertebaes Fragile X Syndrome Fused Digits (Toes Partially) Fused Vertebrae in Neck (8) Fused Vertebra/ Disc (2) Gene Mutations 4g4g Heart Defect/Murmur/Newborn (3) Hip Deformity (Something Ate The Bone Away, Thought It Was Fungus But No Explaination Attacking Several Bones In Lower Extremities

Hydrocephalus AKA Water on the Brain Hypospadias Hyposplastic Heart Imperforate Anus Jaw Deformity/ Surgery Keratosis Pilaris Lateral Mycrotia Lumbarization Lung Deformity- 3rd Lung Marfan Syndrome Metatarsus Varus AKA Pigeon Toed Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) (2) Microtia Mild Dysplasia (30) Missing Big Toe Missing Digits Missing Fingers (2) Missing Right Leg Below the Knee Missing Limbs/ Body Parts Missing Vertebrae Nevus Sebacious Oculo-Auriculo-Vertebral(OAV) Syndrome AKA Goldenhar Syndrome Osteogenesis Imperfecta AKA

Brittle Bone Disease Pancrease was upside down, facing the wrong way Pectus Excavatum Pelvic Bones Not Fused Pierre Robin Sequence Poland Syndrome Polycystic Kidney Disease Scoliosis (18) Slight Deviated Jaw (2) Small Digits on Hands

Spina Bifida (3) Spina Bifida Occulta (3) Spinal Deformities (2) Subglottic Stenosis Syndactyl Tooth Formation Absence, Adult Teeth Never Came In (7) Triple Ureater Triple X Syndrome Truncus Arteriosis Uterine Septum AKA Septate Uterus Vacterl Association AKA Vacterl Syndrome Vertebrae Extra/Missing Webbed Toes

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Diseases of the Digestion System (387) Abnormal Rectal Bleeding (12) Appenditicis (9) Benign Oral Cysts (3) Callluses on Vocal Chords Faulty Stomach Acid Caused (2) Celiac Disease (3) Chronic Constipation (20) Cirrhosis of the Liver Due to Atypical Hereditary Hemochromatosis Colon Issues (2) Constipation (5) Crohn's Disease (6) Dental Caries AKA Tooth Decay (26) Digestive Issues (5) Fatty Deposits on Liver (4) Gall Bladder Disease (52) Gall Stones (55) Gastoparesis Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) (87) Gluten Intolerance (6)

Hernia (3) Idiopathic Gastroparesis (3) Irritable Bowel Syndrome AKA Spastic Colon (39) Liver Disease Fatty/ Undefined Liver Lesions Malabsorption of Food and Drink Malabsorption of Vitamin B12 and B1 (2) Pancreatitis (5) Peptic Ulcers AKA Peptic Ulcer Disease AKA Stomach Ulcers (4) Pyloric Stenosis Rectal Prolapse Rectal Seal Prolapse Sphincter of Oddi Disorder Steatohepatitis AKA Fatty Liver Disease Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) (16) Tracheoesophageal Fistula (2) Ulcerative Colitis (2) Ulcers- Mouth (4)

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Endocrine, Nutrional, and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders (247) Addison's Disease Albinism Angiodema Automimmune Disease, Unknown Etiology (26) Benign Multinodular Goiter (7) Calicum Deficiency (2) Compromised Immune System Cryoglobulinemia Cushing's Syndrome Cystic Fibrosis Dehydration Diabetes Type I Diabetes Type II (15) Dwarfism Electrolyte Abnormalities (3) Empty Sella Syndrome Endocrine Disorders (4) Goiter (9) Gout Grave's Disease (5) Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD) Hashimoto's Autoimmune thyroid Disease (6) Hereditary Angiodema (2)

Hereditary Atypical Hemochromatosis Hypercholersterolmia AKA High Cholesterol (32) Hyperhomocysteinemia Hyperinsulinemia Hyperparathyroidism Hyperprolactinemia Hyperthyroidism (4) Hypoglycemia (17) Hypoparathyroidism Hypokalemia AKA Low Potassium (10) Hypothyroidism (27) Immune Deficiency Syndrome (3) Insuline Resistance Lactose Intolerance (8) Low Vitamin D Levels (31) Metabolic Syndrome Parathyroid Gland Dysfunction (2) Premature Menopause (2) Premature Ovarian Failure Prolactinoma Unspecified Immunodeficiency (6) Vitamin B-12 Deficiency (4)

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Diseases of the Gentourinary System (410) Abnormal Cervical Bleeding (16) Abnormal Growth Between Ovaries (8) Abnormal Pap Smears (30) Abnormal Periods (70) Adenomyosis (3) Amenorrhoea Berger's Disease Bilateral Uterus Bladder Infections AKA Urinary Tract Infections (31) Bladder is Collapsing (3) Blood in Urine AKA Hematuria, Undefined Chronic Kidney Disease AKA Chronic Renal Disease (3) Complete Hysterectomy (14) Complete Pelvic Floor Collapse Cysts: Cervix/ Ovaries/Uterus (4) Endometrial Hyperplasia Endometrial Polyps KA Uterine Polyps (5) Endometriosis (35) Fibrocystic Breast Changes AKA Fibrocystic Breast Disease (4) Fibroid Cysts in Breasts (16) Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) Hydrocele Testis Hymen Issues, Paritally Intact

Infertility (21) Interstital Cystitis Kidney Cysts (6) Kidney Disease Low Estrogen Low Testosterone (5) Menopause Issues, Early (2) Menorrhagia (3) Mullarian Aplasia Nephrolithiasis AKA Kidney Stones Ovarian Cysts (46) Overactive Bladder (16) Pelvice Congestion Syndrome (Before Hysterectomy) Poor Egg Quality (2) Prolapsed Cervix Prostate Problems/Enlarged Pyelonephritis AKA Kidney Infections (6) Renal Calculus AKA Kidney Stones (15) Renal Cyst/ Calcification Renal Failure AKA Renal Insufficiency Reproductive Problems, Female (2) Retroverted Uterus Salpingitis Isthmica Nodosa (SIN) Secondary Infertility (2)

Testicle Deformity Tilited Uterus (17) Vaginal Bleeding Bacterial Vaginosis AKA Vaginal Bacteriosis AKA Vaginosis Vulvodynia, Pain in the Vulva 001-139 Infections and Parasitic Diseases (38) Bacterial Infections (2) Cervial Infections (5) Chronic Candida and other Female Reproductive Organ Infections (13) Methicillin Staphylococcus Resistant Aurus (MSRA) Sarcoidosis Shingles- Ears/Mouth/Opthamalic/Throat (5) Strep Throat (6) Tinea Versicolor Toxic Shock Syndrome Tuberculosis (3) 800-999 Injury and Poisoning (70) Allergies (68) Amputation Anaphalaxis

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Mental Disorders (726

Addiction-Cigarettes (49) Addiction Other than Cigarettes (9) Attention Deficit Disorder (5) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (24) Agoraphobia, Severe (2) Alcoholism (16) Amnesia AKA Memory Loss AKA Short Term Memory Loss (31) Anorexia Nervosa Anxiety (123) Aphasia SKA Speech Problems (2) Asperger's Syndrome Autism (3) Bipolar Disorder (26) Borderline Personality Disorder (3) Borderline Schizophrenia Childhood Extreme Shyness (25)

Cognitive Disorder Conversion Disorder Clinical Depression (87) Depression, Major (89) Develpmental Delay Dissociative Disorder Drug Abuse (3) Dyslexia (10) Dysthemia AKA Chronic Depression(2) Emotional Problems (4) Eneuresis AKA Childhood Bedwetting (14) Generalized Anxiety Disorder (14) Insomnia AKA Sleeplessness (11) Learning Disabilities (4) Mental Health Issues (9) Mental Retardation Nightmares (31)

Night Terrors (3) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (4) Personality Disorders Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (7) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Primary: Related to Family violence (13) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Secondary (43) Schizophrenia (2) Severe Depression (14) Short Term Memory Problems (6) Social Anxiety Disorder (8) Social Problems (6) Suicidal Ideations AKA Suicial Thoughts (13) Suicide (Brother) Tourette's Syndrome

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Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue (383) Ankylosing Spondylitis Arthritis, Inflammatory of the SI Joint, Rhumatoid (24) Arthritis, Juvenile Back Pain, Unspecified (69) (Bilateral) Baker Cysts AKA Popliteal Cyst Bursitis (10) Calcaneal Spur AKA Heal Spur

(8) Carpal Tunnel (22) Cava Perthes AKA Legg- Calve-Perthes Syndrome Chondromalacia Patallae (3) Chronic Costochondritis AKA Chest Wall Pain Chronic Knee Dysplasia (5) Collapses Vertebrae

Connective Tissue Disorder (2) Costochondritis Cramping (5) Crest Syndrome Debilitating Muscle Spasms (5) Degenerative Disc Disease (30) Degenerative Joint Syndrome (4) Degenerative Ligament Tissue

Disc Dessication Facet Syndrome AKA Facet Joint Syndrome (3) Facial Aplasia Felty Syndrome AKA Felty's Syndrome Fibromyalgia (32) Foot Deformity (4) Ganglion Cyst (11) Growths on Skull Involuntary Muscle Spasms Face/Eyes/Legs/Stomach/Abdomen (14) Joint and Muscle Problems/Pain (12) Joint Hypermobilty Syndrome (3)

Kienbock's Disease Knee Displasia (6) Kyphosis AKA Roundback (2) Lateral Epicondylitis AKA Tennis Elbow Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD) Muscle Spasms/Pain/Numbness, Undefined (7) Musculoskeletal Problems Neuralgia, Face, Feet, Hands, Legs (9) Osteoarthritis (22) Osteochondritis Osteopenia Osteoporosis (3)

Paralysis Patellar Subluxation, Left Knee (3) Polymyositisis Pulmonary Fibrosis Sjogren's Syndrome AKA Sicca Syndrome (2) Spinal Deterioration (4) Spinal Disc Hernitaion AKA Herniated Disc (4) Spondyloloisthesis (7) Spondylolysis (7) Systemic Lupus Erythematosus AKA Lupus (3) Tendinitis AKA Tendonitis (14) Torticollis

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Neoplasms (54) Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Acute Myeloid Leukemia (2) Adrenal Gland Tumors AKA Cushing's Disease Anal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Basaloid Type Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Appendicitis/Cancerous, Undefined Bone Cancer Brain Tumors Breast Cancer Cancer (6) Cardo Sarcoma Cervical Cancer Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia AKA Cervical Dysplasia

Endometrial Cancer Follicular Lymphoma Glioblastoma Hairy Cell Leukemia Hemangioma on my C-7 Vertebrae Histiocytosis Hodgkin's Lymphoma Large B Cell Lymphoma Lipomas-Non Cancerous Tumors Throughout Body (3) Lung Cancers and Hocm Lymphatic Tumors/ Lymphangioma Lymphoblastic Leukemia Lymphoma Melanoma (3) Myelodysplastic Syndrome

Nasal Cancer Ovarian Cancer Parathyroid Adenoma AKA Tumor on the Parathyoid Polycythemia Vera Polycythemia Vera with Genetic Factor Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor (PNET) Rhabdomyosarcoma Skin Cancer Spinal Cord Tumors Throat Tumors (2) Thyroid Cancer-Hashimoto's Tumors (2) Tumors on Liver Uterine Leiomyosarcoma

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Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs (297) Absence Seizure AKA Petit Mal Seizures Amblyopia AKA Lazy Eye (12) Annual Decrease in Night Vision

(25) Arachnoid Cyst in Brain Space Arachnoiditis (2) Arnold Chiari Malformation (2)

Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction

Bacterial Meningitis Bell's Palsy (4) Blindness Brain Calcification and Enlarged Penvascular Space Central Nervous System Disorder Cerebral Palsy Chronic Childhood Ear Infections (27) Chronic Inflammtory Demyalinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) Complex Regional Pain Syndrome FKA Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy(CRPS/RSD) Crossed Eyes, Newborn Detached Retina Droop Eye, Ptosis Dysautonomia (2) Epilepsy (3) Eustacian Tube Dysfunction (2)

Exotropia Eye Floaters (10) Eye Problems, Undefined: Too much Spinal Fluid on my Brain Headaches (Chronic) (13) Hearing Loss, Deafness (11) High Myopia AKA Near sighted, AKA Short sighted Hydrocephaly (Brother Deceased) Hypoplasia: Entire Right Side Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension AKA Pseudotumor Cerebri (3) Intracranial Cyst AKA Arachnoid Cyst Juvenile Macular Degeneration Legally Blind (2) Mastoiditis (2) Meniere's Disease (2) Migraines: Basilar, Cluster, Hemiplegic, Hypnic (36) Migraines, Chronic (36)

Migraines (13) Multiple Sclerosis (3) Muscular Dystrophy (2) Mysathenia Gravis Neuropathy Night Blindness (4) Otitis AKA Ear Infections (6) Otosclerosis Peripheral Neuropathy AKA Neuropathy (13) Postural Ortostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) (2) Ptosis Seizures Sleep Apnea (21) Spinal Meningitis Spinocerebellar Ataxia Spinocerebellum Degeneration Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Tinnitus, Lifelong (10) Vasovagal Response or Vasovagal Attack AKA Neurocardiogenic Syncope

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Diseases of the Respiratory System (138) Asthma (39) Bronchitis/Bronchial Spasms (4) Chronic Asthmatic Bronchitis (10) Chronic Cold (2) Chronic Influenza (2) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Chronic Pnuemonia (5) Chronic Sinusitis (25) Deviated Nasal Septum (5) Nasal Polyps Pnuemonia, Childhood/Recurring Pulmonary Edema Respiratory Infections/Distress (4) Sinusitis AKA Sinus Infections (34) Tonsillitis (4) Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue (238) Acne Vulgaris AKA Cystic Acne, Undefined (42) Adult Acne (37) Alopecia AKA Hair Loss (2) Alopecia Areata AKA Spot

Baldness Benign Cyst, Armpit (10) Boils AKA Furuncles AKA Carbuncles (4) Cellulitis (3)

Chloracne Cysts: Arm, Hand, Leg, Shoulder Blade, Wrists (23) Dermatitis (8) Eczema (17)

Hisutism AKA Frazonism (6) Hidradenitis Suppurativa Missing A Whole Layer Of Dermis Mulitple Recurring Undiagnosable Oozing Sores Peeling As If Sunburned, Face/ Body (3) Pityriasis Photosensitivity AKA Light Sensitivity, Severe (20) Polymorphous Light Eruption AKA Polymorphic Light Eruption (PMLE) (1)

Psoriasis (2) Psoriatic Arthritis Psoriatic Rhumatoid Arthritis Rash Under My Arm Same Place My Dad Gets It (4) Rash, Newborns Rashes, Undefined (2) Raynaud's Disease AKA Raynaud's Phenomenon (5) Rosacea (3) Scleroderma Sebacious Cysts AKA Lumps On The Head (5) Sebhorrheic Dermatitis

Skin Lesions Skin Problems/ Deformity Skin Rashes (19) Squamous Papilloma, Benign Polyp in Mouth Strange Growths Trichilemmal Cyst AKA Pilar Cyst Undiagnosed Rash On One Side Of Body Urticaria AKA Hives (4) Vitiligo AKA Loss Of Skin Pigment

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Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions (619) Achy Body (30) Anger Issues (13) Ataxia Balance Problems (3) Black Outs AKA Syncope Bladder Lift (2) Borderline Diabetic (7) Borderline High Blood Pressure (14) Breast Pain (6) Chemical Sensitivity (24) Chest/Breast Pain (21) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (30) Chronic ENT Issues Results Leading to Adenoidectomy, Tonsillectomy and Ear Tubes (12) Cold Hands/ Feet (14) Dental Problems (11) Dizzy Spells (11) Ear Surgeries (6) Ear Tubes (6) Excessive Nosebleeds (3) Fasciculation AKA Twitches (5) Fever Seizures (5) Fever, Undefined Foot Issues, Burning (4) Gastritis (9) Gastrointestinal Problems (3) Heart Palpitations (30) Heart Problems/Surgery (2) Hepatomegaly ALA Enlarged Liver- Cause Unknown High ANA Levels In Blood Leads To Potential Lupus Diagnosis But After 4 Years Only Other Symptoms Is Raynaud's Phenomenon Hip Pain, Undefined (7) Hip Replacement Hip Surgery, Undefined Hormone Issues/Replacement (2) Hyperhidrosis AKA Excessive Sweating (3) Hypermobility Issues/Surgeries Hysterectomy (3) Immune System Issues and IVIG Infusions Infant/ Toddler Lethargy, Withdrawl Kidney Surgery Knee Problems/Pain/Surgery (7)

Lethargy Lhermitte's Sign SKA Barber Chair Phenomenon Loss Of Strenght In Limbs (2) Mood Swings (44) Neck Pain (28) Nerve Damage (17) Neurological Problems, Undefined Night Sweats (6) Orthostatic Intolerance Pain, Undefined (3) Parasthesis Partial Thyroidectomy (2) Pelvic Reconstruction Potassium Issues (2) Sensitive Skin (26) Sensitive Teeth (38) Sensitive to Medication (8) Snoring (30) Spinal Surgeries/Pain/ Undefined (3) Stress (9) Swelling, Undefined Thinning of Hair, Top/Front (6) Tired (19) Tremors (18) Unexplained Numbness (7) Unexplained Tingling Right Side Of Body (5) Vascular Headaches Vomiting (3) Weak Enamel In/On Teeth (16) Weak Muscles Left Leg (7) Weight Loss Whole Thyroidectomy Surgery (3)

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Grandchildren of Vietnam Veterans (A.K.A. 3rd generation) as of 12/12- COVVHA Member’s Children Diseases Of The Blood And The Blood Forming Organs (3) Cystic Hygroma Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) Sickle Cell Anemia Diseases Of The Circulatory System (3) Varicocele (Prone to Varicocele/Hydracele) (3) Complications Of Pregnancy, Childbirth, And The Perperium (6) Premature Births (6) Congentital Anomalies (28) Anencephaly (2) Beckwith–Wiedemann Syndrome Cleft Palate (5) Dual AV Node In Heart Edwards Syndrome Hypospadias Keratosis Pilaris Leg/Hip Problems At Birth (3) Neural Tube Defects (2) One Testicle Smaller Than The Other AKA Cryptorchidism AKA Undescended Testicles (2) Prune Belly Syndrome Radial Dysphasia Of The Wrist AKA Radial Dysplasia of the Wrist Scoliosis Spine is Blunt At The Bottom Sticker Syndrome Two Uteruses Vacterl Syndrome AKA Vacterl Association Ventricular Septal Defect (2) Diseases Of The Digestive System (17) Deformed Baby Teeth/ Gemini Tooth Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) (5) Irritable Bowel Syndrome (3) Hypodontia (Missing Teeth) (2) Reflux (5) Weak Baby Teeth Endocrine, Nutritional, And Metabolic Diseases And Immunity Diseases (15) Autoimmune Problems Gluten Allergy Low Vitamin D Levels Obesity (6)

Overall Weak Immune System (3) Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Type One Diabetes (2) Diseases Of The Genitourinary System (5) UTI'S AKA Bladder Infections (5) Infections And Parasitic Diseases (12) Warts (12) Injury And Poisoning (34) Allergies (20) Severe Seasonal Allergies (14) Mental Disorders (99) Anxiety Disorder (12) Attention Deficit Disorder (9) Aspergers- Autism Spectrum Disorder (11) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (8) Bedwetting AKA Enueresis (9) Borderline Personality Disorder Depression (9) Developmental Delay (5) Dyslexia (2) Aphasia (Fine/Gross Motor) Insomnia (3) Learning Disabilities, Non Specific (8) Night Terrors (7) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (5) Social Anxiety Disorder Speech Disorder, Articulation (7) Tourette's Syndrome Diseases Of The Muskuloskeletal System And Connective Tissue (7) Fibromyalgia Hyperflexablility In The Joints (6) Neoplasms (2) Hodgkins Lymphoma Retinoblastoma

Page 32: Committee to Review the Health Effects in Vietnam Veterans of Exposure to Herbicides (Ninth Biennial Update)


Diseases Of The Nervous Systems And Sense Organs (30) Amblyopia Apraxia Of Speech Auditory Processing Disorder (2) Chronic/Frequent Ear Infections (6) Hydrocephalus Lazy Eye (2) Migraines (6) Ruptured Ear Drums (2) Seizures Sensory Processing Disorder/ Dysfunction of Sensory Integration (6) Sleep Apnea (2) Diseases Of The Respiratory System (36) Asthma (22) Chronic Bronchitis (3) Enlarged Adenoids (2) Sinusitis (9)

Diseases Of The Skin And Subcutaneous Tissue (6) Cellulitis Eczema (4) Photosensitivity Signs, Symptoms, And Ill-Defined Conditions (57) Abdominal Migraines (2) Abnormal Scar Tissue Growth Enlarged Tonsils (5) Failure To Thrive (5) Heart Murmur (3) Nose bleeds (5) Past Urinary Problems Peeling Finger/Toe Nails Poor Hand/Eye Coordination (4) Potty Training Problems (9) Severe Colic (3) Snoring (9) Weak Enamel In/On Teeth (7) Weird Skin Rashes (Doc Can't Figure Out What It Is) (3)

Page 33: Committee to Review the Health Effects in Vietnam Veterans of Exposure to Herbicides (Ninth Biennial Update)

• This is total Parental (SELF) report and we have no idea how many grandchildren are represented in this section.

• We do not claim to be scientists we are only passing on what we have observed. The Grandchildren of Vietnam Veterans need further study.

5 12







Parent reported total number of illnesses in Grandchildren of VN Vets.

This is total Parental (SELF) report and we have no idea how many grandchildren are

scientists we are only passing on what we have observed. The Grandchildren of Vietnam Veterans need further study.



Parent reported total number of illnesses in Grandchildren of VN Vets.

Diseases Of The Genitourinary System (5)

Infections And Parasitic Diseases (12)

Injury And Poisoning (34)

Mental Disorders (99)

Diseases Of The Muskuloskeletal System And Connective Tissue (7)


Diseases Of The Nervous Systems And Sense Organs (30)

Diseases Of The Respiratory System (36)

Diseases Of The Skin And Subcutaneous Tissue (6)

Signs, Symptoms, And IllConditions (57)


Diseases Of The Genitourinary

Infections And Parasitic Diseases

Injury And Poisoning (34)

Diseases Of The Muskuloskeletal System And Connective Tissue (7)

Diseases Of The Nervous Systems

Diseases Of The Respiratory

Diseases Of The Skin And

Signs, Symptoms, And Ill-Defined

Page 34: Committee to Review the Health Effects in Vietnam Veterans of Exposure to Herbicides (Ninth Biennial Update)



Albanese, Richard A., United States Air Force Personnel and Exposure to Herbicide Orange, Interim Report for Period March 1984 February 1988, United States Air Force: Brooks Air Force Base, TX, Feb., 1988.

Erickson JD, Mulinarei J, McClain PW, et al. Vietnam veterans' risks for fathering babies with birth defects. JAMA1984;252:903-12.

Field B, Kerr C (1988) “Reproductive behavior and consistent patterns of abonormality in offspring of Vietnam Veterans” J Med Genet, Vol 25,12.

Skinner, Michael K. (2012), Dioxin (TCDD) Induces epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of onset disease and sperm epimutations., Vol 7,9

Thank you for your time and consideration

Presentation prepared by,

Heather A Bowser, COVVHA, National Coordinator Karen Wengert,, Vice President COVVHA Tanya Mack, Core Chairperson COVVHA Kelly Derricks, President COVVHA Presentation given by: Tanya Mack: COVVHA Core Chairperson Jenna Van Leer: COVVHA Core Group Member (COVVHA) Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance, INC 980 Wheeler Way P.O. Box 1204 Langhorne, PA 19047 Phone: 1-570-468-4035 [email protected] Www.

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