  • 8/20/2019 Commerce - Law of the Sea


    Original Video Presentation byby Chiron LastSource Link:

    transcribed byPsy0psAgent

    ~ ~ ~ ~


    fade = text on screenINSERT = info added by Psy0psdialogue = indicates spoken

    ~ ~ ~ ~

    transcript as follows

    Commerce - Law of the Sea

    Let it be first understood that all systems are interconnected and with this understanding one can then discern the greater complexity of organinization that exists in both the temporal and the non temporal.

    The complex can thus be refined down to a simple cause, while the simple can bebrought to its most complicated determination.

    Commerce is the great metonymy for the energy that is put into and taken out ofthis portion of the galactic system.


    Metonymy (/m?'t?n?mi/ mi-TONN-?-mee) is a figure of speech in which a thing or concept is called not by its own name but rather by the name of something associated in meaning with that thing or concept.

    The terms that will be shown to the listener are related to the sea and most will take this to mean the ocean, This is true on only one level because the greater truth is that every term is more directly related to the ocean or sea of space.

    It may be difficult to comprehend because the controlling factions of this world want everyone to remain ignorant while believing the earth and its inhabitantsto be the know all be all of the entire universe,

    but there is an operation of life and systems occurring throughout the cosmos that is unfathomable to the comprehension of the human intellect. Humans being shocked at the prospect of intelligent life outside of Earth or others laughing atthe prospect of alien life are wholley unaware of how small their place is in the entire schematic of the operation.

    INSERTThe above is an absurd concept and degrading and demoralizing. If humanity cannot comprehend such things then why and how is the narrator able to do so?

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    The Marine Admiralty Maritime Acts / Law -as an acronym this is spelled asM.A.M.A.

    The Marine Admiralty Maritime Acts or Law which is the Law of the Sea and the banking systems are intent on keeping the distribution of the system in line withthe energetic operations of life and death. The living feed the dead so that the dead can be reborn into the living again in an endless cycle.

    The energy we put into the sea through commerce is the main medium of transportto those in power and it's how this entire process continues to function.

    It is the intention of this work to make the listener aware of the terminology that is used in commerce.

    Terms that the public is familiar with but unfamiliar with in the true severityof their import.



    A tender is a boat for communication between ship and shore and a ship that usually provides supplies to other ships as well.

    In the world of commerce as it stands, tender is something that is used as an official medium of payment.

    A medium is someone or something that serves as an intermediary between the living and the dead and this makes sense when one understands that the purpose of commerce is to charge the dead so that they can be reborn.

    fadeA courtroom judge is the metonymy in this reality who must "charge the debt" (de

    btor) which reflects the higher inter-dimensional judge who must "charge the dead" (dead-ore/oar).


    Tender is the middle tool that acts as this form of communication.

    A tender is also known as something used to propose a payment with.

    and the words are used on government legal tender promissory notes, erroneouslyreferred to as money.

    To propose something is to be in the positive position with the offer. Hence 'pr

    o' for positive and 'pos' being the synonymous word for position.

    fadeProposition = Pro Position, or the "positive" position.


    If the "off"er is accepted the positions of polarity have been reversed betweenproposer and acceptor.

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    The medium of exchange has thus been diminished of its own capacity through theenergy used in this interaction, which is why all legal tender promissory noteslose their value with each use just like a battery that loses its charge with each cycle of its protons and electrons through the neutron.

    This process has been called inflation which leads us to our second term.


    Inflation is in basic definition a progressive increase in the prices of goods and services.

    This is related to the ocean or sea with an inflatable craft, which is usually a rescue boat of some kind used as a last resort after a shipwreck, for instance. 

    fadeInflation = Inflatabe rescue "craft" used when a "debtor/dead ore" has lost its"charge"

    People the world over have missed the point of the terms, that the purpose of bankrupting the nations was to serve as an indicator that this age is now using an

     inflatable craft which needs to been blown up with more fresh air currency to keep it afloat.

    This if course can only last for a short time until either a legitimate rescue arrives or the surviving crew members eventually all die. If one considers the larger planets as the ships and smaller planets as the rescue boats, this may make more sense to the listener.



    The following is NOT spoken (i.e. No spell has been cast)

    fadeOf course, there is no "legitimate" rescue that is going to arrive, just as it has never arrived before and never will in the time to come. This mentality of areligious "savior" showing up or the arrival of an extra-terrestrial rescue (oranything of a similar idealogy) only encourages ignorance. complacency and weakness. In fact, it is one of the main roots of every problem that exists, becausenearly everyone is always waiting for someone to come along and fix everything.This is NOT going to occur - EVER! The "outside savior" program is a sham. It'stime for everyone to discontinue this childish puerility!

    It's a Sham Wow.


    fadeThe religious "outside savior" program. It's a sham sold to the masses who soakit up just as much as this horrible product that was sought by millions. They even told everyone right to their faces that it was a sham! Did that matter? No. The controllers simply like to prove to each other how ignorant the masses are, which is all included in their divine comedy. False religious saviors brought toyou by the secret societies and the churches are all part and parcel of this sch

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    It's a Sham Wow.

    Audible Dialogue begins again



    A cutter is a boat for communication between ship and shore.

    Merchant ships were called revenue cutters and is where the term to 'cut a check' is derived.

    To cut something is to reduce the amount or number of that thing.

    Here is the etymology for the word check:

    "Check" is from the Middle English 'chek', and the Anglo-French 'eschec'. This was rooted from the Arabic 'shah' and the Persian that literally meant "king"; this is why the word "check" is used in chess when the king is in danger of beingtaken out. To "cut" a "check" then, is to "cut a king".



    A deal is a plank of soft wood, fir or pine board on the deck of a ship.

    In commerce it is known as a particular instance of buying or selling.

    To get a good deal was to refer to the area where certain goods were sold on the decks of merchant ships in times past.

    The deals were quite literally made on the deals of the ship

    This is also why in a card games you have a deck of cards where each player gets a deal

    In a business a salesman will also "cut you a deal" because on a ships deck, deals needed to be cut, just like any other wood floor that is accomplished in thecarpentry trade.


    A merchant is a business person engaged in retail trade. This is from the French

     word 'mer' meaning "sea, ocean" whereby the word 'Mer'maid is derived, hence "sea" - maiden.

    The suffix word Chant means a repetative song in which as many syllables as necessary are assigned to a single tone. Hence a 'Mer'chant is someone that sings arepetative sea song or "song of the sea." because they wanted Re Peat customers. 

    fade'Chant' (from mer"chant") is a repetative song.

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    This is true when we follow the term "Repeat" which is linked etymologically with the word for "feather." How?

    fade"Repeat" and "feather" are linked.

    The English term "repeat" is cognate with the Latin 'repetere' meaning "to return" from the prefix 're' ("again, once more") and 'petere' translated as "to seek, attack, claim, desire."

    The Latin word 'petere' gave rise to the Old High German 'feder' meaning "wing." 

    Whereby wing is linked with the Sanskrit 'vati' or "it blows."

    fadeSanskrit 'vati' translates as "it blows."

    The wind is what blows and whats needed for the ships to continue on their merchant journies.

    The Old High German 'feder' ("wing") is where the 'FEDER'al government derives its name from. which is the central power of government.



    fadeThe 'feder' or "wings" of government = the "war and peace" or "good and evil" paradigm of control that is a tightly woven and interconnected operation that is networked from the moon, which is the communication with the star OF David (Saturn).


    fadeA 'davit' is a rescue boat which is the microcosm example in this world for therescue boat of the moon that each of us is born into this reality from. The word 'davit' is cognate with "David" being derived from the Middle English 'davoit', and the Middle French 'daviet' for "joiner's cramp," a diminutive of "david cramp."


    fadeTo 'cramp' something is to prevent the progress or free movement of it.

    Synonyms of "cramp" are "confine, limit, pain, restrict" and "box in."Saturn / Satan has "boxed us in" and despite what any Sautrn wor'SHIP'ing Freemasons will tell you, our progress is being severely impeded because we are trulybeing held prisoner within this nefarious system.

    fadepictureof the kabba stone

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    titled 'Kabba'


    fadepicturecube/hexagonal featurenorth pole of saturn


    and although not a part of the government is where the private institution known as the Federal Reserve takes it moniker from as well.

    'Feder' = 'Feder'al Re-Serve.

    Added to all this, in sea terminology, to 'feather' is to turn an oar while rowing.

    and a proper English synonym for 'feather' is "square."

    which can also be used to indicate the turning of an oar while rowing.

    A 'square' is also by definition someone who doesn't understand what is going on 

    and the word square can also be correctly used as a verb to indicate that someone is being paid to settle a debt. Hence the phrase 'we're all squared up'

    Humanity is being shown through the enormous amount of square symbolism that they have no clue as to what this operation is about and that part of the scheme is about paying off a debt to someone or something...

    fadeA graduation "cap" which symbolizes the "hawk/eagle" of Saturn

    fadepicture of a mortar boardtitledA masonry 'hawk'

    DialogueThat something is the feeding of Saturn, through the 'feathering' of energy, into the square of that planet.

    fadeTo be in 'hock' (phonetic 'hawk') is to be in debt. The dead (debt/debts) go toSat-URN.

    As a transitive verb, the etymolohy of the word "pay" comes from the Latin 'picare' meaning to "pitch, to smear with pitch."

    Pitch was a heavy viscous substance like tar that was used to seal up the hullsof ships from water leakage.

    Of course a tar is a noun for a man who serves as a sailor.


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    pictureRoyal Tars by Brian Lavery

    In commerce terms, to pitch something is to offer it for sale from place to place. which is the reason for there being sales pitches.

    and That's not the last of it.

    The word "Feather" is linked with the word for "father" in the occult etymology. 

    and this is the hidden etymology of that

    first of all, by taking out the first letter 'e' in f'E'ather we are left with 'father.'

    While the English feather is linked back with the Old English 'fether' and Dutch 'veder' whereby a correlating Dutch word 'vader' means 'father.'

    fadeThe Old English 'fether' and Dutch 'veder' both mean "feather" while the Dutch 'vader' translates as "father."

    When we go back to the Sanskrit 'vati' meaning "it blows" linked with the Old Hi

    gh German 'feder' for "feather" we find there is an exact match in Sanskrit with the German word 'vati' that translates as "father."

    fadeSanskrit 'vati' meaning "it blows" that is linked with the Old High German 'feder' for "feather" there is an exact match to the Sanskrit with the German word 'vati' that translates as "father."

    Isn't it quite interesting to note that this word is found in the first four letters of the great Roman institution known as the VATI-can

    which through this connection would mean the dog father, since 'can' is the Span

    ish word for dog as related to the dog star of sirius where the false gods thatnow control this world, came from.

    INSERTReferences to the previous claim?

    "Dog" spelled backwards is "god" and thus 'Vati-can' would also mean the "godfather."

    Which is why the Pope is also known as the "papa" since the Spanish 'pope' quite literally means "papa."

    and the basis of the word 'father is linked throughout the etymology for the term Pope.

    fadeThe Pope is known as the "papa" since the Spanish 'pope' means "papa."

    Dialogueadd to this that the fact that the related Italian term 'vedere' (veder, vader,feder, etc.) translates into the English as "see."

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    fadeThe Italian 'vedere' (veder, vader, feder, etc.) translates into English as "see."

    and is part of the reason why the Pope is also referred to as the "Holy See."

    fadeLa Santa Sede means "the holy see/seat/headquarters"

    These organizations are also telling us who the father of this operation isSaturn/Satansince the eagle is the square feather/father, ether/oar that brought the light of duality knowledge to our species.



    Float as in cash register float is to be afloat. To stay on a liquid surface and not sink.

    It is also the time interval between the deposit of a cheque in the bank and its payment. Hence when one is not afloat finacially they are said to be drowning i

    n debt.

    That's when the Loan Sharks are sent after them.

    fade and dialogueFloat is derived from the middle English 'flote' meaning "boat" and Old English'flota' meaning "ship."


    A sale is the general activity of selling, whereby the exact phonetic correlateis Sail

    Sale = Sail

    which is why there are Salesmen/Sailsmen which were and are necessary for the proper operation of a merchant sea vessel or business.

    When the sales/sails are up, people will blow their legal tender fresh air currency on them so that the ship/business can continue moving forward.

    fadeBlowing "currency" is related back to the Sanskrit 'vati' meaning "it blows."

    That's the luck of the Sale/Sail that gets a windfall which is a word that means

     a sudden happening that brings good fortune as a sudden opportunity to make money.

    and is the reason that the phonetic of Merchandise is in actuality "Merchant Dice."

    Merchandise is "merchant dice."


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    LiquidationBy definition liquidation is the termination of a business operation by using its assests to discharge its liabilities and is also known as the murder of a competitor.

    fadeAssests dis"charge" the "Lie"-Abilities - in other words, our assests give power to this deception.


    The first definition of liquidate is to get rid of someone who may be a threat by killing themand in secondary terms is to eliminate something by paying off debts.

    The prefix word Liquid gives us the automatic link to the waters of the sea.

    More esoterically to liquidate something is to phonetically Liquid-Date them.

    fadeTo liquidate is to Liquid-DATE

    Which is why all ships that sit in their Berth have what is called a Certificate of Manifest that is dated therefore it is liquid dated/liquidated.

    fadeOn your "birth/b"earth" day you are liquid-dated, or "dated liquid".

    This would be known as your Birth Day where you came through the hips of the mother ship.

    fadeThe anagram of "hips" is "ship."

    The anagram of hips is ship and the mother ship is the Moon which is the egg that brought you to Port.

    The Moon of Sin that each of us was grown in before being docked in our port bygoing through the mothers vaginal canal.

    A canal is a long narrow strip of water made for boats.



    When going to work, people 'Report for Duty' because humans are the liquidated ships made mostly of water that have been eliminated to pay off an endless debt.

    We are brought to port and then docked by the docked er/oar - doctor and we now

    hold an off ice office of duty where we have a post,

    fadeWe hold an "office" of duty because we are now "off-ICE."

    dialogueWhich is why there is the "Post Office."

    fadeAs it has already been said, the "eagle" has "landed" - and has made another del

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    ivery from the father's "post".

    dialogueThis is shown by the Dutch 'port' and the French 'port' which both mean "postage."



    fadeThe French 'venue' translates as "arrival"; thus, "re-venue" on one level means"to arrive again." This is true in commerce and in the life/death structure of carnation and RE-incarnation.

    Revenue is known as the entire amount of income before any deductions are made,which is according to government the income that is due to taxation.

    Revenue is a commerce term of the sea as shown by the word revenuer which is a revenue officer or boat.

    fade'Revenuer' is a revenue officer or boat.

    The word revenue is linked with sexuality as shown through the etymology, with revenue being derived from the Latin 'rewenire' or 'revenire', depending on yourinterpretation of the Latin pronunciation, with 'venire' meaning "to come." Hence, 'REvenire' would mean "to come again."

    fade"Revenue" is derived from the Latin 'revenire' with 'venire' meaning "to come."

    dialogueCum is a vulgar term for a sexual orgasim which is why the powers that be like to include this word in such commercial terms as 'income.'


    The English word 'venire' means to summon a group of people for jury service.

    dialogueThe English word 'venire' is a law term that means to summon a group of people for jury service.This is related to the religious term venial or a forgivable transgression or one that is pardonable.

    fade'Venial' - as in a "venial sin"

    That's why there are venial sins.

    fadeThe Latin 'venia' meant a pardon and the granting of a privilege which people now know as a "license," because the word 'license' is rooted in 'licentiousness'which is indulgence in sensuality.

    dialogueThe Latin 'wenia' or 'venia' meant a pardon and the granting of a privilege which people now know as a "license," because the word 'license' is rooted in 'licentiousness' which is indulgence in sensuality.and to be give licence is to be given the motive to disregard any forms of self

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    restraint at the cost of others and the environment.

    fadeTo be given 'license' (drivers, marriage, business, etc.) is to be given the motive to act in a lewd, lustful, vulgar, and ignorant manner.


    dialogueThe archaic term venery translates as hunting and sexual intercourse which is where the term venereal disease is derived because commerce is about the hunt where people hunt for a good deal and its about killing the competition and why there are executors or execution sales.

    fade'Venery' translates as "hunting" and "sexual intercourse" which is where the term 'venereal disease' is derived.


    Continuing with the connections is the English word The English word 'vendue' means "a sale" and a "sale" is phonetically a "sail" because the Latin 'wenti' and 'wentus' or 'venti' and 'ventus' both mean "wind." The wind that's needed to blow the sails.

    fadeThe English word 'vendue' means "a sale" and a "sale" is phonetically a "sail" because the Latin 'venti' and 'ventus' or both mean "wind."

    fade and dialogueThe Italian 'vento' also means "wind" while the French Law word "vente" gives us "a sale, contract of sale."

    Of course, this is about selling us into slavery through the womb which is shown in the English 'ventor' meaning "womb." That came from the same Latin spellingand the related Latin masuline noun 'venus' (wanoos) meaning 'sale' purchase.

    fadeThe English and Latin 'ventor' means "womb."

    fadeThe Latin

    Since Venus represents the 'clams' money, 'bucks' used during our purchase.

    Venus is the Roman Goddess of sexual love and generation and the term Venter iswhy the English language has in commercial terms a venters or vendors.

    fadeVenter is cognate with "vendor."

    Humans are sold into commercial slavery since venal means to be a mercenary. Someone who is purchasable or bribable.

    fade'Venal'; someone who is "purchasable" or "bribale."

    While the Latin 'venalici' translates as "slave dealer."

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    fadeThe Latin 'venalici' translates as "slave dealer."

    fadeThe purchase is the "pure-chase."

    We are hunted in the chase during each Pur Chase/Purchase. This is the 'pure chase' where they make a 'clean kill' because to deprive something of everything that they have is to clean them out. They've 'taken you to the cleaners,' which in esoteric terms means that after death, your mind and all your known conscious history of this life will be erased and wiped out.


    fadeThe 'cache'/cash of your "hard-drive" (mind) will be deleted and then you will have a "clean slate."

    This is why no one remembers where they have come from or where they are going.

    This is a fact and one that makes many humans angry upon hearing it because it is the truth that is easier to deny then face.

    fade"How often it is that the angry man rages denial of what his inner self is telling him."- Frank Herbert -


    fade and dialogueWe have been "double crossed" as shown by the final relation that will be proven out with the Italian 'venti,' Portuguese 'vinte' and the French 'vingt' all translated as "twenty." The number twenty (20) in Roman numerals is written as XX.We have been "double crossed" and sold into this system.

    fadepictureKnights Templar double cross

    pictureflag with wordsUnited Kingdom "Double Cross"


    fadeThe double cross of St. Peter's Square at the VATI-Can.

    fadepicturebirds eye view St. Peter's square sun dial

    fadepicturecompass square with wordsThe 'double cross' of Freemasonry.

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    Cash is money in the form of bills or coins.

    The phonetic word is "cache," which is a secret store of valuables or money.

    By reinterpreting the English we might say that the 'cache' could also be pronounced "catch."

    fadeThe phonetic of 'cash' is "cache."

    fade...and by reinterpreting the visualized English word, we might say that 'cache'could also be pronounced "catch."


    Cash is Catch

    or to make a good catch and then store it in the cache.

    The cache as already outlined is also the storage of our memories and experiences that is wiped out after death before we are brought back into the system again.

    This is where we are put 'on ice' again because we are 'frozen assests' that have been taken 'off ice' during life and then put back 'on ice' during death.

    That's the reason for the saying Cold Hard Cash/Cache

    fadeCold Hard Cash/Cache

    A synonym for cache is bury which is where valuable items are kept because we are being held prisoner as valuable items.

    The dead are buried in boxes and cash originally meant money box.

    and the English language derived the word from the French 'casse' meaning brokewhich is why when you are out of money/energy you are said to be broke.

    fade"Cash" is from the French 'casse' meaning "broke" which is why when you are outof money/enery you are said to be "broke."

    fade and dialogue

    "Cash" was also instituted from the Italian 'cassa' for "cash, case" and the Latin 'capsa' meaning "locker, box, satchel, church nave."

    fade and dialogueCapsa is synonymous with the Latin 'arca' meaning "ark, coffin, money, wealth, cage, cell".

    because the Arc of the Covenant is truly about the recharging of cells in the moon that brings the dead/debt back to life.

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    fadeIsis (the moon energy sent to Saturn) giving life to the dead (sun/osiris) since the moon is the ARK of the COVENant.


    fadeThis is also connected through the German word for "coven" which is 'hexensabbat' and the Czech word 'sabat.' The Hebrew word for Saturday, the day of Saturn, is 'shabat' meaning "sabbath" the 'day of rest'. This is where the dead continuously "REST in peace" ever since Saturn HEX has been placed upon us. This is where each of us will go again unless we escape this trap.

    fade and dialogueAnother Latin word for 'church nave' is 'capsi.'

    Since the nave is the central area of the church which is the esoterically the vaginal canal that leads to the dead savior that rescues the dead from the clutches of Sin which is the Akkadian god of the moon. Since Sin is actually the moonand the celestial body of regeneration.

    fadepicture of Saturn with textDead Sun/Son

    fadepicture of the Moon with text"Sin" is the Moon.

    This is what the church is symbolizing as you walk down the isle of it's ship. Since the Latin 'navis' means "ship" and the Spanish 'nave' also translates as "ship, vessel for sailing on the sea."

    fadetext and pictureThe "Aisle/Isle" of the church

    fadeThe Latin 'navis' means "ship" and the Spanish 'nave' also translates as "ship,vessel for sailing on the sea."

    fadepictureThe race that is taken over (the blue people) are called the 'Na'vi.'Avatar

    During generation we are linked into this reality through the navel cord with the word 'nave' showing as being derived from the Old English 'nafela' for 'navel' 

    The military Navy or naval fleet is connected to this as shown by the Latin 'navale' meaning "dock, shipway" and "naval" is an English adjective to represent that which is connected with or used in the Navy.

    fadeThe Latin 'navale' means "dock shipway" and "naval" is an English adjective to represent that which is connected with or used in the navy.

    We are the seamen/fish that they seize in the seas of space and then put in their box since the Latin 'box' from the 1879 Lewis & Short dictionary means "fish"

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    while the Latin 'capsa' for "box" is a derivative of the verb 'capere' translated as "seize, take hold, capture" that is related in the etymology to the English word for "heave."

    fadeSieze in the seas (of space).


    fadeThe Latin 'box' from the 1879 Lewis & Short dictionary means "fish" while the Latin 'capsa' for "box" is a derivative of the verb 'capere' translated as "seize, take hold, capture" that is related in the etymology to the English word for "heave."

    At death we are recaptured, seized and taken hold of to go to 'heave en' heaven. 

    fade and dialogueThe English "heave" is manifested from the Middle English 'heven,' Old English 'hebban' and is akin to the Old High German 'hevan' meaning "to lift" and Latin '

    capere' "to take."

    To the beings who control this world, it is like shooting fish in a barrel.

    fade pictureshooting fish in a barrel

    fade picturedagon fish hat / pope hat


    Cash Flow

    Cash Flow is the excess amount of cash revenues over cash outlays in a given period of time.

    fade and dialogueThis is a necessary commerce term that indicates the cash/cache "flow" of the sea/C. (The flow of the dead/debt cash/cache)



    Banks are the financial institutions that accept deposits and channel money into lending activities.

    By the terminology of the sea, banks are the sloping edges of land that exist beside a body of water, like the river banks. The banks direct the currents or the currency of the cash flow.

    The banks are where the cash/cache of debt/dead are buried or stored, giving credence to the ancient accounts of dead spirits being stored in the moon.

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    The debt or dead are deposited into the banks and it is known as a cache/cash deposit whereby the debt or dead are then put on trial in front of a judge, as shown by the word 'bench.'


    fadeThe 'judge' of the dead who sits on the "bench" or "banks of the dead." To cash/cache a check/king is to deposit the "dead/debt" into the dead sun/king (SaturnSAT-URN/Sits on the Urn/Bench of the dead) with his "crown of thorns."

    fadeThe english 'bench' when translated into other languages becomes the German 'bank,' Dutch 'bank,' French 'banc,' Italian 'banco,' Norwegian 'benk,' Portuguese 'banco,' Swedish 'bank' and Turkish 'bank.' The Latin 'banca' also correlates this with the meaning of "bench, bank, mound, money-changer's table."

    fadeAnd Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,Matthew 21:12

    fade"...and the seats (banks/bench) of them that sold DOVES..."

    fadepictureVISA card with dove

    fadeTo "overthrow" the "seats" (bench/bank) means that the roles are being reversed- the dead are brought to life and the living are brought back to the banks of the dead. This is the RE-cycle.


    dialogueThe court system is entirely based upon the principle of money and the energy that we create in commerce. So when someone states that it is the court of queensbench for example they are actually saying that it is the court of the queens bank.

    Right now we are in the game of life because we are not buried in the banks butwhen we die, that is what happens, we become a security deposit and take a seaton the bench because we are taken out of the game to receive a rest.

    fade and dialogue

    This is why a police/pole-ease off-ICER/officer will arrest someone when they need to receive a CHARGE for a debt or a sin because they need to be given a restbetween their trial.

    fadeArrest = A Rest


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    Branches are the seperate divisions of the main financial insitution, which in oceanic terms are the streams or rivers that are connected to a larger one. Thiswould be akin to the rivers that flow into the ocean or in biology, the arteries and vessels of blood that flow to the heart.

    All of our energy is flowing to one main source and this is repeatedly shown inthe words and terms.

    The branches of the tree of life are also the ribs connected to our spine that has caged the heart/earth, hence the rib cage.


    The implication of just this alone is something that is incredibly important tothink upon.


    Currency is known as the metal or paper medium of exchange that is presently used.

    The phonetic for "currency" is "Current Sea," or the "current of the sea."

    fade"Currency" is also phenetically "Current Sea," or the "current of the sea."

    Fractional currency is paper money that is valued in denominations of less thanone dollar.


    fadeFractional currency;Paper currency which is in denomniations less than the basic monetary unit.

    Basic monetary unit;in many countries the basic monetary unit is equal to 100 cents.


    This means that all of your paper money, no matter what denomination (INSERT DENOMINATION) is written on it, 5 10 20 50 etcetera, it is all worth less than onedollar.

    The first recorded instance of this in the United States occurred in the years 1863 to 1876 which was a 10 cent fractional currency, issued during the civil war due to a shortage of precious metals - 54132646

    as one can see the words fractional currency were clearly listed right on the note. Something that is not done today, which is a deception of those in power toward the public. seen that all notes called money now are fractional reserve currency (fiat) that are valued at a significant decrease from the basic monetary unit, which is 100 cents in many countries

    The basic monetary unit would mean that 100 cents is valued at 100 cents, not 10

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     cents or 4 cents or nothing.

    This is of course the direction that we have been heading since the "charges" of the currency/Current C for the currents of e (currents-E) have been increasingsteadily.

    iSiS or this symbol $ in the esoteric symbolism has been re awakening Osiris through our commerce currency charges.


    Current is the dominant flow of running water. This is why people stay current on their monthly payments for fear of being taken down by the under current.



    A re bate is to give a reduction in the price during a sale.

    The phonetic of this word is re-bait which is to bait the customer again and get them 'on board' and by hooking them with a more al-LURE-ing deal.

    Liquid Assests

    Liquid assests are assests in the form of cash or easily convertible into cash which is like into liquid water

    Frozen Assests

    Frozen assests are assests that are not available for 'current' use and is easily linked with frozen water

    We become the frozen assests when we are put back on ice to be stored in the ban

    ks of the after life


    Interest is commonly known as a fixed charge for borrowing money

    The prefix word "inter" means "to bury" (burrow) while the suffix is "rest."When someone has died they are said to be at rest

    and there fore we have the word inter rest interest - inter restto bury those at rest

    fadeInterest = Inter Rest"To Bury (inter) those at rest."

    This would relate to the cash/cache of goods that is buried in the banks, riverbanks

    fadeThe latter three letters of 'est' (from inter-EST)...

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    The latter three letters of E-S-T 'est' give us a further indication of the lunar and solar occult meanings since 'est' in French and 'est' in Italian are boththe words for "east," which is where the sun rises from it death each morning/mourning

    It was buried in the west and rises in the east, hence in the morning the sun appears to be rising from its burial place in the dawn of the east giving us another indication for the true meaning interest.

    fadeGood "mourning" means "the sorrow of god."

    This is also why people each day say good morning to each other thus indicatingthe rising of the sun that came out of its burial chamber

    The moon isis takes the charges of souls to Sal or Sol as a pledge or payment to the sun. The sun rises because of the payment of the dead/debt and this is whythere is so much sun symbolism in government, major corporations and secret societies throughout the world. Sun sacrifice has not gone away, it has simply become occulted.



    Mortgage is from the two french words 'mort' meaning "death" and 'gage' meaning"pledge."

    fadeMortgage is from the two french words 'mort' meaning "death" and 'gage' meaning"pledge."A mortgage is a "pledge to the dead."

    A mortgage is a death pledge, hence the commonly used saying to sign (INSERT SINE) ones life away. They ask for a 'down payment' to show good faith to the deador being recharged in the banks. since this transaction is sexually oriented asshown by the french word for mortgage which is 'hypotheque.'

    fadeThe French word for 'mortgage' is 'hypotheque.'

    fade and dialogueThis is from the Greek 'hupotheke' for "security of a debt" from 'hupo' "below,sub" and 'theke' "case, receptacle, scabbard" - while the french 'theque' is from the Latin 'theca' (rooted in the Latin 'hypotheca' "security for a debt" meani

    ng "case, box, vagina."

    It may be difficult to imagine but the dead are reborn in the moon egg that is dropped each month by a woman and this egg is their lifeboat that has come to rescue them

    This already happened to each one of us and will continue to occur in this prison indefinately because humanity is not prepared to accept the implications of this tremendous and daunting information

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    It is not a mistake that mortgages are for homes because the pledge to the deadis about the luck/chance that each soul will have inside of their new home of birth and whatever moon egg happens to find them.

    fadeThe key to this 'home'/moon is SOULED/Sold.

    fadeThe VATI-CAN "key" is from the "dog father/godfather" of the Sirius star system. 


    This happens in hell as shown by the Norweigan word 'hell' meaning "success, luck." Its the luck of the 'die' because everyone who dies goes into the case, boxvagina to try to find another home

    from the latin casus or call chance


    its the light of luck as shown by the german hell meaning bright light and the middle dutch luke for luck related to the latin Luce for by daylight. its the light of Luce fur lucifer being given to the dead where more children are born in the moon

    the french ferme meaning iron

    being instituted from the latin fer meaning bearing one that bears.

    This is why Lucifer is known as the 'light bearer' which is the light of the moon which has been pledged and paid to the dead. It gives the dead the lifeblood w

    hich is filled with iron which becomes our blood iron bars of dna

    fadeThe 'eucharist' (rooted in Latin 'eucharistial' meaning "vessel for the preserving the holy eucharist" is a symbolic ceremony of putting the moon egg/woman's egg into the blood of the cervical "cup" which becomes a service (cervix/service)to the gods. By drinking the "blood of christ" one is truly participating in a vampire ritual and symbolically drinking menstrual blood - the blood of the moon. 


    fadeThis entire operation is filled with IRONy...

    dialogueand this entire operation is filled with iron e irony because it as dante stated a divine comedy whereby irony is a synonym for sarcasm and the word sarcasm isderived from the ancient greek 'sarx' meaning "flesh" because we are born into our prison of flesh with its 'iron cells' of blood biology

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    on a more simplistic note, its also odd that the french language needed to havea completely seperate word for mortgage when the word mortgage itself is from two french words but this simply shows again the need for those in control of humanity to disquise the truth in every possible manner



    An undertaking is a promise or a guarantee given in any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted.

    As a noun it is known as the trade of a funeral director because in esoteric terms this is the undertaking of the dead by the false light of the moon


    An undertaker is one whose business it is to prepare the dead for burial.


    A stiff is the dead body of a human being and also someone who refuses to pay or tip.

    Commerce and death go hand in hand.


    Capital is known as the assests available for use in the production of further assests

    One phrase that has been used over and over again to reflect this is "you need m

    oney to make money."Capital is further more wealth in the form of money or property owned by a person or business while governments and corporations refer to their human based capital as human resources of economic value


    Interestingly enough capitol is known as a seat of government.

    fadeThe "house of commons" or "the temple of Jupiter."


    In language a capital letter is one of the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or in printing proper names and is sometimes used inwriting for emphasis. The latin word capitale translates into english as capital crime, punishment, loss of life or civil rights


    and the phonetic of capital turns into cap it all which is the all caps name tha

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    t is associated with the human being that is tied to every definition of capital 


    This is why human beings are considered to be human resources and receive identification from the government that shows your name in all capital letters, thus indicating that you have lost all of your life and all of your rights and have been turned into liquid-dated capital.

    fadeCap-It-All letters equates to a loss of life and a loss of civil rights.



    fadeDon't forget about Jupiter! This


    It takes a tremendous feat of immaturity for those that call themselves adults to be shown and told about this information and then just simply scoff at it as if it all means nothing.

    fade picture

    CHRISTIAN Bale (Bail),


    fade...and the becomes

    never the less all capital energy is funnelled to the main source of this construct and this energy is used for its own agenda. this is why there are capital ci

    ties because these serve as an autonomy for the central hub of the state, province or territory where all of the funds or energy is channelled to. this is the reason for the saying all roads lead to rome

    INSERT follow the yellow brick road


    to earn is attain a gain on some commercial or business transaction such as earn

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    ing a salary or garnering wages

    the phonetic homophone is urn which links with the word inter rest interestthose who are burying at inter and are at rest in their urnthis is why in capitalism one is able to earn interestthis is not a stretch of the imagination whatsoever as even the etymology of the word earn / urn links us with these concepts



    To earn is to attain


    Autumn is the harvest time and farmers reap what they have earned through their

    hard work

    one noted obsolete term synonymous with earn that can be found in several dictionaries is the word grieve

    this is most likely an alteration yearn which has the word earn within it without the letter y

    esoterically this is in reflection with the harvester of souls who comes to reap each one of us into the afterlife and see what it has earned urned

    there is even a minutia of sadistic human in this connection since humans tend to ask the question why when their loved ones have been parted and the letter y i

    s the one that is taken away in the word yearn to bring it down to urn



    To utter is articulate either verbally with a cry, shout or noise.

    Amazingly enough the word utter is to put as currency into circulation. circulation is the orderly movement of things through a circuit which consitutes flow and with flow we have our link to the sea with its flowing waterways.


    A withdrawl is known as the act of taking out money or other capital this comesfrom the prefix word with meaning against such as a fight with his brother

    and the suffix word draw meaning to inhale gain, therefore to with draw is be against gain

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    the word drawl from withdrawl is phonetically drall which means to speak or UTTER slowly with vowels greatly prolonged this is the general depiction of how a zombie speaks because the great metaphor of the governments, corporations, secretsocieties and rulers of this operation is to tell us that we are the living dead or zombies that are controlled in this energetic operation

    fade...the dead are being thrown into the zombie 'pit.'Good thing it was starring Brad PITT.picture World War Z poster



    salt is a white crystalline form, most often sodium choride used to season and preserve food

    A "salt" is also a sailor and there we have our immediate connection to the sea

    which is obviously salt water. this is where the common phrase comes from of a man being worth his salt.

    because he or she is able to generate a charge in the energetic system.

    The etymology of the word salt is derived from the latin Sal meaning salt

    fadeThe etymology of the word 'salt' is derived from the Latin 'sal' meaning "salt"and is why we have monetary 'SAL-aries and 'SAL'es. In the military people 'SAL'-ute each other, or in the public realm give greetings and 'SAL'-utations.

    it is why we have monetary salaries and sales. in the military people sal-ute each other. or in the public realm give greetings and salutations


    in religious terms mankind is told they will receive sal-vation for their sins which will come from Sal Oman

    SAL-VATI-ON (Salvation); The 'father' (VATI) turns the dead sun ON (Chaldean and Egyptian name for the sun) with the "salt of the earth" (The earth-moon-SaturnCONNECTION).

    fadepictureYe are the salt of the earth; but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.Matthew 5:13


    'Salomon' is the latin word for "david" because Saturn is worshipped by the occult elite as the "Star of David" - the line of kings that "Jesus" is said to be produced from

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    Saul - SAL

    David in biblical terms was the second king of israel in succession to saul andthe lesser known secondary meaning of the noun david is that of an underdog. the underdog is always expected to lose because of its serious disadvantages but as many story writers have told it, the underdog always comes in near the end of the game to prove everyone wrong by winning the day

    Those who do not understand the astronomical aspects of the allegories will remain stupified while worshipping fictional characters of their own imagining.



    Cashier is a noun used to indicate an employee of a bank who receives and pays out money

    fade and dialogueToday and for quite some time there has not been one cashier doing their job because no actual money is being received or paid out since fractional reserve notes are not money but only a promise to pay money at some time in the future.

    This abstract concept is incredibly difficult for many people to comprehend but

    is true none the less.

    fade picturepromissory note


    fade (not spoken again)They are all Promissory notes - hence why it is declared on the paper, "this NOTE..." A Promise SORRY note because there is no money in circulation, only religious promises of faith backed by nothing - just like the fake religious promisesof false saviours which are also backed by nothing. The word "sorry" is rooted in the word "sorrow" and the masters of this control system simply want everyone

    to know that all they promise is sorrow. A "promissory" note to "promise sorrow."


    dialogueJust so it is not over looked. A cashier is also someone a person responsible for receiving payments for goods and services such as in the shop or in a restaurant.

    fadeAs a verb, to cashier someone is to dismiss them from service and especially todismiss them in disgrace.

    dialogueAs a verb that was derived from service on a ship to cashier someone is to dismiss them from service and especially dismiss them in disgrace.

    fade and dialogueThis is why to label someone a cashier as a noun only tells half of the story -they need to create the living action of their work, the verb, which is to cashier each customer; and once the transaction is complete, the customer has been "cashiered" or dismissed from the service that the business provided them, with co

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    mplete disgrace



    To kite something is to increase the amount of a cheque fraudulently.

    A kite is also an object flown in the wind that is tied to the end of a string.

    Usually the object is flag like, which indicates the fraud known as a false flag. This is the reason that the enormous fraud in government and banking is so closely linked with the numerous false flag operations throughout the world.

    A flag is also known as a jack and a jack is also by definition a small worthless amount; and a man who serves as a sailor.


    To borrow is to "burrough" as the etymology shows, again linking us with the burying of the dead and the suffix "rowing" (Bor-'ROWING'/Bor-'OWING') gives us our link to the law of the sea once again.


    fade and dialogueThe term "borrow" came out of the Middle English 'borwen.' from the Old English'borgian' which was akin to the Old English 'beorgan' meaning "to preserve." Topreserve something is to conceal it or bury it, and the word "bury" is linked with the Old English 'beorgan' since 'bury' was derived from the Old English 'byrgan' that was linked to the Old High German 'bergan.'

    This is also why in commerce we have bargains or bargain bins.

    To summerize to borrow something is to take it from its burroughed place of preservation and use it temporarily it is therefore lent to someone which is why there is the religious period in the spring which is called "Lent."

    Which is a period of 40 days from ash wednesday to holy saturday

    fadeLent is a period of 40 days from ash Wednesday to holy Saturday.

    It is 'ash' Wednesday because this is where the ashes of the dead have been urned earned.

    fade picture

    "Diana's Tree"

    The number 40 is extraordinary significant of controllers during each pass overincluding the significant passover between the ages.

    which is why the keystone xl pipeline is a significant project of theirs right now. xl is simply the roman numerals for 40 and a keystone is the central building block at the top of an arch or vault

    XL = 40

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    A vault is a burial chamber or tomb and these projects both signify both the end of the age that has been completed and the burroughing of this world as we nowknow it.

    fadeThe Chinese word for "end" is 'Jieshu' as related to "Yeshua" and the Hebrew 'Yesua' a variant of "Joshua" and thus "Jesus." As a noun, the Chinese word for "end" is synonymous with 'wei' meaning "tail, end, final stage of a project" and also the Chinese 'Di' for "end, foundation, heart of the matter."

    fadeOne major symbolic aspect of the sacred heart is to signify the "end of this project" which is the occult basis for the end of the age/world of Pisces. The Chinese word used for "Jesus" is 'Yesu' with 'su' translated into English as "revive awake, come around, come to oneself, rise, come to one's senses."

    fade.... hence, the symbol of the two fish encircling each other ...



    ... and the beginning of a "New WHIRLED Order" - of the zodiac ages.



    The prefix 'bur' is Norwegian and Swedish for "cage" and "eau" is French for "water," hence to "cage water."

    Which is why our body is made of mostly water that is caged by its iron blood cells.


    The first two letters of account, AC is the abbreviation for alternating current.

    fadeAC-Count = Alternating Current Count

    and the final word is count, giving us the alternating current count, which is electricity that is likened to the ebb and flow of the tides that are brought about by the moon.

    This is also known as the meter count and the etymology of the word meter is lin

    ked with MANY other words that are tied with the word Moon.


    fade and dialogueThe prefix of 're' means'to do it again" and 'port' for "a ship's docking station, otherwise known as a harbour, pier, or wharf." To 'report' would mean to "dock again."

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    Amortization is, in practical terms, known as the payment of an obligation in aseries of transfers.

    Esoterically we are going through a series of spiritual and physical transfers to pay back an endless debt - because an amortization is also the liquidation ofa debt.

    The prefix 'Amor' is the "god of love," counterpart of the Greek 'Eros' (with his "arrows"; Eros=arrows).

    as shown by the German word 'amor' meaning "eros, cupid" and the Turkish 'amor'for "god of love, cupid." The Latin 'amor' translates as "love, cupid, affair."

    Many other languages also use the word amor to reflect this definition.

    "Mort" (a-MORT-ization) is from the French 'mort' meaning "death" and 'iza' (amort-IZA-tion) means "prostitute" in Spanish.


    A-MORT-IZA-tion would mean that "in death we are prostituted by the god of love

    to continue a series of tranfers for the liquidation of a debt." Also 'a dead prostitute" (A-MORT-IZA)



    Savings is a matter of faith. To be saved or to receive SAL vation is to have savings. Without 'savings' one is said to be doomed. When people receive a windfall or get money either from their job or from an unexpected source, they all toooften pronounce "Thank God" because they feel that the money has saved them.

    It has nothing to do with 'God'. This is the occult reason for monetary units that are buried in the banks being called 'savings.'

    These monetary faith units are charges that are given to the dead who will be resurrected from this given pledge of power.

    This is the true basis for the United States currency pronouncing on its notes that, "In God We Trust"


    Balance is where the boat finds its level and its passengers are no longer in danger of being thrown overboard.

    In accounting one has to balance their books, while in a store the Cash-in (cache In) and cash-out (cache out) involves a FLOAT that needs to be BALANCED each day, lest the business go "under-water."

    The "cache-in" (living) is balanced by those in power to those that are "cachedout" (the dead).

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    "Debtor" is a phonetic for "dead oar" meaning someone who is no longer able to be an oarsman.

    "Debtor" also signifies "dead ore" because when we die, we are the "dead ore" that is valuable enough to the controllers to be mined/mind.

    A Latin word for "criminal, debtor" was 'columnarius' which also meant "someonewho was condemned at Columna Maenia" which in Rome at the time of Cicero was a column used to post the names of debtors by their creditors.


    More esoterically, the column is indicating the spinal column which has our signature of debt written upon it.

    The Latin 'columnarium' translates as "pillar tax, tax on house pillars" which was applied to fancy houses with pillars.

    and since the body is considered "a fancy house" by those in power, with a pillar called a spine.

    The governments and rulers of the world feel that they have a right to tax everything that the spinal column does.

    fadeAccording to their edicts, the governments and rulers of the world feel that they have a right to tax everything that the spinal column does.

    Banks or accountants keep track of their numbers using columnar books as related to the column

    and shown by

    The Latin 'columnar' meaning "marble quarry, stone quarry."

    fadescene of space and planets with title The "marble" quarry.

    A quarry in basic English definition is a person who is the aim of an attack. Fair Game. Prey. by a hostile person or influence. It is something that is huntedor caught for food.

    fadeA "quarry" something that is hunted or caught for food.

    Banks, governments and corporations do not pick their words carelessly.

    All of this is by design and done with specific intent and purpose.


    fadeAnother synonym for "quarry" is "stone pit" because we are in this "stone pit" solar system and are the "target" of "prey" by predators that see us as "fair game." Just like the Freemasons have always said, it's "Fair and Square" because these mentally deranged beings like to "play" with their food before they eat it.

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    Bank Draft

    A draft is the depth of a vessels keel below the surface of water.

    It is also known as a current of air which would be necessary to move a merchant vessel.

    In banking a draft is a document that orders the payment of money from one bankto another one.


    According to nearly any dictionary, credit is belief. It is faith.

    Also by definition

    Credit is an accounting entry acknowledging income or capital items, and since all fiat "let it be so" currency is in actuality credit, accounting entries are all that exist which is why the books are always balanced.

    If this were not true, then why are people paying back credit with credit.

    fadePaying "credit" (faith/belief) WITH "credit" (faith/belief)

    Belief and faith are the only forms of currency that are recognized in this unsustainable system and it would be wise to recognize the significance of these statements.



    fadeFIAT LUXstain glass picture"Let there be Light"'God and my right'...




    A trader is someone who buys and sells because they are interested in short term profits.

    Phonetically spoken a 'trader' is a 'traitor.' This is because anyone who is willing to create a duality of destruction and competitive retribution against their fellow species is a traitor not only to everyone that they seek to manipulate, but also a self-traitor.

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    Look at the stock market. Everyone involved in this scheme is called a 'trader'and for good reason.

    The capital name that nearly everyone exists under connects everyone to this exchange to be traded as capital stock on the stock market; or the E.T. MARK.

    Humanity is considered the stock, or animals that are kept for use and profit, which is why we are human resources.

    We are chained by the BONDS of this prison

    which is why there are both


    as related to the sea

    a STOCK is the cross piece that is on an anchor. The other parts of an anchor give more of the sea related parts of the game away since a BILL is the end of the anchor hook and a FLUKE is the part of the anchor that fastens into the ground. 

    Some SAILS/Sales are just flukes while others are worked for with more difficulty.

    The Crown is also involved since this is the middle bottom curved portion of the anchor.

    Nothing has been left out.

    The logistics of this are taken care of through the parliamentary, congressional, and court systems because stock is also known as a base for soup.

    What? "Soup?"

    What does that have to do with court systems

    Simply because 'stock' is also known as 'broth' and the Latin word 'jus' translates into English as "law, right, soup, gravy, broth, ordinance, decree, canon."

    That's the 'GRAVE E train' (to "E"/Saturn) which is a windfall or an exploited source of easy money.

    'Jus' is furthermore where the word "JUStice" is derived, and "broth" gives us the reasoning behind the secret society Broth-erhoods that shape and monitor this operation.


    In law dictionaries, there is a term known as 'jus abutendi' that is a Roman and

     civil law decreeing the right of a property owner to make full use of said property even to the extent of wasting or destroying it. This is the reason that the controllers are so intent on owning everything and declaring it to be under their dominion - to destroy it all at their own whims and discretions.

    Hired and Fired

    I'll end this segment with arguably the greatest duality of them all, Heaven and

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    This is seen in the words

    Hired and Fired:

    To be hired is to actually be "highered" or lifted up to a 'higher' state of being or life, while to be fired is to be 'Fired' - sent to "hell" and lowered in status, position, lifestyle, security, comfort, and everything "good" that "heaven" is claimed to be.

    ... to be continued

    Original Video Presentation byby Chiron LastSource Link:

    transcribed byPsy0psAgent

    fade = text on screenINSERT = info added by Psy0psdialogue = indicates spoken

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