  • ;


    ;40detietd ea qe4


  • rite dar inspires the Pen Mrs. Robert E. Sparks, 7404 Holmes Ave.,

    Los Angeles, Calif.

    Sirs: My husband and I enjoy each weekly issue of your big -little maga- zine. We wish each issue contained more articles. For example, how about some pictures and information on Jack Berch and his Gang? Aren't they the "Three Sons ?" I enjoy those fifteen short minutes each day im- mensely!

    I was very pleased to find your August 19 issue contained an article on Gil Martyn. We'd rather listen to his newscasts than any other. He has a voice that can't be heat. I never listened to newscasts much until I heard his.

    We also think it would he a good idea if you began your daily log with the 7:00 a.m. listings -there are even some very good programs at 6:00 a.m.

    The letter from your reader in the

    1890 FRENCH


    exciting on salads

    Page Two

    August 19th issue about too much advertising on KRKD and KPAS is so true! Too much is worse than not enough.

    Our favorite programs are "Philo Vance" and "The Whistler" -for mys- teries, Bob Hope and "Fibber McGee and Molly" for comedy, and J. New- ton Yates at the console and the "Supper Club" for music. And as I said before, our favorite newscaster -Gil Martyn.

    We'll keep Jack Hrreh and company In I.

    Mrs. Alfred Bullock, I I I75 Tujunga Canyon Blvd., Tujunga, Calif. Sirs: I always read "The Ear In-

    spires the Pen," and sometimes won- der how and why so many people send in such sharp criticisms. If there is a program which we do not enjoy, we can always turn the dial to something else.

    We have enjoyed "One Man's Family" since it came into being, and still think Mr. Morse is doing a pretty bang -up job. And as to Mar- garet and Grandfather, what could be sweeter? This world would he pretty flat if it were not for the children.

    Like so many others, we miss "Those We Love," it was such a shock to have it taken off so sud- denly.

    My husband says when he comes in tired and wants to relax, Art Baker comes on with that quiet dig- nity that is so refreshing.

    Our favorite newscasters have been Fleetwood Lawton and Glen Hardy. Recently we heard Knox Manning and like him very much. There are so many good ones -Elmer Peterson, Ted Myers and a score of others. * * * RADIO LIFE * * (letoher 7N, poi.; l'nl. 12. Published Weekly at 1.016 Angele+ 13, California.

    .umnot Office.: i. a Ne.l Ma.hington Hi d., Phone Richmond 3282. Editorial Office*. 133a North inc, e Hollywood tn, tTnoe H9 :mp- tead

    Radio I.ife was entered an Second ('Ian Matter May II, 1142. at I,s Angeles, under Art of March 3. 11179. l'nntpald Suhnerlption, 12.73 year. $1.31 ai month.. Single Copier. nn sale at leading Independent lino-era in Southern California at Ne each. Reprinting in whole nr in part without perminnlon strictly forbidden.

    Puhtihrr, Carl M. Rlgbt ; t7111or, E.Ayn .t. Rigsby; Assistant l':ditor, Shirley (.ord.m: Ru.lnes. Manager. Hugh Brown; Office Mun- ger, l:eorgia /'ayw..od; .try Director, Allen Ricks; Log Editor, l'eari Rail.

    Ad,ertl +ing Repreoewtalhe, ('ulhretl, Sadler. All material ud by Radio Life in nperiali

    prepared by it non staff writer.. and re- printing in w hole nr In part without pub linker'. perm i +don trirtls forbidden.

    Circulation now limited by paper restriction to



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    Five Hits for You in


    RADIO LIFE BROADWAY NEWS ... hot off the wire . . . KHJ, every day at 12 noon, and the night edition 10:15 p.m. Monday thru Friday. KMPC, every day at 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

    SEWING SCHOOL OF THE AIR KMPC, 1:45 p.m. Tues- days.

    FASHION FORUM ... KMPC, 1:45 p.m. Thursdays.

    HOME CHATS ... for the homemaker by Miriam Lane. KMPC, 10:45 a.m., Monday thru Saturday.

    FELIX DE COLA and His Musi- cal Notebook. KHJ, 1:15 p.m., Saturday.

    13roaelw DOWNTO

    Broadway, 4th and Hill Where I..,. Angeles Shops with (',,ridem, _ rßP=.v9

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    City Zone e -State

    IMO : BOOMING V O I C E, PLEASANT MANNER, informality and a big,

    black cigar are the radio trade marks of young he s only 23 disc jockey, Gene Norman.

    In Rea/ Life /l(' ls Jovial Gent Orman Who issues .Vi;; hfl r /nvitntinns tO the "I';nstsid(' (,'lith" and Is the YO(,.tOr ! Three College Ue(,T>-(-(',, Hence th( 1.,.

    If lay Ihrouuh hi. 11 It

    If lay /hrrnrylt .Saro ratty . IY,:tu p,nr. hIIJ

    ENE NORMAN'S nightly in- vitation to the " Eastside Club" is so convincing that he constantly finds himself playing host to fans who have answered his call.

    "One night when I announced that Sinatra was going to be our next evening's guest," recalled disc jockey Norman, "bobby soxers in droves ap- peared at the station to see their idol. I had a hard time explaining that all of our music is recorded and the applause is only inserted."

    As the voice of Eastside, Gene and his booming baritone are now a fa- miliar radio mark to dialers. Taking to the air with Coleman Hawkins' "Stuffy ", written in his honor, Nor- man bids you welcome to the myth- ical "Eastside Club" where for two full hours you can enjoy the latest in sweet and hot recordings.

    Things Move No dilettante in his appreciation

    of modern music. Gene has been praised by national music publica- tions for the intelligence he displays in presenting the better brands of dance music. "I try to keep things moving," says the serious faced young man the's only 23) who is celebrating his first anniversary as the Eastside's emcee. "We feature four bands an hour with an inter.

    mission vocal worked in to offer variety and pace."

    Before coming to Hollywood and KFWB, Gene was an announcer on San Francisco and Oakland stations. and before that he spieled into mikes in New York and New Jersey. A for- mer student at Wisconsin University and the University of California at Berkeley. Gene, as the possessor of two degrees, is called "Stuffy" by his colleagues.

    Norman believes a man's music reflects his social philosophies. That's why he refuses to play records by certain maestros he knows to be re- actionaries, race -prejudiced. "Music is democratic. And jazz is the most democratic. the freest music of all."

    His Favorites Ellington probably is his favorite

    bandleader, from the viewpoint of musical quality and harmonic in- ventiveness. Earl Hines is the most rhythmically exciting, he thinks.

    Norman receives requests from ser- vicemen in the Pacific, and from civilians as tar east as Ohio and north to Vancouver. He employs transcribed applause and crowd noises to give the effect of a remote program. He smokes cigars as he talks, spends hours arranging his nightly stint.

    On Tuesday nights at 11 he pre- sents a jazz concert with the assist- ance of Dave Dexter, former editor

    ll'Ira..e Turn I,, l'ayr Pt Page Three

  • ..--

    -Gene Leser Photos.

    THIS IS WHERE ED GARDNER sheds his "Dully's" apron and dens a chef's barbecue hat in view of a gay party at his lovely Bel -Air mansiol.

    MOST ANY MORNING YOU'LL FIND the master of the house conducting his business, via the phone, from the side of his swimming pool. And ther

    in for a quick dip.



    By Betty Mills

    Friday, 8.30 p.m. RC -I:hl

    AVE YOU SEEN my picture yet ?" quizzed Ed Gardner. "No? Well,'come on in, you're still a friend."

    He was referring to the Paramount pic- ture, "Duffy's Tav-

    ern," boasting a host of big star names -headed, of course, by Ed Gardner. "I must be pretty bad," he continued in mock seriousness, "be- cause when I come on the screen, the audience quiets down like I was try- ing to sell mauseleums or some- thing."

    It was quite obvious, that morning, that motion pictures held a tremen- dous fascination for one of radio's top comics. His first venture, the aforementioned "Duffy's Tavern," had just opened for a local run and Ed was curious as to public reaction.

    Asked if he contemplated any more pictures, he answered (between phone calls) that with the start of his new radio season he was all wrapped up in the airing of "Duffy's Tavern."

    Calls Up to Ear And that's how Radio Life found

    Monsieur Gardner, better known to millions as "Archie," when we called upon him at his lavish Bel -Air home.

  • ; :pr+ss r y..r-«-s w ++sr tem "1.rqw- 71MILwo!rsw~+1 No Corned Beef and Cabbage in The Home Life of Ed Gardner

    Lounging, with phone in hand, he- side his large swimming pool, he was up to his ears in telephone calls. "Make yourself to home," he drawled in Archie's unmistakable voice, "And I'll be with you in a minute."

    Bounding up to greet his master came the Gardner's pet, "Duffy," a huge Irish setter, followed by the mistress of the house, lovely, blonde Simone.

    "This is Thursday," she explained, "the nurse is off and I've got my hands full with the baby. He's asleep now, but you'll meet him when he wakes up."

    "Baby " -turning to her husband - "will you be home for dinner ?"

    "I don't think so," answered Ed consulting his watch. "Holy smoke, look at the time! I have an appoint- ment at noon, a Command Perform- ance rehearsal and I've got to get going. " -(aside to us)- "You string along with Simone and she'll tell you anything you want to know."

    As we followed Mrs. Gardner across the spacious back lawn, we couldn't resist another look at the lovely pool, big tennis court and barbecue pit. "We all swim a great deal," she pointed out, "and Ed plays tennis

    daily. The barbecue constitutes ou. favorite form of entertainment."

    Tour of House Once inside, we made a tour of

    the huge home with Mrs. Gardner playing guide. The most lived -in room is the mahogany- paneled den, lined with hundreds of books includ- ing everything from Tolstoy to bound volumes of Duffy scripts. Above the fireplace hung an oil painting of Ed, done by John Decker.

    Ed, it seems, is an artist, too, and his house is lined with many paint- ings, the greater part of them by his friends. Now and then a Gardner painting adorns the wall. Those he doesn't like he hangs in the intimate part of the house. This constitutes his "minature gallery."

    The living room is done in a warm aqua color accented by a deep ma- roon. Adhering to comfort, the room is furnished with an abundance of large, easy chairs and sofas, some in maroon, others in quilted chintz. "This is my favorite room," smiled Simone.

    Downstairs is a large (also ma- roon) game room, hearing auto- graphed pictures of all the guests who have appeared on Duffy's. We

    (Please Turn In Pave 261

    IN A HAP PIER FRAME OF MIND, Eddie has just thrown sand into the eyes of "Dully," the Irish Setter pet of

    the Gardners'. But Dully doesn't seem to mind, he probably knows he's lucky to have such a lovely home.

    THE LITTLE TRINKETS ED HAS in hand are mementoes from his

    recent overseas trip. The portrait betiind him was done by John Decker. i "LET'S GO THATAWAY, MOMMIE," points out young Mr.

    Gardner to his pretty morn, Simone. This is one of the last pictures of Master Gardner with his long curls; they were cut the next day.


    By B. J. Hammer

    Monday-Friday. :1 3M1 p nr. .t N(;-Ar-(:.t

    VERY AFTERNOON at two, genial Perry Ward gives a party. Of course it's called. "What's Doin', Ladies ?" and it's broadcast over KECA, but

    after visiting the show, Radio Life was convinced that it's really a social get -together. Nobody has as much fun as Perry when a contestant gives a funny or unexpected answer. And no one but an anxious host could cover so much territory and so quick- ly introduce audience and contest- ants to one another. Perry tears down from the stage to the audience and back again at a terrifying rate of speed. "There was one time," he laughed, "when I tore down into the audience holding a mike with a short cord. I got jerked back like a yo -yo! People are always telling me that someday I'm going to fall flat on my face, but I won't care if it gives the audience a laugh."

    "You have to be a horn diplomat and politician," said Perry in answer to our query as to 'how do you do it. ?' "I'm pretty impertinent at times, Page Six

    $SELF -CONFESSED HAM is Perry Ward. He'd like to 6e a character actor in- stead of a "character.'

    was unheard of and almost all shows were ad libbed.

    Critical Family Perry's wife is the show's con-

    structive critic. "She listens in every day and gives us invaluable criti- cism from the listening audience's point of view." His two little boys, Michael and Bill, are well on their way to becoming critics, too. Both of them have appeared in many re- cent movies, and if six -year -old Bill doesn't like something on Perry's show, he gives his Dad the benefit of his professional experience and sets him right.

    Perry calls them a couple of scene stealers. "We're keeping all the money they've made in pictures in trust for them until thy are eigh- teen," he said. "Then they can di- vide it equally and decide for them- selves whether or not they'd like a theatrical career."

    Perry himself did a lot of stage work at one time, and still has a secret yen to he a serious character actor. He admires Charles Laughton and Walter Huston very much, and would like to attempt the kind of roles they play. "But I'm afraid I'd turn out to he more the Lou Costello type." At the Pasadena Playhouse he played a variety of roles includ- ing French waiters, little old men and Japs. He still has a.little bald spot on the side of his head from putting on and taking off a couple of wigs every night when he doubled in character for one production. He'd also like to do some serious drama in lai io. "And I don't mean the

    On Perry Ilárd's Show, "What's Doin', Ladies;?" But We Turned the Tables and Got the Low- Down When We Asked, "What's Doin', Perry ?"

    but I try never to hurt anyone's feel- ings or make anyone angry. They come to the show because they want to have fun, and do something a little crazy -and I help them along." he explained. He admits that nine times out of ten he gets an un- expected answer from his contest- ants. "For instance," he beamed at the recollection, "one lady contestant was treated to the sight of her hus- hand in the arms of a lovely Earl Carroll girl. 'Well, lady,' I said, 'what are you going to do about that ?' Do you know what she did? She just put her head on one side and said sweetly, 'Ah -don't they look cute ?' " Perry is delighted when a contestant tops him with an answer. "I don't want to monopolize all the good cracks." He gets his gift of rapid ad lib partly from his early experiences in radio when a script

    corpse- under -the -bed type of thing either," he laughed.

    Just Too Tool As "What's Doin', Ladies ?" is an

    unrehearsed show which keeps merry Perry one jump ahead of the next answer, we asked him to relate the most unexpected and embarrassing experience he'd ever had on the pro- gram. Perry's eyes twinkled and he hid his face in mock distress. "Can't!" he hissed. "Too embarrass- ing!"

    His pet peeve on the show is the type of lady who volunteers, and then when asked a question like "What would you do if you got hit in the face with a custard pie ?" replies, "I don't know, I never have been." "Well," said Perry, "then I'll try again. "What would you do if

    (flia.e Torn to Page Yµ/



    RADIO: West * National and International

    Challenge to Sinatra We were startled the other day to

    see big Bob Brown come through our door. If you have not seen nor heard Bob, this will introduce you to the ex- 120 -lb. weakling who built him- self into an amazing physical speci- men, surpassing even the measure- ments of Charles Atlas.

    It -seems that three years ago, Bob was a Marine serving in the South Pacific. He contracted malaria and T.B. and was discharged without much hope from the doctors. Through meth- ods of his own (including a diet, rest and exercise), he built himself into what you see today -a 240 -lb. muscle man, and sporting what he terms in all probability the largest arms in the world (biceps 19 "), Mr. Brown has appropriately dubbed himself "The Arms."

    "It's solid muscle everywhere," he pointed out, slapping himself in his midriff. "Kick me in the stomach and see." We felt it slightly unladylike to oblige, but had to admit that he did look like a pretty solid specimen.

    "I have offered," he went on, "to put twenty pounds (or more) on Sin- atra at $100 per pound, so he'll be able to buy his clothes in the men's department like other fellows."

    We didn't know how Frankie's fans would. feel about the latter half of the above statement, but the weight business did sound like a good in- vestment for "The Voice." Mr. Brown says he has removed the excess pounds off actor Richard Arlen; is now at work on swimmer Johnny Weissmuller, and has offered his services (as weight builder) to General Wainwright.

    At this writing we are anxiously awaiting to see if Sinatra will accept Mr. Brown's challenge -and trying to visualize what Frankie will look like with the added weight. What do you think?

    Young Artists The first preliminary audition for

    instrumentalists who have made ap- plication for entry in the third KFI Young Artists' Competition was held at the station on Monday afternoon, October 15.

    Through a series of these auditions, the instrumentalists to appear on twenty-six weekly radio broadcasts will be selected. Those appearing on the air are then' in competition for

    the grand prize which consists of a solo performance in the Hollywood Bowl during the regular 1946 season of Symphonies Under the Stars with Leopold Stokowski.

    As a new feature of the Young Artists' series this year, a number of noted musical personages will act as guest conductors for the radio per- formances of competing instrumental- ists, which will be broadcast each Monday night from 9:30 to 10:00.

    Who's He? For many moons now the Mutual -

    Don Lee News Division has kept a sharp watch for photo shots of its apparently camera -shy correspondents from overseas. When other reporters often got their faces within focus range, Mutual -Don Lee began to won- der what could be occupying every minute of its observers' time.

    Finally it happened. To New York came a press service phot from Tokyo showing four ) encil- pushers and mike - shouts sauntering casually past a noteworthy background. One of them was á Mutual -Don Lee correspondent -the caption under the picture said so. But the news division was puzzled. The overseas payroll failed to yield any record of an employe by that name (Dave Bergaslauv). In fact, there was some difficulty finding any. one who had ever heard of the indi- vidual.

    But the riddle didn't last long. Some- one spied a unique looking pistol holster worn by the character in question. It was Bob Brumby's -no doubt about it. The personal arsenal is a sort of trademark with Bob, and he has employed it to some advantage in the job of bringing the latest to Mutual -Don Lee listeners. Only re- cently' he used the "rod" in the inter- ests of peace and justice to help round up the famed "Butcher of Warsaw" who was holed up in the hills of Honshu Island.

    Oh yes, Bergaslauv is from another network. And, says Mutual, that's their payroll problem.

    Shouldn't Happen to a- CBS' "Blondie," Penny Singleton,

    and her real -life spouse, Bob Sparks, have named their new ranch home in Green Valley, ' Pennybob Oaks." Recently, Penny was out shopping for a festive housewarming and while

    she was away, her playful young daughters, Dorothy Grace and Robin Susan, decided to beautify their pet Irish setter for the occasion. Penny carne home to find the dog romping about the front lawn 'with his hair .done up in curlers!

    They're Back Again Those mad man -chasing gals, "Bren-

    da and Cobina" of course, didn't get their man a couple of weeks ago when they paid a visit to the Bob Hope show. So the boys generously gave them a second chance to get their man on last Tuesday's B.H. airer.

    When last seen, Hope and Colonna were headed due north with Brenda and Cobina not far behind. "We really love 'em dearly," panted Hope point- ing to the gruesome twosome hot on his trail, "But this is the only way we can get our exercise."

    Prized Memento It was interesting to note that Dave

    Elman placed the tally card on which the late president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, kept tab on votes during the 1932 Democratic National Conven- tion, on his auction block last week.

    The historic tally sheet had been contributed by Mack Parker of the Philadelphia Record, who sat along- side of Roosevelt at the Governor's Mansion in Albany, as returns came in from the '32 convention nominating the late president for his first term in the White House. The card was personally autographed by Roosevelt with the notation "O.K. F.D.R."

    Shhhh! Nigel Bruce, "Dr. Watson" of the

    "New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes," (Please turn lo Page rl)

    74e, 'u 6444 04t ab't


    Every Mon. Wed. Fri. s

    KNX 4:00 P.M. 4

    KMPC 8:15 P.M. Ir. a

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    Like your detective thrillers on Saturday night when you can really relax and let your imagination run wild? Well, in that department KECA has just the ticket . . . . a trilogy of super -thrillers! First we have Dick Tracy, at 7:30 p.m., ... a half -hour with that famous comic -strip detective and his familiar associates, Vitamin Flintheart, Snowflake Falls, Gravel Gertie, and assorted underworld charczlers. By the way, here'3 J.:hn Griggs, who plays that theatrical

    Vitamin Flintheart

    genius, Vitamin Flintheart! That long -time ABC favorite, "Gang-

    busters", the one program that actually names names and places, and dramatizes actual cases based on the theme, "Crime Does _lot Pay" is your 9 o'clock fare. Lewis J. Valentine, who has had forty -two years at police work, served for eleven years as Police ComrrissionerNewscaster. He resigned that post to hs_ome Chief Investigator-Commenta - tor on the "Gang Busters" series.

    Last, l)ut not least, there's that fabulous enemy cf wrongdoers, "The Green Hornet." who spe.:ds through the night with his faith ful valet, Cato, In his famous car, "The Black B:auty," in defense of law and order.

    . Always an exciting half-hour, "The Green Horne:" at 9:30, rates high with the lovers of detective drama.

    790 ... Its the Spot KECA has three public service programs to which we point with pride!

    "Jobs for G.I.'s ", as the title suggests, seeks . . . and gets . . . suitable jobs for returning veterans. Since the program's inception last July, an average of 88`,< of the men and women interviewed have been placed in. jobs to their liking, through their appearance on the show. "Jobs for G.I.'s" is a regular Wednesday night feature at 7:30.

    Two programs, one in cooperation with the Juvenile Division of the Police Department, and the other, on behalf of the Educational Unit, Traffic Division, also of the Los Angeles Police Department, were recently launched. "One Way Street," which deals with local problems of juvenile delinquency is heard at 9 on Wednesday nights, and "Design for Death," heard at 6:15 p.m., on Thurs. days, seeks to reduce the awful toll in human life and suffering which result from reckless driving and ignorance of safety rules.

    All three programs are recommended listening for the serious minded.

    790 . .. It's the Spot PERSONALS ... Ken Niles, emcee of ABC's "Darts for Dough" (Sundays

    at 1) was recently elected president of the Mexican Sportsmen's Association, organization made up of western hunting enthusiasts . . Two ABC feminine stars, Charlotte Greenwood (Sundays at 2:30) and Arlene Frances of "Blind Date" fame (Fridays at 8 p.m.) have just had 52 -week contract renewals . . . Vincent Pelletier, veteran announcer and narrator, is the new host on "Curtain Time," KECA at 7 on Thursday nights ... Felix Knight replaces Donald Dame as male vocalist on Hires "Sunday Party" on Oct. 28th . . that's Sunday after- noon at 3:30 on KECA. Mel Torme, Decca recording artist and a bobby -sox favorite, will be Peter Potter's "Symposium of Swing" guest on Monday night at 9:30.

    790 ... It's the Spot Member in good standing of the "quick comeback club" is William Cargan,

    star of "Murder Will Out," ABC's popular "whodunit." Recently Gargan muffed a line, saying "Kansas City, Mississippi." When quipped about the error after the show, he quickly replied, "Haven't you heard, everything is going to be different in the postwar world ?"

    "Murder Will Out," always an exciting adventure in criminal detection, with "Dark Adventure," psychological mystery series, forms KECA's "Hour of Mystery" on Tuesday nights from 9 until 10.

    790 . . . It's the Spot -.tdoertisernent.

    NEXT WEEK If you saw and loved (and who

    didn't ?) Barry Fitzgerald in "Go- ing My Way," you'll be happy to know that he's coming your way next week. In an intimate sketch, Barry's home life (complete with latest pictures) becomes an open book to all Fitzgerald fans, who'll see their idol in his home, in his garden and on his beloved motor- cycle. . . . Although it isn't Christ - mas, here's your chance to learn how "Mrs. Santa Claus" helps her famous husband (in this instance, Parks Johnson) buy pretties for lucky conte,tants of "Vox Pop." ... Shh -is it true what they say about Beulah? When you've read the entertaining story about Mar- lin Hurt and his "Beulah," you'll know what we mean.... See you next week.

    RADIO WEST (Continued )'rone Page 7)

    was not his usual ad- libbing self be- fore a recent Monday broadcast. Basil Rathbone, afraid that Bruce might not he feeling well, queried his friend as to why he was staying so close to the script, minus his usual bright additions and quips. "Not so loud," Bruce whispered, "my family's in the audience today."

    That Horn Again Most old lengths of pipe have little

    to look forward to other than a life of holding up a sink or something equally lacking in glamor, but not so the plumber's cast -off that Bob Burns fashioned into his famous ba- zooka. How it gets around!

    On a recent Saturday, the Arkansas traveler fetched it down to KFI much to the delight of the youngsters on the official Boy Scout airshow heard weekly over that station. On the pro-

    (Please Turn to Page 2O

    Tune in


    (j PARADE * A

    FOOTBALL KMTR Every Sunday 2:15 P. M.


    Fri.10:05 P. M. K M P C Tues. 10:05 P.M. KtI1TI sponsored os o public ser ,,ce by




    POr1 MU?fFlA! kw.zatc4s.::.i?eedtá,wti. .::s:k.3ìi'.

    * Debonair screen star ...plays the lead in o new murder and chills drama.


    * Adventureloving youngsters know' him os the fearless ovin for who deals out justice.


    * Bringing the Kids, Mom 'n Pop toles of supernatural events with logical explanations.


    * Jolly, 300pound pianist anti singer, "TheQuaker Music Maker" enlivens the morning oirianes.


    * Mutual's crusading commenta. 9> tor tells whet important news is brewing for the week.





    Sunday, October 28- "Garden Hints," KMPC, 7:05 a.m. (25 min.) Formerly KMPC, 11:45 a.m. Monday through Friday.

    Monday, October 29- "Parade to the Post," KMPC, 11:30 a.m. Monday through Saturday. Formerly KMPC, 11:30 a.m. Tuesday through Satur- day.

    Monday, October 29- "Hollywood Park Re- Creations," KMPC, 6:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Formerly 6:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday.

    Monday, October 29- "Singing Sam," KMPC, 9:45 p.m. Monday through Friday. Formerly KMPC, 9:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

    Wednesday, October 31 - "Hercule Poirot," KHJ, 7:00 p.m. (30 min.) Formerly KHJ, 7:00 p.m. Thursday.

    Saturday, November 3- Rupert Hughes, KFI, 5:30 p.m. Formerly KFI, 3:30 p.m. Saturday.

    Saturday, November 3- "That's A Good Idea," KNX, 6:30 p.m. (15 min.) Formerly KNX, 9:30 p.m. Saturday. *

    WHAT'S NEW Music

    Sunday, October 28 - "Bolero Time," KMPC, 7:05 p.m. (25 min.) Vance Graham master of ceremonies.

    Tuesday, October 30 - "Tuesday at Nine," KFI, 9:00 p.m. (30 min.) So- prano Sylvia Ashton, and tenor Michael Tobin sing the scores of light operas; Pat McGeehan does the narration. This week will be the "Chocolate Soldier." Claude Sweeten's orchestra.

    Monday, October 29 - "Song Truck," KMPC, 9:15 a.m. (15 min.) Monday through Friday. With Jack Sherman.

    Monday, October 29 -"Ray Linn and His Swing Stars," KMPC, 1:05 p.m. (25 min.) Monday through Friday. Sonny Burke, musical director.

    Monday, October 29 -"Your American Music," KMPC, 9:30 p.m. 115 min.) Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Tran- scribed popular music.

    * Drama

    Tuesday, October 30 -"His Honor, the Barber," KFI, 11:30 p.m. (30 min.) Barry Fitzgerald in a new series with Barbara Fuller.

    Sports Monday, October 29 - Boxing, KFOX,

    7:05 p.m. till end). One in a series of feature bouts to be heard during the next 52 weeks, Sam Taub does the blow -by -blow description from Cleveland.

    Monday, October 29 - "Sports High- lights." KMPC, 9:0: p.m. (10 min.) Monday through Saturday. Charlie Teas gives sports news.

    Public Interest Tuesday, October 30 -"Busy Money,"

    (Please Turn to Page 23)

    &c& qoundap ., froin 1,1 KF w 1

    Preliminary auditions for instru- mentalists who have made application for entry in the third consecutive KFI YOUNG ARTISTS' COMPETITION are now being held at this station. Through these auditions the instru- mentalists to appear on twenty -six week- ly radio broadcasts are selected. Those appearing on the air are then in competi- tion for the grand prize which consists of a solo perform- ance in the Holly- wood Bowl during the regular 1946 sea- son of Symphonies Under the Star s with Leopold Sto- kowski. As a new feature of the KFI YOUNG ARTISTS' COMPETITION this year, a number of noted musical per- sonages will act as guest conductors for the radio performances of corn - peting instrumentalists, which will be broadcast each Monday night from 9:30 to 10:00 beginning November 5th. Among these personages who have ac- cepted guest conductor posts are: Joa- quin Chassman, Dimitri Amphithea- troff, Dr. Richard Lert, Peter Meren- blum, James Guthrie, James Sample, Arthur Lange, Miklos Rosza, Rich- ard Hageman, Ernst Katz, Willem Van der Berg and Ernest Gebert. The 1945 -46 season of the KFI YOUNG ARTISTS' COMPETITION is jointly sponsored as a public service by the Hollywood Bowl Association and Sta- tion KFI, and the Committee of Judges to select the winning artists includes: Julian Brodetsky. Mario Cas- telnuovo Tedesco, Louis Woodson Cur- tis, Emanuel Bay and Eudice Shapiro.

    BRIEFS: "Cousin" Elmore who is head cornshucker on the "CORN - SHUCKERS JUBILEE" (KFI daily 5:30 to 6:00 a.m.) always ends his program with what he calls a 'stream- lined sermon'. One of these sermons which brought a sizable response from listeners goes like this: "A good thing to remember, a better thing to do, is work with the Construction gang, NOT with the wrecking crew ... Certainly one of the best radio shows to see broadcast is AMOS 'n' ANDY (KFI Tuesday 6:00 p.m.), and we hear that a limited number of tickets are avail- able each week. If you really want to have yourself a time by attending one of these broadcasts, just drop a line to AMOS 'n' ANDY, NBC Hollywood and state the number of tickets you'll require . . . Hope you've been listen- ing to KFI's swell new morning pro- gram, WHAT DO YOU say? starring the noted radio actress Joan Schafer, heard daily except Thursday at 10:15 a.m. -Advertisement.



    TSOTKMPCTKIEVTKFWRTKNX KITKO KPC KFOXTKGBT KVOE s70T64oT790T930T1o20T 1150 T 1240 T13301-1390 T HE('A-Taylor Made Melodies

    600 710 870 980 107011 0 1230 1280 1360 1410 1490 * Indicates News Broadcasts HFI -The Everusl Light, .*KNX, KPAS, KGER -News.


    Wesley Radio League. *KMPC -News.

    KFWB- Funnies. *EDITH-News, Meditation.

    KFAC - Country (:hurch. KRKD -Ranch Program. HWKW -l'un- American

    Revival, RGFJ -Arm Chair Concert. KFVD -Tempo Tunes. HFBD -Call to Worship. KFOX -Rev. Dean Reed.

    8:05 -KNX -Blue Jacket Choir. KGER -Kingdom Within.

    8:13 -KECA -Rex Maupin Orch. KMPC- Institute for Blind. HMTR -Rev. K. G. Egertson. HFXM- Sunday Serenade.

    8:30 01F1-World News Roundup. KNX-Inv halloo to Learning. KHJ, KGB, HFXM, KV 0E

    Voice of Prophecy. KECA -Hour of Faith. KMPC -Wesley Radio League. KFWB- L'nion Rescue Mission HMTR -W. B. Record. HI'AS- Immanuel Baptist

    Church, HWKW- Buenas Nueces. KFAC- Strollin' Tom. KFVD -- ('hutch of Christ. KGER -Jerk Neville. HFOX- Morning Bible Hour.

    11:45*KFI, HRHD -News. KGF'J -Quiet Moments. KGER -House of Dawn.

    9 -HFI, KFSD- Chicago Round- table. RNX -Salt 1.ake Tabernacle.

    *KECA -ABC World Corre- spondents.

    HMI, KGB, HFS.M, KVOE- Pilgrim Hour.

    *KMPC -News, Bostick Barn Dance.

    *KMTR-News, Bible Treasury Hour.

    KRKD- Sunday Serenade. KFAC-Liberal Catholic Hour HFVD- Waltz Time. AGF./ -Mid- Morning Melodies.

    *KPAS -News, Music. HWKW -Little halo. HPPC -Devotional Service.

    *KGER -News, Dr. Springer. 9 :15*KECA-News.

    K.MTR- Swedenborg Hour. KFAC -Concert. KPPC -Prelude to Worship. KFSD- America Called.

    9:30- BFI -Echoes & Encores. *KNX- Transatlantle ('all. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

    Lutheran Hour. KECA- Taylor Made Melodies. KFWB -Peter Potter.

    *HMTR -The World Tomorrow

    Complete Gilbert & Sullivan

    Works KFAC -9:30 - I I A. M. Sun.

    Sponsored by Marshall Si Clampett

    9 i



    KFAC- Gilbert & Sullivan. HIT('- Sunday Morning Club. KFV D- Victory Parade 'tit

    1 p.m. KGER -Radio Revival, KFSD- Sunday Concert.

    :45- KECA -Reserve. O *HFI, KFSD- Layman's Views

    of News. KNX-Church of the Air, Rev.

    Dr. Albert Edward Day, New Life Movement.

    *KECA -holm Kennedy, News. *KHJ, KGB, KFX.M, HVOE-

    News, Glenn Hardy. *KMPC -News, Western Fed-

    eral Music Hour. *KFWR, HOER, KFOX -News *KMTR -News, Fannie Rein-

    hart. K PAS-Slav ic Program. EWHW- Hullywood Lutheran.

    :13 --HFI -Home Town Parade. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

    Commander Scott. *KECA -Orson Welles, Com-

    ment. RF'W li -Peter Potter. K Ft) X -Rev. Russell. KFSD- America tolled.

    :30-K FI-Musical Milestones. *KNX-News.


    The Romance of the Highways

    "Unreal Realities" KHJ - KVOE

    10:15 A. M. Sundays

    KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Sweetheart Time.

    HPAS-('sech Polkas. KPPC- Church News. KWKW- Hungarian Baptist. KFSD -Show Is On.

    10: K *KNX- Edward R. Murrow, KPPC-Tower Chimes. KFOX -Cumberland Church.

    10:55 *KECA- George Gum, News.

    11 KF1. HFBarvest Of KNX- StraD -Hdivari'a rcoi,. Stars RECA- Washington Inside Out KHJ, KGB- Sunday Concert.

    *KMPC -News, Off the Record *KFWB -News. *KMTR -News, Church of

    Christ. HPAS- Church of Open Door. KFAC -lst Methodist Church. HWKW- Lincoln Ave. Presti. HGFJ -My Favorite Song. KFXM-First Congregational

    Church. HPPC. Church Service, Dr.

    Eugene ('arson Blake. KFOX- Presbyterian Church. KGER- Evangelists' Hour.

    11:15 -KECA -Gen. Junius Pierce, Comment.

    KMR -Peter Potter. KVOE- Concert Miniature.

    11:30 -KFI, KFSD- Westinghouse, John Charles Thomas.

    KNX -Next Week. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

    B111 Cunningham. KGFJ -Song of Islands. KWKW-All Saints Episcopal KFOX -First Christian

    Church. 11:45 -KHJ, KGB -Dale Carnegie.

    KMTR -Frank and Ernest. HVOE -Organ Melodies.

    12 *HFI, KFSD -World Parade. KNX -New York Philharmonic *KHJ -Broadway News.

    KECA -Musical Bouquet. *KMPC -News, Frank Hem-

    ingway. *KFWB, KFXM, KVOE, KGER


    *KMTR -News, Boys' Choir. KGFJ -Say It With Music. HWKW- American Jewish Hr. KGB -Strange As It Seems,

    12:15 -KHJ, KFXM, H\'OE -Ilka Chase,

    KMPC -Off the Record. Kt.-WE-Peter Putter.

    *RFA(' -News. KPPC -Music of Masters.

    12:30 -KFL, KFSD -One Man's Family.

    RE(':'.- National Vespers. KHJ- Memory Music, Ted

    Bacon. KF'W'It -Jean Leonard.

    *KRKD -News, Browning. KGB. KF.XM, KVOF Hookey

    Hall. KGER- Gospel Truth.

    12:35 *K PAS -News.

    1 -NFL KFSD -The Army Hour. KECA -Darts for Dough. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

    Murder Is My Hobby. *KM PC-News, Manhattan

    Highlights. *KFWIt -Henry Charles. *KMTR -News, Pianos.

    1(6E4- Romany Time. KRKD -Sunday on Ranch. KFAC -liberty ]'layers. KI'l'('- Chamber Music. KF X -Dicje Ross.

    *KFVD-News. NeKee Plano. *KGER -News, Rev. Burpo,

    1:15- KFWI3- Concert . KMTR-Betty Phillips. KGF./ -- Console Encores. KPAii- Church In Barn. KFVD -Musical Revue,

    1:30*KFI -These Make History. KNX- Electric Hour, Nelson

    Eddy. KMPC- Samuel B. McKee.


    (FOX 1 :305 21:á00y P.M. Transcontinental Broadcast

    via ABC Network

    HF'WIS -Help Wanted. HMTR -Madhouse. HGF./ -Intermission. KWKW-Hoyos Hour. KFAC -Good Neighbor Salute. KFVD- Musical Revue.

    SUNDAY Program Highlights morning Programs Appear In Lightface Type: Afternoon and

    Evening Programs In Boldface. 0:20- Mystery Time. KECA.

    Variety 8:00 -Great Gildersleeve, HFI. 8:00 -('rime Doctor, KNX. 8:30 -Boston Blackie, KHJ. 8:30- Rlondle, KNX, 9:00 -Thin Man, KNX.

    2:30 -Gene Autry, KNX. 2 :30-Charlotte Greenwood.

    KECA. 3.00 -Ozzie & Harriet, KNX. 3:30 -Sunday )'arty, KECA, 4:00 -Jack Benny, KFI. 4:30 -Fitch Bandwagon (Cass

    Daley), KFII. 5:00- Bergen- McCarthy, EFF, 5:00 -Beulah, (Marlin Hurt).

    KNX, 5 :30-Fred Allen, HFI. 0:00- Masquers' Request, KNX. 0:30 --James Melton, KNX. 0:45 -Jimmie Fidler, KECA. 7:30 -Fanny Brice, KNX. 7:30 -Meet Me at Perky's. HFI. 9:15 -Evelyn Rigsby'. AEC A. 9:30 -Romance of Ranchos,


    Quiz Programs 1 :00-Darts for Dough, RECA. 3:30 -Money on the Line. KNX. 6:30- Double or Nothing, KHJ. 7:00 -Take It or leave It, KNX. 7:30 -Name That Song, KHJ. 8:30 -Quiz Kids, RECA.

    Drama 10:1.'.- Commander Scott, KHJ. 12:30 -One Man's Family, KFF.

    1 :00-Murder Is My Hobby, KHJ 2:00 -The Shadow, KHJ. 2 :311 -Nick Carter, KHJ. 4:30 -This Is My Story, KNX.

    Outstanding Music 9:00 -Salt Lake Tabernacle.

    K.\-X. 9:30 -Gilbert & Sullivan. KFAC.

    11.00 -- Stradivari Orch, KNX, 11 30, John Charles Thomas,

    KF I. 12:00 --N. Y. Philharmonic, KNX. 1:30 -Nelson Eddy, KNX. 2:00 -NISC Symphony, HFI, 2:00- Family Hour. KNX, 3:00 -Hall of Fame, KECA. 4 :u0- Ingtewood ]'ark Concert.

    KNX. 5:00 -Ford Evening Hour, KECA 6:30 -Album of Familiar Music,

    HFI. 7:00 -Hour of Charm, KFT. 8:30 -Standard Hour, KFf.

    10 :00- Newsical, KFVD. 10:00 -Lucky Lager Time. KFAC 11:15 -Bridge to Dreamland,


    Public Affairs 9:00 -Chicago Roundtable. KFI.

    11 :00- Washington Inside Out. KECA.

    5:00 -Paul McNutt, KHJ. 0:45 -Mayor Bowron, KMPC.

    11 :05 -Lyman Bryson, KNX.

    KGER -Light and Life. KFOX -Young Peoples Church. KFSD -With Tommy Dorsey.

    "THE NEBBSee Famous Comic Strip Comes to


    KHJ Sunday 1:30 to 2 P.M. Presented by CYSTEX

    KHJ, KGB, KFX.M, HVOK- The Nebbs,

    1:45 *HFI- Edward Jorgenson. K\IPC- All -star Dance

    Parade. KFWB- Musical Sweets. HFVD -Vocal Varieties. KI'AS- Church of Christ.

    *KVOE- Cherne, Hillman, Schubert.

    2 SFI, KFSD- Symphony Hour. KNX- Family Hour. KECA -Mary Small Revue. KHJ, KGB, HFXM, KVOE-

    The Shadow. *HMIS -Peter de Liaia. *KMTR -New., Pre-Game

    News. HGFJ -Easy Rhythm. KFVD- informed Deniocray. HI'AS- Lamplighter Jazz

    Session. KPPC -Hour of Song. KFOX -Good News. KGER -Long Beach Band.

    2:15 -KFWB- Strollin' Tom. KSIP('- A.T.C. Skymasters

    sa. El Toro Marines, HMTR -American l're League

    Football. KFOX- Civoru Group.

    *KMTR-News, Testis Hies KECA -Saturday Senior

    2:30 -KECA- Charlotte Greenwood. KNX -Gene Autry. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, If VOE-

    Nick Carter. HFWB -Youth Demands An-

    swer. KPAS-Challenge to Youth. HWKW- Italian Melodies. KFOX -Rev. Billy Adams. KFVD- Timely Tunes. KGER- Between the Llaes.

    2:45 -KNX- William L. Shirer from Abroad.

    3 HFI -Catholic Hour. K"' -Ozzie and Harriet.


    Peter de Lima as your host

    KFAC- Sundays -3 -5 P.M. "Famous Musical Favorites" also heard Mon. thru Sat.. 3 -3:45 P.M.

    presented by

    _The 7 Famous Dept. Stores KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOK-

    Quick As A Flash. KECA -Radio Hall uf Fama KMPC- Footbal 1. KFW'I1 -Henry Charles. KFAC- Famous Musical

    Favorites. RICAS- California Council

    Table. HPPC- Muslcal Varieties. KGFJ-Remembrance. KFVD-Popular Favoritas.

  • 111 .:,All ... r, s. +yse-

    OCTOBER 28, 1945 RADIO LIFE PAGE 11 KI'SD -Arden Salute.

    *S(.ER -News, Stirred Harnionies.

    HF'OX -Rev. Earl hie. 3:15Kt'VD- ('n:ored Revue. 3:30 *KFI, Kt-SD-Neu s.

    !MCA-Sunday Party. KI;(':1- .loncs & I.

    -KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE- rslrir Foster.

    K('YD- flank, Night W'ntehman,

    Lough with JACK BAILEY

    "MONEY ON THE LINE" Sunday, 3:30 p.m.

    KNX KN NI-Money on the Line. KWKW'-Res . Gagnon. KGF:R-Back to God.

    Interested In Radio Broadcasting

    Wanted for Immediate inters lets men and s% omen ut once, with good speaking *Weirs to be au- ditioned for training in radio acting ans announcing. No exp. needed. Apply 1 to 9 p.m. to Program Director Hal Styles.


    BROADCASTING SCHOOL .400 Wilshire Rlvd. cor Robertson Beverly Hills BR -2 -2546

    Sun. 3:30 4 P.M.


    KFW'B-\:nnt to be In Radio? 3: 45-KF I-Melr.dy Parade.

    KH.1, Kl:tt, KFXM, K\'OF.- Fulton J. Lewis. Jr.

    KPAS-Illd Fashioned Girl. Kl's1)-11nsie Mnsqurrulr.

    MALE QUARTET Concert Orchestra

    EARL TOWNER Director

    KNX- Sunday, 4:00 P.M.


    HFI, KFSD -.sack Benny. KNX -Inglewood ('ark Concert

    *KEC A -Drew Pearson. KH.1. KGB-San Francisco



    REVIVAL ('harles E.

    Fuller, Director.

    P. (1. Bot 123. Los Angeles,


    Kl'AS-4 :00-3:00 P. N. Rl: F: R-4 :00-5:00 P. M.

    REBROADCAST KPAS-9:00 I'. M. KI'RO-9:00 l'. M. KFIIX-lO:Ob 1'. M. HYOE-1u:00 P. M. HFXM-10:00 P. M. KMPC'-10:18 P. M.

    SPAS. KGEK -Ohl Fashioned He) ital.

    KM l'('- Football. KFWB -Jana Session.

    KGF.1- Curtain Cali. HPI'('- Alitambrn l'res. Ch. KWKW- Sunshine Mission.

    *KG ER -News, Pilgrim's Hour Res ival.

    HFOX- Sunshine Pastor, KFXM- Sacred Harmonies. K VIBE- Safeway Opera.

    4:15 *KE('A -Don Gardiner, News. 4:30 -HFI, KFSD -Fiteh Band-

    wagon with Cuss Daley. KH.I, KGB, K3OE- CaIiturnla

    Melodies. *KI'W'B -News.

    KIND-90 -90 Club. K PP('- ('Tussles. KFXM- ABI' -King's Am-

    bass:adorc. KWKW- ItaIlan Novelties.

    >z mut O z0 ö vo

    4:3o #.-(M KNX Alise with the fire rind romanc of stories written by actual per- rons, Thé drama of real human.

    Presented by


    KNX -This Is 31y Story.

    "Songs of France" KECA

    Sunday, 4:30 P.M. Sponsored by Eduards Bruthers

    Colonial Mortuary

    KECA -Bungs of the Nations. 4 :45 -KFW I(- Stuart Hamblen.

    KF1'1)- Curler Wright,

    S -HFI, KFSD- L'ergen- Me('arthy. KNX- Beulah, (Marlin

    Hurt). KECA-Ford Sunday Hour. KHJ. KGB-Paul McNntt-

    Willlum Hillman. *HMI'(' -News, South of the

    Border. *HMTR -News, Trinity M. E.


    NEW TIME Lutheran

    Gospel flour 5:00 P.M. K P A S

    R. NORHEIM, Director

    K PAS-Lutheran Gospel Hour. K W K W- Mauriee Johnson. KFAC- Bowling News. KGF'J- Twilight Time. KRKI) -hooks Bring Ads ea-

    tore. K FWD- Harlem Holiday. Rl'ON -Res . Dllbeck.

    *KFXM -Ntws. KS 11E- Bethel Tabernacle. KGFR -News, Colonial 1es-

    pen. 5:15 -KHJ. K1:II- Mediation Hoard.

    K(IF.J- Today's Hits. KFOX -Her, Lyle Hale.

    5:30 -KFI, KFSD -Fred Allen. KNX -Art Baker. K M l'(' -Ext ru Karma. KMTR- Reformed Witness Hr. KFAC -Christ ion Seienre. KRKD -Hour of Cheer. KPAS -Christian Memory Hr. KPI'(' -Light Classics. KFOX- ('alsary Echoes. RF'X '.t -Made In America. KYOE -('hie Interest.

    5:45W KIM KGB. RFXM. KVOE- (inbriel Heatter.

    K W'K W-1'a rlet y. *KFAC -News

    5:55 *KNX -Ned Calmer.

    6 -xFl, KFSD- Mnnhattau Merry -Go- Round. KNX- Request l'erfurmauce,

    Masgners, *RF:(':1 -W utter Wincing).

    KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV 0E- Human Ads enture.

    *HMI'(', KFWB, KRKD, KFOX -News.

    *KMTR -News, Bethel Chapel. KFAC -Music for F:seryone.

    *KGF:R -News. Word of Prophecy'. Louis S. Bauman.

    KGF.1 -House Party. *K PAS-Ness

    6:15- KECA- Louella ('arsons, Hollywood Mystery Time.

    K31P(' -Harry Horliet:. *KFWB -Henry Charles.

    SPAS-University Explorers.

    "WORD Of

    PROPHECY" (current es entra in the light of the Scripture

    Lcuis S. Bauman Sundt ;s, r.c3 r tt. - KGEtt

    g:30 -KFI, KFSD- .3Iham ( Familiar Music.

    KNX- Texaco Theater (James Melton).

    KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- liouble or Nothing.

    KMPC- M other' s Album. KFWB- liospel and Song. HMTR- Itudlu Bible ('lass. KRKD -Rev. Matthews. KFVll- Esening Serenade. K l'AS- Beyond Tomorrow. KWKW- Union Rescue

    Mission. KPPF- Children's flour. KFOX -Hal's Memory Room. KGEK- Lutheran Layman's

    League. S:45- KI'CA- ,ilmmy Fiáler.

    KM1'(' -Mayor Bow-ron. KI'P('- l.ettra Fuller, (Story Hour).

    7 KF'1, I{FSL) -Hour of ('harm. KNX -Take It or Lease It. KECA- Theater Guild. KHJ -This Changing World.

    *KMPC -News, Bustitks Bolero Time.

    RFW'B -Vets Talk It Over. *HMTR -News, Esentide

    Echoes. KPPC- Sacred Sung Recital. KPAS -Ethel Mohler. KWKW-James Townsend. KGFJ- Overture to Evening. KGB, KFXM, KYOE -Oper-

    ' title Review. KFOX -Olga Gras es.

    *KGER -News, Bastrom, 7:15*HII t -Sav It With Music.

    KSITR- Rnha -1 Pegre Hour. K1'AS -Life and Health. Kl'P(' -Organ Recital.

    7:30 -KFI, KFSD -Meet Me at Perky's.

    TEN X -Fanny Brice Show. KH.1, KGB, KFXM, K1OF:-

    Name That Sung. RFWil -Rabb) Magnin. KMTR -Young People's

    Church. KPAS -Church of Open Door. K 1'1'(' -Must erworks.

    7:45- KI'WB- Catholic Answers. KWKW-Songs at Twilight.

    8 -xF1' KFSD -Great Gilder- sleeve. HNX -Crime Doctor. K EC A- ('lay house of Favorites KHJ, KGB- Raising a Hus-

    band. *K3ll'(' -News, Fronk Hem-

    ingway. *HMTR -News, Floyd B.

    Johnson, KEW B- Hollywood Presby-

    terian ('hunch. KGF.1 -Walts Invitation. KFAC -First Meth. Church. KFOX- Christ inn Science. Kl'P('- Sunday Evening Hour. KFXM -Ave Marin Hour. KYOE- Christian Youth.

    *K(:F.R -News. B:15 *KMI'l' -Deane Dlekason.

    RGER- News,. Chu ut auqua. g :t3- HNX -The Todds. R:30 -KFI, KFSD- SInndard Hour.

    KNY- Blondle. HECA -Uuis Kids.


    HHJ, KT.'S-Bost an Blavkle. KM PC-Es ery'body's Hour. KGFJ- Dancing Rhythm,

    SUNDAY LOGS KP :'C -Word of Life. KFXSI -Dance Orchestra. K1 OF. Grace and Truth.

    II :45- KI'l'('- Iteligious News. KFXM -Harry Cool Orch. K1'OE Minister's Hour.

    9 KNX -Thin Man. *KECA -Sam Hayes, News. *HMTR -News. Figueroa

    Christian Church. *KH.I. KGB, KFXM, KV0E-

    News, Glenn Hardy. *KM l'('-News, Open Forum.

    KIWIS-Union Rescue Mission

    Klil'.1 -Ara Maria Time. K PAS-Old Fashioned Revival KFAC -Sunday Evening Club.

    *KGF:R -News, Bethel Church. KFOS- County Barn Dance.

    1:16 *K11J, KGB, HYDE -Ret Miller.

    RE( .t-Evelyn Rigsby. IC 1'3.31-Letters from Serv-

    icemen. II:30-KFI. KFSD -Jock Benoy.

    KNX- Romance ut Ranchos. KH.), KGB, KVOJ Timmy

    idler. KF.(': \- ('Iuremuat Oreh. TEEMS- Angelica Loth Hour. H.MTH -1' oice of t'ruphecy. KFAC- Gntewny' to Music.

    F.1 -Show Time. KFXM- ('ages From Life. K Ft) C -Res. Eddie Driver. KGIER- Tuckin' In Hour.

    9:45-K11.1-Carmen Casallaro Orch. 10 *HF7, KFSD -Richfield Re-

    porter, *KNX -('het Huntley.

    KHJ, KGB- Roosty of AAF. KF:CA- Parade of fears, *3 31'('. -News, Old Fashioned

    Revis al. *RFW B- Newscast. *HMTR -News, Texas Jim

    l.ewis. KPAS- Voice of Calgary. KGFJ- Western.

    *KFYD- Newsiral, 3 Hours. KFOX -Rev. Fuller. HFXM, K1'OE -Old Fashioned

    ht, s is al. *KGElt -News, Della Collins.

    10:15 -KFI, Reserve. KNX -Dr Wallace Sterling.

    News Analysis. KECA- Casino Gardens Orch. KFWB -Gond News Hour.


    Inside the News

    with Mr. Carveth Wells


    10:30 *BFI- Carcetlt Wells, Inside the New,s.

    HNX -Discussion. *KE('A -News.

    KHJ, KGB -Chet Stewart's Orch.

    HMTR -Bob Brooks. KF'A(' -Music for Listening. KPAS -Bright l'orner ('horse. KGER -Week la Review.

    10:45 *HFI, KFSD -Show Time. KNX -Jan Savitt Orch. KECA- Freddie Martin Orel'. KHJ -Euric Madriguerra

    Orch. KFWB- Musicale.

    11HFI- America United. *KNX -News, Lyman Bryson.

    KE('A -All Spurts Parade. SH.1. KGB, KCXM, KYOE-

    ('haplain Jim. *KMI'C -News, Music to

    Remember. KFWB- Gospel and Sung.

    *KM'l'R -News, Antioch Church KEA( -Lucky Lager Dance

    Time, *KFI 1)- Newsi,ul, all L a.m. KFOX -Merl Lindsay's Band.

    11:15 -KFI- t'neifir Story. KECA-Bridge to t)reamlaod. KGFJ -Blue of Et coins.

    11:30- KNX -AI Donahue. KHJ, KVOE. -, lassical Mini-

    ature. HMTR -Plano Maestro.

    11:45 -KFI -Lawrence Welk Orch. *KHJ, KGB. RFSD -News.

    11:55 *KFI, HNX, KFWB -News.

  • 1p,

    MONDAY, OCTOBER 29 * Indicates News Broadcasts.

    : THI u -'- --

    "Cible 33Qltr

    KFOX Mon. th ru -Sat.

    ri 7:30.8 A.M.

    HFI, HFSD -Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians.

    KNX- Johnny Murray. }MCA-Doti McNeill's Break-

    fast Club. *KHJ. KGB, H%'OE -Cecil

    Brown. *KMPC-News, Norman Nesbitt. *KFWB--Inside Story. *HMTR -News, Western Stan.

    KGFJ-Concert Pantelle. *KPAS, KGER -News.

    HRHD, KFOX -Dr. Louis T. Talbot.

    HWKR -House Hour. KFVD- Covered Wagon

    Jubilee. KFXM- Songs of Praise.

    S:1S -KFWB -Top Tunes. KGER -Soul' Patrol.

    8:15 -KNX -Y allant Lady. *KHJ, KGB, KVOE- Frazier

    Hunt. H.MP('- Market Reports.

    Sports. KFWB-Melo funes. HFX]I- Morning Meludles. KGER- Mizpah.

    8:30- KFI -Dr. Paul. HNX -Light of the World. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, HVOE-

    TJike It Easy, KM PC -Don Otis. HMS-Help Wanted. HMTR -Christ Church Unity.

    *KFAC. KFSD -News.

    Sunday 8.30 A. M.

    KPAS, 8:30 A. M.

    HAVEN OF REST Mon., Wed., Fri.

    First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

    KPAS -Haven of Rest. *HRHD -News Headlines. *KWKW -News, Morning

    Devotions. KFOX -Rev. R. E. Reid.

    :46 -KF7, KFSD -David Ha rum. KNX-Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories.

    KHJ-Victor Lindlahr. *KFWB -News.

    KFAC-Show Time. KFVD -Vocal Fayorites. HWKR -Rey, Patterson. KFXM-Sunshine Service. HYDE -Bing Crosby. KGER -New. Tribes Mission.

    *iit}1. KGFJ -News. 815 X -Rate Smith.

    *KHJ, KGB. HFXM, KVOE- William Lang, News.

    HECA- Glamor Manor. *KMPC-News, Hollywood

    Melodies. KFWB -Dr. Reynolds.

    *HMTR -News, Scriptural Genie.

    HRHD -Sagebrush Serenade. KWKW -Vo:re of China. KFOX- Firebrands for Jesus. KFVD -Waltz Time.

    *KGER -News, Dr. Springer. KFSD -Voice of a Nation.

    9:05-KIM-Edward Jorgenson. 9:I5 *KFI -Music for Vou.

    KNX -Big Sister. RAJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOF-

    Morton Downey. KMPC -Musical Milkman. KFWR -Snnth of the Border. 'MAC-Voice of Health. KGFJ- Medical. HWKR'- Treasury Salute.

    *HFSD -Larry Smith. :30 *KFI -News. KNX- Romance of Helen

    Trent. KH.F -Time Out. KECA- Breneman' Breakfast

    in Hollywood. KMPC- Welcome. to California.

    *KFWB, KF.4(', KWKW- News.

    HMTR -Bible Treasury Hour. KGFJ -Open Album.

    KFV D -Show Tunes. K PAS-Ha rnWny Homestead. KGB- serenading You. KFXM- Future Unlimited. KVOE -%artery. KIND -Ann Gibson. KGER -Radio Reviv al.

    9:10- KF1- l.itlug in Hollywood. e:45 -HFI -Ronny Mansfield. Songs.

    KNX -Our Gal Sunday. 1EH,1- Mystery Chef. KFWB- Mid Morning

    Melodies. HMTR -Just Relaz. KFAC- Musical Comedy.

    *K R Kl) -News. KFVD -Here Cumes Parade. KW'KW- Maurice Johnson. KGB -Molly Morse. HFXM- Design for Listening. K1'0E -Ser ire Band. KGER-Saered Heart. HFSD -Time to Relax.

    1KFI-Mirandy. 0 KNX -Life ('an Be Beautiful. *SE('A -Gil Martyn. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

    News, Glenn Hardy. *KMPC -News, Hits for the

    Meows. 8FN'B- Kitchen Kollege, Chef

    Milani. *KMTR -News, Marching to

    Victory. KFAC- Midmorning Serenade. KGFJ-Racing News. KIND- Morning Serenade. KWKW- Metropolitan Scratch

    Sheet. *SPAS. KFOX -News. *KG ER -News, Jack Neville.

    10:15 -HFI -What Du You Say. KNX-Ma Perkins. KECA -Ted Malone. KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

    Somthing tu Talk Aobut. KMTR -King's Men. KGFJ -Blag Crabby Sings. KRKD -Dr. 0. M. Richardson. *KPAS -News, lt W K W- Morning Melodies. KGER- Kingdom Within. KFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor.

    10:30 -KFI, HFSD -Hollywood Fan Magazine.

    *KNX- Margaret MacDonald, News.

    HE(' A -My True Story. KHJ, KGB. HFXM, HVOE-

    The Mountaineers. KMPC -Pan Americana. HMTR -Floyd B. Johnson.

    *KFWB -Henry Charles. *KFAC-News and Rations. KGFJ- Upbeat Session. *KWKW-News. Symphonic Strings.

    KPAS -Woman's World. KFVD -t'nlon Rescue Mission. KGER- Sunshine Pastor.

    16:46 *HFI, HFSD -Art Baker, News

    KNX -Young Dr. Malone. KHJ, KGB, HVOE -.lutin J.

    Anthony. HMI'' -Hume Chits. KFWB-Science ut Mind. KMTR -('are of the Body. KFAC-Between the Lines. KRKD- Midnight Mission. HR'HW- liaucho Serenade. KI'XM- Western Playboys. KFOX -Dr. A. U. Michelson.

    10:55 -KFA.4 -News, Betty ('rocker. üHFF, HFSD- Guiding Light.

    KNX -Two oo a Clue. *KHJ, KGB, KVOE- Cedric

    Foster. *K ECA-Baukha se Talking. *KMi'C -News, Mail Bag

    Requests. KFWB -AI Jarvis.

    *HMTR -News. Dr. Louis Talbot.

    KFAC-Pan Americana. KGFJ- Stylings In Blue. KRKD -Light Concert. KPAS -J. Newton Vates.

    *KWKW- Baseball, Moments Of Melody.

    *RFVI), KGER- News. SIAM-Mark ell's Slush.

    Makers. KFOX- "San Francisco

    Caliche," 11:15 -KF1. HFSD- Tuday's ('hildren

    KNX -Perry Mason. KE('A -Ethel and Albert. KHJ, KGB -Hymns You Love. KFAC -Music for You. KF1'D- Musical Revue. KFXM -Gay Nineties. S\'OE- Orange Co. Fed. Wo-

    men's Clubs. HFOX- Spotlight Bands. KGER -R. B. Hammond.

    11 :30-14F1. KFSD -Roman In White.

    KN N- Rosemary KHJ, KGB. KFXM. HVOE-

    Queen for a Day. SECA- Popular Profiles. HMPC- Parade tu the Post. KMTR -Songs tu Remember.

    *KRKD KPAS. KFOX- News. *KWHW -News, Instrumelodles

    KGER -Curt is Springer. 11:45-RF1 -Hymns of All Churches.

    KNX -Tema and Tim. *HF.('A -ABC World.

    Correspondents. KMPC-Songs of the South. KFAC -Piano Briefs. KPAS -Ken Chrisman. KIND-Violet Schram. KRKD -Vocal Verities. KFOX-Varieties.

    iZ-111-Farm Reporter. RNX -Try 'n' Find Me.

    *RAJ -Broadway News. .KFCA -.John R. Kennedy.

    1131 PC-News, Frank Hemingway.

    HMTR -News, Tex Tyler. KFAC-Lunch eon Concert. SPAS -Dlrie Darling Show. KRRR -Blue Roam. KGFJ-Calling All Zones.

    MONDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Lightface Type: Afternoon and

    Evening Program Boldface 8 :00-Michael Shayne, KHJ. tl:00-Lum d Abner, KECA. 8:30 -Cavalcade .t'America. IC FL 8:30- Hawthorne House. KECA. 9:011 -The Whistler, KNX.

    10:15 -Charlie Chan, KECA.

    Quit; Programs 6:30- Information, Please. KFi. 7:30- Thanks to the Yanks, KNX, 7:30 -Dr. I. Q.. KFI. 8:30 -Pay Day Quiz, KMPC.

    Public Affairs 1:46 -Background for Living.

    CNN. 1:00 -School of the Air. KNX. 4:00 -Public Service, KRKD. 5:00 -Books Bring Adventure,

    KRKD. 6:00 -Washington Story, KECA.

    Sports -Comment 10:00 -Met. Scratch Sheet,

    KW KW. 10:00 -Racing, KG FJ. 5:30 -Race Results, KGFJ. 5:45 -Race Results. KRKD. 6:30- --1(ay Meadows, KM PC. 6:45- American Spurts, KECA. 7:0.5 -Boxing, KFOX. 7:45 -Balter Sports Buok. KFWB 9:30 -Inside ut Sports, HMI.

    Variety 8 :00-Fred Waring, KFI. 8 :00- Johnny Murray. KNX. 8:00 -Breakfast Club, KECA. 9:30- Breneman's Breakfast.

    KECA. . 11:30 -Queen for a Day. KHJ. 12:15- Constance. Bennett. KECA. u:00 -Hoagy Carmichael. KF[. 6:30 -Spotlieht Bands, KHJ. 8:00 -Jack Kirkwood, KNX. 8:00 -Supper Club, KFI. 8:15 -Redda Hooper. KECA. 8:30--Ioan Davis. KNX. 9 :30-Vox Pop. KNX.

    Outstanding Music 4 :00-Musical Masterpieces,

    KFAC. 5:30 -Volee of Firestone, HFI. 0:00- Musical Digest, KGFJ. :00- Miniature Concert. KFAC. :00- Contented Hour, KFI.

    x :00- Evening Concert, KFAC. 9.00- Telenbone Hour. KFI, t :t0- i.lght Opera, KFI.

    Li . H' -Lucky lager Dance Time, 'MAC.

    lu -- .on -Newsilal. RIND. lu uo- Eastside Club, SFWB.

    Drama c .(111-Lux Theater, KNX. u.13 -Real Life Stories, KHJ. 7 :00- Screen Guild Players,

    *KFVD- Editor of Air. KRKD -Prairie Schooner.

    *KG ER -Neos, Music. *KGB. K %OE -News.

    KUXNI -Group Dia':u.stir, KIND-Woman of America.

    12:15 -HFi, KFSD -Ma Perkins. *KNX -Knox Manning. News.

    KHJ- Johnson Family. BIWA-Constance Bennett.

    *KMI'C- Norman Nesbitt, K(:FJ- Keyboard Magic. K Pis It-Luncheon Musical.

    *RFOX -News. KGB-Jody Lang.

    *K 1-A31-Harris, News. KVOE- Constant Invader.

    12 :30-1411, KFSD-Pepper Young's Family.

    KNX -A Woman's Life. KHJ-Mild and Mellow. HECA- Ladies, Be Seated. HM PC- Bridge Club. Robert

    Lee Johnson. *KFWB -News.

    HMTR -Eddie Lawrence. KGF.1 -Notes for You. K FS' D- i.untheun Music. KPAS -Merle Linlsay.

    *KWKW-News, Military Bands RIiH -('lull Rrivorler. KFXM -Farm Front. R t (IF.- Smoothies.

    12:45 -KFI, KFSD -Right to Happiness. KN\- Bachelor's Children.

    KHJ. KFXM - Frolics. KM I'(' -Jack Sherman. . KFWB -AI Jars in.

    *KFAC-News. t, HIND- Violet Schram. EPA's-University of Calif. KFOX -Lucky Lady. KGB. KVOF -This Is Music. KGER- Gardenias School.

    iHFI, HFSD- Backstage Wife. KNX -G. F. House party. KILL KGB. HFXM, KVOE-

    Radio Billboard. KE('A -Jack Berets Show.

    *KM PC-News, Symphunettes. *kMTR- News. Pianos.

    KFAC-Melody Matinee. KG FI -Easy Rhythm.

    *KI'Vll. KGER -News. KWKW- Varieties. Kl'. -Community Broadcast-

    ers. 3:15 -RFI, HFSD -Stella Dallas.

    Kl':t A -Radio Parade. HMI-Bill Hay Reads the

    Bible. KMTR -Luncheon Dance. KFAC- Melody Matinee. KFVD -Moods in Music. KWKW- Hollywood Serenade. KGB. KFXM, KVOE- Johnson

    Family. *KGER -Your Mail Call.

    1:25*K N X -News. 1:30 -'t FI. HFSD- Lorenzo Jones.

    KNX- Evelyn Winter. *KHJ -This Changing World. *HEC A -This Moving World,

    Gil Martyn. KMPC -Songs America Sings. K.IITR -Dance Time. K(: FJ- Intermission.

    *KRKD -News, Music. KF %D- Hawaiian Music.

    *K 'AS- Listeners' Digest. *KWHW -News, Memories.

    KGB. KFXM -Modern Music. HVCE- Sketchbook.

    1:45 -KFi, HFSD -Young Bidder Brown.

    KNX- Background for Living. KHJ-Tel lo-test. KECA-Hymns of All

    Churches. KMPC -Bing Crosby. HRHD -Singing Waiters. KIND-Slush. City. KFO X-C oncert Master. 2 -HFi' KFSD -When a Giri

    Marries. KNX- School of the Air.

    *HMI, KG11, K', OE -News. HEC A- at's Hain', Ladies?

    *RMI'(' -News, Don Otis. *KMTR-News. Latin legato.

    KFAC-Memory Musicale. KRKD- Publlc Service. KG F.1 -Town Crier. KFVD- Timely Tunes. HWKW -Club 1430. KFXM -Our Town, Social

    Security. 2:15 -K' KIND -Portia Faces

    I.tfe. KN'- Treasury Star Parade. KHJ, KGB -January's Calen-

    dar for Tomorrow. H1'OF, -Meet A Friend. KFOX- Publie Bulletin.

    2::5 -RE ̂ A- Norman Neshitt. 2 :3U -wFf. KFSD -.last Plain Bill.

    KNX -Meet the Mlsstts. KHJ, It VOF. -Your Weight

    In Gold. S Et' A -Best Sellers. Hr1VB -There Men un a Mike r RMTP -Beet the Rand. KRKD -Baseball Scores.

  • RADIO LIFE PAGE 13 MONDAY LOGS HPAS- Per.onalitY School.

    *KWKW -News, TIGER- Between the Lines. K FXM -Devot ions. KFOX -Western Songs.

    Z:45 -KFI, RFSD. -Front Page Farrell.

    *KF \\ It, REVD -News. K RIM-Pan-Americana.

    2:53 -KH.I, KGB. KFXM -Cliff Edwards.

    3 TIFI -Road of Life. HNX- Housewives Protective League.

    HECA- Walkie Talkie. *KHJ, KGER. KFSD -News. *KM PC-News'. Don Otis.

    KFWB- Nlelody Matinee. *KMTR -New., Dial and Win.

    11 F'A('- Famous Musical Fa writ es.

    146F.1 -.lark Pot. KIND-Popular Favorites. KRHD- Matinee Melodies. H PAS-Va rty Time. seiog. KWKW -Swing

    Handicap Conte. *. KGB, R \'0E- Griffin

    Reporting. KFXM -Prayer. News. KFOX -Buddy Cole.

    3:10 -KFI -Jnyee Jordan. M. D. *KECA -News.

    AM -Happy Homes, Norma Voting.

    KPAS--luke Box Matinee 'tit 3 p. m.

    KGB--John HlrSC's Orch. KFXM -Dr. Philip M. Lovell. H\ 0E-Of Civic Interest. RFSD -Road of Life. HFOX- Beyond the Blue

    Horizon. 3:30 -HFL, KFSD -Aunt Mary.

    KNX -Jimmy Carroll Scully.

    Singe. HECA- Frances RFWB -Bert Flake, Victor-

    ious Living. *RRKD -News, Music.

    HP AS -Juke Box Matinee 'tit S p. m.

    KWHW- American Jewish Hour.

    KGB. RVOE- Musical Matinee.

    KFOX- Hollywood Salon. KGER -Cheerful ('hat.

    3:15 -KFI -Woman of America. RNX -The World Today. KHI. KGB, KFXM, K \ 'OF

    Elsa Maxwell's Party. K E('A- Foot light Favorites. RMPC- Paramount Parade. KFWB- Feature Melodies.

    *RFA(' -News. KFVD- Rhumha. TIGER -My country Sing.. KFSD-Dr. Paul.

    3:55 *AN X.-Joseph C. Harsch. 4 -AEI, HFSU -This Woman's Secret.

    HNX -Easy Aces. *HECA- Headline Edition. *RAJ.

    Gd , KFXM. Jr. A%OE-

    *KMPC News, Tea Time

    a RFWB- Woman's Page.

    *KMTR -News. Win Morro. KFA('- Musical Masterpieces. REVD-Piano Selections. K6FJ -Swing Serenade. KWHW- Italian Melodies. KPAS-Juke Box Matinee. KRHD -Plano Painting,.

    4:15*KFF R e Smith.

    KFSD- News the World.

    *HECA- Raymond Grim Swing.

    *HMI. KGB, KFXM, AVOE- Rex Miller.

    *KEW'S-Anent Varieties. News.

    *KFVD -News. HRHD- Movieland Quiz.

    4:30 -EFL -Art Baker's Notebook. KNX -Open Rouer. RECA -Gen. Junius Pierce.

    Comment. KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

    Erskine Johnson. KM PC-Patsy and Uncle

    Peabody. RGFJ- Air- o- toriale, Orches-

    tre du Jour. HRHD -Tunes of the Day. KWKW- Citizens Committee. KFSD -Favorites.

    4:43 -14E('A -flop Harrigan. KHJ- Summertime Melodies. KF1VB- Modern Romances. KFWB- Stuart Hamblen.

    *HRHD -New.. RRKW -Piano Moods. KFOX- Art Dickinson. KGB -Song of Praise.

    *KFSD -R. V. Haltenborn. { :55 -KNX -Organ Interlude.

    S *KFI -H. V. Kaltenttoro.

    *KNX -Major Kroft Manning. KECA -Terry and the Pirates.

    *KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KVOE- News.

    *RMPC -News. Teen and Twenty.

    *RMTR -New,. Sunset Rhythms.

    KGFJ -JD at R. KRHD -Ronge of the Saddle. KFVD- Evening serenade. AWKW- Speaking of Sports.

    *K I: F: R -News. Il KFSD -Ok for Release.


    CHILDREN'S SHOW 5:00 -5:25 P. M.

    KPAS Monday thru Friday

    Hl'AS- Uncle Harry. 5:15 *KFI, KFSD -New..

    RNX -Through a Woman's Eyes. Barbara Tate.

    HECA -Dick Tracy. RILL KGB, KFXM, K\ OE-

    Superman. KMTR -Show Tune..

    *RFA(', KFVD. KFSD -News. KPAS-lt Pays to Know.

    5:3f1 -KFI, KFSD -Voire of Firestone.

    *KNX -Harry Flannery. KECA -.lark Armstrong. KH.I. KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

    Captain Midnight. RMTR -Irwin Allen. RFA(' -Whoa 'Sill flub. TIG F.1 -Rare Recap. KFVD -90.90 Club. KRKD -South Rea Serenade.

    *KGER -Navy News. 5:15 *KNX -New., Truman Bradley.

    *AEC A -New. *KH.I. KGB, KFXM. KVOF

    Adventure, of Tom Mix. RMPC- Club.

    *KMTR -K. Loofa Flatten]. KGF.1 -Show Time. KRKII -Rare Result.. RPM-Evening Concert.

    5:5.5 *RNX -BIII Henry.

    6 -KFI, KFSD -Heap Carmichael. HNX -Lux Radio Theater.

    *KHJ, KGB. KEXM, K\'OF News, Gabriel Remitter.

    Kl('A- Washington Story. *KM PC- News, Norman- Nesbitt *RFWB, KFOX. KGER -News. *KMTR -New., Tomasso En-

    .emble. RFAC -Music for Eleryone. FEGFJ- Musical Digest 'til

    a p. m. KPAS --- Dinner Concert.

    3:15 -KH4, KGB. KFXM -Real Life Stories.

    K.M PC-Bill Bryan and Nano. *RFWB -John B. Hughes.

    KPAS --Dr. Gertrude Laws. FE FOX-Miracles of Science. K1 0E-S. A. J. C.

    g:30 -KFI. RFSD- Information. Please.

    HECA -Johnny Forrest's Radin Review.

    KHJ. KGB, KFXM. HS'OE- Spotlight Bands.

    KM PC -Bay Meadows. R4 WB- America Dances.

    *KMTR- Averlll Berman. KFVD- Vaudev111e. HPAS- Church of ('brief. KFOX -Hal's Memory Room. TIGER-Prophecy Steaks.

    9:45- HECA- Anterlean Sporte. HRHD -Hollywood

    Tunesmiths. KPAS -Inside Facts.

    6:55- KECA- (bronet Story Teller. 7 -KFI. KFSD- Camanna Contented Hour.

    HNX -Screen Guild- Players. HECA -C. I. 0. Program. KHJ -Radio Anction Gallery.

    *KMPC -News, Dinner Dance. *11131

    es. ews, sEcentide

    *KRKI). KGER -New.. HFAC-Concert in Miniature. Kl'.%S -Help Wanted. KGB -Eddy Orrutt. HVOE -ibn Were There.

    7:15 -KMTR -W. B. Record. HECA- Hoosier Hop. KRKD-Three Quarter Time.

    *KPAS -News. KFOX-Meet the Stars,

    George Fisher. 7 :30 -KFI. KFSD -Dr. I. Q.

    HNX- Thanks to the Tanks.

    l'INF. MUSIC ... 'I0N'L(i1f1 ,lI 7

    ('( )N('I:R I I N I1 N L\ I I' 12I.

    l'C FA(' 1:3:30 ON 1'O1'12 L)I.\I.

    KECA- Reunion 1 ". S. A. KH.I. KGB. KFXM, KVOE- R *RFWB -Peter de Linos,

    RMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. KFAC- Floretta's ,Jewel Box. KFVD- Evening Concert. KRHD -Do Vim Know. KPAS--Cactus Carl.

    7:4.5 *RFWB. KFOX -Baller Sports Book.

    KF1. KIND-Perry Como. 8 RNX -Jack Kirkwood Show. KECA -Lum & Abner.

    *KMPC -News. Frank Hemingway.

    *RFWB -Renters News Dispatches.



    Private Detective" Adventure Intrigue

    KHJ 8:00 P. M.


    KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KV 'OF. Michael Shayne.


    and King's Ambassador Quartet

    KMTR -8:05.9:00 P. M. Also 10 :3a -10:15 A. M. Monday through Friday

    *HMTH -News, Floyd B. Johnson.

    KFA('- Evening Concert, KGFJ -Of Words and Verse.

    0:15 *KFt, K FSD-Fleet wood 1.awton.

    HNX --Jack Smith. HECA -Hedda Hopper. KMPC -Easy Aces,

    HFA 11- Warner Brno. Orch. KGFJ -Serenade for You.

    9:30 -AEI. KFSD-Cav alcade of America

    RNX -.Joan Davis Show. KH.I. KGB. KFXM, KV'Olï-

    Sherlock Holme,. HET A- Hawthorne Hoa.e.

    nag, PO AGF Ar TNE JIOY/tr)II' MbIMO(!NT flrfA/IR M011.8:30PM.KM PE

    KMPC -ray Day Quiz. HPAS -97th Street Corral.

    9:55 -11NX -News. Carroll Alcott. RFWB -Tnne Toppers.

    9 KFI KFSD -Telephone Hour. KNX -The Whistler. RE('A -Man from G -!.

    *KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KVOE- Neqwµ., Glenn Hardy.

    *KM r(' -News. Sports High- light..

    *KFWB -Peter de Lima. *IAMB-News. Concert Master

    KGFJ- Saludos Amigos. *HGER -News. Music.

    9:15 *KHJ, KGB. KFXM, Ai 0E-

    Rev Miller. KM PI' -Drip W -aters. KFWIt- Manpower.

    9:30 -KFI -Light Opera. KNX -%nv Pop. K II.t. KGB, KFXM, Kl'OE-

    In.ido of Sport..

    Another Thrifty Radio it:.'


    Hear The 6 Top Tunes of The Week. Your favorite Guest Stars. Exciting Contest with Record Album -Prizes.

    KICA9 :30 to 10:00 P.M. Every Monday Night

    KECA- Sympoefum of Swoon KMM' -1 bar American Music *AFAR-Henry ('harles. KMTR- Dreams.

    9:45 *RFWB -,$am Baiter. KM PC-Singing Sam. KHJ. KGB, KV'OE -Land of

    the Free. *RF1, KIND- Richfield

    Reporter. *RNX -Chet Huntley.


    Hollywood Spotlight with Georgs Fisher

    10:00 P. M. - KECA Inside the News

    f with 1 Mr. Carveth Wells l


    *KECA- Hollywood spotlight, George Fisher.

    *KHJ, KGB. KF.CM. K\OF.- Fltlton J. Lewis. Jr.

    *K511N-ews, Bostick Barn Dance.


    10 to 12 P. M. Ivor Nit. (..pi S..d.r

    KFWB AnlerI,, a,,t Sends KFWB- Eaetside Club.

    *RMTR -News, 011e Ra.mns- sen.

    KFA(' -Lucky Lager Dance Time.

    KFVD- Newsical, 3 Roars. 10:15 -KFI -Kenny Baker.

    *KNX -Dr. Harold Fisher, News Analysis.

    HECA -Adventures of Charlie ('han.

    *KH.L KGB. KFXM -News. 10:30 *KFI- Carveth Well., inside

    the News. KNX-World's Most Honored

    Music. *RE('A -News.

    KH.I-Johnson Family. RMPC -Dance Parade. KMTR -Bob Brooks.

    10:45 -KFI -Show Time. KECA- Sporta Program. KHJ -Sn Story Goes. KGB. KFXM, HVOE -Organ


    11 *KFI. HHJ -Newt. *KNX-Jim 'Wyatt. KECA -Starlight Roof..

    *RMPC -News, Symphonie Stardust.

    KFWi- F.astside Club. *KMTR -News. Win Morro.

    KGFJ- Tintype.. *KF\7)- Newaieal. 'tit I a. m.

    11 :15-K FT-Musical lot Interlude. KR.L KGB. KFXM. RIOE-

    Earle Madriguerra Arch. RGFJ -'Slue of Evening. HFAC -Lnrky Lager Dance

    Time. 11:20 -TIFI -Gems of Melody.

    HNX -.Ins Venial. 11:30 -HFL. KFSD -Dante With

    Peluso. HECA Sports Final. CI oh

    Morocco Orch. KHJ. KGB. HVOE- Robbie

    Ramos Orch. 11:55 *KFI. RECA, KNX. KEW'S-


  • kb.

    TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30 Indicates News Broadcasts.

    Scotch 7iiple Action Cleanse, KFI, KFSD -17rá '.faring. KNX- Johnny Murray. KECA-Don 'McNeill'%

    Breakfast Club. *KHJ, KGB, HIVE- Cecil

    Brown. *KM PC-News, Norman Nesbitt *KI WIS- Inside Story. *KMTR -Yews. Western Stars.

    KFAC- Country Church of Hollywood.

    KGFJ -Concert Past rile. *KPAS, KGER -News.

    KRKD 8:00 A. M.

    HAVEN OF REST Tues., Thurs., Sat.

    First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

    KRKD, KFOX -Has en of Rest KW KW-Hoy os Hour. HFI D--Covered Wagon

    Jubilee. HF \M .Sparkling Music.

    Morning Melodies. 8:15 -KNX- l'allant Lady. *KIM KGB, KVOE- Frazier

    Hunt. KMPC-Market Report, Sports KEW B -Mrlo- Times. KFXM- Morning Melodies. KGER- Mizpab.

    8:30 -KFI -Dr. Paul. KNX -Light of the World. KHJ, KGB, HI'0E' --Take It

    Easy. HMPC -Don 01 is. HFWB -Help Wanted. KMTR- Christ Church Unity.

    *KFAC, KRKD, KFSD -.News. RPM-Baptist Brothers.

    *KWKW -News, 31orning Des of ions.

    KFXM- Sunshine Srnice. [(FOX -Rev. R. E. Reid.

    8:15 -KFI, KFSD -Dasld Hamm. KSX -Aunt Jenny's Stories. KHJ -Victor Lindlahr

    *KFWB -News, KFAC -Show Time. KFVD- Vocal Faxorites. KWKW-Organ Moods. KA 0E -Bing Crosby. KGER -New Tribes Mission.

    9 *HFI, KGFJ -News. KNX -Kate Smith. *KHJ, KGB. KFX.M, KI OE-

    {I'illiam Lang. KECA -Glamor Manor.

    *KMPC -News, Hollywood Melodies.

    REICH-Health Talk. *KMTR -News. Christian

    Fundamentals. KRKD ---Saga Brush Serenade. KWKW -Voice of China. HEAD -Waltz Time. KFOX- FIrehrands for Jesus. REND-Voice of a Nation.

    *KGER -Nees. 8:05 *KFI- t:dnard Jorgenson.

    ('animent. KIiER -Ur, Curtis H. Springer

    9:15 *KFl -Music for loo. KNX -Big Sister. KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

    Morton Downey. KM PC-Musical Milkman. KFWB -South of the Border. RFA(' -Voire of Health. HGF,1- Medital. KWKW'- Sacred Heart. *Ki SD -Larry Smith.

    9:30 *K FI -News. KNX- Romanre of Helen Trent.

    KECA- Breneman's Breakfast in Hollywood.

    RHJ -Time Out. HSIP('- Welcome to

    l':u Tifornia. *HFWB, KFAC, KWKW' -

    News. KRIM-Bible Treasury Hour.

    KGFJ -Open album, car -) l, -snow 'runes. KPAS- Harmony Homestead. KGB-Serenading Inn. KFXM- future I ni United. KA 0E-Jane Cowl. KGER -Itadio Re, isal. KIND-Ann Gibson.

    R:-ln -KFI- Living in Hollywood. 9 :45 -KFI -Ronny Mansfield, Songs.

    KNX -Our (.al Sunday. KHJ-Mystery Chef. KFWIt -Mid -Morning

    Melodies. KMTR -.lust Relus. KFAC- Musical Comedy.

    *KRKD -News, Clifton. KFI'D -Itere Comes Parade. KWKW- Maarire Johnson. KGER- Colonial Tabernacle. KGB -Molly Morse. KFXM- Design for Listening. K %'I)E -Sen ice Band.

    - KFSD -Time to Relax. 10HFI- Mirandy,

    KNX-Life l'an Be Beautiful. *KHJ, KGB, KFX.M, KVOR-

    News, Glenn Hardy. *HEC.( -Gil Martyn. *KM PC, News, Hits for the

    Misses. KFWB- Kitchen Kollege, Chef

    Milani. *KMTR -News, Marching to

    Victory. KGF.1- Racing News. KFAC- Midmorning Serenade. KFVD- Morning Serenade.

    *K(:Elt -News, lack ]ethics KW KW-Met. Sheet.

    *KPAS. KF'OX -News. 10:15 -K1l -What Do 1 n Say?

    KNX -Ma Perkins. KECA -Ted Malone. KILL KGB. KF \M, KV0E-

    Unscheduled. KMTR -Ring's Men. KGFJ -BIng Crosby Sings.

    *KPAS -News. KWKW -Morning Melodies. KRKD -Dr. O. M. Richardson KFOX -lies. Emma Taylor. KGER- Kingdom Within. KFSD -Heaven on Earth Club.

    10:30 -KFI, RFSD- Hollywood Fan Magazine.

    *KNX -Margaret MacDonald, News.

    KECA -My True Story. KHJ, KGR, KF'X111, RI'OE-

    Paula Stone. Phil Britt,. HMPC -l'an Americana.

    *HFWB -Henry ('harles. KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. KPAS -Womans World.

    *KFAC-News, Rations. *KWKW -News, Symphonic

    Strings. KGFJ -t pbeat Session. KFVD- Union Rescue Mission. KGER- Sunshine Pastor.

    10 :45 *KFI, KFSD -Art Baker. News KNX -Young Dr. Malone. KHJ. KGB, KVOE -John J.



    WOMAN'S WORLD 10:30-11:i:0 a.m.

    KPAS Monday thru Friday

    R.l P(' -Hume ('hats. KI'Wlt- Science of Mind. KFAC-Between the Lines. KW KW-%S estern Serenade. KRKD- Midnight Mission. KF'\M- Western Playboys. KFOX -Dr. A. U. Michelson. 10:55*KECA -News, Betty ('rocker.

    1 KFI, KFSD- Guiding Light. KNX -Two un a Clue. *KECA- Baukliage Talking. . *KHJ, KGB, KVOt:- Cedric

    Foster. *KMPC -News. Mail Bag

    Requests. KFWB -A1 .lards.

    *KMTR -News. Dr. Louis Talbot.

    KFA(' -Pan Americana. KRKD -Light Concert. KPAS -J. Newton Vates. KWKW- Baseball, Moments

    11f Melody. RGF.1- Stylings in Blue. *K D. KGER -News. KF \M- Markell's Music

    'takers. 11:15 -KF1, KFSD -Today's Children

    KNX -Perry Mason. RE('.l -Ethel and Albert. KILL KGB-Hymns 1 o Lou e. KFAC -Mush for You. KFVD- Musical Revue. KFO X-Spot light Rands. K F\M -Gay Nineties. RVOE -S. A. L t'. K(:ER -R. It. Hammond.

    11:30 -K FL KFSD- {Yuman to White KNX -Rosemary. KP.I'A- Listening Post. 1111.1, KGB, KF \M, KI. 11E-

    queen for q Day. KMP(- Paurade to the Post. KMTR -Songs to Remember. KFVD -l'l of et Schrum.

    *KRKD -Yews, Douglas. *KPAS. KF'OX- Nesrs. *KWKW -News, Instrumelcidies

    R(:ER- Curtis Springer, 11:45 -K Fl -Hymns of All Churches.

    KNX-Tena & 'rim. *KECA -ABC World- Corres-

    pondents. KMI'(' -Songs of the South. KFAC -Piano Briefs. KRKD -Vocal I ariet irs. KPAS -Ken Chrisman. Kt.-ON-Varieties. KFI -Farm Reporter. KNX -Try 'n' Find Me. *KH.1- Itru,idway News.

    *KE('A -John B. Kennedy. *KM PC -News, Frank

    Hemingway. KFII'B- Make- Rcliese Ball-

    room. *KMTR -News. Tex Tyler.

    TUESDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Apyear In Lightfaoe Type . Afternoon and

    Evening Programa in Boldface.

    Variety 8:00 -Fred Waring, EFT. 8:00- Johnny Murray. KNX. 8:00- Breakfast Club, RECA. 3:311- Brenenian s Breakfast

    Party, RECA. 10 :(10-Chef Milani, KFW B. 10:30- -Paula Stone. KHJ. 11 :30-Queen for a Pay, 1:HJ.

    4 :3t) -Art Baker's Notebook, "CFI 5:30 -Date %citi, .Ind', RF!. 8:00-Amos 'n' Andy. KFI. 6:30-Fibber L' Mollie, KFI, 7:00 -Rob hope, KFI. 7:3l- County Fair, KECA. 7:30-Hlldegarde, KFI. R:on-Perry Coma, REI. 8:30 -Alan Young Show, KECA.

    Drama fi:00-Inner Sanctum, KNX. 7:3o -Holly wund Pre% iew, KN X. 8:00 -Count of Monte Cristo,

    KHJ. 8:00 -Lunt & Abner, KECA. 5::11 -The Flenn, KHJ. R :30- Skinner - young, KFI. 9:00 -Big Town, KNX. 8:00 -Dark Venture. KEt'A, 9:30-Murder Will Out, EC A.

    11:30 -Barry Fitzgerald, KFI.

    Quiz Programs 12:00- Galling All Zones, KGFJ.

    Outstanding ,llustc 4 :00-Musical Masterpieces,'

    K FAC. 1:30 -American Melody Hour,

    KNX. e:n0- Musical Digest, KGFJ. 7:00 -Miniature Concert, KFAC. R:00 -- Evening Concert. KFAC.

    10:110 -Lucky Lager Dance, KFM' In :On- Newsical, KFI'D. 10 :110- Eastside Club, KFW'B.

    Prthlic ,, flairs 1'::45 -Hase You Read ?. RAVE. 2:00- 1'uOlic Sers ice. k RKD. 0:30 -American Forum. KHJ, O:15- Manchester (toddy, RE('.I. 9:39- Amerian Way Forum, RFI

    10:30- ('nngress.Speaks, KNX. Sports -Comment

    10 :00-Met. Scratch Sheet. K W K\ V.

    10:00 -Racing. 5:30 -Race Results. K1iFJ. 5:455 -Race Results, KRRD. 6:8S -Bay "tendon s. KM l'('. 8:4:5- American Sports, KECA. 9:311 -Inside of Sports, KHJ.

    10:00 -Olympic Fights, KMTR.

    KPAS -Dixie Darling Show KWKW -Itlbe Room. RFA('- Luncheon Cowart. KGFJ- Coiling All Zane *. KRKII- Prairie Schomer, REVD-Editor Of Air. KFXM- Ilauaiian Harmonies KIND- Woman of America. *KGB. RI Of :, :(tilt -News.

    122:IS -KF'l, KFND -.Ma Perkins. *KNX -Knox Manning.

    KIM-Johnson Family. KECA- ('onstunre Bennett. KM PC-Norman Nesbitt. KGF.1- Keyboard Magic. RFI'D- temchenn Musical. KGB, KI'OE -Judy Lang

    Songs. *KFXM- Marris' News.

    K F:\M- Harris News. 12:30 -KFI. KFSD- Pepper Young'

    Family. RNX -A Woman's Life. K 11.1 -M.Ia and '!atlas. KECA- Lndies, Re Seated. KM l'( '-htridge Club.

    *KFWB -News. CRIB-Eddie Lawrence. KFVD- Piolet Schram. KGFJ -Notes For Inn. K PAS -Merle Linds%V, *KWKW -News, Military Band KGB, KFXM, KV0E-

    SmuothlPR. 12:45 -KEL KFSD -Right to Hap-

    piness. KNN- Bachelor's Children. K11.1 KFXM- Frolics. KMP(' -Jack Sherman. KF'NB -AI Jars is,

    *KFAC -News. KPAS- University of Calif. KWKW -Man Willi a Mike. KGIt -Titis Is Music. KVOE -Hace I -on Read¡ KF'OX -Lucky Lady. KGER- Garden School.

    1 .l. KFSD -Backstage Wife.

    K \ -(:. E. House Party. *KE('.l -.Inck Ile rch Show.

    KMJ, KGB, KFX.M, KVOE- Radio Billboard.

    *Kyi PC-News, Sympl Iles. *KMTR -News, l'ianos.

    KGFJ -Easy Rhythm. KFAC- Melody Matinee.

    *KGER. KF1'D -News. KWKW- Varieties. KPAS -Community Broad-

    casters. 1:13-KFl. KFSD -Stella Dallas.

    SEC. -Radio l'a rade. KHJ -still Hay Reads

    the Bible, K y1TR- Lunrlueun Dance. KFAC -Melody Matinee. KF'VD -Moods in Music. KWKW-Melody Time. KGB, KF'Xyl. FL TOE-John-

    son Family. 1 :25*KN X-News. 1:30 -KFI, KI'SD- Lorenzo Jones. KNX- Evelyn Winter.

    KHJ -This Changing World. *KE1A -This Moving World. K MI'C -Songs America Sings. KMTR -Dance Time. KGFJ-Intermission , KGB, KFXM- Modern Music. *KRKD -News.

    *K l'AS- Listeners' Digest. *KWKW -News, Mnsteal

    Memories. KFVD- Hawaiian. KVOE- Sketch book . RE'OX- Concert Master. KIiER -Captains of Industry.

    1: i5 -K1 1, KFSD -]bung Widder Brown.

    RNX- Alnulnae. K HJ- Tellotest. KECA -Hymns of All

    Churches WRFC-Setting School. KRKD -Singing Waiters. KI PIE Meet a Friend. 2 -K11, KFSD -When a Girl

    Marries. KNX- Schcwl of the Air.

    *K11.1, KGB, KFXML KA OE News.

    KR('A -VIhat's DuinK. ladies. *K.IP(' -News, Don Otis. *K.ITR -News. latin Legato,

    KWKW -Club 1430. KFAC- Memory Musicale. RGF.I -Town Crier. KRKD- Public Sers ice. KFVD- Timely Tunes. KFI,\- Organ Treasures. KGER- Rulfe's Baud.

    2:15--KFI KFSD- Portia Fares Life.

    KNX -Sers ire Time. KHJ, KGB. KIOE- Tomor-

    row's Calendar. KFIIX- Public Itnllelin.

    2 KECA- Norman Nesbitt. 2:30-K EL KFSD -.lust l'lain Bill.

    KNX -Meet the Missums, KECA -,test Sellers. HHJ, KVOE -Your Weight

    In Gold.

  • RADIO LIFE PAGE 15 TUESDAY LOGS HFWB -Three Men on a Mike. HMTR -Meet the Band. KRKD- Baseball Scores. SPAS -Personality School.

    *KWKW -News. EFOX Songs of the West. KFXM- Deuvtinne, Concert. HGER- Between the Lines.

    2 :45-HFI, KFSD-Front Page Farrell.

    KRKD- Pan -Americana. *KFV I1 -News,

    KVOE -Meet A Friend.

    3 HPI -Road of Life. EN -. Housewives Protective League.

    *KIIJ. KFXM, HFSD -News. *KE('A- Walkie Talkie. *HMPC -News, Don Otis.

    KFWB- Melody Matinee. *KMTR -News, Dial and Win.

    KRHD- Matinee Melodies. *KPAS -News.

    HWKW -Swing Session, Handicap Contest.

    *KGB, KVOE -News, Griffin Reporting.

    *HGER -News, Under Blue Skies.

    3:15 -KFI Joyce Jordan, M.D. KHJ, Happy Homes, Norma

    Young *KE('A -News.

    KFAC- Famous Musical Favorites.

    KtiFJ -Jack rot. KFVD -Popular Tunes. HPAS -Juke Box Matinee 'ill

    5 p.m. HFXM -Dr. Philip M. Lovell. HFOX- Hawail Calls. HVOE -Civic Interest. HFSD -Road of Life.

    3:30 -HFI, HFSD -Aunt Mary. *KNX -News, The Todds.

    KECA- Frances Scully. KFV{'B -Aert Fiske, Vic-

    torious Living. *KRKD -News Headlines.

    KWKW- American Jewish Hour.

    KGB, HVOE- Musical Matinee KGER- Cheerful Chat.

    3:45- HFI -Woman of America. *KNX -World Today, Joseph

    Hansa,. HHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

    Elsa Maxwell. KECA- Footlight Favorites. HFWB- Teatime Melodies.

    *KFAC -News, HFSD -Dr. Peal. 4 -HFI, KFSD -This Woman'

    Secret. KNX -(.ene Baker. L CBS

    Oreh. *KECA- Headline Edition. *KHJ. KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

    Fulton J. Lewis, Jr. *HMPC -News, Tea Time

    Tunes. *HMTR- News, Win Morro.

    KGFJ -Swing Serenade. KRHD -Plano Paintings. KFVD- -Plano Selections. HWHW- Italian Melodies.

    *HGER, KFOX -News, KFAC- Musical Masterpieces.

    4:10 *HFI -Pleasure Parade. *KNX -News, Music. *KHJ KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

    Rex Miller. *KECA- Raymond Gram Swing

    HMPC -Tea Time Tunes. *KFWB- Gospel and Song, News.

    *KFVD. KFSD -News. KRHD- Mot leland Quiz.

    4 :30- KFI -Art Baker's Notebook. KNX- American Melody Hour. KECA -Gen. Pierce, Comment. KHJ KGB, HFXM, KVOE-

    Erskine Johnson. HMPC -Patsy L Uncle

    Peabody. *KFWB. EWER-News.

    KRHD -Tunes of the Day. KGFJ -Afro- torlals, Orches-

    tre du Jour. KFVD -Tea Time Music. HWHW- Citizens' Committee. KFSD-Favorites.

    4:45- HF.('A -Hop Harrigan. KH.J, KGB. KVOE- Mutual's

    Melody Hour. HMPC Twilight Tales. KFWB- Stuart Hamblen,

    *KRKD -News. HWH W -Piano Moods. KFXM- Musical Cocktail. KFOX -Art Dickinson.

    S *KFSD -H. V. Kaltenborn. *HFI, HFSD- Edward Jorgen-

    son. *KNX -Major Knox Manning. *KH.I, KGB. KFXM, KV0E -

    ttews. KECA -Terry and the Pirates.

    *KMPC -News, Teen and

    *K11TR -News, Sunset Rhythms KGFJ- .)it'e at Fite. KFVD- F:vrning Serenade. KRHD -Songs of the Saddle. KPAS -Uncle Harry. KWKW- Speaking of Sports. KFOX- Report from Overseas.

    *KGER -News, Music. *KFSD-OK for Release.

    5:15 *KFI, KFSD- News. KECA -Dick Tracy. KNX- Through A Woman's

    Eyes. RAJ, KGB, HFXM, &VOE-

    Superman. HMTR -Belle Martell, Sports.

    *KFAC, KFVD -News. KPAS -It Pays to Know.

    5:30 -HFI, KFSD -A Date With Judy.

    *KNX -Harry Flannery. KECA -.Jack Armstrong. KHJ, KGB. HFNM, KVOE-

    Captain Midnight. HMTR -Irwin Allen. KFAC -Whoa Bill Club. KGFJ -Race Recap. KFVD -90 -90 Club. KRHD -South Sra Serenade. HPAS- Future Pianists,

    5:45 *KNX- Trumna Bradley, News. *KECA -News.

    KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HYDE- Adventures of Tom Mix.

    HMPC -Sunset Club. *KMTR -K. Louis Platen.

    KGFJ -Show Time. KFVD -Evening Serenade. KRKD-Race Results. HGER -Dan Dunn.

    5:55 *KNX -ß11l Henry. HFI, KFSD-Amos 'n' Andy. 6 KNX -Inner Sanctum.

    *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Gabrlel Heatter.

    KE('A -Guy Lombardo Show. *KMI'C -News. Norman Nesbitt *KFWB, HFOX, HGER -News. *HMTR -News, Tomasen En-

    semble. KFAC -Music for Everyone. KGFJ -Musical Digest, 'till

    8 p.m. KRHD -Early Dancette,

    C'1S -MHJ, KGB, KFXM-Real Life Stories.

    KMPC -ßi11 Bryan. *KFWB -John B. Hughes. *KFVD -News.

    KPAS -Mary Burke King. KFOX -Dick Ross. KVOE -S. A. J. C.

    8:30 -HFI, HFSD -Fibber McGee and Molly.

    KNX -This Is My Best. KECA -Hadle Harris. KHJ, KFXM, KVOE- Ameri-

    ran Forum. KMPC -Bay Meadows. KFWB- 'America Dances." KMTR- Averill Berman. KFAC -Erwin lieu, Organ. KIND-Vaudeville. KrAS -- Church of Christ. KFOX -Hol's Memory Room. KGER- Prophecy Speaks, KGB -G.I. Joe Civilian.

    6:45 --KECA- American Sports. KRKD -Hollywood Tunesmith. KPAS- Inside Facts.

    6:55 -KECA- Coronet Story Teller.

    7 gF1, KFSD -I)ob Hope. KNX -The Ford Show. KE('A- Swinging on the

    (.olden (:ate. *HMPC- News, Dinner Dance. *KMTR -News, Eventide Echoes

    'I'O\ Ica I'l ,t f 7 ('O\('1:R

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