Page 1: Coming Clean About B2B Content Marketing Strategies



August 4, 2014

Coming Clean About B2B Content Marketing Strategies

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What is the first problem with organizations and their content marketing “strategies”?

What shift are we not moving fast enough to keep pace with?

What is wrong with the investments we are making with channels and tech?

Why can’t we tell the difference between perceived gaps and actual gaps?

How can we better track and measure our content?

@Noyesjesse@Atomic_reachspecial guest:Hosted By:

Diana Wolff @di_wo

The quote marks say it all - there’s a lack of strategy. More a throw-it-on-the-wall-for-all. #atomicchat

Jesse Noyes @noyesjesse

Also, it’s treating content as a tactic. It’s not. It’s the fuel that feeds all other tactics. #atomicchat

Jesse Noyes @noyesjesse

Whether it’s email, search, social...people seek out content, so it needs to be the center of your strategy. #atomicchat

Jesse Noyes @noyesjesse

That’s where sales stages & buyer personas come in. #atomicchat

Jesse Noyes @noyesjesse

Honestly, producing buyer-centric, rather than product-centric, content. #atomicchat

Jesse Noyes @noyesjesse

Also, we still produce content in silos to fill up a channel or program. Content marketing needs to be unified. #atomicchat

Jesse Noyes @noyesjesse

Historically, we’ve organized around channels and technologies, not around the content we distribute through them. #atomicchat

Jesse Noyes @noyesjesse

Because we don’t track the content we create for personas & sales stages. #atomicchat

Jesse Noyes @noyesjesse

If you want to know how much (or what quality of) content you have for a specific buyer or stage, you have to track it. #atomicchat

Jesse Noyes @noyesjesse

When content isn’t created with a buyer persona & sales stage in mind, it’s poorly deployed. #atomicchat

Jesse Noyes @noyesjesse

First, start making sure content is identified by persona & sales stage. #atomicchat

Jesse Noyes @noyesjesse

Also, track how it influences the buyer’s journey from stage to stage, not just at the top. #atomicchat

Jesse Noyes @noyesjesse

We call this “content scoring”, & it’s designed to get at the true impact of content, not just shares & traffic. #atomicchat

Amanda Tessier @amanda_tessier

We’re buying cheap content or investing in faulty practices. It’s going to take real work and effort to increase revenue #AtomicChat

Amanda Tessier @amanda_tessier

Set realistic goals, a time frame, and use the data to make decisions. Now that’s smart marketing. #AtomicChat

Jesse Noyes @noyesjesse

The result is poor messaging and lot of waste - millions of dollars, in fact. #atomicchat

Jesse Noyes @noyesjesse

It’s been estimated that 60-70% of B2B content goes unused. This creates “content landfills.” #atomicchat

Jesse Noyes @noyesjesse

If we want these investments in channels and tech to succeed, we need to organize around the content that fills them. #atomicchat

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