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About the project...Comenius Multilateral School PartnerShiP Project“i Feel Good- Well-beinG in the conteMPorary World”

Jeronimas Ralys gymnasium students and teachers participate in Comenius multilateral school partnership project “I Feel Good - Well-being in the Contemporary World” since December, 2013.

This project covers 4 modules which address the issue of well-being from different points of view: biological, psychological, social and occupational ones. Each module will contribute to raising participants’ awareness of healthy lifestyle, self-esteem, of how to build social network based on positive relationships, how to cope with stress and find out creative ideas and solutions to achieve self-realization and life satisfaction.

There are 5 participating countries: Poland, Turkey, Sweden, the Czech Republic and Lithuania. The project is aimed at students aged from 15 to 19 and the whole school community.

It is the first Comenius multilateral school partnership project in our gymnasium. The first preparatory coordinators’ meeting was held in February of 2013 in Lublin, Poland. As a result of this gathering, Education Exchanges Support Foundation (, which administers life-long learning program in Lithuania, positively valued project proposal and allocated funding to implement the project.

Comenius work group, consisting of 20 students and 5 teachers, was brought together to implement the main project tasks, spread the ideas and encourage others to participate in Comenius school events, seminars, group discussions, lessons,videos and exhibitions. The most important and enjoyable thing is that students share their experience inside the school as well as outside it keeping in touch with students from other countries through the Internet or their visits to participating countries.

We believe that this Comenius project will not only expand and deepen project participants’ knowledge about healthy living, psychological, social and occupational well-being, but also give them great opportunity to share good experience with local and foreign students, get to know better different European countries and their cultural and linguistic diversity, encourage them to improve English language skills in authentic environment.

Text by: Rita Lamokovskienė

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Students‘ Thoughts about Well-being...

Well- being is the state when you feel having everything you want at the

glimpse. Greta

Well- being is closely related to happiness, health and a good company of close friends.


Well-being is trying to do good things

even if you fail.Kamilė

Well- being is a wish that other people

would feel good even when it’s extremelly difficult for yourself.


Well- being is the opportunity to be yourself and feel safe.


Well- being is a hard work which

is directed not only towards

yourself, but also towards other


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Unforgettable Moments in Lublin, Poland...Our preparation for the trip to Poland was easy. Comenius group students and teachers friendly worked in these project groups: biorhythms, sports, psychology and healthy diet. Students presented their ideas, had several discussions with specialists, carefully prepared for lessons and led them to their acquaintances. Everyone was more than satisfied with the outcome.

A group of 6 gymnasium students and 2 teachers traveled to Lublin, Poland on the 9th of February. The aim of this school partnership visit was to learn from each other more about biological well-being and discover its direct influence on our organisms and our daily routine activities through practical workshops and sharing personal experiences.

Paderewski liceum students greeted us friendly and warmly. They organized a tour around their school and , later on, around the city of Lublin. During this visit,

we met a lot of students from Turkey, Czech Republic and Sweden. We played a lot of ice-breaking games, presented the results of the 1st module, took part in healthy lifestyle and infographics workshops, created videos of social advertisements and ect. The project tasks and activities were not only interesting and funny, but also informative and educational. All the participants were encouraged and motivated to be and feel healthier.

The last day of our visit in Poland, wevisited two cosy towns: Kazimierz and Naleczow. During this tour, we participated in the educational rooster baking workshop, visited church-monastery, went to the SPA center and played bowling. We were impressed by Polish students’ knowledge about the towns we visited.

This Comenius school partnership visit in Lublin was really great.

Text by: Aurelija Ivanauskatė

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When I was in Lublin I met a lot of amazing people from Poland, Czech Republic, Turkey and Sweden. This project and trip to Paderewski liceum gave me priceless experience, left a lot of memories and let me improve my English skills.

Gintarė Plukaitė

Amazing people. Unforgettable moments. Unique experience. Everything was perfect. I want to go back!!!

Greta Kubiliūnaitė

This visit to Poland was very memorable to me. Students were kind and sociable.The young people I met had their own opinion and knew how to defend it.

Lukas Kazevičius

First of all, this project and travel to Lublin gave me the opportunity to meet a lot of students from other countries. Also, I think I became more self-confident now. I started to believe that success really exists.

Egidijus Pelivanov

Do you know that...Before a visit to Poland our gymnasium students and teachers successfully completed these Comenius project tasks:

prepared and did the survey about healthy eating habits; this survey was

completed by 300 respondentsincluding gymnasium

students , their parents and teachers;

made a research „Youth situation in Lithuania“ which

focused on freetime opportunities for youth, relationship with adults, learning motivation and

harmful habits;

organized a photography exibition „Life is Beautiful“.

led interesting and informative lessons about healthy

lifestyle, biorhythms and the impact of drugs;

created educational movies „Biorhythms“, „Sports“ and „Healthy

Diet Tips“;

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Eskisehir – the City of Love, Solidarity and Elegancy...

07 04 2014 was the date we were waiting for months to approach :)

Jeronimas Ralys gymnasium team – 4 students and 3 teachers started their journey from Jonava to Riga International Airport.

After 3 hours flight, our trip to Eskisehir city just started because we had to go by bus more than 300km to reach our final destination.

We arrived at Eskisehir bus station at 1 a.m. Our Turkish hosts were waiting for us with colorful posters in their hands and whoops of joy. Students went to their host family houses and teachers went to a local hotel.

The following day Comenius project participants fom the Czech Republic, Poland, Sweden, Lithuania and Turkey met in Samanyolu Gulbahar lyceum. The headmaster of the school greeted us warmly. Afterwards, Turkish national songs and dances were presented by Turkish students on the stage.

The second day a traditional Turkish food contest was organized at school. All participants were divided into groups and got a task to prepare different local dishes. We realized that Turkish people use many different spices and mix them with traditional yoghurt. Also, they eat a lot of vegetables. Turkish traditional dishes are really delicious.

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Students enthusiastically participated in theatre workshop. Later on, theatre rehearsal started. All participants tried to imitate heroes from “Shrek” emphasizing the importance of love and friendship. All girls presented a nice, lovely and beautiful mini performance.

In the evening we went sightseeing. Eskisehir city is amazing! We were walking around and smiled for local people. We could feel the joy of life in the streets. Unexpectedly, we heard a strange bell sound. It was a religious sound for Muslims inviting them for praying. Turkish girls agreed to take us to the mosque and they explained all rules. Before entering the mosque, everyone must take off the shoes; women must wear a head covering and pray in a separate place from men. It was very interesting to see their praying ritual.

The last day we went to the city of Konya. We visited Mevlana mosque , several ancient museums, heard interesting things about the art of calligraphy and saw live traditional music performance.

In the evening we had our send-off evening. We were having fun all together for the last time. It was emotionally hard and sad moment. When we were saying goodbye, we invited Turkish girls to visit Lithuania. We believe that it will become true one day.

This journey to Turkey was awesome and unforgettable for Lithuanians. Students still keep in touch with Turkish girls through the Internet and are waiting for the next partner meeting. Sunny Turkey will stay as a very hospitable, friendly and warm country in our mind and hearts :)

Text by: Vytautė Žuravliovaitė

Do you know that...

organized an impressive school event „Tolerance Week“

(thanks for all coordinators and participants :) );

took part in the knowledge contest „Brain Battle“;

were active participants of psychological seminars;

introduced an art exhibition whose author ,even being disabled,

spreads warmth and good emotions to others;

created motivational movies „Happy“, „A School

Hug“ and „Clothing Manifesto“.

Before a visit to Turkey our gymna-sium students and teachers were really

creative. They...

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Upcoming visits...Timra Gymnasium, Sweden (October, 2014)

Jeronimas Ralys Gymnasium, Lithuania (February, 2015)Paderewski Liceum, Poland (April, 2015)

Spreading the news...You can find all Comenius project results in an official project website:

Don’t forget to press like in the project facebook page:

You can read more about the project in our school‘s website:

Layout : Simona Knataitė

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