
Colour MirrorsTherapy using Colour

Which bottle are you drawn to?

Is this you?

Yellow is the colour of joy, intellect, brightness and light.

Very helpful for depression.

Helps to bring spontaneity back into your lives

Stress reliever

This bottle will clear confusion and fear and bring back the joy.

I am the energy of the sun – the light source and the life force of our world.

Is this you?

This bottle will help you create the reality that serves you best

Supports you when you are dealing with emotional issues

Teaches you to go with the flow

Assists you when you need to express how you feel

Supports the whole of the emotional experience, expressing how you feel, what's in your heart

Love your life right now.

Everything is going to be fine.

This is the sun shining on Atlantis and as we recreate the joy we can recreate a golden age

Is this you?

Hope for the future and new beginnings and transformation

Olive is when your solar plexus no longer fears or doubts what your heart has to say

Supports boundaries and works with your self-esteem

Helps you to claim your authentic power

Helps turn dark situations into light ones

Supports the nervous system

You can do it. You have everything you need to make it work. Trust your heart.

The wheel has turned and now it is time for the wisdom to be in our conscious minds

How Colour Therapy can help you







Identity – who am I?

Anger issues




Colour and life changes

We have a physiological response to colour. For example Red is to energise and Blue is calming.

Do you find you are still in the same drama’s that keep you stuck?

Therapy using colour can be enlightening

Colour can reveal a lot about YOU!

Shift the restrictions so change can happen – and it does.

Become more self-aware so you feel stronger to change aspects of your life and move forward.

The Colour Mirrors Therapy system

There are over 100 bottles to choose from

Each bottle holds unique wisdom and insight

You will be naturally drawn to the bottles that will best support you and show you where you are stuck

Start to action CHANGE today

How it works Do you want to react

differently, feel differently to aspects of your life?

Choose the bottles you want to work with.

Click on the bottles for further insight.

You work with the bottles to clear the block.

Work with me to support you over 3 weeks.

3 week support package including one bottle is - £50 (includes 3 one to one 15 minute calls)

3 week support package including two bottles is £70.00 (includes 3 one to one 15 minutes calls)

Find out more

What you get

Further insight Clarity Embracing the

present and the future

Inner peace and harmony

Book in with Stella

Fill out the form and Stella will be in contact with you within 24 hours.

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Sign up for the monthly inspiration and you will be entered for a complimentary call.

What's next?

Share with your family and friends.

Keep an eye on my website for future events.

Continue your work with colour therapy: attend workshops and talks.

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