
Collaborative reflection: improvement

in EFL teacher teaching practice

Collaborative reflection: improvement in EFL

teacher teaching practice

Miss Jittima Choopun

Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya,

Nakhon Si Thammarat,Thailand

Dr.Jirayu Tuppoom

Kasetsart University,Nakhonpathom,Thailand

• A systematic approach to evaluate

and monitor of one’s own teaching

behavior in order to achieve a greater

understanding about it and explore

new learning.

(Mede, 2010)

• An activity of two or more

teachers have chance to exchange

their professional ideas, learn

from each other, and promote

each other to professionally

develop . (Beatty, 2003; Qing,

2009; Hismanoglu, 2010)

Collaborative reflection: improvement in EFL

teacher teaching practice

• It is one campus of the public university in the south of Thailand.

• There were approximately 500 Engineering and Business students.

• Each class comprised of approximately 25-30 students.

College of Industrial Technology and Management, Rajamangala

University of Technology Srivijaya, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand

Collaborative reflection: improvement in EFL

teacher teaching practice

Collaborative reflection: improvement in EFL

teacher teaching practice

Researcher's teaching


Talking to colleagues

collaborative reflection

among peer group

Reflect and assess themselves when they

facing problem of teaching

Need to improve teaching practices

Not much collaboration between individual

teachers in the department

Each of them worked in their own paces and


Collaborative reflection: improvement in EFL

teacher teaching practice Identifying problem

Group planning and


Teaching and observation

Data analysis and peer discussion


Are you satisfied with the findings?

If not, re-self-reflect and revise.

Repeat the process until satisfy

the result.

If the problem is satisfactorily resolved,

continue examining other problems.

Model of teacher professional

development which designed by

employing collaborative reflection

Other problems

• To scrutinize whether the participant believed that

collaborative reflection can help her to improve

teaching practice

• To investigate attitude towards collaborative


Collaborative reflection: improvement in EFL

teacher teaching practice

Collaborative reflection: improvement in EFL

teacher teaching practice

Preparing stage

Setting a small meeting

Inform objectives of present studying

Introduce the idea of collaborative reflection

Preparing handout

Equip and familiarize with principles

underlying self-reflection and


Elicit participant’s experience of

collaborative reflection

Collaborative reflection: improvement in EFL

teacher teaching practice

Stage 1 : Identifying problems

Participant’s self-reflect herself

Researcher’s observation results

Collaborative reflection: improvement in EFL

teacher teaching practice

Business students had problem of pronouncing word ending in -ed form.

S1: Telephone number should be grouped [group-ped] together to make

them easier to understand.

S2: International, national and local code should be followed [follow-wed]

by a pause.

S3: “O” is pronounced [pronounce-sed] “oh” in British English.

Collaborative reflection: improvement in EFL

teacher teaching practice

Stage 2 : Group planning and


review rule of pronouncing word ending in -ed form correctly

search valuable website for pronunciation practice

provide additional games

Collaborative reflection: improvement in EFL

teacher teaching practice

Stage 3 : Teaching and observation

review of previous lesson

explain problem of pronouncing word ending in -ed form from the previous period

present a short video clip of rule of pronouncing word ending in -ed form

use ‘Finding the village game’

give a quiz


• Title ‘How to correctly pronounce the word ending with ed by Teacher Aor’

Collaborative reflection: improvement in EFL

teacher teaching practice

When pronouncing verb end with voiceless consonants

( k , f, c, s, p and h) such as in these words watched , stopped,

and missed , pronouncing ‘ed’ as [t] was needed.

Group these voiceless consonants into the easier way to

remember than the individual items.

Collaborative reflection: improvement in EFL

teacher teaching practice

Teacher divides the area of blackboard into three frames and writes d, t , and id on each frame. Then, asks students to imagine that there are three villages . Its names are d, t ,and id village respectively.

Teacher tells students to do pair work . After that, passes out slips of paper with regular past simple ends in -ed form written on them to each pair.

Students work together to find how to pronounce their verb in -ed form and sort it into the correct group (village) d, t , or id .

Teacher lets students check answers as a class. Each pair of students take turn to read their words and tell which group (village) belong to. If the word is in the correct group, teacher lets students to practice pronouncing it aloud as a class. If it isn’t placed correctly, she asks another pair to find which group that they though it should belong.

Finding my village game

Collaborative reflection: improvement in EFL

teacher teaching practice

Stage 4 : Data analysis and peer


post-observation discussion

asking viewpoint about material and technique used in the instruction

agreed that students could pronounce better than previous classes

Collaborative reflection: improvement in EFL

teacher teaching practice

Stage 5 : Self-judgment

Participant considered alone herself whether satisfied with her the second

teaching results.

Collaborative reflection: improvement in EFL

teacher teaching practice

Positive attitudes towards collaborative reflection

- Getting benefit from hearing new and fresh ideas from other that

could be brought into own classroom

- Do not feel threatened when was being observed by the researcher

because it was not part of any assessment system .

- Increasing confident and powerful internal motivation for

future self-development.

Collaborative reflection: improvement in EFL

teacher teaching practice

The relationship among between colleague was priority.

An anxiety from being observed was reduced when a comfortable

environment derived from closed relationship between fellows.

Participant’s comment on factors that support the

successful of collaborative reflection

Collaborative reflection: improvement in EFL

teacher teaching practice

Participant’s comment on factors that support the

successful of collaborative reflection

Strong relationship and mutual trust among teachers was one of the

significant factors for collaborative reflection. This will make it easier to

get things done at work and will keep group working running smoothly.

Dr.Jirayu Tuppoom Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Kasetsart University,

Kamphaeng Saen campus Nakhon Pathom, Thailand 73140

Email : [email protected]

Miss Jittima Choopun Department of General Education, College of Industrial Technology

and Management Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya,

Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand 80210

Email : [email protected]

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