  2. 2. Codes and Conventions My Rap magazine features themes of: -Violence -Street life -Fast cars -Money -Women -Gangster: Tattoos, toned bodies, baggy clothes, bling. -Predominately black males. Location: The location of many hip hop artists are within their hometown, where they grew up, in which is usually ghetto. They like to show what they have come from and usually stay very close to their roots because they all believe that the area they grew up in made them as a person and got them to where they are today. The area shows the artists history, background and the struggle they went through to get to where they are today. Culture The hip hop/rap has originated itself from jazz, blues and gospel music. Now these are all music genres that, back in the day, mainly black people took interest in. This is why you see so many hip hop artists and fans they like rap. Also the lyrics depict the struggle for young people who live in he ghetto so it would explain the age of people who listen to rap. Style Throughout magazines that cover hip hop music, they all have a reoccurring theme for their music magazine titles. Every issue their masthead is in the same place with the same colours and text. This helps create a style and gives the magazine a brand identity so over time people will know what magazine it is because the title of it will be the same very week. This also helps the customers find the magazine a lot easier. Music Topics This genre of music is seen for its gang culture, sex and de-moralisation of women by showcasing them as sex objects. The artists also rap about fast cars, being rich and killing or threating to kill people with their guns.
  3. 3. Dr Dre ft Snoop Dogg Still D.R.E This is a music video which proves some of the codes and conventions I mentioned earlier about rap music. The video has clear conventions such as the stylish cars that are made to show off what the driver has, you can see that most of the male artists in the video are rappers because of their costume, for example Snoop Dogg wears a chain around his neck and a baggy t-shirt and joggers. These are to show of being wealthy and cool, basic costume that an artist has to match the stereotypical look of a rapper. In addition to this, in the codes and conventions of this music genre, women are seen more sexualised, as you can see in this music video, the women are wearing revealing costume that shows of some of their feminine features. Plus most of the frames in the video completely cut off the head of the female so that the audience are forced to look at their breasts.
  4. 4. Codes and Conventions in other music and regular magazines All modern magazines, whether its a music or just regular magazine, all have the main following codes and conventions. There is always one main image that takes up the whole cover and usually has the main feature of the article. Magazine front covers vary with medium close ups or mid shots and will always directly address the audience. The masthead will have its own unique font which is only one or two words. The masthead is also always the biggest text on the front cover of magazines because they want to have a brand identity that the audience will get familiar with. This means that the masthead is always at the top or in the left hand corner because in our culture we read from the left across. In addition to this the price of the issue is usually on the barcode hidden away from the audience. Puffs are also featured in magazines, however not all magazines, the more bubbly, fun and informal types of magazine will feature these as they look a bit tacky but offer something else with the magazine such as free giveaways. Buzz words are usually with the main feature article, used to attract attention, eg; EXCLUSIVE, FREE, PLUS. Once again this is a common theme in a magazine. Cover line's are also used in some magazines, mainly music magazines to promote an artist. These lines of text on the front cover are designed to attract the audiences attention and make them pick the magazine up. A strip is sometimes used in magazines across the top or bottom containing lists of items which feature in the magazine. This conveys the magazine is full of interesting stories and the audience is getting value for money. Colour is the main convention in every magazine, it is the biggest feature and will make or break a magazine. The magazine has to have a small amount, but effective use of colour and have a distinctive design. The colours should match and go well together otherwise it wont be nice fro the target audience to view.
  5. 5. Codes and Conventions in my Magazine I hope to achieve most of the codes and conventions in my own rap music magazine. My front cover will have an the artist at a mid-close up shot with a specific costume that will help the audience become aware of what genre of music magazine it is. The artist will also be central with text on either side and the masthead behind his head. The masthead will also be the biggest text and the boldest so the audience will see this first. The costume of my artist will follow the codes and conventions of an old school rapper; hoodie, baggy bottoms, chain around the neck, bandana and trainers. All of his costume will be black because it is a more masculine colour and fits well with the codes and conventions of rap music.

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