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Climate Change


Page 2: Climate Change And The Philippines


• Changes in:– Sun’s output– Earth’s orbit– Drifting continents– Volcanic eruptions– Greenhouse gases

• Changes in:– Sun’s output– Earth’s orbit– Drifting continents– Volcanic eruptions– Greenhouse gases

What changes climate?

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• Changes in:– Sun’s output– Earth’s orbit– Drifting continents– Volcanic eruptions– Greenhouse gases

“Greenhouse effect”

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• Changes in:– Sun’s output– Earth’s orbit– Drifting continents– Volcanic eruptions– Greenhouse gases

Increasing greenhouse gases trap more heat

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Greenhouse gases

Nitrous oxide


Carbon dioxideMethane

Sulfur hexafluoride

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Nitrous oxide


Carbon dioxideMethane

Sulfur hexafluoride

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Nitrous oxide


Carbon dioxideMethane

Sulfur hexafluoride

IPCC FAR (2007)• Warming of the climate system is unequivocal• Very high confidence that global average net effect of

human activities since 1750 one of warming • Human-caused warming over last 30 years has likely had

a visible influence on many physical and biological systems

• Continued GHG emissions at or above current rates would cause further warming and induce many changes in the global climate system during the 21st century that would very likely be larger than those observed during the 20th century.”

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Nitrous oxide


Carbon dioxideMethane

Sulfur hexafluoride

Where do GHGs emissions come from?

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Nitrous oxide


Carbon dioxideMethane

Sulfur hexafluoride

CO2 emissions by source

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Natural conséquences

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The Kyoto Protocol• Protocol to the UNFCCC• Inspired by (US) The Clean Air Act (market based instruments)• First Draft of a Global Emissions Trading System• Cap and Trade system

• Target emission level: 5.2% below 1990 emissions on average during “First Commitment period” 2008 – 2012

• Two categories of countries:Capped countries (developed

countries) a/o all EU members, Russia, Ukraine, Japan, Canada, New Zealand, Australia:

• Targets to reduce emissions

Non-capped countries (a/o Brazil, China, India): • No obligation to reduce, but incentive to do so

through the “Clean Development Mechanism”....• Complex rules to define the baseline

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The Kyoto Protocol


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1. Change a light: Change regular light bulbs for compact fluorescent light bulbs.

2. Drive less: Walk, bike, carpool, or take public transport more often.

3. Recycle more

4. Use less hot water: It takes a lot of energy to heat water.

5. Avoid products with a lot of packaging

6. Adjust your thermostat

7. Eat less meat

8. Turn off electronic devices

9. Flight less

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CO2 audit of the elections

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