
Cleanliness and Environment

How to keep your neighborhood, school and city pollution free?

……………..Aparajita Sinha VII A



What is cleanliness? Cleanliness means

keeping our surroundings and ourselves clean and free of garbage, dirt etc.

It also means maintaining proper sanitation and hygiene.

What is pollution?

Pollution means presence of toxic elements in air, water, land and our surroundings.

When environment appears pollution free? Environment

appears pollution free when the air, water and our surroundings are found free from any toxic element, garbage, dirt etc.

Keeping our neighborhood, school and city clean and pollution free…

Socio-Cultural Aspect

It is very much related to our culture, society and upbringing.

It is usually found that a person who keeps his residence free of dirt, garbage etc., also found sensitive in keeping her/his surroundings clean and pollution free.


Socio-Cultural Aspect… Whatever we observe

and watch in our family and surroundings from our childhood, we follow.

So, it is very much needed that our elders must act towards inculcating the idea of cleanliness and pollution free environment to their wards.

Individual behavioural (action) aspect…

Initiatives at Family Level

Regular cleaning of our residence. Saying no to plastic bags. Making it a habit to use jute bags. Gardening and plantation (or both)

according to the available space. Making habit of less generation of

waste. Use of waste materials for making

show-pieces, wall hanging, pen stand etc.


Initiatives at Family Level…

Segregation of biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes at home.

Minimising the use of paper. Removing shoes outside the

room…making provision of shoe rack or space.

Never dispose off polythenes of wastes in Nali/Nalas.


Initiatives at Family Level…

Avoid using cars/bikes for local movement of 1-2 km of range.

Maximum use of public transport.

Regular pollution check up of vehicles.

Save power for others needed.

How to keep our neighbourhood clean and pollution free?

Initiatives at community Level…

Twenty first century is the era of community participation, so role of community is very much important in clean and pollution free surroundings and enironment. Some steps…

Setting a good example and don't litter.

Organizing a town cleanup. This can be done by schools, churches, clubs, or any other groups of people willing to help pick up the litter.

Use of cycle for short distances.


Initiatives at community Level…

Don't throw wastage anywhere. Properly dispose them at their proper places. Because they also spoil atmosphere and land on which they lies.

 Reducing long drives, non-useful traveling and pollution by vehicles.

Schools can also play very important role by organizing plantation drive, competitions, waste to asset programs etc.


Initiatives at community Level…

keeping AC off when not necessary, as it pollutes our environment by emitting CFC.

 Quitting Smoking as it is injurious not only for the person who smokes but also for kids and environment. Smoke which is released in environment makes very bad effect on other peoples, which they can't control anyhow.


Initiatives at community Level…

Controlling drain of harmful wastes/colours etc. in rivers.

 encouraging social forestry and plantation programmes.

Control on honking.


Initiatives at Government Level…

Proper arrangement of disposal of wastes both at infrastructural and staff support levels.

Providing good and environment friendly transport system… MRTS (Metro etc).

Strict implementation of acts and laws…environmental laws, pollution act, building laws etc.

Polluters pay…fixing liability to the polluters e.g., companies, community etc.


Afforestation Drive Encouraging use of bio

fertilizers in place of chemical fertilizer.

Encouraging Research and Development in Bio-diesel and environment friendly source of energy, renewable source of energy.

Bottom to topi.e.

Family to Communityis the key of clean and

pollution free environment


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