Page 1: Clait.JlS Credit .for · . my · mw;t be ITOO!IJIOrtOO 0\'1.'1' QD liD-milo mountain 11'!111. 'l"hlo Gllltloo


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Clait.JlS Credit .for · . my Tank

• H

British Captarn Says Great War Weilpon Was Invented by

Him In 1914.


' . Credlt for Invention Hat Be~n Claimed

In Many Qunrte..., Notably by Win· 1ton Chun:hiii-Queatlon In


London.-ono of tho ~w rroll.v new ti'«!Pillli:J t~1Ueb tho liJto wnr developed tl'tllJ tho tnnlt, <m.'lllt tOl' thlo lbven·

, tlon bllll been f.t\lrood ln mney qnar·,r tor '\VJilllton Oburc.blU, now c:olonftll ~~mtllr7. wbo ml.o cold to hnve ~o~mlttol,t It to Mr. ~ollb oQ 3d'ilu!it1 G. ltllG. · • •

France. Go aown, hove n look nl It lllld tell roo What you tWnk about lt."

Ooptnln ~ntley lllld Colonel FlU:· scrold lnept!(ted tho Cllr tor about 0\·o mlnutc:,~ end tbcn returned.

"Well 1" Kltchener nDlted. "It'o no ~OQIJ tor your purpoae," Cap­

tnln Bentley c:Ud. "You cllD't toho It o!l o I'Cl:ld,'•

''Eltllctly," 11:1ld Lord KltcbCD<'r. "M.y om (Jllllllon. ;~em. cnn roo de­alan me cmo ot the rtcht tTPC? lt'o Ul'ltellL I.illt: Jne bovo It tomorrow."

Ctll)tnln Dc.?tloy, It mll:tht bo mt"D· Uoll'O(\ 'm\8 otlo or tho ploo~s ot mo­tor trd~,rt. lie bnd driven automo biiC~:J ln ~~nndf mwtco. ond llnd c!t>Yoted conaldcrnblo Ul:Qo to U•o oucmp' to dovelop tyt~~ o( 11\tltor vcblde!l ault· nblo to 1'011~ llJid \'Ji'g'ln n•untey. llc went homo to work (lUI lbo ld~ or rho catcrplllnr ttuctor no It woulcl bt• ap­plied 10 on Dnnl)llejl <'!lr•

On tbo ovClllag of OctoiiEr ~ Cnp. tntn lk!ntll!)' wcmt ·o Lard Kltdlenua bollllO In Carlton onr<Ul1111. At tin.> vnd

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Now tho Momtns Po~ ~ eomb forth tJJlb II elalm tor Lord Wtcllcnor nnd a Ctlptalo Dcnlley, under tJbo::o Joint oaOilJ)Ice11, tbo llO~::liiCI' ncmn, the nm tntJh tJnn produ~ The con­trvvcmy lull! como ro llaht QliOliJ throuab lbo lnnblUty of Coptotn &nt· loy to obtnlq from tbo umlro a.t7nrd commlltc9 ot tbe wnr omco any n'\Tord or romiJfnc:lUoo Cor bla '\TOt'lr.


Tbo real ctoey of tlle aooeo~o of lbC! tnnlt. ncrordlna to the :Morning Poat. Ia tbl11:

On October 19, 1014, Cnptnln ~mit· Joy hnd ~Wit retoml!a to EDalond from obrond to ol1er hlm!U!If to't m:~r cerv· lm The nat dey be rttdved a tele­phone cnll from Colonel Fltzccruld. mtlltnJ7 I:Cffetnry to Lard Kltehencr, dlrccttna biJD to report at tbe war of· fife In WbftebnlL When ht>J .arrived tbero be m111 tnlten to Lord Kllchcnor, under wbom ho hnd ~rved In Scmtll Alrlen QDIJ to -whom be gona 1ri'en known.

ReaJ Otnry o1 Ttlnk. Kltchener, the Atory nmu, ~ted

blm a11 rouom:~ : ' .DoWillltnlm, In the qtmdrnngle,

thl!re'u nn armored ror Wool\?lcb brul mode for me. It'll the remtlt of rho united bmlnD of the o.rmy and llJlvY ~ We want It for' thiD ~ £1~Una Which tbeYVU b~ to

~·---·---······--·,·-·-·;t : Proud Jap Battlenhip, : : Facing Scrnp Pile, Sinks : ~ ... . ;

= ~are. Japon.-The old' tl:Jttle- : : ship Sutto, fotmerl,v tM Pob!e- : f an_ Wp!$ ~~rnl Tczo'll fk~, f : C!lnk llf tho ~tnmee to Port At- : , thor narbt-:t C'll illll -<tJtlrrdlft cf' 11 : lh!l RtruO:>iltJ!:WiltG war lli.l(JM. : ' :tUld w'hleb .Tt~p:m rnrzed. rellttetJ t : cmll llamc4. liaa rnet c Ei~~ : ~ end. Sbo wnG hnvtn~: ller nrmo· 1 ~ ment rvm\ttC4 . ' to : ; 1:J('l'OpiJ1na wben e!lo GUddenJy • : tl.!ifcd fitld ~ 16 'tfCEti t'ilter. : .L ~ .. 0 ~ ~-···~.,,.~.,~,, ... ~,.,~.


Five Stations to Bridge 2,000 M!le3 Between Continents.

Two Ola CcmpDnlco' Ptaca Ordoro for Equipment Planned to Form NOVI

Air Linea of Ccmmunleatlon In Centr.ll America.

-NetT York.-Lialdn~: thl' Amertl'ru! by

fivo broodcourtnu radio atntlonn. 1~ o ol wblcb will be eroctoo Ill tht> Cntroo Stnll>JJ and lbn-e Ill Ceutrnl Am<'rlca. each wttll o rndltl!l of 2.000 mUt'll, In b•~ tng contcmploted by two blg trefltern companlcg, the Unltoo Fruit romp;lDJ nnd the Troplcol Rndlo Tel~>arnph com· p:~ny. Ol'd('J'II tor the lltaUollll bn..-e been plAted, t::l)'ll an tumounC'Imlent from lbo Rndlo OorvoruUcro of Amer· len.

The termiDnlo Ill the Onltcd Slntl'll of tho propo::l!d s;yctem wiD ba at No"" Orlrono, lA. tJbero the EJre:calt 11tnt1on of tho TropSenJ llndlo Tcle!P'llph com. pnny I!J to ba cnlaro:OO. and .(lt Mloml. Uln.. ~here a nm;o C10Ucn tJIU ba @Do

lltnlctcd by lha campany, Tba t.hree lltl:ltloruJ ln tba cootbem

vart of the croup wm bo lcirotoo at lllo cornera Gf n trfntJgle enbrucing Bon­dtmlll, Nlt'!lrngm and nt ~~ant~ tha copltnl of Hondurtll1. Tbe.;e lltntl«r...!J will eonnGCt <:ttth tha ctntlml of tbQ Untted Fruit ccmp::ul.i" at Almfrnntl\ Pnnnma.

OommoolcntiDD between tba:e five ctntfona ood llhiJ,Ho-cOOro rommnnlen­Uona wftb them will ~ up ootlrcly new routl!3 IJf tnterccurci' betwat!:l thc.­Amerlcail. ODO Of l7h1cb WltJ ~ the opSilntt ..11 tl 2,000.~nlle rudlo rrotn ColombJa, &outb Am~en. ond thu United Stat~

The nrm 1!1Ylbmced by UIC five n~·

~----------------------' tJOllJI t'O'I't'ru 1'.4.000 C~Qunro mllt'll. wltb n Dt't t;"ork nt 11malle7 otolloiUI jolnlna tho !lve lpDln offif'1111 at lbt' lnrjlPr SXIPJI.

In tbe C'Uw of thA Teaul'l~mlpo atn tlon, tbe> 4c:>llroll:' rnllln npp:~rnlcn nDII he~V3' lltool alrd"m to build lb .. •In lion mw;t be ITOO!IJIOrtOO 0\'1.'1' QD liD-milo mountain 11'!111. 'l"hlo Gllltloo a-111 1w Nmvletro by .so,.M~l>t?r 1. 1022. 11 lA p!annGtl.


• Ohlp Captain Didn't H11vo Pr11yar Oook, Go Ho Sondo Out

Coli for Holp. -UVI!rJIOOI.-Tbem ltnn> t..wl1 m:my

otoriE'.ll of tbP lllf!lll!ll' Wll'll to whlrb Wln!le1m communlcoUon hnn l>et'tl put on tho blab croJ~, but lbe eunnrd liner carmnnln brongbt In o net!' on<' on 1102' nrrlvtll bert> trom Nt>W Ynr!t.

Whllil ofl ·tb" Irt11h ro:urt tbe lltmr'11 opwatcr plc:kl'd tl!J a tne={lc llllltln~ tbat tbe rlttlnl for bu¢11 at ceo be cent Ill tun. 'l'be atrunge feQUI'lJt mmt> tram the Canolllrul sovcmmmt st~m­er Co.n::ldlon Trooper, wbwe coptaln tmmd ha h:l(l no IJf'IITer book \"''beo I'Olltronted wttb the u~lt.Y of bury· Jug one of the Qrem('ll nl tten. Tim CnrmllDio uupplled bill n~.

Pieka Three'IOII Applea. ~Hall. locL--'l'broo lnrue OJiflleG

~c:e pldt«l rocet1tl7 by lohD &nz trnm trl!"'& In bill orcllnrd near Pilot Kn(lb. TJ;e,. lall;l'eat meamzrnd t5 LiJchGJJ ln Citcutn{e!'t';l('U Md Wl!fgbe<J n ponntl. 'E:be .i:al!On4 menaurcd 14 tnch~ ana rrelgbed 14 ounl.'etl, Qnd tile thftd Wl!fgb!ld li'J OUD<"elJ lllid tne:lllt1relf i3 1nffi'~ Th!l nppleg werll­Pfcl:ed n month lxltore they wonltl hnva riJ}tned.



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Southwest News '

• From Ali'Over o. '

New Mexico 4ndArizona



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--.::...-.Fumt•ll.e.l) tl7 , " '

U. S. BUREAU OF'IIAIUTS' Wa1bington. J). o.

Qnl-. Clotslng price~ lp CIUc;Q.!rO clUb ~·

ltNot• No. 0 red \VIDtcr wheat. fl.U:. o. ll herd \vlntor wheat. 11.08: No. i

mN l.~<cd corp, 6Gol No. a :rol!qw c:orc, ••a: o. ll wblto oata. 801). .IWOI'tllrO ta.rm

prlco: No. 3 mixed corn 111 cenU.\. Iowa about 53c. Cloalna tuturo prtee•: Chlco.lfo Occombor wllell.t. $1.00'11: c;:hl· ~ Deee111bor corn. D(l'l1e: l'Jianc;Q.poll.4o nccembcr 1vh~t, 81.04liot IC!InDaa CitY' De«bmbar wheal. 11.00~; WlonlpOif Dl;• ca>m "' w beet. 97l!.o. ~

Dalr7 l'rcdue1 .. Dutter merltct firm. ll'llnrv (loo\lll­

htiVo been acarcc and tbo chortono ba. hbold up price<>. Cloalnll' prlcca. OU ceor. utter: Now York 4llc. Cblellse 3D~o.

Phllo.dalpbla 4llc, ltootqo U Mtc:. Cbcooo mt~rketa firm. Tradlnlt tNriT

Q<Jtlve. Cbooao prlccc> on WIDcoDJ>la. primary mculteto: Twlna ~0\!.c. dc.lcle..

li~O\~o. .rourus Amor1<:4n IS l~h.looehorc. I "a, aqunro prtato %1llc.

' ll'rulta oad ve.otalblh. Prlcca Now Jeroo;v &><>t4toe'!o lfl&f!la. .

liDo to Ill In city marltatD. Olio to !~Oa­L o. b. ohlpplnll pointe. .Mo.lno cnbblonL bulk atucJt, Now York, aGo to Ooo; firm at DLI<t to GOo t. o. b &olscd Oreon Mountolna rtrm In Do.atoo e~t 11.10. Nurthorn round \Yblloa, U.Jtl to ll.llOo mid· Woctorn mo.rhota. Ol to OUO t. o. IJ. Wla<:oncln pointe. ldobo ruma.,· 60o t. 0. b. ldoho lo'nll<>. l:::llOlCirll )'OIIO\Y ll'IObo. onlon.ct, U.ID to ULI por IOO.pouncl Cll(llt. 'mlddlo waatorn. U.GO to fl.~ llp:an)DJI vnloncloa, II to U por erato. AJ)pJ"" atron1.1. Now ltork woallbv• and oUlor rod ond !"'ilow vorlolleo, II· to el.llll par b4rrol Ill lcadlna: dty Cl.M'-Ilolo. Mid· Wcotcm Joaotb4no ant2-wcalth11-. U lo U hiiJb point C!blo:ASQ. a•cmnpyiVOilla Jonathana, u.oo to .. Ia J>bJiadClltblo.. "'No.v York domoaUo c;ab­baao, IJ to UG per ton bulk 111 loa4· 1oa 1:11&.1' 9111. Wloel)ncln dorocaUc ~~ '<'hkaan. uo to uo tlt. Lonta. No't"l Y orll clbortA p~hoa. buo!lol b<:u>ltota. up IOo to DGo In lcadln&r CIUitorn cltl­at 08.1l0 to U. .,.co.lwr In tho Ulddlo-' Wool 11t OJ.r.o to U. ULG.h albortaa •• 81.tG to $ll.D6 In c:llloa of tho Ccnt,..L. \\'col. ~lchluun ~rrnpca, tour.q~ biUikoto. ate<>d7 nt DG<l eo Uo. •

LJye IICqck oaCI lllcrota. Oaptotnb•r :o <!hlt"!l4o prlc:ea Uo~

to~ 010; bull:~ ut c:olaa. 07.76 to ·~· va... C.Dd aao4 beet GlCara f1.6G to 010.4G,:: butcbor cDwo anl1 boltor"' 8t to ID.60· fc~dor otoorq. Oti.G~ to 14-Jll; llahC and medium walabt vcnl «>IYOII. til to flll.16, tnt lomita. llli.~O to Ut.OO. toed· I niT lambQ, 611 tc 8U, ycarll~a. U lo au. ro.1 owoa. aa vn to 11.10.

Tbo trond ur cll•t11rn "'llol~<mlo fO'Ilb m~t prtco• l>'tlll upwnrd. Prlcl:ll &roll<i ~rrn(!o m"ato Doof, 117 to OU, vco.L UO to U:O; lomb Ut to ono mutton. ttG to U 1; llrtbl porb lolna. abv to UO; hoGV7 fuiDDo GJ6 t<> &13.

(loltoD. Opct cottnn prtc;u dcclla•d 47 r>elatA

No"' Yorll tktobor tutu,., cuntr11cta do· clll'l"d tO Dt>lnta. !Jpet ce>Uoc oloGd ot :o Gllo poor pOund. Now Yorlt Oclobor futuro ~onln><ll<l dnaod Dl 0\.0Jc.

II OJ. t.larltot ll!lroiJ atvody In l'"..<>al but

firm at Wutom morltoto. Jlt>t'aiJ'b not larqn but dornAnd alan limited. (•ountl'7 lolldlnao roportvd ll4bt. Quolt!d: No. 1 llmolhJ, No"' Yurb ID1, l'hlladDIPhlo. Uo l>ltl<luurah \10 ClnclllnDU Dtf. l•hJcAIIO ll!D. tlt. .<mla U ~. AIJOtnPbhJ UI.CO. No. I altnlta IUIII#Oll (.'lty · tl O.llO UompbiA U4. GL l..outo OU No. I pnlrla. UaniiA• l"llY Ill Dll Ot l..oul• at~ao

II'...,_ Uurlu•l nnn but hurlo" Df'Gil•nod

o nd of Urnltrd •alum"' t•ottonoc:;9d meol II \CJ U biJlbar. otb•r fllt<4la undtan.acd to GO.. blabor J•rn<lu<'llon moot f«>do mcdof'llta.. tn""'a.a.Sna o11 ltn.•c;r.ed tncaL Quote>d C"hiC<lll"· apr1na bran D21.lGl!l mlddllnao DDJ U. Llnacc:a tr."DI Nov York OU f6 "'Inter bruo, Rl t..nulo uo: :a ~r ront <'ntton .. uO<J moat. u .. ml>hlo Ull f"'nclnnnu 1134.40. Ululon. <"bi<Af!O UO !II



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EXPERT MECHlNIC. '~.·· ' ' .

--At Reasonable Priies··- . " "' ,,

~~ra,: '6~~·· and' 'oe~u~-. F.ord • .· P.

ACcbnso\'tes. · 'AulJlorizaJ .Ia'otd I ' •& :a . :A}Zellts .. • • ·'. -.• ,r .

·sgnvul~'t!AR AVAIL&BLE Acetylene WeldlnnEr·ll\ s;ectnllty- •"'·, · . '

Witt Sears • · •

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Page 4: Clait.JlS Credit .for · . my · mw;t be ITOO!IJIOrtOO 0\'1.'1' QD liD-milo mountain 11'!111. 'l"hlo Gllltloo

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Sold by Loading Doaloro . \. - -

W lnter Garments Dyed No\v

Much Cheaper

The ModeJ Cleaner& and Dyers I J I

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lllf · •f Ut•tiiUU "lntJfJ fur 11l•hrd n ltJU.tUI 4 u .. f "•ldt , .•• U:IIJ r&rltJ nbowc.

- . Co.oneac Mako Lhange •n Ca.l>mol.

l't·btha.: t, rtHIU ,J.,.ttl~rt••tt Ill If•~· • ulJ Ult·l •\ l11• II IJ,n I' hN~II UOde•r I uiJ•hh•l

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c: ::=.:o. = '-Do,.wor Convonuono lor tho Romain

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(IJr Trn•) U I"' • kftt r.•tut) Mltllt1

tiP till• 1\unrdl "'"'' e nt•lr .. r ( ....

)1.-,fhul ~Utftll\ (Ill ouOjUIHIIull "tth ,.,,.,,, f.,r llutn~•f"'''"' l•,.•f•llul), 'd l'HU• lonlt•l ~

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lhr I urt• .. r ltt r•'(u ... n,. In Iii'' It• ltnU an~n • lclut.•1 fur •tl·luu~t~tna .\n . ,, ,.. I olt '" J),p hnrhur lP•Uor,~ \'lt11 on •u ,..,,.,., h) 1 hr Jlo.~l ruJ l•ual Mnnbeltt ~n. a .. :ul•'t "llh hlurcu~f,. und f1unliJ thr t hlh& • I nAil I~;JDt"''Utt·r• u rrr luu~lm.1 tlD

a ·UII,.r. nhl<h '""~ lht>tn und llu•tr c-nutlf' t•:tla to '"" Nll>fll' fll'Tlt<')'Anl ----- ·-

C tl Wllllomo to Oueeood • dmlrol Otrna.

\\ aubtnUitlll. - rtC~r Adlulrnl t' 6. \\'llllaii!D \\Ill lx> llnrulld l>nlddt'lll oC u,. atnnl \7ar rull<'ll(l at 1\owpnrl, n. I. In O\lt'rtmtl lh•ar Admlrul Wllllntll

' tl. ll\11111, ttllt"'l [It' ff'tl tllll C ){'t. 11\, .. t-t'-fflllf) tknh;r IUlllUUOt'W ht;7~. 111.':11' .AdiJllmt WUII®I>I ta lli'QollL lg b~.;~ll .,, tl1r u·nr [lltl~ lll'CIItlO Ol 1\(1\"tll O'p­••rn.IOill. und I'"'' 1nulll)' h•• \l'n" ~ll'<• tldtllltul, ttA':tlltllt~tl to th<' l'ulil'lr fllll•l.

'FN:mce ancl -nnotond Agrco on Rep. nrallono.

fh•n.,~IL ·~IU. ll<! .lollYt>llttl, fl'(IIT>Ilt>lll• • ln11 t'l':th..e, b;.A 6ut,,,.,._llld Ill 1'1!.1:'tlncll··•l In&~ lif'ollnt"t' unll U~:11 Url.t11ln otl t)ll(llllloq al l't1lll1taUnut1 fhrouu(l ll'IA ,.,.,..,!utlnU, ~ (.:;ll.t-d '" lh\l cllll:l'i'llt..'l~ ht••nt ·~mtmtmc-. ctenllll!l,1\1.'1Jh tM111 nlltl tnt('f,_tltJil'll tlt>llt:J ln l!Jc•IY Jattun to ill~l'liiiiiiH:Ot.· U. ,\, 1. ••t. th•' llrlth•h c~llllntl'o "UJI -tllo .._, llo'f4.'1•1 1)111 l't•tbtuttun, u1t~r .J.nrd hol!t>rt ('A't•!f \\ltllllt'flW f1h1 ctttua. JJ;l! trlu lftl. \Tull In tm111tlllfb nr> .-;nrd \\"1fli ~ Ut' Jou\"t."Wl. • ·

..Joptli'l'Ot:a WJt~ll ro ij!}ncun~lit All,c~!~lri¢. ~I) l•'f'il!ld~"""•\ rtJ'lU\l!lt "ll\t

AUIN'lf'!lll·llll-n( - ~t tlt~UCnulll fn QUirt~ tl) Ji'tl:it.:Jil~.;\

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Mca•o, '1/C::::liO'I& 1"7•' eteca Tblll aov pi&D of dblrt bullet! b... !:=on IUTal:lcd fut JOUI

bonc!ll. aa4 t.hroasb n Proflb Ar. Guara~~tad

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-----' ; Woteh Cutlcur.a Improve Your tlktn. · on rlolna and muttna ~:MU1 c:near

l)lCI tooo qJth Cutlrnm Olnt&Jl'nt. I Wnall n£1 Olntmont In Qyo mlnalt!ll • ~lth Ctlt!l'Ul'n ll11:1p ant1 bat \TOter. It

111 n-tsnllorCol \Thnt Cntlcurc will do ror poor rompll•:rlnrm, clontlrufi'. ltt>lllnll on<l rl'd rnuah 11nnd11.-AdvortllWtllGnl -------' WbNo htrnhl"llll lll'lll dull In a llttlo lttwn II lq RIOII lo I"'AAf'll• o ''hllltOrlrol tdarltaP ...

--··--~ -----

Rodocorato v.rfth Uttlo troub!e. l esa expense and greata­satisfactfon. There Is one best way todoit.


II tallt,r t•ndrllll{l Q>blt•·, Ia <Jillellf7

liN'IJ:II't>r1 and ''" uooa tor tl•fl runall IJ..~Je la opplo b r o o d pod dina. Cut p l e " " 11 ot br~ad Into trro­!ncb ~unrea or l;llllllll'r. 11 p r l' o d \'l'flh bUllt'f

11111 Into o bolttna dial. \11th o ~;ener.

oUJI t'!JllfUI or I bini f clfl'OO applE! ll'trnl't• encd and flo • nn•d. Doko unltl U!t bpplg In <Inn•• M<'ITC! llot \Tltb IIUiitll

and t'J't>nm. Oolmon Croquatttlll-b.lli: c ruptnJ

or c-nmll'tl Ro 1 "'"" nottb llii equal qun1l• Ut)' ot ('ttld TllnAiwd votcto. ntnd whb bll:lt~ f>l:ll or Q \'t?r)' thh:k t'f'Cla%1\ 11.1Ul'C\ "hop.• Into Ct«jnettea. dip .ID t'TQIDbll nnd I'!Zu nnG fey ID o "'&Nl b:lJ1. l:ct In dCPJ• for

Codnch :ana Macarol'll.-,'i'nke Q::l!!

cupful l'Ol'b o( COO!:~ ID.'l!MfUl!ll attd naked cvort<'d rod!lab, l'tlt mto a btlt• tcred bntrtng dlall. ~tlnkto ~Uh tl::~lt. peppa nnd cru~ha t'mmba ~n bUtll'mt 8prlnl:JQ With qmt~ «11~~ nnd ndtl tmrncrct tnll!r t3 calct~ B~tb tmUl bro~?n lo o llot ovC!ll.


•· r:4r.AW.iJY Joll4!. . ' ll1rtl, lCnlclie.I'-Do )'OU [Oj!f{

worll? • • • Wenry Willie--No, mum: l'nll meth·

od to to listen In tor lt. '

A Ro~l •.. Etllel-"So Jaclt dOoon't approve ~t

tbo modem dllllces ?'' (llaru-"li().

u y()uug man tvlth old llfewtl"

.. .

·some More- Truths. I

• . .

WOULD yau use a steam shovel to move a pebble? Oartalnly not. Implementa (U'e built aooording ty th~ work they have. to do. ·· · .

• Would you use a _grown-up's. remedy for your b®y's Uln? Certainly not.

Remedies are· prepared a.c()Ording to the work TB &Y have to do. t- • ' •

All tbJa is preliminary to reminding you that Fletcher's Oastoria was Brfl'ight out, found Emd is prepared solely as a. remedy for Jnfunta and Ohildren. An~ let tlds be a ~ Substitut~s,.. Counterfeits and the J'tmt-aa-good stuff that may ba all' .right for you In all your strength, but dangerous for the Uttlo babe.

,, All ·tho mother-love tbat Ues within your heart orles out t.o you: Be tr~fe t.o Baby. · And betng true to Baby you will keep In the hvuse ·remedies spe~y "ared for babies as you would a. baby's food, hairbrush, toothbnmh or .spcmge,

•• •

l'nct Ccrtl:ifW~ ~

Children Cry ·For

Are You Prepared? A clDeWJ' m.thohon$ad~lfme wcnid be agct>dld~a. t:et you

can't dot4: to Jreep * d~ In the fan:ilty to keep baey wen Cit pre­ventsretnw. But you trul do abnost th!t 11ame tbtng. by havh!g n: ~a a botUe ot i1etcl!.~'l ~ t>etanse it !!IlL won16lfn1 wnooy fer ~. eo!!?, feve:fsbnl'cs, fretfulness JUte! all tlJ.o other db­crdeia that U$1Jlt from mmmon &Urntnts tbat babfes hive.

~!!r's Castcrla u ptdettly Slfc to t!So. It fs 4 harmleu­tUtu~far, P~got!t, Drops and &othfng Symps. ~llilren r:ry fer l'lotther~s ~ and mothcra reoomt!lllnd u beea . they b&ye fonntl it a ·tomfmt to chUdren and a mother's tmed.

If you lov& yor:r ll!by. yan know bow sweet ft f9 tn be llllo to help baby ~hen trouble comes. YQtl carmot always can nptJn a da&tot. Bot doetm ~ nothing bot go~ to say p1 li'i~er'$ ~, tJe. cause thoyknow tbdfltean only do goo!1- thtlt ft can't do 'ahy 1uttm­an!l t4oy WCtl!Wl't 1rao.t;vou ttl tiro 1or baby a remedy tbat yot1 wotl!d tao for yourstlf. - · •mtWSI:DtJUHlEA~Tl!i~KL£T1tfATitlUQUNDtvnlYCOTTI.£0fi\.Em!E!'SCASTC1!A


• . Eeam iha Signature of

~"~c."u~n~~~h~~~b~:~:n~~~ ~· ~~~~_.~ .. ~~~------·~,~ .. ~--·L•---.. ·--·-.·-·~·~·-.. ·~,t~···--~'~ .. ~--~ .. -, .• ,.~~.~ ... ~,~~-~~--~---~----~~~~ :~::J ~~~~aa:~~ lff·•·c.~antli&.Niw Clfor Toq ft OJ-Swi.~ftrs :n:~~~u~~ ~~uy. Ocrvo I pUTJIAM FAJ).I.JSSDYES-drn or t:Jntsu

Pea tl)d w~rnm ltlat-Taw G;tll:lt ot ~ CWk~ tlt:l!

to~~ta brvktl:l ltlfO-



• mtb ~~h ~lilt; .. fl'!f .... ___ f·:)_ES-_-- __ · .. ·p-~J _- _ ,. _ R---halt an hwt. Sd#o wilt) ltls¥'• . . . _

Clit- IC!ttueo n to t~ ·~ _ Fl•h~nelt o~o llMktiiQ ct

tn cold wqtCl'. to to~r, ,maf(cr 11 ImlU tift)

. ' .~ .... "'' \ ,. ;t;;tt·;J 1't"'it!=t1t+ tS £r h

Jilt trp ~ lll' - .· 6 • •• I'·

~~~Ui""!"'W ; -f§ . !!httt' ~op)IO;ta · · .i.>11\l'-"oT¢i{:~~ bAtt \tli enu ttmt" . .

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