
33 Top Quotes from Global Peter Drucker Forum 2015

Quotes selected by: Vladimir Vulic @vulicvladimir

“Global Peter Drucker Forum in not so much about better answers as it is about better questions.” - Richard Straub

“The job of leadership is to identify the future which is already happening.” - Joseph A. Maciariello

“As the pace of technology quickens, interest is growing in ‘what makes us tick in the brain’ as humans.” - Andrew Hill

“Most CEOs are humans, so why act as if you are on the side of robots? The robots are already powerful enough - they don’t need CEOs on their side.” - Tom Davenport

“Focus on values, culture & purpose of the organisation, then trust the kids to get it right.” - Marten Mickos

“We work in a world where most of the people you manage are NOT your employees.” - Charles-Edouard Bouée

“Amidst rapid technological change, some things should remain stable: core strategy, culture, and core values.” - Rita Gunther McGrath

“With all this obsession with things that change, we don't notice what's not changing. Most things are not changing.” - Henry Mintzberg

“We don’t deal with the realities of management because we’re so obsessed with the myth of management.” - Henry Mintzberg

“Whoever is on stage, they cannot compete with the knowledge and experience of the audience in the room, let alone the audience online.” - Robin Chase

“The real disruption happening now is not about the technology - it's a profound shift in trust.” - Rachel Botsman

“All these online sharing platforms are little phenomena for a big question about a jobless future.” - Oussama Ammar

“We can’t forget 200 years of work standards and minimum wages and just expect the platforms to regulate themselves.” - Isabella Mader

“Not only do we have to reinvent our organisations, but we have to reinvent ourselves as well.” - Bill Fischer

“Machines will take over much of the work that we are doing today, displacing our work.” - Tammy Erickson

“The only role of a CEO is to create other leaders.” - Kevin Roberts

“As long as there are problems (and there are lots of them), there will be things for us humans to do.” - Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg

“We need more boredom in our lives. That empty space is where we create new ideas.” - Rosanne Somerson

“Education is an amazing technology that rewires individuals from instinct to civilization.” - Gianpiero Petriglieri

“We paint ‘Millennials’ as wanting different things to avoid the shame that we cannot promise them what we had.” - Gianpiero Petriglieri

“Hiring for competencies doesn’t work anymore - jobs change too fast.” - Claudio Fernández-Aráoz

“We are so busy ‘connecting’ nowadays, that we don't spend enough time communicating.” - Sherry Turkle

“We’re talking about claiming our humanity. Humanity isn’t all good - let’s decide which side we want to claim.” - John Hagel III

“If you want to shape your own destiny, the technology is allowing you to do that. Do you know yourself well enough to shape your own destiny?” - Charles Handy

“We’re not educating the young for the future they will face: being on their own, facing open problems, having a nice lifestyle, and not making much money.” - Charles Handy

“We’re getting close to the end of this wonderful 400+ year run of the multinational corporation.” - Rick Goings

“Just because we can’t see how new technologies will create more jobs, doesn’t mean that they won’t create new jobs.” - Dambisa Moyo

“Our employees are entrepreneurs who can build on top of our platform, and become shareholders later.” - Ruimin Zhang

“Many companies have silo mentality despite the technology enabling connectivity.” - Gillian Tett

“Leadership is not based on being clever, but on being consistent.” - Khuyen Bui

“Innovation isn’t an agenda point, it should be the entire agenda. It should be considered in everything you do.” - Steve Denning

“Workers are being more productive, but they’re not being compensated.” - Lynn Forester de Rothschild

“I believe that the future is an engaged workforce.” - Jim Keane

Photo Credits: Gerald Mayer-Rohrmoser

Vladimir Vulić

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