  • 1. hellowe are brandfever

2. we deliver insight-driven creative excellence through engaging and meaningful experiences online, offline and mobile 3. PMS Cool Gray 5 PMS 432 PMS 285 PMS 2995 we have developed brand systems for the following clients: 4. we have years of experience working within established brand systems: 5. your brand is not merely a messenger its an ambassador 6. Making meaningful connections through engaging experiences online and offline. Delivering results and driving value at every touch point. Becoming a brand of substance and sustainability. your brand is always on 7. what is a brand? discuss brand mindset: basics here... brand attributes? 8. What makes your magazine compelling, unique or ahead of the curve? What is your impact on the community, city or region? time to exercise! Take a moment to jot down some attributes in Exercise One of your worksheet. 9. step one: acknowlege the issue 10. How do we create one voice in a cross-channel, cross-platform and cross-media environment? print publishing blogs & social media video production events & vendors All of these channels complement each other, but how do we create a branded, cross-content relationship among all entities without diluting the brands identity? 11. Cond Nast discusses their view on print media: 12. step two: discover solutions 13. Excellent idea! But how? Before we can be a brand we need to break open the brand. Creating a branded publication starts by assessing where all the nodes of the brands content or magazine are right now utilizing everyones favorite process: Audits. But that discussion comes later 14. step three: celebrate the benefits 15. Working strategically means working smarter, not harder. Strategy lets us do more with less because when we know who we are we can run a leaner, more agile operation without wavering from brand identity. 16. Above all, brand and content strategy give us: CONFIDENCE clarity consistency certainty in processes. which leads to overall 17. the following strategies are designed to: Allow your editorial, design, marketing and advertising teams work with a shared understanding of brand goals, philosophies and values. Give everyone the keys to producing better, bolder branded work Enable advertisers to seek out your publication for specific value-driven purposes, rather than general value- guessing assumptions. 18. branding 101: content audits 19. Content Audits discover where your content lives, why it lives there, and how it got there. 20. An audit is strategicand subjective. Its a point-of-view thats informed by expertise, research and, werever possible, metrics. 21. branding 101: content governance audit 22. Content Governance Audits discover who is responsible for what content where. The Goal: Discovering points of contact (and content) so that we can devise a turnkey process for writing, editing, and posting that content without layers of approval and without a brand identity crisis each time. 23. Web content workflow and governance include many moving parts. In order to keep the wheels turning, roles and responsibilities must be defined to make sure that all work gets done and that content contributors have clear expectations about their own and others responsibilities. - Source: 24. - Source: 25. branding 101: personas 26. Now that weve taken stock of where the content lives, we can dene what branded content is crucial to whom. 27. Sample Persona: Helen HR Director/Office Manager of Business Using Digital I appreciate helpful resources that enable me to perform my HR duties quickly and efficiently. I also need to understand the impact of healthcare reform on our business and want information served up in brief, action-oriented communications. background: Helen has many responsibilities and limited time. She needs reliable resources that enhance efficiency. User-friendliness is paramount. A well-designed site that can be easily understood and navigated by employees makes her life easier. Goals/Action Items: Access policy information and forms Easily obtain comparative quotes for renewals Communicate with Digital representative View quick snapshot and understand breadth of resources available to employees Obtain relevant info about healthcare reform Reference calendar of key dates (renewal, enrollment deadlines, etc.) Access reference tools, FAQs, glossary Tone Friendly, helpful, efficient Personas are stand-in, fictional characters that represent real readers and illustrated their desires, needs, motivations and interests. Personas are square one strategies that help you determine your most valuable someone, without wasting valuable time trying to appeal to everyone. 28. branding 101: voice and tone 29. Voice and Tone guides define content and copy guidelines, and identify the (sometimes) subtle differences between all moving content pieces. The Goal: Establishing a brand voice distinguishes your identity from all other publishing entities, and shows that you value and are committed to consistency. 30. How can we go about defining one voice within the aforementioned cross- channel media environment? Casual interviews with memebers of the publication staff, editorial team, key stakeholders, advertisers, customer support representatives anyone you can get your hands on! Then have them do the following: 31. Describe your publication as a person. What does he or she drink each morning? What can we find them doing after a long work day? What do they need to know before starting their day? Why do they read our magazine? sTop! Its time to exercise. Take a moment to jot down some attributes and the this, not that blanks in Exercise Two of your worksheet. 32. branding 101: voice and tone sucess stories 33. Consider MailChimp: They have a Voice & Tone Guide that lives online, and is used to define the subtle differences in thier voice for various content occasions. 34. Consider Scoutmob FAQ: With personas in mind, the Scoutmob page addresses readers thoughtfully, yet whimsically, and above alllike a human. 35. THANKSfor your time brandfever

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