Page 1: CITY CENTER P@RISHES · baby furniture all year long that will help young families in need. They include Genesis House, The ... Daniel Murphy, Dennis Murphy, Justin Murphy, Jean O’Hanlon,



Page 2: CITY CENTER P@RISHES · baby furniture all year long that will help young families in need. They include Genesis House, The ... Daniel Murphy, Dennis Murphy, Justin Murphy, Jean O’Hanlon,

A note from Fr Chris -

As many of you know, I am off to Jamaica for the first few weeks of June on our mission trip with Mustard Seed Community through Move a Mountain Missions

Today, I am humbly asking you for your prayerful support of our trip. What began four years ago with just over a dozen has blossomed into a mission trip that is taking over seventy this year. We will be taking high school and college young men and women on a journey that will surely transform their lives. By way of serving the most vulnerable in this third world country, the youth of today are being formed for a lifetime of care and Christ-like compassion for those in need.

Stay tuned for updates about this years trip in next weeks bulletin. God bless and thank you for your prayers In the Merciful Heart of Jesus, Fr. Chris

Fr. Chris has generously provided a subscription for all parishioners to FORMED.ORG. This website is filled with various resources for the whole family to learn more about our Catholic faith. There are movies, books, studies and more. To subscribe, visit, where you can register. Once you create your own account, you can enjoy all the benefits of FORMED.ORG. If you need a code to register, our code is TQJ97V.

There is an APP for smart phones and tablets for FORMED.ORG. On your device, search for FORMED and the above logo will appear. The app itself is free. Once you download it, enter your account information (or register for an account by entering the code) and you can begin to use it on your device, listen to presentations in your car and more!

Spiritual Direction

Interested in deepening your faith through Spiritual Direction? To make an appointment with Fr. Chris,

email Cindy at [email protected]

We are in between the two 40 Days for Life campaigns. The next 40 day prayer and fasting vigil in front of Planned Parenthood will begin on September 25th. During this time, before the next vigil begins, there are ways to help those who are vulnerable and lost.

People gather to pray at Planned Parenthood every day, from 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. Join them anytime.

Many facilities collect clothing, diapers, formula, and baby furniture all year long that will help young families in need. They include Genesis House, The Pregnancy Resource Center, and Birthright of Pittsburgh, as well as others. Reach out and see how you can help

Pray at home. Pray with your families. Pray for those who are struggling, are in pain and truly need help. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide them, protect them and their families, and to give them the courage to choose life!

Page 3: CITY CENTER P@RISHES · baby furniture all year long that will help young families in need. They include Genesis House, The ... Daniel Murphy, Dennis Murphy, Justin Murphy, Jean O’Hanlon,

Divine Mercy Center Schedule

Holy Mass at 9am in honor of Our Lady! Saturdays - June 15 and 22

Summer with Jesus and Mary at Epiphany

August 12 - 16 from 9a - 4p Program for Children ages 5 to 13

Divine Mercy Center

57 21st St.

Pittsburgh, PA 15222

The Divine Mercy Center is located across from St. Stanislaus Church.

Congregation of Sisters of Merciful Jesus

Bl. Michael Sopocko St. Faustina Reflection of the week

“I am not alone, because Jesus is with me, and

with Him, I fear nothing.”

~St. Faustina Kowalska

Please pray for our upcoming ordinations. This weekend there were two seminarians ordained to the diaconate and later this month, on June 29, there will be four newly ordained priests in the Diocese of Pittsburgh! Please

pray for them as they prepare for this holy day! Let us also remember to pray for all of our holy priests.

Prayer for Priests by Pope Benedict XVI

Lord Jesus Christ, eternal High Priest, you offered yourself to the Father on the altar of the Cross and through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit gave your priestly people a share in your redeeming sacrifice. Hear our prayer for the sanctification of our priests.

Grant that all who are ordained to the ministerial priesthood may be ever more conformed to you,

the divine Master. May they preach the Gospel with pure heart and clear conscience.

Let them be shepherds according to your own Heart, single- minded in service to you and to the Church

and shining examples of a holy, simple and joyful life. Through the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary,

your Mother and ours, draw all priests and the flocks entrusted to their care to the fullness of eternal life

where you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. AMEN

Parish News





Welcome to our parish family Mr. Jeff Sobek (St. Patrick-St. Stanislaus) Congratulations to the newly Baptized Millie Antram (St. Patrick-St. Stanislaus)

Congratulations to our newly married couples Mr. & Mrs. Camille and Andrew Marra (Epiphany) Remember in your prayers the following who have been called to the Lord, and their families~ Ann Hardesty (St. Patrick-St. Stanislaus)

Page 4: CITY CENTER P@RISHES · baby furniture all year long that will help young families in need. They include Genesis House, The ... Daniel Murphy, Dennis Murphy, Justin Murphy, Jean O’Hanlon,


Alain Locke (1886-1954)

Locke excelled at his studies and became the first African American to be awarded a Rhodes Scholarship. After earning his undergraduate degree in 1907, Locke attended Oxford University where he obtained another B.A degree in 1910. The following year he attended the University of Berlin in Germany. Locke was known as an engaging, talented, accessible and admired professor by both his students and his colleagues. Alain Locke died on June 9th, 1954.


The following request our prayers: Betty Bell, Gordon Bullard; Edward Davis, Dolores Denton, Carol Derewcz, Patricia Ellis, Debra Foster, Woody Frazier, Ann Fultz, Richard Gazzam, Janet Glass, Brenda Glenn, Helena Harris, Harold G. Heim, Jr., Osaruyi Osasere Igbineweka, Billy Jenkins, Sandra Johnson, Tiffany Livsey, Aisha Lado, Andrew Lyke, Ruth McCartney, Sherry McGinnis, Todd Mattei, Betty Muse, Josephine O’Connor, Ira Ritter Sr., Mary Samuels, Genevieve Sanford, Debbie Sturm, Vincent Tucker, Barbara Tucker, Lyle Williams, Leslie Wilson, Regina Zelik, FMM, DMK, Victims of Abuse

Please pray for those who have requested our prayers Jerry Barry, Laurie Bozik, Josie Crame, Robert Dougherty, William Egger, Richard Gazzam, Katherine Gross, Margaret Hurney, Marva Josie, D.M.K., Barbara Kuhn, F.M.M., Jessie Marsh, Patricia Morra, Daniel Murphy, Dennis Murphy, Justin Murphy, Jean O’Hanlon, Mary Ann Pacini, Clara Jane Roy,

Marianne Wisdom Oines, C.Z.R., Sr. Mary Ann Troup, Elsie Urban, Bill Vergot, Derrick Gardener, Leah Lindenfelser, Taylin Clemente

Christopher Roach, III (6/9) Sa’naa Baraka (6/10) Rochelle Cgatman (6/10) Tiffani Livsey (6/14)

OFFERTORY June 2- $6091.00

St. B_n_^i]t th_ Moor

Your Stewardship — Thank you! Offertory, June 2….$2,479.53 2nd Collection ……....$652.00

Epiph[ny Volunteers needed: Extraordinary Ministers of

Holy Communion, Lectors and Ushers are needed on Sundays at the 9a and 5p Masses.

Please contact Pat Wilson at 412-527-0465 for more information

***All volunteers must be in compliance with

the Diocesan Safe Environment Policy. ***


During the month of June, please check your ticket numbers with PA Daily Four Lottery. You might be a lucky winner! God bless you!

Sisters Margery, Donna and Jean


During the month of June, please check your ticket numbers with PA Daily Four Lottery. You might be a lucky winner! God bless you!

Sisters Margery, Donna and Jean

Page 5: CITY CENTER P@RISHES · baby furniture all year long that will help young families in need. They include Genesis House, The ... Daniel Murphy, Dennis Murphy, Justin Murphy, Jean O’Hanlon,

Television Ministry St. Mary of Mercy’s daily 12 pm Mass is televised and can be viewed seven days a week (Mon-Sun)

on Comcast 95 in the Greater Pittsburgh area or at’s Faith and

Family channel also carries it Monday-Saturday.

St. P[tri]k-St. St[nisl[us Kostk[

Offertory—St. Stanislaus May 25/26

Candles: $385.40 Envelopes: 146 Collection: $3851.00

Raise the Roof: $465.00 Maintenance: $95.00 Parish Share: $748.00

Second Collections for June June 9 - Raise the Roof June 23 - Parish Share June 30 - Peter’s Pence

Please keep St. Patrick-St. Stanislaus in your will!

OUR MISSION STATEMENT It is the mission of the people of Saint Patrick-Saint Stanislaus Kostka Parish to be ambassadors for Christ. All are welcome in our diverse and historic faith community in the

Strip District. We strive to nurture and to grow in the sacramental life and tradition of the Roman Catholic Church. Everything we do is for the greater glory of God.

In the Winter of 2017, Mr. Peter Emmanuel arrived in Pittsburgh

as a seminarian from Nigeria for graduate studies at Duquesne University. In the beginning of 2018, Fr. Nick Vaskov introduced himself and invited him to serve as a volunteer in our Red Door ministry. Peter graciously and eagerly embraced the task even with the rigors of his graduate academic studies! As a regular Tuesday volunteer, the "Tuesday team of volunteers" came to know and love Peter. His quiet joy and beautiful gift of piety was truly a blessing in the kitchen as well as on the street during our hour of service to our

guests. After finishing his graduate degree at Duquesne University this spring semester, Peter has left to return to his home and hopes to be ordained, Lord willing, in the very near future. Peter left with some closing remarks about his time spent at St. Mary's and specifically the Red Door that he wanted to pass along to the parish grouping. He shares, "I am grateful to have been able to participate in the joy of the Red Door ministry as a regular volunteer. On March 6, 2019, at the Ash Wednesday Mass, our holy Bishop Zubik noted in his homily that the problem with modern-day Christians is that they don't appear to be saved. Thereafter, the Bishop stated he hopes that as we walk out the doors of the Church, that others can see us as people who are indeed saved. The smiles, joy, and happiness of healing I see on the faces of those who come for lunch at the Red Door flow from the volunteers who serve them; doing so, in representation of the reality of their Salvation through the service of others mortal needs. It is often said that 'Not only does a happy heart benefit you but it benefits others as well.' So, in a profound way, I would like to thank all of my brothers and sisters whom I have worked with at the Red Door this past year as well as the coordinators. The Lord is certainly pleased with all those who help at the Red Door and He surely blesses those who come every week to receive lunch for in this ministry. He truly is present amongst us. May the blessings of God continue to rest upon all who financially support the Red Door ministry's mission of feeding the hungry. May the blessings and graces of the risen Christ also continue to rest upon all including all who support, receive, and serve at the Red Door. (Matthew 25:31-46) I hope upon my return home to personally advocate with my Bishop for a ministry such as the Red Door."

May God continue to bless and grace you in abundance, Peter, as you seek to fulfill God's Will in your life, and hopefully one day soon, as a holy Priest of Jesus Christ in the Church. You will remain in our prayers and hearts! Thank you!


Weekday May 27 – June 2 $1111.47 Weekend June 1 - 2 $1666.00 Ascension Thursday $1937.90 Parish Share $1020.33

St. M[ry of M_r]y


Volunteers needed: Can you help with collections at any of the three Masses? If you are interested,

please see one of the ushers at the Mass you attend.

***All volunteers must be in compliance with the Diocesan Safe Environment Policy. ***

Red Door Ministry: Those in need can

receive a bagged lunch Mon-Sat from

10:30a-11:30a.The actual Red Door is located on the

Boulevard of the Allies.

Page 6: CITY CENTER P@RISHES · baby furniture all year long that will help young families in need. They include Genesis House, The ... Daniel Murphy, Dennis Murphy, Justin Murphy, Jean O’Hanlon,

Friends of St. Benedict the Moor School, Our fifth graders participated in the Dancing Classrooms Program this semester! Students were taught six traditional ballroom dances in this program: Merengue, Foxtrot, Rumba, Tango, Swing, and Waltz. The dance classes took place during the school day, twice per week for ten weeks. The mission of the program is to cultivate essential life skills in children through the practice of social dance. Each lesson focused on respect, teamwork, confidence, and politeness while teaching the fundamentals of the six types of ballroom dance. At the completion of the program, students performed the dances for the school community. They were fantastic! Ten students from the class also competed against eight other schools in the area at the Dancing Classrooms Colors of the Rainbow Competition. Our team won third place medals! We are so proud of our talented dancers! Your Principal, Lauren Rudy

St B_n_^i]t th_ Moor S]hool

Please pray for the teens, young adults and adult chaperones who will be serving the people of the

Mustard Seed Mission in Jamaica during the month of June. There are over 70 people scheduled to participate

in this life changing and faith filled experience, including several from the City Center Parishes.

Move a Mountain Missions—”Rooted in a deep desire to be Jesus for the most vulnerable in the world, Move a Mountain Missions is a Catholic non-for-profit organization that aims to help youth and young adults from the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh grow deeper

in their call to service. We organize and raise funds for local and international Mission Trips, raise funds for particular projects for Mustard Seed Community, and assist in bringing a missionary charism of caring for the most vulnerable among us home to Pittsburgh.”

from -

HOW TO TALK ABOUT TOUGH MORAL ISSUES At Sts. John and Paul, Sewickley, PA.

Wednesday, June 19 7 pm in the Church



Page 7: CITY CENTER P@RISHES · baby furniture all year long that will help young families in need. They include Genesis House, The ... Daniel Murphy, Dennis Murphy, Justin Murphy, Jean O’Hanlon,

O Come Let Us Adore Him! “How sweet and full of comfort are the moments spent before the Blessed

Sacrament! Are you in trouble? Come and throw yourself at his feet." - St. John Vianney

Schedule of Eucharistic Adoration at the City Center Parishes St. Stanislaus - Divine Mercy Vigil Every Thursday—7 p.m. - 10 p.m. During Adoration, there will be the Novena to St. Jude, followed by an hour of Divine Mercy prayers. From 8 p.m. - 10 p.m., there is Silent Adoration. Divine Mercy Center - Hour of Mercy Every Friday—3 p.m. - 4 p.m. The Hour of Mercy is devoted to our Lord in Adoration, praying Divine Mercy prayers with the Sisters of Merciful Jesus.

St. Anthony of Padua June 13

St. Anthony is most known as being the Patron Saint of lost things. While that is true, there is so much more to

the life and charism of St. Anthony! He was born in 1195 in Lisbon Portugal. As a young priest, instructed in the order of St. Augustine, he was

called to the order of the Franciscans, where he

received the name, Anthony. Ready to be martyred for his

faith. God had different plans. While living in seclusion at a hermitage in Northern Italy,

St. Anthony was asked to give a sermon to the newly

ordained. From that point, he began teaching and preaching, under the direction

of St. Francis. He believed that to preach the Gospel, he must live it. Tens of thousands of

people would gather to hear St. Anthony speak. He died at the age of 36. On his deathbed, he was asked what he was looking at with such intensity.

He answered, “I see the Lord.” He died peacefully a short time later.

“Actions speak louder than words; let your words teach and your actions speak.”

~St. Anthony of Padua

Corner with the Saints

Page 8: CITY CENTER P@RISHES · baby furniture all year long that will help young families in need. They include Genesis House, The ... Daniel Murphy, Dennis Murphy, Justin Murphy, Jean O’Hanlon,

Duquesne University - DuquesneFest Sunday, June 9, 2019 beginning at 9 a.m.

Duquesne University’s largest open house event, DuquesneFest, will be held this summer on Sunday, June 9, 2019, beginning at 9:00 a.m. This exciting day is a fun way for Fall 2019 high school seniors to learn more about the University. Register online at

Divine Mercy Bookstore

We are starting a little book store mostly with material on Divine Mercy. We hope that through these materials the devotion to Divine Mercy might be more known! Our founder Blessed Michael Sopocko, was a great apostle of Divine Mercy that never seized to do everything in his power to make God’s Mercy more known and loved! As his spiritual daughters, it’s only fair to continue such an amazing work! We hope that Pittsburgh will soon burn with the fire of love

for God’s Divine Mercy!

Whoever is interested to take a look at our materials, please come and visit us at the Divine Mercy Center by St. Stanislaus Church. Please send an email to confirm that we will be available to you. We also accept any prayer intentions which we offer especially during the Hour of Mercy every day.

Blessings and prayers in our Merciful Lord Jesus! (email: [email protected])

Fr. John Odeyemi, Parochial Vicar at Epiphany Church in

downtown Pittsburgh explores Catholic ecumenism and the

proliferation of Pentecostalism in his book.

The book is available through WIPF and STOCK Publishers

and can be found at It can be ordered via phone (541)344-

1528, fax (541)344-1506 or e-mail at

[email protected]. The cost is $21.

Page 9: CITY CENTER P@RISHES · baby furniture all year long that will help young families in need. They include Genesis House, The ... Daniel Murphy, Dennis Murphy, Justin Murphy, Jean O’Hanlon,

St. Mary of Mercy

202 Stanwix St., Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Phone: 412-261-0110 Fax: 412-261-0113 E-mail: [email protected]

Music Ministry Amanda Bruce—Weekdays A.R. Valletta—Weekends Red Door Co-Coordinator—Heidi Potter Red Door Co-Coordinator— Nathalie Berry Office Manager—Carole Clifford Maintenance—Ray Krivanek

Epiphany 164 Washington Place Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Phone: 412-471-0654 Fax: 412-471-1345 E-mail: [email protected] Secretary—Cindy Goetz Safe Environment—Josephine Crame Music Director—John Raevens Maintenance—Dylan Weller

City Center Parish Staff Listings

St. Patrick-St. Stanislaus St. Patrick St. Stanislaus 1711 Liberty Ave 57 21st Street

Pgh, PA 15222 Pgh, PA 15222 Phone: 412-471-4767 E-mail: [email protected] Office Manager—Josie Santapietro Music Ministry—Zach Legas

St. Benedict the Moor 91 Crawford St.

Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Phone: 412-281-3141 Fax: 412-391-7151 E-mail: [email protected] Business Manager—Brenda Younger Office Manager/Safe Environment—Priscilla Davis Music Ministers—Antonia Long St. Benedict the Moor School Principal—Lauren Rudy

City Center Parishes Staff Pastoral Associate—Dolores Shipe E-mail: [email protected] Business Manager—Chuck Goetz E-mail: [email protected] Social Service Minister—Sr. Emily Lepage E-mail: [email protected] Music and Mission Minister—Noah Pepmeyer E-mail: [email protected]

Rev. Christopher Donley, Administrator—[email protected] Rev. John Odeyemi, Pariochial Vicar—[email protected]

Deacon Samuel Toney—[email protected]

Confessions Epiphany Mon. & Fri. 11:15-11:45 a.m. St. Benedict the Moor Sun. 9:15-9:45 a.m. St. Mary of Mercy Mon thru Fri. 11:00-11:45 a.m. St. Stanislaus Kostka Sat. 4:00-4:30 p.m.

Novenas Epiphany St. Rita, Mondays, after 12:05 Mass Sorrowful Mother Fridays, after 12:05 Mass St. Mary of Mercy Miraculous Medal, Monday after 12 p.m. Mass St. Stanislaus Kostka St. Jude, Thursdays at 7 p.m.

In Residence Rev. Edward Bryce Rev. Nicholas Vaskov Monsignor Ronald Lengwin Rev Augustine Wayii

Assisting Priests

Very Rev. Brian Welding Very Rev. Thomas Kunz

Page 10: CITY CENTER P@RISHES · baby furniture all year long that will help young families in need. They include Genesis House, The ... Daniel Murphy, Dennis Murphy, Justin Murphy, Jean O’Hanlon,

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