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-Comes from Greek word “Christos” means “Messiah or the Anointed one” and “logos” means study.

- Study of Jesus viewed as the Messiah, which focus in his nature, teachings and actions of Christ who is considered as both fully human and divine.

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Approaches to Christology

Ontological Christology- “onto” means “being”; Jesus is fully human and divine in person.]

Functional Christology- study of work of Jesus achieved in plan of salvation.

Historical Christology- investigates facts & evidences of historical human Jesus. It also includes the words (teachings) and works (miracles).

Dogmatic Christology- according to teachings, doctrines, dogma of Catholic Church.

Christology from Below ( Ascending Christology)Starting from the point of human experience and associates with Church doctrine.

Christology from Above ( Descending Christology)Starting with the study of Jesus divinity and preached by church.

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* Roman writers Cornelius TacitusPliny the YoungerSuetoniusLucian of Samosata

* Jewish writersFlavius JosephusMishnah

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Gospel - “ godspell” which literally means good news. It is a religious message & source of faith.

3 stages in formation of the gospels

1. Jesus and his disciplesFoundational stage- gospels are deeply rooted to their meaning and purpose.

2. Disciples and early ChristiansKerygma- proclamation of their faith to the risen Christ.Stage of preaching and oral tradition.

3. Early Christians and its EvangelistsEvangelist- are the one who announces good news and also are Gospel writers.

Reasons:Cathechism for the members of the Christian CommunitiesPreservation and Preparation for the future generation Christians.

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4 Gospels (canonical gospels)

Mark-talks about the identity of Jesus as Messiah

Matthew-interpretation of Law -( Messiah in word and deed)

Luke-Suffering servant Messiah

John- talks about the Love of God for us

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Christmas- person-centered celebration; Birth of Jesus

Fulfillment of the Prophecy1. Mary and Joseph are

Jesus’ legitimate parents.

2. Mary’s Virginity- divine maternity ( holy spirit)

3. Yeshua- means “ Yahweh helps and God saves”

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The Jewish ProvinceGalilee- center of agriculture and trade.

1. Tiberias- capital city of Galilee.2. Caesarea Philippi - northernmost town in Palestine.3. Nazareth - simple guard post of the Romans.4. Capernaum - village of Nahum 5. Bethsaida - house of fishing6. Cana - wedding feast7. Sepphoris - capital province of Galilee.

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Samaria- highly discriminated groups in Palestine (unclean)* Mt. Gerizim- sacred place.

Judea-return of the Exiles from Babylon.1. Jerusalem ( economic strength) -most important city in Palestine2. Emmaus - apparition of the risen Christ.3. Arimathea4. Bethany5. Jericho6. Qumran7. Bethlehem

The Non-Jewish Province* Idumea* Decapolis

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The Contemporaries of Jesus: Groups and Factions

Internal to Judaism

*Sanhedrin- it is the highest jewish council; religious in nature not political.

*Highest priest-it is the head of the powerful Sanhedrin.

*Sadducees-comes from “ Zadok, Solomon’s priest

*Pharisees- the laymen

* Scribes- they are persons who acquire professional ability I reading and writing.

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External to JudaismEssenes-group who looked at the corrupt priests.

Baptists- are those who baptized people.

Political FactionsRoman EmpireZealotsHerodians

The leasts, outcasts and sickThe poor, Women, Public sinners

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Temple- is central to the conduct Jewish faith because it is a place of prayer, worship and offering.

Synagogue- place of meeting; it is intended for education and instruction.

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CHAPTER 6The 3 Temptations of Jesus

The 1st temptation: “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.” He said: “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’” quoting Deuteronomy 8:1-3.

The 2nd Temptation: “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written: ‘He shall give His angels charge over you,’ and, ‘In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.’” He said: “It is written again, ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God.’”

The 3rd Temptation:“All these things I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me.”He said: Be gone Satan! For it is written that you shall worship your God and him only you shall serve.

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Elements of Discipleship

1. Initiative or invitation2. Voluntary consent3. Low qualifications4. Fellowship

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12 Apostles of Jesus

1. Simon Peter- son of John2. James, Son of Zebedee- son of thunder3. John, Brother of James- beloved disciple4. Andrew- founder of 1st bishop of the Church (fisher folk)5. Philip- lover of horses6. Bartholomew-witness of ascension7. Matthew, tax collector- witness resurrection and ascension8. Thomas- Doubting, disbelieving Jesus.9. James, Son of Alphaeus- James the less10. Thaddeus- Jude of James11. Simon the Cananaean- Simon the Zealot12. Judas Iscariot- the one who betray Jesus, Kiss of Judas13. Matthatias- replacement of Judas

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Parables-“parabole” means putting two things side by side to compare them.

Beatitudes-exclaimation of congratulations and state of happiness

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Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,for they shall be satisfied.

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.

Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.“

Gospel of St. Matthew 5:3-10

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Variety of Jesus MiraclesHealing MiraclesExorcismsRestoration of LifeNature miracles

Conflicts of Religious activitiesHealing of the Paralytic manForgiveness of sinsThe call of LeviQuestion about fastingWork on SabbathHealing on Sabbath

3 types of povertyPoverty of DestitutionPoverty of SpiritEvangelical Poverty

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FINAL DAYS OF JESUSLast supperAgony in the Garden

Accusations against Jesus

Religious AccusationsViolation of Sabbath lawIntending to destroy the templeGranting forgiveness of sinsClaiming as the son of God

Political AccusationsRefusal to pay tribute to CaesarClaiming to be the KingInciting People to Revolt (sedition)

Crucifixion- great fear & horror ( Mt. Golgotha)God’s unconditional Love ( Suffering Servant Messiah)

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Chapter 10

Heresies on the Divinity of Jesus

Apollinarian- human body & soul but not in mind.

Arianism-denial of divinity & subsequently the Holy Spirit.

Nestorianism-Jesus is divine, but Mry is not his Mother.

Adoptionists-Jesus is adopted son.

Cerithians- God is the creator of the World.

Gnosticism- special knowledge necessary for salvation.

Docetism- Jesus have no real body.

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Christological Councils

Council of Jerusalem- first council made by apostles

Council of Chalcedon- Jesus is human and divine in nature.

Council of Epheus- Mary was the Mother of Jesus.

Council of Nicaea- first general council of Christianity

Council of Constantinople- denied the divinity of Jesus.

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Titles of Jesus:

Christ( Messiah)-the anointed one.

Lord ( Kyrios)-Jesus is Divine; he is God.

Son of Man-suffering servant

Son of God-unique son who is divine.

Prophet, Priest, King- testifier of the truth.

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