
Social Media: The Rx for nonprofit success!

Morgan Hill Rotary

February 23, 2011

(the beta-test)

Valley Medical Center


Valley Medical Center


Valley Medical Center


Valley Medical Center


“Dedicated to the health of the whole community”

VMC is the among the finest hospitals in Silicon Valley

The situation: Replace VMC or LOSE VMC.

All California hospitals must be able to withstand an 8.0 quake by 2013 or be shut down.

VMC replaced ½ its seismically outdated beds in 1999, built a new outpatient building 2005-2008, but had NO MONEY for the other 270 beds needed.

Price tag: $800,000,000.

Step 1: Blogger meets Constant Contact

Chris’s totally subjective idea on how to blog and CC correctly (oh – and it works)

All roads lead to the main message…

Step 3: stay current to stay relevant

Step 5: when others tell your story, re-tell it!

…right up to the last week…

November 4, 7:01 pm…


Measure A WINS!

1/12/09 2222

Next up: Capitalize on our new-found fame(public knows us now, hospital staff grateful for our work…)

A grateful VMC staff = a generous VMC staff…

Twitter + email + friendly competition…

If you get paid to say nice things about your agency, find folks who don’t and use them!

When others tell your story, retell it!

What you can do with a little time…

iMovie, hi-def camera, obnoxious executive director

Facebook and Twitter. Kid stuff?

So, what’s the ROI here?

> “Chris keeps me in the loop with goings-on at VMC through his constant updates, so when we wanted to partner with a local hospital, I thought of VMC first.”

- Ned Finkle, VP Strategic Marketing, NVIDIA

“Chris, you are the heart and soul of Valley Medical Center.”

- Hon. Liz Kniss, President, Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors

eLegs – bionic exoskeleton helps paraplegics walk again! OMG.

Find people of INFLUENCE who don’t get paid to say nice things about you…

Social Media: Where you are NOT in control of the message anymore!

> AOL’s New Problem: Mike Arrington

> Business Insider — When AOL bought TechCrunch last September, the first question on everyone's lips was, "How long could Mike Arrington possibly last as an AOL employee?"


How to keep (a little) control? Participate!

QR Codes – Amazing! What will we do with them?

Social media meets social not-media!

260 chapters and growing…join one!

Thank you for your kind attention!

[email protected]


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