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Sandra L. JensenEDTE 229B-09Grade level: 1-3Time Frame: 20 minutes at a time. Repeat on several occasions.

Choral Speaking: The Frog on the Log

TOPIC: Drama lesson connecting the arts with language arts featuring a group choral speaking of poetry.

RATIONALE: The voice is an instrument for both singing and speaking. Almost all people of the world use their speaking voices more than their singing voices. Discovering and training the speaking voice is important. The voice has tremendous impact and influence on people.

COMPONENTS/OBJECTIVES:Artistic Perception: Each student will be able to recite the poem, "The Frog on the Log" paying particular attention to precise diction, pacing, projection, inflection, volume and rhythm.

STRATEGY: Direct instruction and group process.

VOCABULARY: Diction, Pacing, Projection, Inflection, Volume, RhythmDiction: pronunciation and enunciation of wordsPacing: rate of movementProjection: thrusting the voice forwardInflection: change in pitch or loudnessVolume: degree of loudnessRhythm: a regularly recurrent alternation of strong and weak elements in the flow of sound and silence in speech

PROCEDURES:INTRODUCTION: Ask the children to name a nursery rhyme that they know. Write responses on the board. Choose one which you feel most all of the students know (ex. Mary Had a Little Lamb might be a good choice). Have everyone recite it together. Using this example introduce pacing. Have the children recite it really fast, then really slow. Introduce volume. Have the children recite the poem, really soft or really loud. Talk about rhythm and all the other vocabulary words. Check for understanding. Have the kids try to recite the poem in a different rhythm.

ACTIVITY SEQUENCE:1. Teacher recites the entire poem:

The Frog on the Log

There onceWas a greenLittle frog, frog, frog--

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Who playedIn the woodOn a log, log, log!A screech owlSittingIn a tree, tree, tree--Came afterThe frogWith a scree, scree, scree!When the frogHeard the owl--In a flash, flash, flash--He leapedIn the pondWith a splash, splash, splash!

---Io Orleans

2. Almost always, some will beg, "Say that again!" Do so. After repetition, invite the children to learn it. One line at a time, say the poem with expression and sharp diction, and have the class repeat.

3. Proceed with you and the children speaking two lines alternately.

4. Finally, recite together all of the lines in sequence, after instructing children to watch your lips, just in case they are unsure of the words.

5. Repeat the whole poem two or three times in succession while giving words of praise and motivation as the process continues.

6. On another day or days, fine tune the poem in this way:

* Playfully recite the first two verses.

* Make an abrupt change of pace on the third verse as you say the words with caution in your voice.

* Pick up speed on verse four and increase it steadily until that frog is down under water with the last "splash!"

* Add action to the last "splash." Children should put their fingertips together at waist height, raise the hands quickly and throw the arms up in perfect time with the last word. Exaggerate the last sh loudly by holding onto it while keeping the arms fully extended. The teacher motions for the cutoff. All sound stops! Arms come gently down to the sides.

CLOSURE: Class discussion covering what has been learned. Key points to include are: diction, pacing, projection, inflection, volume and rhythm. Students could perform this and other choral readings at a school assembly, for parents at an open house function, for another class or for their own enjoyment.

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EVALUATION: The teacher asks the students to perform the choral reading especially with one or two elements in mind (i.e. volume and pacing). The teacher will listen for the production of these elements. Other element focus could be, diction, inflection, rhythm and projection.

MATERIALS/PREPARATION:The Frog on the Log poem

CLEAN-UP: None neededREFERENCES:Anthony, Rose Marie. Fun with Choral Speaking. Colorado: Teachers Ideas Press, 1990.


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EXAMPLE OF CHORAL SPEAKING TEXT Hooray! Hooray! It’s Graduation Day!

It’s been a wonderful, wonderful year,

That’s full of fun and challenging lessons,

Not to mention, test and examinations,

To measure our strengths and weaknesses.

We have learned about the Aero Breaker and how they won

the Fastest Car title.

We read stories on courage, honesty, bravery, and other moral

values too.

‘Faces of Malaysia’ taught us about the rich cultures, dances

and games in Malaysia.

‘Take One! Action’ and ‘Cymbals and drums’ introduced us to

the world of movies and music.

We have learned to share and care, hope and dream,

Spell new words and read about many things.

The time is here to part,

The time is here to say goodbye.

We thank our teachers,

For teaching us to be,

More disciplined, wiser and smarter,

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More caring, helpful and grateful.

The knowledge that you have shared, dear teachers,

We’ll never forget,

Thank you teachers,

From the bottom of our hearts.

Choral Speaking Script   (English)

01/03/2012 at 10:36 AM (Uncategorized)


KEY:  S: Solo | G: Group | F: Female | M: Male


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G:            Look up to the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane. No, no. We’re the choral speakers from SMV Vokasional Keningau.


G:            In education,

More opportunities offered.

For both the specially gifted and the handicapped


In some years to come.

G1:          We really,

G2:          truly,

G3:          surely,

G:            certainly…

G:            Will come to a stage

Where we do not need to go overseas

To have our higher education

S:             Oh really? (puzzling tone – looking to the right and left)

S:             No more Cambridge? (puzzling – looking to right and left)

S:             No more Oxford? (puzzling – looking to the right and left)

G:            Yes, other nationalities will come to Malaysia

S:             To graduate! (yell excitedly, raising one hand, G – applaud)


G:            One may claim that life now is stressful and hectic.

Compared to the slow and relaxed past (shoulder

move to the right and left, smiling).

G:            We do not deny the ill effects of pollution


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G2+G3:   And the consumption of KFC, (G1 – fatty) Pizza Hut

(G1 – salty), MacDonalds (G1 – sugary)

G:                  However, in this present day lifestyle

We have a lot more to the technological advancement

M:           To combat the effects,

F:             To keep the impurities away,

G:            We have, to name a few,

S:             air purifiers (G – “ahh.. fresh!” )

S:             water purifies (G – “ahh.. refreshing!”)


G:            Malaysia, stands tall as a garden nation.

Ready to be propelled into Vision 2020!

By citizens of great calibre (folding arms) and moral fibre (a hand to the heart).

We will stand united as today’s youth (holding each other’s hands).

And tomorrow’s leaders (raise hands up).


G1:          To bring hope (palms close together).

G2:          peace (peace sign).

G3:          and prosperity (making love shape by using fingers).


G:            To send messages and news

G1:          Our parents

G2:          and grandparents

G3:          and great grandparents

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G:            And great-great grandparents

Used the cumbersome snail-mail

S:             (Sighing) I need to get a stamp

S:             (Sighing) I need to go to the post office

G:            So.. much.. trouble (shaking the head)


S:             Now, we have e-mail! (yell excitedly)

S:             No, it’s Facebook!(looking at the person)

G:                   Like! (Thumbs up)

G:            To send our greetings to the world

In just a few seconds (click).

G:            We can even have a group chat to talk to our family.

S:             My friend, I really miss talking to my

children overseas.

S:             For goodness sake, we have ‘skype’!

G:            ringing tone

F:             Hi daddy!

M:           What’s up dad?!

S:             Oh my GOD! I am talking to them!

G:            Well, modern communication! (shrug)


G:            Games played in the past were often fun and


S:             You remember playing batu seremban, ketinting,

and congkak?

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G:            Ahh.. you must be some modern kids!


G:            Today, the in games are more intellectual and


It is a case of E.Q. (smile) versus I.Q. (pointing head)

Though more home based and individually.

G:            However, to maintain goodwill and neighbourliness

We still have our long-lasting social games of

netball, volleyball, football..

S:             ‘Manchester United’, yeah!

S:             ‘Barcelona’, yeah!

S:             ‘Harimau Malaysia’, rawr! (G –“rawr”, clawing)

S:             But those are for the adults!

G:            Yes, but for us

The energetic kids of Malaysia

S:             We go for blading, skate-boarding, street


S:             Bungee jumping… ooo nooo.. (S – echoing)

G:            See for yourselves,

G:            What a great healthy kids we are! (biceps curl)

G:            And a great healthy body means a healthy mind.


G:            United we stand, divided we fall.. (G – slanting to right and left –separated into two )

F:             Ask not what your country can do for you,

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M:           But what you can do for your country.

G:            Come citizens march with us.


To the dynamic beat of ‘Negaraku’

1 vision (tilting the head)

1 nation (tilting the head)

1Malaysia (tilting the head, point a finger)

We’re Malaysians!

Choral Speaking Script full page *don't copy!!

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Look up to the sky,,it's a bird it's a plane,,where??? 3x,,,no no no its us,the choral speaker..assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatu and a very good morning to the onerable guarges,,time keeper,teachers, and not to forget,,,,ladies~~ and gentlement!we~the you generation of the future proudly present 1malaysia ma~~,,ayoyo 1malaysia,,1malaysia!

Part1=In education ,,more opurtunities offord for both the speacially gived and the handicapped student,,in some years to come,,we reallytruelysurelycertainlywill come to a stage!where we do not need to go everseas,,to have our higher educationoh really??!!no more cambridge ma~~??ayoyo no more oxford??!yes other nationalities will come to malaysia!!to graduate!!!*gedik ckit

Part2==One may claim,,that live now is stressful and,,hactict..Compared to the slow and relax past...

We,do not deny the ill effect of pollution -coughing-

and the consumption of,::

KFC,eee fattyPizzahut,ooo saltyMCDonalds,eee sugarymmm,,,hahahaha yummy -single-what??!! -together without single-

However,we have a lot more to the tecnologycal advancementto combat the effectto keep the impurities awaywe have to name a fewAir purifires,,ahh freshWater purifires,,ahh refreshing


Malaysian stand tall as a garden nationready to be propled into vision 2020by citizen of great calibreand moral fibrewe will still united as todays youth and tomorrow leader

to bring hopepeaceand prosperaty

part4=to send messeges and newsour parentsand grandparentsand great grandparents

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and great2 grandparents

use the cumbersome snail mail

owh I need to get a stampowh I need to go to the post office

so...much...troule...! -shaking head-

now,we have email !

no!its facebooklike~ -thumbs up-to send our greetings to the world in just a few second -click-

we can't have a group chat to talk to our family

my friend,I really miss to talk to my friend for godness sake,we have skype -ringing tone-

hi daddy,!hi mommy,!whats up dad?

OMG im talking to them unbelievable!!well mordern comunication ma~~


Games played in the past were often fun and simpleyou remember palying batu seremban,ketingting,and congkak...?ahh,, you must be some modern kidstoday the in games are more intelectual and sophisticatedit is a case of EQ -smile- versus IQ -put a finger at the head-though more home based and indevisuallyhowever,,,to maintain godwill and neighbourlinesswe have a lot of game of netball,volleyball and footballManchester United yeah! Rooney!!Barceloma yeah!Messy!!Harimau Malaya roar!Khairul Fahmi!!!!!

K-H-A-I-R-U-L-F-A-H-M-I  <CHEERLEADER>Khairul Fahmi!!!!

But those are for the adultsYes,but for use,the enegetic kids of Malaysiawego for bladding,skate boarding,and steet basketball...

Bunjee Jumping!!oh no!!!!see for yourself !what a great healthy kids we are?!!and a graet healthy body means a healthy mindUnited we stand,,divided we fallask not what your country can do for you,,but what you can do for your country

come Malaysia march with us!!come!!to the dynamic of beat negaraku

1 vision 1 nation 1 malaysian

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We're Malaysian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


LESSON OUTLINES Year 9; Issue 1; January 07

Hats: Choral Speaking in Primary Education

Henk van Oort

Henk van Oort trained as a primary teacher before taking a Masters Degree in English at the University of Amsterdam. His forty years' teaching comprises work as general teacher, teacher of English and headmaster. He is also a teacher trainer on the PILGRIMS summer courses at Canterbury, England. He recently wrote 'Challenging Children' with DELTA in which he published 100 activities for the English lesson in the primary classroom. E-mail: [email protected]

Age Group: 8 - 12


Divide your class into seven groups according to the seven days of the week. Each group makes a hat according to the text below either in the handicraft lessons or at home.


1. Ask your pupils to stand up. 2. No text is to be seen. Introduce difficult words orally only: they repeat the words after you have said them. 4. Only when you are content with their pronunciation you show them the full text.5. Each group says the assigned text of the day in chorus. Only the last lines are said by the whole group.Don't forget to explain the expression My hat! expressing utter amazement.

This activity will be a success on parents' nights and such occasions. Parents like to see their children being dressed up and speaking a foreign language.


Choral speaking is a big help in foreign language teaching. Unknowingly pupils help each other by speaking aloud together. Memory functions are stimulated. The oral approach guarantees a correct pronunciation because there is no written

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image that might influence pronunciation. Fun for all.


I have got a hatI have got a Sunday hatA hat with ribbonsRibbons all around my Sunday hat.

I have got a hatI have got a Monday hatA hat with flowersFlowers all around my Monday hat.

I have got a hatI have got a Tuesday hatA hat with feathersFeathers all around my Tuesday hat.

I have got a hatI have got a Wednesday hatA hat with leavesLeaves all around my Wednesday hat.

I have got a hatI have got a Thursday hat A hat with pearls Pearls all around my Thursday hat.

I have got a hatI have got a Friday hatA hat with rings Rings all around my Friday hat.

I have got a hatI have got a Saturday hatA hat with starsStars all around my Saturday hat.


Hats, hats, hatsA hat for every dayHats, hats, hats, Hats are here to stay

My hat!!!!!!

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