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c h e e se a n d v e g e t a b l e q u i n o a b i t e sjanuary 24, 2012

If y ou are familiar with the food blogging world, then y ou hav e had to hav e seen these little

bites making their way around the blogosphere. Genius, I hav e to say . A genius appetizer for

the health-conscious. Super Bowl, any one? Any way s, the first time I saw these was on

Pinterest, then the food photography websites, and I knew I would be adding them to my

ev er-growing list of “must-dos”.

I’v e already talked about the health benefits of quinoa from one of my fav orite blog posts of all

time (check it out!), so I don’t need to repeat my self there. But if y ou’v e got a box or bag of

quinoa on hand, some leftov er v eggies to get rid of, and may be a little bit of cheese on hand,

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then y ou’v e got an easy , sav ory , and bite-sized appetizer ready in less than 20 minutes.

I had ironically made quinoa for a little v eggie dish the night before and was wondering what

to do with the leftov ers. I had cooked way too much of the stuff in order to get rid of the box

and make room in my pantry , so I had exactly 2 cups of cooked quinoa ready to go. I had a

few random carrots, some fresh spinach, and some shallot on hand, too. The beauty of this

recipe is its v ersatility in what y ou can add into it. Peas? May be. Corn? Probably . Kale?

Hopefully . I just tossed the v eggies in my food processor and was good to go. And, as far as

cheese goes, I added in some sharp cheddar in because I was out of Parmesan. As long as y ou

can bind it all together with those eggs, I say add as many v eggies in as possible.

For serv ing, I dipped them in Ranch dressing. Probably not the healthiest, but, since Ranch

is my kry ptonite, I couldn’t resist. You can forgo the dipping sauce by adding in some

additional spices to add to the flav or content.

In my opinion, these are best straight from the ov en. When I reheated them in the

microwav e, they were a bit soggy for my taste (I was too impatient to try re-heating them in

the ov en.), but they were still flav orful and satisfy ing.

Here’s to our health. And the Super Bowl.

Cheese and Vegetable Quinoa Bites

Serv ings: 24 bites


2 cups cooked quinoa

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2 large eggs

3 carrots, shredded

1 and 1 /2 cups fresh spinach, chopped

1 medium shallot, chopped

2 teaspoons garlic

4 ounces sharp cheddar cheese, grated **Or, to y our liking

2 tablespoons flour

Sea salt and pepper, to taste


1 . Preheat the ov en to 350 degrees.

2. Lightly spray a mini muffin pan with cooking spray .

3 . In a large bowl, combine all of the ingredients together, mixing until thoroughly


4. Using a melon baller or a tablespoon, place rounded drops of the mixture into each cup of

the muffin pan, pressing each one down lightly with y our fingers to make sure that each one

is firmly packed.

5. Bake until lightly golden, about 1 5-20 minutes.

6. Serv e immediately .

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