Download - Chateau Beaumont

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Chateau Beaumont

Monday 31st March - Friday 4th April 2014

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Why go to Chateau Beaumont?

• Fantastic range of visits and experiences: Animal Refuge, Arromanche Beaches and 360 degree War Cinema Museum, Mont St. Michel, Laval historic market. Bayeux Tapestry option.

• Outdoor activities include: Fencing, archery, zip wire, nightline, aero ball, initiative exercises and team building.

• Evening Activities Treasure Hunt, Talent Show, French Quiz and Fancy Dress, Blind Date and Disco

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Purpose and Curriculum Links

• World War II (The Year 6 History topic)

• Language development (French)

• Citizenship (Finance)

• PSHE (Organisation, personal hygiene and developing independence, team work and community living).

• Preparation for Year 7 Medieval History Topic (Bayeux)

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• All activities, site and journey fully risk-assessed.

• All staff CRB (police checked) and first-aid trained.

• Group ratios 1 adult to 8 children on all strenuous activities. 1 to 12 for games activities.

• Night duty manager on site.

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• Chateau Beaumont coaches accompany us throughout visit.

• Collective Passport for UK citizens.• EU to bring own passports and non EU visa. • Roxeth-Portsmouth.• Portsmouth ferry-Caen. Use of private lounge,

Brittany ferry staff provide films to view and games to play during crossing.

• Caen-Chateau.• Journey time approximately eight hours.

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• Roxeth children share small dormitory accommodation with en-suite facilities.

• Roxeth staff rooms are spaced between pupil accommodation.

• Rooms are secured from the inside and have push bar emergency exits.

• Doors and windows can not be externally opened.

• Rooms have smoke alarms.

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• Cost• Cost of Chateau accommodation, food and travel

is £310.• Initial deposit £75 split in 2 instalments of £35 &

£40• A payment card will be issued once first payment

made• Six instalments will be arranged starting in

September 2012 • 5 instalments of £40 and the last instalment in

February of £35.• The excursion to 360Degree cinema and Bayeux

for all children is 8 Euros.• Pocket money of £60 (approximately 66 Euros) to

be provided by parent/carer separately.

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