  • Chart of Accounts - Limited company


    Table of Contents

    3 Sales 3 Other operating income 3 Income from shares in group undertakings 3 Income from participating interests 3 Income from other fixed asset investments 3 Income from other current asset investments 3 Interest receivable and similar income 3 Cost of sales 5 Distribution costs 6 Employee costs 6 Premises expenses 6 General admin 8 Depreciation 8 Other operating and exceptional costs 8 Interest payable and similar charges 8 Taxation 8 Intangible assets 9 Tangible assets 9 Investments 10 Stock 10 Debtors < 1 year 10 Debtors > 1 year 10 Current assets - investments 10 Cash at bank and in hand 11 Prepayments and accrued income 11 Hire purchase and operating leases 11 Current liabilities - creditors < 1 year 11 Long term liabilities - creditors > 1 year 12 Provisions and liabilities 12 Share capital 12 Share premium account 12 Revaluation reserve 12 Capital redemption reserve 12 Other reserves 13 Profit and loss account 13 Suspense and misposting

    08 Fall

  • Chart of Accounts - Limited company



    0000 Sales

    0001 Sales type A

    0002 Sales type B

    0003 Sales type C

    0004 Sales type D

    0005 Sales type E

    0006 Sales type F

    0007 Sales type G

    0008 Sales type H

    0009 Sales type I

    0100 UK sales

    0101 European sales

    0102 North American sales

    0103 South American sales

    0104 Asian sales

    0105 Rest of the World sales

    0400 Rental income

    0410 Commission

    0420 Grants and subsidies received (Sales)

    0430 Agency and management earnings

    0440 Other trading income

    Other operating income

    0500 Rental and other income from property

    0510 Grants and subsidies received (Other operating income)

    0520 Government grant receipts - net

    0530 Royalty, licence and similar receivables

    0540 Reimbursements of costs

    0550 Other income - contributing to other operating income

    Income from shares in group undertakings

    0600 Dividends from shares in individual subsidiary

    0601 Interest from shares in individual subsidiary

    0610 Dividends from shares in individual associate

    0611 Interest from shares in individual associate

    Income from participating interests

    0700 Dividends from shares in individual participating interest

    0701 Interest from shares in individual participating interest

    Income from other fixed asset investments

    0800 Dividends from other fixed asset investments - listed

    0801 Interest from other fixed asset investments - listed

    0810 Dividends from other fixed asset investments - unlisted

    0811 Interest from other fixed asset investments - unlisted

    Income from other current asset investments

    0850 Dividends from other current asset investments - listed

    0851 Interest from other current asset investments - listed

    0860 Dividends from other current asset investments - unlisted

    0861 Interest from other current asset investments - unlisted

    Interest receivable and similar income

    0900 Bank interest receivable

    0901 Other interest receivable

    0902 Other interest receivable type A

    0903 Other interest receivable type B

    0904 Other interest receivable type C

    0905 Other interest receivable type D

    Cost of sales

    1000 Opening stock and work in progress

    1010 Opening stock - materials

    1020 Opening work in progress

    1030 Opening stock - finished goods

    1040 Stock payment on accounts(opening)

    1100 Purchases (Cost of sales)

    1101 Purchases Type A (Cost of sales)

  • Chart of Accounts - Limited company


    1102 Purchases Type B (Cost of sales)

    1103 Purchases Type C (Cost of sales)

    1104 Purchases Type D (Cost of sales)

    1105 Purchases Type E (Cost of sales)

    1106 Purchases Type F (Cost of sales)

    1107 Purchases Type G (Cost of sales)

    1108 Purchases Type H (Cost of sales)

    1109 Purchases Type I (Cost of sales)

    1400 Materials (Cost of sales)

    1410 Storage expenses (Cost of sales)

    1411 Tools (Cost of sales)

    1412 Workshop consumables (Cost of sales)

    1413 Waste disposal (Cost of sales)

    1414 Protective clothing (Cost of sales)

    1420 Discounts receivable (Cost of sales)

    1421 Discounts allowable (Cost of sales)

    1430 Own work capitalised (Cost of sales)

    1440 Subcontractor costs (Cost of sales)

    1450 Directors' salaries (Cost of sales)

    1451 Directors' NI (Cost of sales)

    1452 Directors' pensions - defined contribution schemes

    1453 Directors' pensions - defined benefit schemes

    1454 Directors' bonuses (Cost of sales)

    1500 Wages and salaries (Cost of sales)

    1501 Employers NI (Cost of sales)

    1502 Employers pensions - defined contribution schemes (Cost of sales)

    1503 Employers pensions - defined benefit schemes (Cost of sales)

    1504 Employers bonuses (Cost of sales)

    1505 Private health costs (Cost of sales)

    1510 Directors' fees (Cost of sales)

    1515 Travel and subsistence expenses (Cost of sales)

    1520 Commissions payable (Cost of sales)

    1530 Temporary staff (Cost of sales)

    1531 Recruitment costs (Cost of sales)

    1540 Leasing and hire of plant, equipment and vehicles

    1545 Leasing and hire of plant and machinery

    1550 Leasing and hire of computer and other equipment

    1555 Leasing and hire of motor vehicles

    1560 Leasing and hire of other assets

    1570 Management fees (Cost of sales)

    1571 Consultancy fees (Cost of sales)

    1600 Vehicle running costs (Cost of sales)

    1601 Vehicle fuel costs (Cost of sales)

    1602 Vehicle insurance costs (Cost of sales)

    1603 Vehicle parking costs (Cost of sales)

    1604 Vehicle repair costs (Cost of sales)

    1605 Other vehicle costs (Cost of sales)

    1610 Premises costs (Cost of sales)

    1630 Computer software, IT consumables and maintenance (Cost of sales)

    1640 Repairs, renewals and maintenance (Cost of sales)

    1660 Insurance (Cost of sales)

    1670 Marketing and advertising costs (Cost of sales)

    1680 Support and administration costs

    1690 Data and telecommunications costs (Cost of sales)

    1700 Consumable items (Cost of sales)

    1710 Packaging costs (Cost of sales)

    1711 Carriage and freight (Cost of sales)

    1712 Courier services (Cost of sales)

    1720 Printing, postage and stationery (Cost of sales)

    1730 Restructuring and reorganisation costs (Cost of sales)

    1740 Research and development costs (Cost of sales)

    1750 Royalties and licence fees payable (Cost of sales)

    1760 Subscriptions (Cost of sales)

    1770 Bad debts written off (Cost of sales)

    1780 Other direct costs (Cost of sales)

    1800 Depreciation (Cost of sales)

    1801 Depreciation of plant and machinery (Cost of sales)

    1802 Depreciation of motor vehicles (Cost of sales)

    1803 Depreciation of fixtures and fittings (Cost of sales)

    1804 Depreciation of computer equipment (Cost of sales)

    1805 Depreciation of freehold land and property (Cost of sales)

    1806 Depreciation of leasehold land and property (Cost

  • Chart of Accounts - Limited company


    of sales)

    1850 Amortisation (Cost of sales)

    1860 Impairment loss (Cost of sales)

    1870 Profit/loss on disposal of intangible fixed assets (Cost of sales)

    1871 Profit/loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets (Cost of sales)

    1872 Foreign exchange gains/(losses) (Cost of sales)

    1900 Closing stock and work in progress

    1910 Closing stock - materials

    1920 Closing work in progress

    1930 Closing stock - finished goods

    1940 Stock payment on accounts(closing)

    Distribution costs

    2100 Purchases (Distribution costs)

    2101 Purchases Type A (Distribution costs)

    2102 Purchases Type B (Distribution costs)

    2103 Purchases Type C (Distribution costs)

    2104 Purchases Type D (Distribution costs)

    2105 Purchases Type E (Distribution costs)

    2106 Purchases Type F (Distribution costs)

    2107 Purchases Type G (Distribution costs)

    2108 Purchases Type H (Distribution costs)

    2109 Purchases Type I (Distribution costs)

    2400 Materials (Distribution costs)

    2410 Storage expenses (Distribution costs)

    2411 Tools (Distribution costs)

    2412 Workshop consumables (Distribution costs)

    2413 Waste disposal (Distribution costs)

    2414 Protective clothing (Distribution costs)

    2420 Discounts receivable (Distribution costs)

    2421 Discounts allowable (Distribution costs)

    2430 Own work capitalised (Distribution costs)

    2440 Subcontractor costs (Distribution costs)

    2450 Directors' salaries (Distribution costs)

    2451 Directors' NI (Distribution costs)

    2452 Directors' pension - defined contributions schemes

    2453 Directors' pension - defined benefit schemes (Distribution costs)

    2454 Directors' bonuses (Distribution costs)

    2500 Wages and salaries (Distribution costs)

    2501 Employers NI (Distribution costs)

    2502 Employers pensions - defined contribution schemes (Distribution costs)

    2503 Employers pensions - defined benefit schemes (Distribution costs)

    2504 Employers bonuses (Distribution costs)

    2505 Private health costs (Distribution costs)

    2510 Directors' fees (Distribution costs)

    2515 Travel and subsistence expenses (Distribution costs)

    2520 Commissions payable (Distribution costs)

    2530 Temporary staff (Distribution costs)

    2531 Recruitment costs (Distribution costs)

    2540 Hire and leasing of plant, equipment and vehicles (Distribution costs)

    2545 Hire and leasing of plant and machinery (Distribution costs)

    2550 Hire and leasing of computer and other equipment (Distribution costs)

    2555 Hire and leasing of motor vehicles (Distribution costs)

    2560 Hire and leasing of other assets (Distribution costs)

    2570 Management fees (Distribution costs)

    2571 Consultancy fees (Distribution costs)

    2600 Vehicle running costs (Distribution costs)

    2601 Vehicle fuel costs (Distribution costs)

    2602 Vehicle insurance costs (Distribution costs)

    2603 Vehicle parking costs (Distribution costs)

    2604 Vehicle repair costs (Distribution costs)

    2605 Other vehicle costs (Distribution costs)

    2610 Premises costs (Distribution costs)

    2630 Computer software, IT consumables and maintenance (Distribution costs)

    2640 Repairs, renewals and maintenance (Distribution costs)

    2660 Insurance (Distribution costs)

    2670 Marketing and advertising costs (Distribution costs)

    2680 Administration and support costs

    2690 Data and telecommunications costs (Distribution costs)

  • Chart of Accounts - Limited company


    2700 Consumable items (Distribution costs)

    2710 Packaging costs (Distribution costs)

    2711 Carriage and freight (Distribution costs)

    2712 Courier services (Distribution costs)

    2720 Printing, postage and stationery (Distribution costs)

    2730 Restructuring and reorganisation costs (Distribution costs)

    2740 Research and development costs (Distribution costs)

    2750 Royalties and licence fees payable (Distribution costs)

    2760 Subscriptions (Distribution costs)

    2770 Bad debts written off (Distribution costs)

    2780 Other direct costs (Distribution costs)

    2800 Depreciation (Distribution costs)

    2801 Depreciation of plant and machinery (Distribution costs)

    2802 Depreciation of motor vehicles (Distribution costs)

    2803 Depreciation of fixtures and fittings (Distribution costs)

    2804 Depreciation of computer equipment (Distribution costs)

    2805 Depreciation of freehold land and property (Distribution costs)

    2806 Depreciation of leasehold land and property (Distribution costs)

    2850 Amortisation (Distribution costs)

    2860 Impairment loss (Distribution costs)

    2870 Profit/loss on disposal of intangible fixed assets (Distribution costs)

    2871 Profit/loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets (Distribution costs)

    2872 Foreign exchange gains/(losses) (Distribution costs)

    Employee costs

    3000 Wages and salaries (Employee costs)

    3001 Employers NI (Employee costs)

    3002 Employers pensions - defined contributions scheme

    3003 Employers pensions - defined benefits scheme

    3004 Employers bonuses (Employee costs)

    3010 Directors' salaries (Employee costs)

    3011 Directors' NI (Employee costs)

    3012 Directors' pension - defined contribution schemes

    3013 Directors' pension - defined benefit schemes (Employee costs)

    3014 Directors' bonuses (Employee costs)

    3015 Directors' fees (Employee costs)

    3020 Subcontractor costs (Employee costs)

    3030 Recruitment costs (Employee costs)

    3031 Temporary staff (Employee costs)

    3040 Staff training

    3050 Staff welfare

    3051 Health and safety costs

    3052 Protective clothing (Employee costs)

    3060 Private health costs (Employee costs)

    3070 Staff entertaining

    3080 Staff expenses

    3081 Travel and subsistence expenses (Employee costs)

    3082 Travel expenses

    3083 Subsistence expenses

    3084 Hotel expenses

    3085 Tips and gratuities

    3090 Staff relocation costs

    Premises expenses

    3100 Rent

    3110 Rates

    3120 Property management and service charges

    3130 Light and heat

    3131 Water rates

    3140 Repairs and maintenance

    3150 Cleaning

    3151 Laundry

    3160 Security costs

    3170 Premises insurance

    3180 Other premises costs

    3190 Use of private residence

    General admin

    3200 Hire and leasing of plant, equipment and vehicles

  • Chart of Accounts - Limited company


    (General admin)

    3205 Hire and leasing of plant and machinery (General admin)

    3210 Hire and leasing of computer and other equipment (General admin)

    3215 Hire and leasing of motor vehicles (General admin)

    3220 Hire and leasing of other assets (General admin)

    3230 Vehicle running costs (General admin)

    3231 Vehicle fuel costs (General admin)

    3232 Vehicle insurance costs (General admin)

    3233 Vehicle parking costs (General admin)

    3234 Vehicle repair costs (General admin)

    3235 Other vehicle costs (General admin)

    3240 Computer software, consumables and maintenance

    3241 Computer software costs

    3242 Computer and IT consumables

    3243 Computer and IT repairs and maintenance

    3250 Repairs, renewals and maintenance (General admin)

    3260 Insurance (General admin)

    3261 Professional indemnity insurance

    3262 Insurance on plant, machinery and equipment

    3263 Other insurance

    3270 Printing, postage and stationery (General admin)

    3271 Printing

    3272 Photocopying

    3273 Postage

    3274 Stationery

    3275 Carriage and freight (General admin)

    3276 Courier services (General admin)

    3277 Packaging costs (General admin)

    3280 Advertising and marketing costs

    3281 Publications

    3282 Exhibitions

    3283 Training seminars and workshops

    3284 Market research costs

    3285 PR expenses

    3286 Other marketing costs

    3287 Promotional costs

    3290 Telecommunications and data costs

    3291 Telecommunications

    3292 Data costs

    3293 Website costs

    3300 Audit fees

    3301 Accountancy fees

    3302 Legal fees

    3303 Professional fees

    3304 Consultancy fees (General admin)

    3305 Management fees (General admin)

    3306 Commissions payable (General admin)

    3307 Patent registration fees

    3308 Litigation services

    3309 Accreditation services

    3310 Valuation services

    3311 Other services

    3320 Subscriptions (General admin)

    3321 Publications and other information

    3322 Professional subscriptions

    3323 Bookkeeping fees

    3324 Payroll fees

    3330 Restructuring and reorganisation costs (General admin)

    3340 Research and development costs (General admin)

    3350 Royalties and licence fees payable (General admin)

    3351 Bank charges (General admin)

    3352 Credit card charges (General admin)

    3360 Charitable donations

    3361 Political donations

    3370 Bad debts written off (General admin)

    3380 Other office costs

    3385 Entertaining

    3390 Sundry expenses

    3391 Sundry type A

    3392 Sundry type B

    3393 Sundry type C

    3394 Sundry type D

    3395 Sundry type E

  • Chart of Accounts - Limited company



    3400 Depreciation (Depreciation)

    3401 Depreciation of plant and machinery (Depreciation)

    3402 Depreciation of motor vehicles (Depreciation)

    3403 Depreciation of fixtures and fittings (Depreciation)

    3404 Depreciation of computer equipment (Depreciation)

    3405 Depreciation of freehold land and property (Depreciation)

    3406 Depreciation of leasehold land and property (Depreciation)

    3500 Amortisation (Depreciation)

    3550 Impairment loss (Depreciation)

    3560 Profit/loss on disposal of intangible fixed assets (Depreciation)

    3561 Profit/loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets (Depreciation)

    3562 Foreign exchange gains/losses

    3563 Profit/loss on disposal of listed fixed asset investments

    3564 Profit/loss on disposal of unlisted fixed asset investments

    3565 Profit/loss on disposal of listed current asset investments

    3566 Profit/loss on disposal of unlisted current asset investments

    Other operating and exceptional costs

    3590 Other operating costs

    3591 Other exceptional operating costs

    Interest payable and similar charges

    3600 Bank interest payable

    3610 Bank charges (Interest payable and similar charges)

    3615 Bank loan interest

    3620 Factoring charges

    3630 Credit card charges (Interest payable and similar charges)

    3631 Other interest payable

    3632 Other interest payable type A

    3633 Other interest payable type B

    3634 Other interest payable type C

    3635 Other interest payable type D

    3640 Operating leases

    3641 Hire purchase charges

    3642 Finance leases

    3650 Foreign exchange charges

    3660 Irrecoverable VAT

    3670 Late payment tax charges


    3800 Corporation tax charge

    3801 Deferred taxation

    3810 Prior year adjustment (Taxation)

    Intangible assets

    4000 Goodwill cost

    4001 Goodwill - additions

    4002 Goodwill - amortisation b/fwd

    4003 Goodwill - impairment losses

    4004 Goodwill - reversal of past impairments

    4005 Goodwill - amortisation charge in year

    4010 Other intangible cost

    4011 Other intangible - additions

    4012 Other intangible - disposals

    4013 Other intangible - amortisation b/fwd

    4014 Other intangible - amortisation charge in year

    4015 Other intangible - depreciation on disposals

    4020 Development Cost

    4021 Development - additions

    4022 Development - disposals

    4023 Development - amortisation b/fwd

    4024 Development - impairment losses

    4025 Development - Reversal of impairments

    4026 Development - amortisation charge in year

    4027 Development - amortisation on disposals

    4030 Intellectual property cost

    4031 Intellectual property - additions

    4032 Intellectual property - revaluations

  • Chart of Accounts - Limited company


    4033 Intellectual property - disposals

    4034 Intellectual property - amortisation b/fwd

    4035 Intellectual property - impairment losses

    4036 Intellectual property - Reversal of impairments

    4037 Intellectual property - amortisation charge in year

    4038 Intellectual property - amortisation on revaluations

    4039 Intellectual property - amortisation on disposals

    Tangible assets

    4100 Land and property freehold - cost

    4101 Land and property freehold - additions

    4102 Land and property freehold - revaluations

    4103 Land and property freehold - disposals

    4104 Land and property freehold - depreciation b/fwd

    4105 Land and property freehold - depreciation charge in year

    4106 Land and property freehold - depreciation on revaluations

    4107 Land and property freehold - depreciation on disposals

    4110 Land and property leasehold - cost

    4111 Land and property leasehold - additions

    4112 Land and property leasehold - revaluations

    4113 Land and property leasehold- disposals

    4114 Land and property leasehold - depreciation b/fwd

    4115 Land and property leasehold - depreciation charge in year

    4116 Land and property leasehold- depreciation on revaluations

    4117 Land and property leasehold - depreciation on disposals

    4120 Plant and equipment - cost

    4121 Plant and equipment - additions

    4122 Plant and equipment - disposals

    4123 Plant and equipment - depreciation b/fwd

    4124 Plant and equipment - depreciation charge in year

    4125 Plant and equipment - depreciation on disposals

    4130 Motor vehicles - cost

    4131 Motor vehicles - additions

    4132 Motor vehicles - disposals

    4133 Motor vehicles - depreciation b/fwd

    4134 Motor vehicles - depreciation charge in year

    4135 Motor vehicles - depreciation on disposals

    4140 Fixtures and fittings - cost

    4141 Fixtures and fittings - additions

    4142 Fixtures and fittings - disposals

    4143 Fixtures and fittings - depreciation b/fwd

    4144 Fixtures and fittings - depreciation charge in year

    4145 Fixtures and fittings - depreciation on disposals

    4150 Computer equipment - cost

    4151 Computer equipment - additions

    4152 Computer equipment - disposals

    4153 Computer equipment - depreciation b/fwd

    4154 Computer equipment - depreciation charge in year

    4155 Computer equipment - depreciation on disposals

    4160 Investment properties - cost

    4161 Investment properties - additions

    4162 Investment properties - revaluations

    4163 Investment properties - disposals

    4164 Investment properties - depreciation b/fwd

    4165 Investment properties - depreciation charge in year

    4166 Investment properties - depreciation on revaluations

    4167 Investment properties - depreciation on disposals


    4200 Investments - listed b/fwd

    4201 Investments - listed additions

    4202 Investments - listed disposals

    4203 Investments - listed revaluation

    4204 Investments - listed provisions b/fwd

    4205 Investments - listed provisions provided in period

    4206 Investments - listed provisions disposals

    4210 Investments - unlisted b/fwd

    4211 Investments - unlisted additions

    4212 Investments - unlisted disposals

    4213 Investments - unlisted revaluation

    4214 Investments - unlisted provisions b/fwd

    4215 Investments - unlisted provisions provided in period

  • Chart of Accounts - Limited company


    4216 Investments - unlisted provisions disposals

    4220 Investments - other b/fwd

    4221 Investments - other additions

    4222 Investments - other disposals

    4223 Investments - other revaluation

    4224 Investments - other provisions b/fwd

    4225 Investments - other provisions provided in period

    4226 Investments - other provisions disposals


    4300 Stock - materials and work in progress

    4301 Stock - materials

    4302 Stock - finished goods

    4303 Stock - work in progress

    4304 Stock - long term contracts

    4310 Payments on account

    Debtors < 1 year

    4400 Trade debtors (Debtors < 1 year)

    4401 Provision for bad debts

    4410 Amounts recoverable on contracts (Debtors < 1 year)

    4420 Other debtors (Debtors < 1 year)

    4430 Pension scheme prepayments (Debtors < 1 year)

    4440 Factored debts outstanding (Debtors < 1 year)

    4450 Corporation tax recoverable assets (Debtors < 1 year)

    4460 Deferred tax current asset (Debtors < 1 year)

    4470 Amounts owed by group undertakings (Debtors < 1 year)

    4471 Amounts owed by subsidiaries (Debtors < 1 year)

    4472 Amounts owed by joint-ventures (Debtors < 1 year)

    4473 Amounts owed by associates (Debtors < 1 year)

    4474 Amounts owed by other participating interests (Debtors < 1 year)

    4480 Called up share capital not paid

    Debtors > 1 year

    4500 Trade debtors (Debtors > 1 year)

    4510 Amounts recoverable on contracts (Debtors > 1


    4520 Other debtors (Debtors > 1 year)

    4530 Pension scheme prepayments (Debtors > 1 year)

    4540 Factored debts outstanding (Debtors > 1 year)

    4550 Corporation tax recoverable assets (Debtors > 1 year)

    4560 Deferred tax current asset (Debtors > 1 year)

    4570 Amounts owed by group undertakings (Debtors > 1 year)

    4571 Amounts owed by subsidiaries (Debtors > 1 year)

    4572 Amounts owed by joint-ventures (Debtors > 1 year)

    4573 Amounts owed by associates (Debtors > 1 year)

    4574 Amounts owed by other participating interests (Debtors > 1 year)

    Current assets - investments

    4600 Shares in subsidiaries

    4610 Own shares, held for sale

    4620 Listed investments

    4630 Unlisted investments

    4640 Short term deposits

    4650 Other investments, held for sale

    Cash at bank and in hand

    4800 Bank current account

    4801 Bank current account (2)

    4802 Bank current account (3)

    4803 Bank current account (4)

    4804 Bank current account (5)

    4805 Bank current account (6)

    4806 Bank current account (7)

    4807 Bank current account (8)

    4808 Bank current account (9)

    4809 Bank current account (10)

    4810 Bank deposit account

    4811 Bank deposit account (2)

    4812 Bank deposit account (3)

    4813 Bank deposit account (4)

    4814 Bank deposit account (5)

    4815 Bank deposit account (6)

  • Chart of Accounts - Limited company


    4816 Bank deposit account (7)

    4817 Bank deposit account (8)

    4818 Bank deposit account (9)

    4819 Bank deposit account (10)

    4820 Bank reserve account

    4821 Bank reserve account (2)

    4822 Bank reserve account (3)

    4823 Bank reserve account (4)

    4824 Bank reserve account (5)

    4825 Bank reserve account (6)

    4826 Bank reserve account (7)

    4827 Bank reserve account (8)

    4828 Bank reserve account (9)

    4829 Bank reserve account (10)

    4830 Cash in hand

    Prepayments and accrued income

    4900 Prepayments

    4950 Accrued income

    Hire purchase and operating leases

    5000 Hire purchase less than 1 year

    5001 Hire purchase between 1 and 5 years

    5002 Hire purchase after 5 years

    5005 Hire purchase interest

    5006 Hire purchase interest between 1 and 5 years

    5007 Hire purchase interest after 5 years

    5010 Finance leases less than 1 year

    5011 Finance leases between 1 and 5 years

    5012 Finance leases after 5 years

    5015 Finance leases interest

    5016 Finance leases interest between 1 and 5 years

    5017 Finance leases interest after 5 years

    Current liabilities - creditors < 1 year

    5100 Bank loans (Current liabilities - creditors < 1 year)

    5150 Cumulative preference share dividends unpaid (Current liabilities - creditors < 1 year)

    5155 Bills of exchange (Current liabilities - creditors < 1 year)

    5200 Trade creditors (Current liabilities - creditors < 1 year)

    5201 Provision for bad debt (Current liabilities - creditors < 1 year)

    5300 VAT (Current liabilities - creditors < 1 year)

    5310 Corporation tax (Current liabilities - creditors < 1 year)

    5320 Other taxes and social security (Current liabilities - creditors < 1 year)

    5330 Net wages (Current liabilities - creditors < 1 year)

    5350 Other creditors (Current liabilities - creditors < 1 year)

    5360 Accruals and deferred income (Current liabilities - creditors < 1 year)

    5370 Government grants within one year

    5371 Capital grants (Current liabilities - creditors < 1 year)

    5400 Directors loan account (Current liabilities - creditors < 1 year)

    5401 Directors loan account - capital introduced

    5402 Directors loan account - drawings

    5410 Amounts owed to group undertakings (Current liabilities - creditors < 1 year)

    5411 Amounts owed to subsidiaries (Current liabilities - creditors < 1 year)

    5412 Amounts owed to parent undertaking (Current liabilities - creditors < 1 year)

    5413 Amounts owed to joint ventures (Current liabilities - creditors < 1 year)

    5414 Amounts owed to associates (Current liabilities - creditors < 1 year)

    5415 Amounts owed to other participating interests (Current liabilities - creditors < 1 year)

    5416 Amounts owed to related parties (Current liabilities - creditors < 1 year)

    Long term liabilities - creditors > 1 year

    5500 Bank loans (Long term liabilities - creditors > 1 year)

    5550 Cumulative preference share dividends unpaid (Long term liabilities - creditors > 1 year)

    5555 Bills of exchange (Long term liabilities - creditors > 1 year)

    5600 Trade creditors (Long term liabilities - creditors > 1 year)

    5700 VAT (Long term liabilities - creditors > 1 year)

  • Chart of Accounts - Limited company


    5710 Corporation tax (Long term liabilities - creditors > 1 year)

    5720 Other taxes and social security (Long term liabilities - creditors > 1 year)

    5730 Net wages (Long term liabilities - creditors > 1 year)

    5750 Other creditors (Long term liabilities - creditors > 1 year)

    5760 Accruals and deferred income (Long term liabilities - creditors > 1 year)

    5770 Government grants after one year

    5771 Capital grants (Long term liabilities - creditors > 1 year)

    5800 Directors loan account (Long term liabilities - creditors > 1 year)

    5810 Amounts owed to group undertakings (Long term liabilities - creditors > 1 year)

    5811 Amounts owed to subsidiaries (Long term liabilities - creditors > 1 year)

    5812 Amounts owed to parent undertaking (Long term liabilities - creditors > 1 year)

    5813 Amounts owed to joint ventures (Long term liabilities - creditors > 1 year)

    5814 Amounts owed to associates (Long term liabilities - creditors > 1 year)

    5815 Amounts owed to other participating interests (Long term liabilities - creditors > 1 year)

    5816 Amounts owed to related parties (Long term liabilities - creditors > 1 year)

    Provisions and liabilities

    6000 Provisions for charges

    6100 Deferred tax

    Share capital

    7000 Ordinary shares

    7001 Ordinary A shares

    7002 Ordinary B shares

    7003 Ordinary C shares

    7004 Ordinary D shares

    7005 Ordinary E shares

    7006 Ordinary F shares

    7010 New ordinary shares issued

    7011 New ordinary A shares issued

    7012 New ordinary B shares issued

    7013 New ordinary C shares issued

    7014 New ordinary D shares issued

    7015 New ordinary E shares issued

    7016 New ordinary F shares issued

    7020 Preference shares

    7021 Preference A shares

    7022 Preference B shares

    7023 Preference C shares

    7024 Preference D shares

    7025 Preference E shares

    7026 Preference F shares

    7030 New preference shares issued

    7031 New preference A shares issued

    7032 New preference B shares issued

    7033 New preference C shares issued

    7034 New preference D shares issued

    7035 New preference E shares issued

    7036 New preference F shares issued

    Share premium account

    7100 Balance b/fwd (Share premium account)

    7110 Arising on issued shares (Share premium account)

    7120 Expenses on issued shares (Share premium account)

    Revaluation reserve

    7200 Balance b/fwd (Revaluation reserve)

    7210 Surplus on revaluation (Revaluation reserve)

    7220 Deficit on revaluation (Revaluation reserve)

    7230 Transfer to profit and loss (Revaluation reserve)

    7240 Net investment property revaluation reserve

    Capital redemption reserve

    7300 Balance b/fwd (Capital redemption reserve)

    7310 Transfer from profit and loss account

    Other reserves

    7400 Balance b/fwd (Other reserves)

  • Chart of Accounts - Limited company


    7410 Movements in other reserves

    7420 Movements type A

    7430 Transfer to profit and loss account

    Profit and loss account

    8000 Balance b/fwd (Profit and loss account)

    8010 Final dividends paid

    8011 Interim dividend paid

    8020 Transfer to capital redemption reserves

    8021 Transfer from revaluation reserve

    8022 Transfer to/from Other Reserves

    8030 Prior year adjustment (Profit and loss account)

    Suspense and misposting

    9999 Suspense account

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