
Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier

Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier

Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier

Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier

He Believes In A Cause For any cause to prevail, it depends upon

those who support it They believe in its worth They are committed to its success They agree it must exist, even prevail

Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier

He Believes In A Cause Actually, the warrior loves peace

Rom 12:18 2 Tim 2:24-26 Yet, he knows it may come to a fight Some causes are “inconsequential”

(join…not join??)

Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier

He Believes In A Cause Not so re: the kingdom of heaven

Getting involved is eternally critical Heaven & Hell “hang in the balance”

(literally) To leave/abandon this battlefield is a

great mistake Jn 6:22-26, 60-68

Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier

He Loves Those For Whom He Fights He doesn’t fight for himself

He is no “military mercenary” He won’t hire out his sword, gun…

collect his pay & move on

His love for those in need compel him to fight Rom 1:14-15, 16

Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier

He Loves Those For Whom He Fights He is “under constraint” to fight for those

he loves 2 Cor 5:14-15, 18-20 His is the “highest motivation”

Jn 15:13 1 Jn 3:16

Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier

He Sacrifices Willingly He knows the cause is more important

than any 1 soldier…including himself Personal sacrifices must be made

Lk 15:4 1 Cor 8:8-10, 13 Self must be denied so the cause

can advance Lk 14:26 Mt 16:25

Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier

He Sacrifices Willingly The battle standard must be borne aloft to

lead the way Lk 14:27 Mt 16:24 Success in battle is worth any

“hardship” that must be endured 2 Tim 2:3-4

Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier

Conclusion Many ways a follower of God is portrayed

A “disciple” Jn 8 A “child” Gal 3 A “citizen” Eph 2 A “part of the body” 1 Cor 12

Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier

Conclusion The “soldier” or “warrior” may be the

most active description The Scripture does not mince words…

we are in for the fight of our lives The best known “military text” in

the N.T. may be Eph 6:10-18

Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier

Conclusion We sing about being a soldier

Hopefully, we mean what we say

We are called to this battle 1 Tim 6:12 2 Tim 4:7

Do you have the “heart of a warrior?”

Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier

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