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CHAPTER 7: I want to be a…

Unit 4: I want to work…

Exercise 1: Picture Description

What do you see in the picture?

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Exercise 2: Vocabulary

Repeat after your tutor.

job ad quảng cáo công việc

I’m looking at job ads.

interview buổi phỏng vấn

Ned is going to a job interview.

hiring thuê

Our company is hiring!

leave bỏ, rời đi

Why did you leave your old job?

opening đang mở

There are many job openings today.

training khóa huấn luyện

The training will take ten days.

résumé sơ yếu lý lịch

Can you help me with my résumé?

apply ứng tuyển

David is applying to be a salesman.

pay trả, thù lao

Elsa is looking for a job with better pay.

pick chọn

Michael’s company picks only the best.

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Exercise 3: Let’s Talk

A. Read the dialogue with your tutor.

Tutor: What are you reading?

Student: The job page of the newspaper

Tutor: Why? Are you leaving your job?

Student: Yes. I’m looking for something with better pay.

Tutor: Well, good luck. I hope you find one.

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Tutor: What are you doing?

Student: I’m creating my résumé. Can you check it?

Tutor: Sure. Let me see. Hmm…

Student: How is it?

Tutor: It’s okay. But you should list your old projects, too.

B. Repeat after your tutor.

1. reading - /ˈri dɪŋ/ or [ree-ding] việc đọc, đang đọc sách

2. leaving - /ˈli vɪŋ/ or [lee-ving]

3. newspaper - /ˈnuzˌpeɪ pər/ or [nooz-pey-per] báo

4. list - /lɪst/ or [list] danh sách

5. project - /ˈprɒdʒ ɛkt/ or [proj-ekt]

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Exercise 4: Is it Wrong?

Check if the sentences are correct or not. If the sentence is wrong, identify what word makes it wrong.


I want to work.

You want to work.

She, He, It wants to work.


We want to work.

They want to work.


Wrong Derek wants to gets a job at a technology company.

1. Sheila wants to sell her shoes.

2. Lawrence and Claire wants to travel for work.

3. I want to cooks for a living.

4. They want to work in California.

5. She wants to dance on a TV show.

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Exercise 5: Choose the Right Word

Replace the underlined word with the correct word from the box.

Example: Greg wants to sleep. He is studying to be a chef.

Answer: cook

build fly

act cook

write make

1. Alex wants to dance. He hopes to publish a book.

2. Mr. Green wants to build a plane. He is studying to be a pilot.

3. I want to run a résumé. I hope to get a job soon.

4. David and Norman want to buy bridges. Both have studied Engineering

5. Carla wants to sing on stage. She hopes to be a famous actress.

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Exercise 6: Listen Carefully

Choose which word fits the given items below. The choices will be spoken by your tutor.


Items: suit

Tutor: bracelet, tie

Answer: tie

1. job ad

2. job search

3. interview

4. résumé

5. pay

6. formal wear

7. opening

8. hiring team

9. hand shake

10. on time

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Exercise 7: Steps to Apply for a Job

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Arrange the following steps from 1-5 to help Kevin find a job.


Kevin is looking for a job. He found instructions on how to do it. What should he do


Send a résumé and cover letter.

Attend the interview.

1 Look at job ads.

Wait for the application results.

Create a résumé.

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Exercise 8: Read Aloud

Read the letter and answer the following questions.

Dear Mr. Kevin Jones,

Good day!

Thank you for applying as the Brand Manager of LDMX Records. We were happy to meet

you. You have good experience and skills. However, our management decided to give the position to

another candidate.

Again, thank you for your interest in our company. We wish you luck in your job search.


Carrie Davis

Recruitment Officer

LDM Records, Inc.


1. Who received the letter?

2. What position did Mr. Jones apply for?

3. What company did he apply to?

4. What is Carrie’s job in the company?

5. Did Mr. Jones get the job?

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Exercise 9: Solve the Problem

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Suggest a solution on how Kevin can find work.

Example: Kevin needs a cover letter for his résumé but he does not know what to write.

What should he do?

a. Kevin can research cover letters on the Internet.

b. Kevin can ask help from his friends.

c. Kevin can copy a cover letter from his classmates.

Reason: Kevin can learn on his own. He can also use his own words.

1. Kevin wants to impress the bosses.

How can he make a good résumé?

a. Kevin can use a creative format.

b. Kevin can include all his successful projects.

c. Kevin can add recommendations from his previous co-workers.


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2. Kevin’s résumé was chosen by a company. He will take an exam.

He is worried. How can he prepare for it?

a. Kevin should review topics related to the job.

b. Kevin should research how the company makes the exam.

c. Kevin could ask for advice from someone working in the company.


3. Kevin is invited for an interview. How should he prepare?

a. Kevin should prepare answers to common interview questions.

b. Kevin should read articles on how to pass interviews.

c. Kevin should study what the company wants from its employees.


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4. Kevin is going to an interview. He is worried about what to wear.

What outfit can you suggest?

a. A two-piece suit

b. Something comfortable

c. Formal but colorful clothes


5. Kevin is nervous about his interview.

What advice can you give him?

a. Always smile. Be polite.

b. Be confident when answering.

c. Relax and do your best!


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