Page 1: CHAPTER 4 Order Management and Customer Service. 4-2 Five Learning Objectives To understand how a firm processes incoming orders To understand the importance


Order Management and Order Management and Customer ServiceCustomer Service

Page 2: CHAPTER 4 Order Management and Customer Service. 4-2 Five Learning Objectives To understand how a firm processes incoming orders To understand the importance


Five Learning Objectives

To understand how a firm processes incoming orders

To understand the importance of customer service to a firm’s marketing activities

To relate the role of logistics in the customer service area

Page 3: CHAPTER 4 Order Management and Customer Service. 4-2 Five Learning Objectives To understand how a firm processes incoming orders To understand the importance


To examine why customer service standards should be specific and measurable

To describe how a customer service program is established and maintained

Page 4: CHAPTER 4 Order Management and Customer Service. 4-2 Five Learning Objectives To understand how a firm processes incoming orders To understand the importance


13 Key Terms

Customer service Efficient Consumer

Response (ECR) Load planning(載運規劃 )

Order cycle

Order delivery(訂單運送 )

Order entry Order handling Order management

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Order picking and assembly(揀貨與裝配)

Order processing Order transmittal

Quick Response (QR)

Replenishment cycle(補貨週期)

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4.1 Order Management 4.2 Customer Service 4.3 Role of Logistics in Establishing Customer

Service Levels 4.4 Measuring and Controlling Customer Service 4.5 Meeting Customer Demands 4.6 Customer Service Policy

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4.1 Order Management

Order management is the activities that take place in the period between the time a firm receives an order and the time a warehouse is notified to ship the goods to fill that order.

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Order cycle defined by the seller: time from when an order is received to when the goods arrive at the customer’s dock( 收貨區 ).

Order cycle defined by the buyer: time from when an order is placed to when the goods are received. (Also called replenishment cycle); 有四特性 : Getting shorter More precise delivery times: 因有電腦協助 Customer can track orders Quality is important and is benchmarked( 被其他人作為標竿 )

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訂單週期有五階段: Order planning------connected to sales forecasting Order transmittal Order processing Order picking and assembly Order delivery……… 分述於後

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Order planning Needs an efficient order handling system to prevent

bunching( 高峰期 = 客戶在同樣時間下單 ) Methods to reduce bunching

Use of field salespeople…… 客戶通常可待業代拜訪時才下單 Use of phone salespeople… 此法廣受歡迎 Price discounts to customers placing regular orders…… 可平均工作量。


Page 11: CHAPTER 4 Order Management and Customer Service. 4-2 Five Learning Objectives To understand how a firm processes incoming orders To understand the importance


Order transmittal is the series of events that occur between the time a customer places or sends an order and the time the seller receives the order. Six methods of order transmittal

Phone FAX Mail….Ex: Figure 4-1 中間最上一欄 (how to order) 指出… you may

order by phone, fax, mail or on the internet

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Figure 4-1: Mail-In Order Form Used

by AW Direct

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Scanning bar codes------electronic submission( 電子訂購機:體積略大於掌上型計算機 ) 。如藥妝業

POS registers….. 如在系統中記錄銷貨移動總量、自動從零售點下單補貨

Internet……Ex: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 的線上購物

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Order processing includes Checking for completeness and accuracy A customer credit check Order entry into the computer system Marketing department credits( 列入績效 ) salesperson Accounting department records transaction Inventory department locates nearest warehouse to

customer and advises them to pick the order Transportation department arranges for shipment

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在供應鏈中,買方通常會指定何時需要商品, delivery window (交貨窗、亦即買方需收到貨之時間)有時甚至不到一小時。此時賣方需先檢視訂單處理流程,適時將客戶訂單加入現有訂單處理隊伍中

出貨後, advance shipping notice ( ASN, 預先出貨通知)會透過 EDI 送給收貨人,商品便視為收貨人之存貨 ..如後圖

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Figure 4-3: Flowchart of Order Handling (Order Processing) System

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If there is a stockout Notify the customer as soon as possible of stockout Notify when shipment will occur Give the customer the option of accepting in stock similar

products Export orders

Need a letter of credit ( 信用狀 )… 可謂等同訂單 international freight forwarders prepare documents and

arrange shipment

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Order picking and assembly includes Notifying the warehouse to assemble a given order Providing an order picking list( 揀貨清單 ), indicating items and

order of pick to a warehouse employee…… 有時以電腦應用代替書面文件之倉庫運作方式稱為 paperless warehouse…Ex: E. J. Brach( 糖果製造商 :2007 被 Farley’s & Sathers 購併 ) Checking picked orders for accuracy Stockout information sent to order handling department so

that documents can be adjusted Packing list ( 裝箱單 )enclosed with order including employee

initials ( 簽名 )of person who packed order

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Order delivery is the time from when a carrier picks up the shipment until it is delivered to the customer’s receiving dock. Load planning is the arrangement of goods within the

trailer or container. Carriers establish their own service standards…… 如

保證交期 Some customers pick up their orders…. 即自行取貨,


Page 20: CHAPTER 4 Order Management and Customer Service. 4-2 Five Learning Objectives To understand how a firm processes incoming orders To understand the importance


Importance of the order cycle Short cycle time used as a marketing and sales tool Monitoring the order cycle can increase firm efficiency Efficient Consumer Response (ECR)/Quick Response

(QR 商業快速回應 ) Used in grocery industry and by mass merchandisers( 量販

店 ) POS data used to trigger ( 啟動 )order Keyed to more orderly, regular flow of product, smaller


Page 21: CHAPTER 4 Order Management and Customer Service. 4-2 Five Learning Objectives To understand how a firm processes incoming orders To understand the importance


4.2 Customer Service Customer service is a collection of activities

performed in a way that keeps customers happy and creates in the customer’s mind the perception of an organization that is easy to do business with.

Customer service is much more difficult for competitors to imitate than price cuts or other competitive strategies.

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Value-added activities provided by customer service Placing bar code labels on cartons (包裝箱) Arranging a carton, pallet, or truck in the sequence the

customer would like to unload it Shrink-wrapping( 收縮膜包裝 ) Inserting documents into cartons Blending ( 混合 )products Adding price tags Adding graphics for export goods( 外銷品 ) Assembling kits ( 組裝產品 )

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Establishing Objectives Specific (具體) Measurable Achievable Consistent with broader firm goals (目的 : 範圍較

大) Must consider competitor’s objectives (目標) Provide guidance to operating personnel

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Returned Products New flow of products are set up (建立) New infrastructure is required Goods and materials are returned for various reasons:

供應商出錯貨、運送時受損、客戶下錯訂單 Grocery industry uses reclamation centers ( 回收中

心 )for returns

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收到退貨時,可將這些退貨以 seconds (次級品)處置、捐給慈善機構等


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4.3 Role of Logistics in Establishing Customer Service Levels

Advisor to marketing… 物流人可幫忙想出送貨給客戶之替選方案、計算成本

Establishing a customer service program Ask the customer what is important to them. Investigate the service offered by competitors…… 瞭

解產品 substitutability (可替代性) ! Consider the cost of alternative service programs. Analyze the information and write the objectives.

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Using the Internet to improve customer service

Dell Computers 每週可收到超過十萬次客戶產品支援問題


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4.4 Measuring and Controlling Customer Service:兩法

Performance model :根據問卷來決定達成目標之次數百分比:可透過取樣方式達到!

Audit credit memos( 退款單據 ) :將退貨單據與「零錯誤活動」相比

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4.5 Meeting Customer Demands

Control the process Firms demanding (要求) higher levels of customer

service : three reasons: With reliable service, the firm can maintain lower inventory

levels Resellers monitor vendor quality (供應商品質) looking

for those with unacceptable or acceptable quality levels Process is often dehumanized( 不人性化 ); service can

make it more personal( 客製化 )

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4.6 Customer Service Policy

Ex: Campbell Soup Company 每月收集並檢視有關客服資料如損壞水準、 backhaul (接續、回程)運送排程等……持續監控績效

亦即所謂 C3 計畫 ---Campbell’s Customer Care (康寶客戶管理) : 為一彩色手冊,討論客服議題

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客訴免費電話又常稱為「消費者熱線」 consumer hot line


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