
CHAPTER 25 Cold War America (1945-1963) 冷战中的美国


Kennedy and the Cold War 肯尼迪与冷战2

The presidential election of 1960 shaped up as a classic duel. Both nominees had been young naval officers in

World War II. Each had entered public life in the months after the war, and both were now vigorous men in

their forties.

The United States was not the same country that Dwight Eisenhower and Adlai Stevenson had stumped in

1952. By 1960 the wave of migrants to the new suburbia was at flood tide.

The nation was richer. Washington, the new census revealed, had become the first American city with a black

majority 54% as against 35% in 1950.

1960 年的总统选举形成了一个典型的二人决斗局势。双方候选人在二战时期都是年轻的海军军官。在二


年艾森豪威尔和史蒂文森发表演说时的美国了。到 1960 年,人口向新郊区移居的浪潮正处于高峰期,整



By 1960 40 million American families, or 88% of them, owned at least one television set. Fully aware of the

hundred million viewers, the two candidates were pondering ways to beguile them. Afterward it was widely

believed that the tube helped Kennedy most.

Marshall McLuhan thought he knew why. Kennedy, he

said, had projected the image of a “shy young sheriff”

in a TV western, while Nixon resembled “the railway

lawyer who signs leases that are not in the best inter-

ests of the folks in the little town.”

What McLuhan overlooked was that as Americans be-

came more prosperous they were increasingly conser-

vative; more of them were investing in the railway, and

were therefore on the lawyer’s side, not the sheriff ’s.

到 1960 年,4,000 万个美国家庭,也就是全美 88%












1960 年总统竞选候选人尼克松(左)与肯尼迪(右)正在进行电视直播的辩论。

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Kennedy's built-in advantages were support from organized labor, his father’s great wealth, his Pullizer Prize, a

friendly press corps, his charisma that reporters called it the Kennedy style and his membership in the major-

ity party.

His disadvantages were long memories of his father’s support of appeasement 20 years earlier, his youth and

inexperience - 43 years old to Nixon’s 47, and the widely held conviction that a Roman Catholic could not be

elected President.





Eisenhower had equivocal feelings about his Vice President. He clearly preferred Kennedy. On August 24, 1960,

Eisenhower dealt Nixon the worst blow in the campaign. He was asked in a press conference,

“What major decisions of your administration has the Vice President participated in?” The President's almost

unbelievable reply was, “If you give me a week, I might think of one.”

艾森豪威尔总统对其副总统尼克松的态度模棱两可,他明显更欣赏肯尼迪。1960 年 8 月 24 日,艾森豪威



The great innovation of the 1960 campaign was a series of four nationally televised debates. Nixon, less photo-

genic than Kennedy, looked sallow and unshaven under the intense studio lights.

Voters who heard the first debate on the radio concluded that Nixon had won, but those who viewed it on tele-

vision favored Kennedy. In the last days of October Gallup concluded that the race was too close for prediction.

1960 年竞选的伟大创新在于一系列全国性电视辩论。尼克松不像肯尼迪那么上镜,在演播室的强烈灯光



Toward the end the election seemed to blur into a montage of sights and sounds: Kennedy reminding audi-

ences in his cool clipped accents that Castro had put Communists “eight jet minutes from Florida.”

Kennedy repeating over and over, almost as an incantation, “This is a great country. But I think it can be great-

er. I think we can do better. I think we can make this country move again,” Kennedy won only the narrowest of

electoral victories, receiving 49.7% of the popular vote to Nixon’s 49.5%. For Nixon it was a heartbreaker.


静、清晰的语调提醒观众道,卡斯特罗派来的共产党已到了距佛罗里达州只有“8 分钟喷气式飞机航程”




As Truman had admired generals and Eisenhower tycoons, Kennedy turned to academics.Among his advisers

were 15 Rhodes scholars, led by the Secretary of State, and four professional historians.The Secretary of De-

fense, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, the chairman of the Civil Service Commission, and the ambas-

sadors to India, Japan, and Yugoslavia were former college teachers.

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CHAPTER 25 Cold War America (1945-1963) 冷战中的美国



领衔,有 15 位罗德奖学金 * 得主、4 位历史专家。国防部长、国税局局长、文官委员会主席以及驻印度、




Kennedy’s government was regarded as a “New Frontier”, which was full of energy and ambition. He used

people regardless of party. In Kennedy’s cabinet, Douglas Dillon and Robert McNamara, who served as Secre-

tary of the Treasury and Secretary of Defense, were both Republicans.

He also boldly named relatives for important cabinet posts. Kennedy’s younger brother Robert, who had made

a name as a hard-hitting investigator of organized crime, was appointed the attorney general.

New Frontier suggested masculine toughness and adventurism and encouraged Americans to again think of

themselves as exploring uncharted terrain. The concept of frontier should not be confined to free land, but

should include all undeveloped areas.







Like his predecessors, Kennedy viewed the entire world through the

lens of the Cold War. This outlook shaped his dealings with Fidel Castro, who had led a revolution that in 1959 ousted Cuban dictator

Fulgencio Batista. Until Castro took power, Cuba was an economic de-

pendency of the United States.

When his government began nationalizing American landholdings

and other investments and signed an agreement to sell sugar to the So-

viet Union, the Eisenhower administration suspended trade with the

island. The CIA began training anti-Castro exiles for an invasion of










In April 1961, Kennedy allowed the CIA to launch its invasion, at a site known as the Bay of Pigs. Military ad-

visers predicted a popular uprising that would quickly topple the Castro government. But the assault proved

to be a total failure.

1959 年访问美国时的菲德尔·卡斯特罗

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Of 1,400 invaders, more than 100 were killed and 1,100 captured. Cuba became ever more closely tied to the

Soviet Union. Kennedy prudently rejected CIA pleas for a U.S. air strike. Accepting defeat, Kennedy went be-

fore the American people and took full responsibility for the fiasco.



名入侵者中,有 100 多人丧生,1,100 人被活捉。古巴因此变得与苏联更加接近。肯尼迪谨慎地拒绝了中


Already strained by the Bay of Pigs incident, U.S.- So-

viet relations deteriorated further in building of the

Berlin Wall. In August 1961, in order to stem a grow-

ing tide of emigrants fleeing from East to West Berlin,

the Soviets constructed a wall.

It separated the two parts of the city until its demoli-

tion in 1989. The Berlin Wall would stand as a tangible

symbol of the Cold War and the division of Europe.


加恶化。1961 年 8 月,为了阻止一股不断变大的从




A perilous Cold War confrontation came next, in October 1962. In a somber televised address on October 22,

Kennedy revealed that U.S. reconnaissance planes had spotted Soviet-built bases for intermediate range ballis-

tic missiles in Cuba. Some of those weapons had already been installed, and more were on the way.

Kennedy announced that the United States would impose a “quarantine on all offensive military equipment”

on its way to Cuba. As the world held its breath waiting to see if the conflict would escalate into war, on Octo-

ber 25, ships carrying Soviet missiles turned back.

1962 年 10 月,冷战时代最严重的危

机爆发了。10 月 22 日,肯尼迪在一







封锁”。10 月 25 日,当全世界都屏住



After a week of tense negotiations, both sides made concessions: Kennedy pledged not to invade Cuba, and

Khrushchev promised to dismantle the missile bases. Kennedy also secretly ordered U.S. missiles to be re-

moved from Turkey, at Khrushchev’s insistence.

1962 年 8 月,一名西柏林居民在柏林墙旁走过。

1962 年的古巴导弹危机期间,肯尼迪总统会见美国军方官员。

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CHAPTER 25 Cold War America (1945-1963) 冷战中的美国


During the Cuban missile crisis, the world teetered on the brink of all-out nuclear war. The crisis seems to have

lessened Kennedy’s passion for the Cold War and there was a slight thaw in U.S.-Soviet relations. As National

Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy put it, both sides were chastened by “having come so close to the edge.”






Kennedy also launched a series of bold nonmilitary initiatives, countering communist influence in the world.

One of his administration’s first acts was to establish the Peace Corps, which embodied a call to public service

put forth in his inaugural address (“Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your


Thousands of young Americans were sent abroad to developing countries, aiding in the economic and educa-

tional progress of developing countries and to improve the image of the United States there.





They devoted two or more years as volunteers for projects such as teaching English to Filipino schoolchildren

or helping African villagers obtain clean water. By 1966, more than 15,000 young men and women were serv-

ing as Peace Corps volunteers.

Exhibiting the idealism of the early 1960s, the Peace Corps was also a low-cost Cold War weapon intended to

show the developing world that there was an alternative to communism.


水。到1966年,有 15,000多名年轻人成为了和平队的志愿者。和平队显示出1960年代早期的理想主义,


Kennedy championed space exploration, as well. In 1962, So-

viet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin completed an orbit of the Earth.

He was the first human to journey into outer space. In a 1962

speech, Kennedy announced that the nation commit itself to

landing a man on the moon within the decade. The goal seemed

almost impossible when announced.

Capitalizing on America’s fascination with space, Kennedy per-

suaded Congress to increase funding for the government’s space

agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

(NASA), enabling the United States to pull ahead of the Soviet

Union. Kennedy’s ambition was realized when U.S. astronauts

arrived on the moon in 1969.

肯尼迪也支持太空探索。1961 年,苏联宇航员尤里·加加林

驾驶航天器进入太空,并成功绕地球一周,他成为首个进入太空的人类。在 1962 年的一次演讲中,肯尼

登月纪念邮票。由于美国邮政局不为仍在世的人发行纪念邮票的规定,第一位踏上月球的宇航员阿姆斯特朗的名字并没有出现在邮票上。2012 年,美国邮票发行政策变更,在世名人也可以被印到邮票上。

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