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By 1896, there were concrete and objective conditions in the economy,society,and governance that justified revolution at the time of the katipunan. The people, however , were not totally united. The wealthy and educated class was divided on the issue of independence and the use of force to obtain it. It was the masses, mostly the poor, less educated, and illiterate, led by the katipunan, who were ready. Unfortunately, the conflict over leadership inside the katipunan (the elite vs. the non-elite) caused the rift that resulted in the tragic death of Bonifacio, founder and leader of the armed revolution. Ironically, it was the martyrdom of Rizal (who had disengaged himself from the actual plan of the katipunan), that led to the downfall of Spanish rule in the Philippines. The poet, Cecilio Apostol, expressed it well “Que si una bala destrozo tu craneo,, tu idea, en cambio,detruyo un imperio.” (Though a bullet pierced or destroyed your skull, your idea destroyed an empire.) from here, despite the tragedy in Cavite, the lack of arms ,and loss of many lives, the Filipinos fought valiantly towards freedom and independence of a nation yet to be born.

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Late in 1895, when Bonifacio was busy propagating the political ideals of the katipunan in many towns around Manila, some Spanish authorities were already suspecting a brewing unrest related to an underground society whose purpose was to end the Spanish rule.

It was also rumored that the weapons came from Hong Kong and Yokohama. So persistent, were the rumors that the governor- general, in order to mollify the friars, ordered the banishment of some prominent citizens of Batangas and Bulacan.

The friars’ suspicions were correct all along. Undoubtedly, there was general dissatisfaction among the Filipinos. Money was difficult to get. Very few Filipinos were gainfully employed. While there was no starvation, the life of the people was far from prosperous.

The common people were suffering from heavy taxation, from abusive friars and civil authorities, and from lack of economic opportunities. While the government was spending millions of pesos for the army and navy, the amount being spent for public improvement was pitifully small.

The personal honor and dignity of the Filipinos were taken for granted. They were physically maltreated in public places, like Guam, Jolo, and Palawan, on

suspicions of committing crimes, even petty ones. The institution of forced labor provided opportunities from rampant abuse of Filipinos

by Spaniards. For three hundred years, the Filipinos suffered these abuses in silence. However, the

seed of hatred had been planted in their hearts, even when outwardly they were smiling and saying. “ si,senor,” to every command of a Spaniard.

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Father Mariano Gil was the parish curate of Tondo, Province of Manila. He was one of the friars who had earlier warned the Spanish civil authorities about the existence of a secret society. He informed the police authorities that this society, with the aim to kill all Spaniards in the country, had been recruiting members. But the Spanish civil authorities did not listen to him until a Katipunero by the name of Teodoro Patino came to see him one afternoon.

Father Gil immediately rushed to the headquarters of the Manila police and informed the officers regarding Patino’s Revelation. In the printing shop of the daily newspaper, Diario de Manila, Father Gil, the police, and the owner of the newspaper , found some Katipunan receipts and other pieces of evidence pointing to the existence of the secret society.

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Patino had visited hi sister in an orphanage in Mandaluyong which was then a suburb of the province of Manila. Having quarreled with another Katipunero, Patino told his sister about the Katipunan and its aims. The sister cried when she heard about the aims of the society. She told the Madre Portera of the orphanage about it. The latter advised Teodoro Patino to tell Father Mariano Gil all about the Katipunan. Acting on this advice, Patino went to see Father Gil that afternoon of August 19,1896; and revealed to him what he knew about the plans of the Katipunan.

Patino told Father Gil that the pieces of evidence were genuine. As such, the police was convinced and to avert a possible rebellion, they raided many houses in Manila and the suburbs looking alleged members of the Katipunan. That night of August 19, the police arrested many innocent Filipinos.

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Bonifacio wanted the wealthy Filipinos to help finance the Katipunan in its struggle to free the country from Spain. He ordered some of his trusted men to approach the rich Filipinos and ask for contributions to the society.

In spite of the refusal by the wealthy Filipinos to help the Katipunan, Bonifacio and his men did not lose hope. When the katipunan was discovered on August 19, Bonifacio was in Caloocan with his wife Gregoria de Jesus. Fearing that he might be arrested if he remained in Caloocan, Bonofacio decided to move to Balintawak. He ordered his “runners’ to inform all Katipuneros that there would be a meeting in Balintawak on August 24.

Accompanied by four men, Bonifacio reached Balintawak at midnight of 21st, and in the afternoon, about 500 Katipuneros left Sitio Kangkong, a part of Balintawak, and arrived at the next sitio called Pugadlawin the following day.

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Bonifacio asked his men whether they were prepared to fight for freedom and independence. Everyone shouted they were prepared to die. “ in that case,” Bonifacio told them. "bring your cedulas and tear them to pieces to show that we are prepared to take up arms!” All the men brought out their cedulas and tore them to pieces. The ground was littered with those pieces of paper, which to the Katipuneros, symbolized their slavery. Then they shouted in one voice, “Long live the Philippines! Long live the Katipunan!”

This event, which happened on August 23, is known as the “Cry of Pugadlawin.” It symbolized the determination of the Filipinos to fight for independence even unto death.

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Francisco L. Roxas, a Spaniard born in the Philippines, who considered this country as his own, was asked to support the society. He was a millionaire, who belonged to a family that owned vast tracts of lands and put up the San Miguel Brewery. When he heard about the katipunan , he got angry and threatened to tell the police about it. Many wealthy Filipino’s refused to help the Katipunan, with few exceptions like the physician, Dr. Pio Valenzuela.

Juan A. Ramos, the son of Melchora Aquino or Tandang Sora, Kown as the “ Mother of the Katipunan.”

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Bonifacio advised his men to retreat to another sitio, called Pasong Tamo.

On August 25, some women notified Bonifacio that civil guards and infantrymen were coming.

The Katipuneros deployed themselves and deliberately fell to the ground to avoid being hit. A short Skirmish ensued in which one civil guard and two Katipuneros were killed.

The Spaniards and their hired Filipino soldiers, thinking that the rebels were strong, retreated. The rebels, believing their weapons were inferior to those of the civil guard, also retreated towards Balara.. From here they proceeded to Marikina and on to Hagdang Bato.

On August 28, Bonifacio issued a manifesto telling the people to take up the Filipinos cause. He also set the attack on the City of Manila for August 29, 1896. he ended his manifesto by saying that,” Anybody who obstructs this sacred ideal of the people will be considered a traitor and an enemy.”

Bonifacio ordered his men to attack the arsenal located at San Juan del Monte. A fighting broke out between the attacking Filipino forces and the defending Spanish soldiers on August 30,1896.

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The revolutionary flame was rapidly spreading to other provinces of Central Luzon and Southern Tagalog provinces of Cavite, Laguna, and Batangas.

Governor-General Ramon Blanco issued a decree on August 30 to prevent the spread of the revolution.

The first eight provinces which rose in arms – Cavite, Manila, Laguna, Batangas, Bulacan, Pampanga, Tarlac, and Nueva Ecija-were place under martial law.

The decree further provided that those who would surrender within forty-eight hours after the publication of the decree would not be tried by the military court. This policy, known as Blanco’s policy of attraction, was intended to win over the Filipinos to the side of the government and thus, end the rebellion.

Some Filipinos, among them Dr. Pio Valenzuela and a few of his companions, took advantage of this provision and surrendered to the government.

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The colonial government continued its policy of repression to cow the people into silence. The suspects in manila and the provinces were punished without trial.

Heads of families were shipped to the Carolines in the Pacific and to the Spanish penal colony in Africa. Fort Santiago was packed with hundreds of prisoners, most of whom were innocent.’ Many died when the waters of the Pasig river entered the lower portion of the cells, while others died of suffocation.

In some places , like in Bulacan, the Spaniards massacred many people . Men were tortured to force them to tell on their friends and even relatives .

On September 4, 1896, four Katipuneros were executed in Bagumbayan field, which is now a part of the Rizal Park in Manila.

On January 4, 1897, the Spaniards executed twelve Bicolano patriots and in Kalibo, which was then part of Capiz, nineteen patriots were also shot to death.

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The height of Spanish brutality in the Philippines came when the government ordered Rizal’s trial and execution.

Rizal had been in Dapitan, Zamboanga del Norte since 1892. He had lived there peacefully, helping the people in their work.

In 1896, he asked the government to allow him to go to Cuba to serve as a military surgeon . The Cubans then were fighting for their independence from their Spanish master.

Rizal request was granted; so from Dapitan, he was brought to Manila Bay where he waited for a streamer that would take him to Cuba by way of Spain. He was in a Spanish cruiser in Manila Bay when the revolution broke out. He refused to be rescued when revolutionaries offered to save him. He transferred to the steamer when it arrived in Manila.

He was imprisoned in fort Santiago and later, was tried as a traitor to Spain. Rizal defended himself with the help of a Spanish military lawyer. He strongly denied any

connection with the Katipunan and the plan to topple the government. He explained that since his exile in Dapitan, he had stopped any political involvement with groups. But the military court did not listen ti his arguments. He was sentenced to be shot to death.

His parents, brother, sisters, appealed to the governor-general for pardon, but the governor refused to grant their request.

Rizal was executed early in the morning of December 30, 1896. His execution did not dishearten the revolutionist; on the contrary , they resolved to fight to the bitter end. Rizal’s execution, in fact, emboldened the Filipinos to fight for their country and its independence.

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Meanwhile , in Cavite, Emilio Aguinaldo, the young mayor of the town of Kawit, led the rebels against the Spaniards . He won victory after victory and the people, admiring his qualities as a military leader, called him Heneral Miong.

His famous victory was in Imus when he defeated the Spanish army contingent, under the command of General Ernesto de Aguirre, on September 5,1896.

Aguinaldo took his sword and kept it as a memento of his victory. Katipunan in Cavite was divided into two factions: the Magdiwang and the Magdalo. Bonifacio was requested to go to Cavite to mediate between the factions. Accompanied

by his wife and two brothers, Bonifacio arrived in Cavite toward the en of December 1896.

An assembly was held in Imus on December 31,1896, to determine whether the Katipunan should be transformed into another body with governmental powers. The Magdiwang favored the retention of the Katipunan, while the Magdalo favored a change in the Katipunan stucture.

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The Spanish army was trying its best to subjugate Cavite , which was now a major battleground of the revolution.

Town after town fell into the hands of the Spaniards. Faced with this bitter fact, the r rebels decided to meet at Tejeros, san Francisco del Malabon, (now General Trias.)

On March 22, 1897, a convention was held at the estate house of Tejeros ,which the rebels had captured from the friars.

During the second part of the convention, which was presided over by Bonifacio with Artermio Ricarte as secretary, the members who were present agreed to form a new government.

Officials of this government were to be elected by those present in the convention. It was agreed unanimously that whoever would be elected would be respected by everyone, regardless of economic status and education.

Bonifacio was being proclaimed, Daniel Tirona, a member of the faction Magdalo, stood up and said that Jose del Rosario, an attorney from Cavite was more qualified for the position and should be elected in the place of Bonifacio.

Bonifacio demanded that Tirona take back what he said but the latter refused. Bonifacio took out his pistol and aimed at Tirona when Ricarte quickly held his hand.

The angry Bonifacio, being the incumbent Supermo of the Katipunan , declare the results of the election as null and void.

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The following day, March 23, Bonifacio, Ricarte , and many others met at the same place.

This document was called Acta de Tejeros (minutes of Tejeros.) It should rightly be called the Tejeros Resolution. In this document, Bonifacio and those

present , numbering about forty-five in all, gave their reasons for rejecting the results of the previous day’s election and established government.

The main reason they cited was the fraud committed by the Magdalo people. After signing the resolution, the men followed Bonifacio to Naik.

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Still angry with Daniel Tirona, who insulted him, Bonifacio, now the town of Naik, Cavite, persuaded his men to draw up another document. It was a military agreement in which another government would be established. General Pio Del Pilar was to become the commander of this army. Obviously, the head of the government to be established was Bonifacio himself. Among those who signed the document, aside from Bonifacio and his brothers were Artemio Ricarte, Pio Del Pilar, and Soverino de las Alas.

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After signing the Naik military agreement, Bonifacio, his wife, his two brothers, and some followers, left for the town Indang and settled in the barrio of limbon.

Colonial Agapito Bonzon, who headed the party to contact Bonifacio, used force on Bonifacio and his brothers. As a result, Bonifacio and his brothers, fought back. His brother, Ciriaco, was killed in the skirmish, and Bonifacio himself was wounded on the neck and on the left arm. He was captured and brought to the municipal building of Indang. Later he was transferred to Maragodon, where he was tried for treason.

According to Aguinaldo he commuted the death penalty to banishment.but when general Pio Del Pilar, who was formerly a follower of Bonifacio, and general Mariano Noriel received Agunaldo’s commutation order, the y rushed to his headqurters in Maragondon and persuaded him to withdraw the commutation of the death sentence.

They reasoned that they could not afford to be divided at the time when the enemy was capturing one town after another. Because of this argument, Aguinaldo recalled, he withdrew his commutation order. In other words, the original death sentence was carried out.

On May 10, 1897, Major Lazaro Macapagal, who received the sealed order of General Noriel, took the prisoners from their prison cells and brought them to mount Tala, where Bonifacio brothers were executed.

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Governor-General de Polavieja, who succeeded General Ramon Blanco in December 1896, grew tired of fighting the Filipinos who refused to surrender.

General-General Fernando Primo de Rivera, who had served previously as governor of the country. Primo de Rivera took personal charge of the military campaign against the rebels.

By May, almost the whole province of Cavite was in the hands of the Spaniards. Aguinaldo, however, succeeded in eluding the enemy , and with some faithful

followers, headed for the hilly parts of Morong (Rizal province ) . With 500 faithful armed men. Aguinaldo walked distance to San Juan Del Monte and Montalban, and on to Mt. Puray from here , he and his men walked all the way to Biak na Bato. In San Miguel de Mayumo, Bulacan, where he established his headquarters..

Aguinaldo’s arrival in Biak na Bato reach the people of Central Luzon, Immediately , the people of the provinces of Zambales, Pangasinan, Ilocos, Tarlac and Nueva Ecija renewed their offensive against the enemy. Such was the situation when the rebels met at Mt. Puray and established the Departmental Governmrent of Central Luzon. This comprised the provinces of Manila, Morong, Bulacan, Laguna, Bataan, Nueva ecija, Tarlac, and Pangasinan.

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Primo de Rivera failed to win over the Filipinos back to Spain. For more than three hundred years, they, heard n0thing but promises and now they

wanted to live an independent life. Before July or early in July, Aguinaldo established a republican government at Biak na

Bato called the Biak na Bato republic. Felix Ferrer and Isabelo Artacho copied,word for word the Cuban Constitution of

Jimaguayu, axcept for one article, the Constitution, in its Preamble, declared the aim of Revolution as the separation of the Philippines from Spain. Not found in the Constitution of Jimaguayu, Article VIII provided that ‘Tagalog shall be the official language of the Republic.” The Constitution was approved on November 1.

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Pedro A. Paterno, a Filipino of Chinese ancestry, approached Governor Primo de Rivera and of fer himself as mediator. The Governor agreed and soon Paterno was negotiating with the two camps on how the bloody struggle.

On November 18,1897 , the first document was signed by Paterno on behalf of the Filipino rebels, and by Primo de Rivera, on behalf of the colonial government.

Other matters were clarified. Second documents was signed by Paterno and Primo de Rivera on December 14,1897. On December 15, a third documents was signed. These three documents together constitute what

may be called the TRUCE OF BIAK-NA-BATO Among other things, the agreement provided the following: 1. that Aguinaldo and his men would go into voluntary exile 2. that Primo de Rivera would pay Aguinaldo sum of P800,000 in the three installments: (a) P400,000 upon his departure from the Philippines, (b) P200,000 when the arms surrendered to the spanish authorities exceeded 700

pieces (c) the remaining P200,000 when general amnesty had been proclaimed and the te deum had been sung; and 3. that Primo de Rivera would pay an additional P900,000 to the families of non-combatant Filipinos who suffered during the revolution. On December 27, Aguinalddo, together with some men of his choice, boarded a ship for

hongkong. He had with him a check for P400,000.

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January 1898, was happy one for the Spaniards. Peace reigned once more and the Spanish community enjoyed their usual activities like attending horse and boat races, fireworks, and going to theaters.

The Te Deum was sung at the Manila Cathedral on January 23 to celebrate the publication of a peace treaty.

The Spanish authorities did not trust the Filipinos. This mutual suspicion resulted to armed clashes that started in February.

General Francisco Makabulos of Tarlac, who was suspicious of Spanish motives, organized the Central Executive Committee which acted as an independent government . It intended to operate temporarily as a government, pending the establishment of a central government run by Filipinos. It had a constitution, popularly called he Makabulos constitution. In the months that followed, armed clashes between the Filipinos and the Spaniards occurred,. These clashes made the Filipinos and Spaniards more suspicious of each other. Bad faith on both sides ultimately caused the truce to fail.

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