Page 1: Chapter 1   unit 1. let me tell you about myself

CHAPTER 1: I am…

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Unit 1: Let me tell you about myself…

Exercise 1: Picture Description

What do you see in the picture?

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Exercise 2: Vocabulary

Repeat after your tutor.


ngày sinh nhật

My birthday is November 16.


sinh sống

I live in France.


sinh ra

I was born in Japan.


He enjoys sports.

worklàm việc

She works in a bank.

friendlythân thiện

She is friendly.

hobbysở thích

Soccer is my hobby.



My name is Kenichi


yêu thích (adj)

Sushi is my favorite dish.


chăm chỉ

Teachers are hardworking.

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Exercise 3: Let’s Talk

A. Read the dialogue with your tutor.

Tutor Good morning! How are you?

Student I’m fine, thank you.

Tutor Please tell me something about yourself.

Student My name is Catherine Ha. I am a chef.

Tutor What do you do at work?

Student I make food at a restaurant.

Tutor Do you like cooking?

Student Yes. I enjoy it.

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Tutor Minh Dat, what are your hobbies?

Student I like to swim.

Tutor That’s interesting. Do you play other sports?

Student I play badminton, too.

Tutor Wow. You’re an active person.

Student I guess I am.

B. Repeat after your tutor.

1. chef - /ʃɛf/ or [shef] đầu bếp

2. restaurant - /ˈrɛstərənt, -təˌrɑnt, -trɑnt/ or [res-ter-uhnt, -tuh-rahnt, -trahnt] nhà hàng

3. sports - /spɔrts, spoʊrts/ or [spawrts, spohrts] thể thao

4. badminton - /ˈbædmɪntn/ or [bad-min-tn] cầu lông

5. active - /ˈæktɪv/ or [ak-tiv] hoạt động

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Exercise 4: Different Types of People

Choose between the two words to complete the


Follow the pattern below.

I am happy.

He/She is smart.

You/They are kind.

1. I (am, is) a businessman.

2. She (is, are) very friendly.

3. You (are, am) an interesting person.

4. He (are, is) working for an online company.

5. They (am, are) athletic.

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Exercise 5: What is Your Personality?

Read the sentence in Column A. Connect each item to the right sentence in Column B.


1. Rita has many friends. a. She is hardworking.

2. Vincent likes sports. b. It is his favorite food.

3. John loves sushi. c. It is my hobby.

4. Sharon works every day. d. She is friendly.

5. I paint in my free time. e. He enjoys basketball.

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Exercise 6: What’s Your Job?

Look at the pictures below. Answer the questions with a complete


1. Is he a lawyer?

2. Is he a dancer?

3. Is he a teacher?

1. Is he in the sea?

2. Is he a soccer player?

3. Does he like scuba diving?

1. Does she live in China?

2. Is she an American?

3. Does she speak English?

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Exercise 7: What Do You Do at Work?

Choose the job that matches the description.

1. I help sick people. I am a .

2. She has a business. She is a .

3. We teach English. We are _.

4. They play soccer. They are _.

5. You write books. You are a _.






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Exercise 8: About Me

Read the person’s profile below. Complete the sentences based on the information.


Name: Martin Sanders

Age: 25 years old

Birth Place: Ontario, Canada

Job: Banker

College Major: Business

Hobbies: Reading books, surfing the Internet Favorite Food: Pasta

Reason for Studying English: l want to travel around the world.

● Hi, my name is .

● I am years old.

● I was born in .

● In college, I majored in .

● I work as a .

● In my free time, I like .

● My favorite food is .

● I study English because .

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Exercise 9: Introduce Yourself

A. It’s your turn to say something about yourself. Complete the dialogue with your own information.

Tutor: What is your name?

Student: My name is . You can call me .

Tutor: Where do you live?

Student: I live in .

Tutor: What is your job?

Student: I am .

Tutor: Do you have a hobby?

Student: Yes. My hobby is .

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B. Now, exchange roles! Complete the questions with the right word.

Student: What is your ?

Tutor: My name is (tutor’s name). You can

call me (tutor’s nickname).

Student: Where do you ?

Tutor: I live in (tutor’s hometown).

Student: What is your ?

Tutor: I am (tutor’s job).

Student: Do you have a ?

Tutor: Yes. My hobby is (tutor’s hobby).

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