Page 1: Channels of knowledge Spillover: an Australian perspective Sasan Bakhtiari Senior Economist Industry & Firm Analysis Office of the Chief Economist 15 September

Channels of knowledge Spillover: an Australian perspective

Sasan BakhtiariSenior Economist

Industry & Firm AnalysisOffice of the Chief Economist15 September 2015

Industry InnovationWorkshop 2015

15 September

Page 2: Channels of knowledge Spillover: an Australian perspective Sasan Bakhtiari Senior Economist Industry & Firm Analysis Office of the Chief Economist 15 September

Knowledge Spillovers

Industry InnovationWorkshop 2015

15 September

Spillovers drive a wedge between private and social benefits of R&D

• Generate an incentive gap

• Firms under-invest in R&D

• The gap can be filled by R&D tax incentives, grants and patent protections

• More impact if targeted at where Spillovers happen

With no spillovers

Incentive Gap

Private rents to innovation

With Spillovers

Source: Department of Industry and Science

Page 3: Channels of knowledge Spillover: an Australian perspective Sasan Bakhtiari Senior Economist Industry & Firm Analysis Office of the Chief Economist 15 September

Our study

Industry InnovationWorkshop 2015

15 September

Do Spillovers instigate R&D activity above and beyond the firm’s normal course?

Source: Department of Industry and Science


Notion of Spillover


Page 4: Channels of knowledge Spillover: an Australian perspective Sasan Bakhtiari Senior Economist Industry & Firm Analysis Office of the Chief Economist 15 September

Our study

Industry InnovationWorkshop 2015

15 September

Are Spillovers distance related?

Source: Department of Industry and Science


Notion of Spillover


Page 5: Channels of knowledge Spillover: an Australian perspective Sasan Bakhtiari Senior Economist Industry & Firm Analysis Office of the Chief Economist 15 September

Industry InnovationWorkshop 2015

15 September

What we study


• Firm-level analysis

• Accounts for geography

• Brings evidence on par withother countries (US, Europe, Japan)

• Spillovers to drive increasedR&D not productivity

The data

• R&D Tax Concession Data

• Department’s own admin data

• All R&D active firms that registered

• About 19,000 firms and more than 73,000 observations during 2001−2011

Page 6: Channels of knowledge Spillover: an Australian perspective Sasan Bakhtiari Senior Economist Industry & Firm Analysis Office of the Chief Economist 15 September

Channels of Spillover

Target FirmSuppliers Clients

PeersUniversity and Government

Industry InnovationWorkshop 2015

15 September

Source: Department of Industry and Science

Sources of external knowledgeKnowledge can be sourced from various sources

The sources we account for:

• Private source: peers, suppliers and clients

• Public Sources: universities and state and federal governments

Page 7: Channels of knowledge Spillover: an Australian perspective Sasan Bakhtiari Senior Economist Industry & Firm Analysis Office of the Chief Economist 15 September

The geography of Spillovers

Regional to a Firm

Remote to a Firm

Industry InnovationWorkshop 2015

15 September

Geographic classification

Source: Department of Industry and Science

Local to a Firm

For each firm we classify distance to other firms as

• Local: within 10kmof a firm

• Regional: within 250kmof a firm

• Remote: farther than 250km from a firm

10km 250km

Page 8: Channels of knowledge Spillover: an Australian perspective Sasan Bakhtiari Senior Economist Industry & Firm Analysis Office of the Chief Economist 15 September

Private SpilloversWe find that

Industry InnovationWorkshop 2015

15 September


Who: Other firms in the same industry

What: Spill over but only locally

Theory: Spilling over happens through R&D staff interactions


Who: Firms in other industries weighted by ABS IO Tables

What: Spill over but only locally

Theory: Spilling over happens through R&D staff interactions


Who: Firms in other industries weighted by ABS IO Tables

What: Spill over and no geographic aspect (similar evidence for Japanese firms)

Theory: product or service itself is the medium for knowledge spillover

Page 9: Channels of knowledge Spillover: an Australian perspective Sasan Bakhtiari Senior Economist Industry & Firm Analysis Office of the Chief Economist 15 September

Public SpilloversWe find that

Industry InnovationWorkshop 2015

15 September

Institutes of higher education

Contribute to increased private R&D

Mostly conduct basic research

State Governments

Discourage private R&D

Mostly conduct applied research

Australian Government

Discourage private R&D

Mostly conduct applied research

Corollary:Increasing focus on basic R&D (CSIRO type) might stimulate private R&D


Page 10: Channels of knowledge Spillover: an Australian perspective Sasan Bakhtiari Senior Economist Industry & Firm Analysis Office of the Chief Economist 15 September

ClusteringWe find that

Industry InnovationWorkshop 2015

15 September


Clusters increase Spillovers by facilitating collaborations or employee poaching


Clustering intensifies competition within the cluster; firms spend more on R&D

Spillovers are not stronger within clusters

Generates an impression of detachment

Local Locally Clustered

Source: Department of Industry and Science

Illustration of Clustering

Page 11: Channels of knowledge Spillover: an Australian perspective Sasan Bakhtiari Senior Economist Industry & Firm Analysis Office of the Chief Economist 15 September

Industry InnovationWorkshop 2015

15 September

Further informationContact Details

Detecting channels of knowledge Spillover in R&D tax dataSasan Bakhtiari and Robert Breunig

Sasan BakhtiariSenior EconomistIndustry and Firm AnalysisOffice of the Chief Economist

Phone: 02 9397 1639Email: [email protected]

Detecting Channels ofKnowledge Spillover inR&D Tax DataSasan Bakhtiari and Robert Breunig

August 2015

For further information on this research paper please contact:

Name: Sasan Bakhtiari

Section: Industry and Firm Analysis

Department of Industry & Science

GPO Box 9839

Canberra ACT 2601

Phone : +61 2 9397 1639

Email: [email protected]

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