  • 8/13/2019 Ch 3 What Lies Beneath.


    Session 3: What lies Beneath.

    Four days after the death of Father Dietrich, the Caravan emerges from the forest and gets its first view of the City of the White

    Wolf, Commander Schillers face remains granite like in steely determination as he subdues all the shock that the sight of the

    grand old city instils on him. Large chunks of the great walls lie crumbled, the causeways are pitted and cracked, it must have

    been a hell of a battle and Schiller is secretly grateful that he wasnt involved.

    As the Caravan approaches the causeway they are met by a group of militia, they are guided to the southern causeway and

    told that there is a refugee camp at Southgate and that they should make it their billet for the foreseeable future. The refugees

    are simply relieved just to find a camp, Sisters from the temple of Shallaya bring food and hot tea and tend to the ill and


    Granny takes Ferrin to one side and explains they have work to do, then they round up Meridan, Carlo and Bagram, the latter

    has no interest in these piffling Mannling errands, All I want is my discharge papers and then Im gone. He says sourly.

    Master Bagram, you are still a member of this Company, bound by oath, until your Commander dismisses you, If I must, I will

    formerly request your reassignment to my duties from your Commander. Granny announces stiffly, Bagram shrugs, snaps off

    a salute and gathers his axe and pistols.

    The group of five makes its way across South Gate toward the temple district, Granny leads the way like she has lived here all

    her life, she directs them down various alleys, muttering quietly to herself. Thats new, this wasnt here last time I was here.

    Granny leads them across the frieburg district, by the North Gate sits the Temple of Sigmar, granny approaches a young cleric,

    after a quick chat he points them in to the Temple.

    Father Morten looks up from his paperwork, alerted by the heavy footfalls, he squints at the five strangers, Can I help yo. Thewords catch in his throat as he squints harder, It cannot be, Sister Anna, but you look, Granny cuts him off with a cough and

    a steely glare,Meridan she commands, Meridan steps forward and takes Father Dietrichs box out of her back-pack and

    hands it to Father Morten. Father Dietrichs box, he had this for years, his voice becomes softer a little sadder, Has he

    gone? he asks, already knowing the answer.

    Meridan nods Taken not four days ago, I swore to him that I would bring this to you, it was his dying wish for it to return

    home. Meridansvoice betrays her emotional state, May I ask, what is it?

    Father Morten takes the box and carefully lays it down, he opens the catches on the box as Bagram, Carlo and Ferrin gather

    round. Inside, neatly folded is a package of deep red satin, Father Morten lifts it out carefully and opens it up. Within its folds a

    faded piece of cotton, unfolded it measures a foot square. As the cotton unfurls, Meridan drops to her knees and begins to

    weep (Glynn rolled a natural 100 on his Observation, as a result he became privy to some interesting information for Meridan).

    Meridan reaches out and touches the cotton, immediately her vision swims, when it refocuses she is outside, the surroundings

    look familiar but different, she turns her head, her attention drawn to a fight in the square, One she knows isArtur,chief of the

    Teutogen tribe, the other a tall young blonde man with wild hair, swinging a warhammer, the crowd whisper that this is Sigmar

    the young chieftain of theUnberogens and the fight is to see if Middenhiem will join the new Empire, they say Sigmar climbed

    the rock to face Artur.

    The fight is furious, but it is Sigmar who is victorious, he collapses, exhausted from victory, then from the crowd a Sister of

    Shallaya appears carrying a water pail, she sets it down by Sigmar, she removes a white cotton scarf and begins to tear pieces

    off it to bind his wounds, a large piece she tears and soaks in the pail, she places this one over his head to cool and sooth him.

    Sigmar takes her hand Thank you sister, thankyou for your kindness, then he lays back, the cotton scarf over his face.

    Meridan gets a good look at the sister, something familiar about her eyes, then it all goes fuzzy again, when it clears Meridan

    finds herself in the aftermath of a battle, the stench of death is everywhere, but this is different, she knows the smell of death inbattle, but within this one, there is a fetid odour, ancient death, then she notices the corpses, many of them are well in to

    decay, some nothing more than skeletons. On a hill a short distance away she sees Sigmar, again he is cut and exhausted, at

    his feet a mound of mouldering corpses and the reminents of a force of evil, that drifts away on the wind and again the familiar

    figure of the sister dressing his wounds, the same scarf soothing his cooling brow again. The sister looks up and looks straight

    at Meridan, she smiles and nods, then holds the scarf out, as if handing it to her.

    Meridan opens her tear filled eyes, she is back in the Temple of Sigmar, the reminants of the cotton scarf in her hands, she

    can clearly see the face of Sigmar imprinted on it, she looks up at granny, those same eyes smile back..

    Its a snot rag, exclaims Bagram, Hes been keeping a snot rag in a box, his distaste evident.

    Father Morton is taken aback with shock, it is a most holy relic, he chidesat Bagram.

    Ok its a holysnot rag, why is she wailing like a grobi with its balls sliced off sniggered Bagram.

    Master Bagram! snapped granny, Some sense the power of the divine as keenly as you sense ale in your belly, so please

    keep a civil tongue.
  • 8/13/2019 Ch 3 What Lies Beneath.


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