  • Five Days in the Land of the Tsar

    THE FORiUNES OF WAR HAVE ~~ADE COSSAOnh1ginjuly. Place: the ooun in the Hotcl Hris1ol, H~lin. "Why ~>n't you come with

    me toSl. PetertburJ?"(now Pc.trov,1d). Tl1e ~m.:irk w,111 addrct!M'd to u1,

    ,, Canadi3n couple, by a di.ana:,mtt bul \ffY conrru.lJ English friend.

    While ttrta.10 paru. of £uro~ tuwe alm05t t,c,,en m)' home from childhood, I had nfr\·kc ~ ~ h:Ld :i lifo pas5pon ( ,-ery unusual. to j~ br the manner o{ the official}, WM ~le.inf{ the Consul to~ his p;a-.. pon. It WU made out lO the pro-

  • ft'ti90r ~nd hi"' 'llt1ifti; t11e l:utcr ba,•ing died ~1dy. tht father wa.rn«I to mkt in bi .. 6c,lt) on the &,o ~port. Thc,o oil)· Ruqian uwr«t bim tJun anythi11~ he oould he wuuld do fot bin1, but d1at il Wottld be \'Cf}' clifficult. Would he h?a\·e. his ~p(lft. aa in lhe mc.intlmc:Othcr1 •·c:rcv.Ititfo1t, and the off1(:e hoU111 •"tre _., 11hol't ? •n.t"l,, witl1 a,1 added tou,;:h t,( oil tu his oily manner and n tmiJc e\·cn nititr than the man• ntr:

    "Of Q..ltu1'1C the GtJ,,:rn. tti.tnt CXM-'11> a fN:-th:1nk )'f)U, thank )'OU,"

    The [l('.Xl man WM ~ R1~.m, ;1,nd handed O\'tr • nu1c:h -.·on1 1,;,....,,.purt: ;.1 little, gmtioy l)(M.}l. lib a bn.nk pa-d; fluent a.nd gn\mm.'lti• modt'rn capiual. _ We arrivt'd on time in £ydtkuhncn, S•antll n( porttr/l drc"Not'd in home•

    CANADA MONTHLY spun, homemade fott"n ,.n,l)()k• :uid bl;u:k trou.sen atufft'd into kneie boot£, 1nlkir1s;: u-11-;il PQl)glot languaa:e of t.bc fromiA:r tO"A n, "'°iitd o~cr hQnt.l lugpgo. It is thC' only •·ord 10 Ul!C', ·rhere "'"Uno a5.king "Uy }'our lea~," wbkh wt- &ho~1ld not ha\'e undorfitQQfl in t111~· evt•nt,

    The n1!1h.a11· .-1,cmt-nl here as t'\'erywllctt el-e in Rur...,UI..

    At the door o( thC' -.1,o;tion, or ~thcr cu111t)m-"t room, our pB:iopott. Wt!tt t.'lktn As in :all fruntit'f" it.ation,;, long '°"'' mblet for the cx.m1iw1tirridor atood A h:llr~lwc-n officials ~dt to t.'lkct {ln~· compert• ment th;i.c had not bee:i, ord(:f'OO in ,td,.-11r1«-. As we bad not rulhc:d or pu1hed .u hard 115 l111.• olhtr,., I dUnk thC':!C offid.1111 hoped that no ooe-. wu c:omini to tuJ.:c: ~,.ion.

    Ovr tv.·o romp.'ltuncnta v.~ tom-nu111ic-.ulng, und "Y.ith the doan, ,.,htfh '\\ r:re in 1hr middfo o( &ht room-. t11•·n. \\'t had qui~ " rood 11pace-. lm~lne qur e.urprille when our thoughUul Engli!ihman eorral«l the J)(lner imd paid him four mark.I (or •htel.S and

  • :l'.U pilk,v. fut' l'~c.b b:f-lh: thm 1111,o1!1,..-,muli: r.i.,·h (or ,.,,.irJ'i. 11w .. ~inc «nlffltn••f.ujC•n• at 1ht .-..i o, lhti 11:-11• Wl'ftt atrofi.,,,._ 10 diffrf\'ft1 from tb,'.I~ oa ~ G,nman tn\in, Pl 'It,·•·· h ""'l' h.1,d U11\:,rh-J thiu. d.1).

    1hn •r bad t,ur l• .. J• m.:ul, :md our ,nrtJ,, ... oprnrJ, ,inJ. line.Un& nothina: n1l,nt 1h,11 hi, rt>olcl ,tr, for u our frk-nd k(t U

  • mon ar:.111.11ry whieh can be dnnrn on in t.in1.,."or famine. rbewm-i1l11 w\·..t\'t-and ,pin all their 0\\11 duthing.

    It hllf.l 00.-n rulninJt bielOl'e '11.'c:. ttachcd St. Pt.'ttnburv, l>ut llle ,un c:1111li.' •t:lcom~.

    111e friend of our Englit-hnmn wall 1bcre 10 u1,1,.•e.. o,, and to j\,ldaC" b>• hi-.. t•l'mi-1,.icnch, 4(.'n\i•ltali~u) 1nr~n1wr, v.,I.Jj dtlhtl*"'' t9 ..... -e tL399Cngcr v;ith one t')'C 1oob r,ut for the: ohject hc i& inoet likrly 10 d,~h upon, with tlw otht:r 5tt$ th:u he ia nut bcin~ 11ikes1 i,1 dn di~tim1 oppo!ilU: to hu Jc..,tirn:uinn,

    Tb,, -.to1tic>1, is 111 quit(' a irt'. h lnub l.11"gt.· bu, i. h.adl)' 11lar1nc:d oul frtim our vit:-~•1,oim o( u~uK ••II mo111 lu tl1e 1:ie-l :idv.m1.lj,tt'. Bul it i»;· .ind dt-0n 1imd bo,\.,1!1 ~, rouf g-ltdt.'1\ hmh MKJ,ocd 11.nrl ,. r,,ir d1a.t "'ould do Cl't'fJil to any N..-,..,-York hc-,u·t Th.., 1-v.u lifu ..,.~ • .._. nl•Kkm .111Lill :tll~~1 to \l.'t'ar hi• nnifonn. •

    CANADA ~IONTliL Y A gor_gCOOII ~~• d~-u&ly a. bdl-1,o)""9. Th("!,(!'. :auc11dant1 u.,h~n:d m inio our mcun,, "''hicl1 "'e founcl m0&t t..-c,mfnr-tabl~; L11');.e ;uid wt•II {umi~ed. h.i\in$; "'~'I')' mrxlt'Tlt df!C• tric: light com•-,•!rict1 nnd 1>lumhing dti\ it.,c.

    Ollc !Ctnall bo)' of d1t r-acocke. · rc.1ther5 reappe.1r«I, dtnL:mdu1g 601TM!· thing '!'l'l1idl we took. tr> b1• our 1:xa.,. .. -pt)rt 1md whic"h v.i: hnildNl t..(> hiin.

    'rh(•tl" i" .;l l~i...,.Pt,rt uffic: ... in l!\'-,''1' htll('I. 'fht- p.·u.spon lie,; then- ,1fl~r hcilll{ \·itlAunl1\I It bdnit Aun\lllt•t1irn~ and IOt"ie-L>· :w, .... y from St. PttNT,bura, thton.\ V,t'f(: not IUllll)' gU ju.t lhNl lilt' olll)' woman wltltin rang(.'. I lllm .a.(r:,id

    225 tlial I \\·M not 1n illl irupr~ by bim but very much inlcttitlCd in his m.1--1; 1crl)1 playing ()( th"' \;olin, imd when he pl.1)'td D,·tJmlcl .io EngH.,,b illuMralcd paf'(.'1" of N!ttrll date· fo. .,.te'lJ Ct'1 .. und tht!n 1~h. He 111id('J'&l()OO it buL 'l\·as ,t linlc My, I tl1i11k, o( ,.-11.:in;r it. So our wnvc-fl,3.tlQon w~w e:,rri«l cm in ;f mixture of E11gli.~. Frt1lcli:md Cot'nn.1n.

    At., table 1>p1lt:11 air g.irdtnf...

  • 2:?6 To JuJ.:e b)· thr the,atr-. lll.t I a.1•,

    they art. rrdthrr n'· wwld~bt- lnc,e,nkiu.ty i11pnuoti. in1 m-, th.,t v,,1., n",1Ui, .iflP-'ll:irtt.

    Th~ audil"QC(', COIDP'--«I lot the nlMl par't of offir.ffll •"ho kept on tJ1fir c.ipa,. flftl.ld.1.rlc, cu.1rw tr-~1t1Jttd "'Omen, ...-r"'mt'd ddightN1 whh thr ti0n,-. 11nd t1u: aifll'.'n- But out patty bn;.tthtd 11 ... i:h ..,.r mitf v,b,-i, 1hr, L"l•I t•nr di ... •j1Pl'attd. Kno•••ing l of ch.- man)· R.,.~lln n.ujnn(al 1-oa-tuMdl, JiR.ftC Ruf6i.ln folk ..nirs \ttty 11lt.uincJ1· hw \OC'llll rufVIW. .... , ... ihMiao llll'UIC ill ~ h armoa:iom.. ~,u lh• l~lUillbn ._ IIJt• IUT 11111d; cu·n ttM: wonlt an:- 1111d, I ;un told. f am nut effllJtiun.1-l, but bN' .in,lnc lnuaiht ., liamrt irun my 1hro,u an,I I fth all tht- p,11~ of a pt0plc hclJ do'W'D b)· 11 dt:,-Hic lt'Wfflll1.ntl, •idffl '"' a mono atbinvy and ~upt'tltitioin-riddm tf'-llp,n.

    When •·e dnwc: hom(' in thfl tsuly houn h was not yet duk. It L, l•ttlri.W ·, t:ritd co iake U5 bad o,w ti~ ll('ll:t Ont· ..., , .. to inCl"('lllW' the- fo~.

    ~tld,J.y wa. all tunshhw. Wt- (our 'fran for a •alk a.l,.aQ the l'\t, >fd Pn.PKt ,., ~fl a p;mt11ll Kkn twd\-e feet ,r;jde, A po.rt of thl l)Ultt drl\

  • 298 .-ddr,---c•d to f.1bd. I ii«- u 1Lt,h •• , \'i•ll•n ,,. Ilk' 1,rol111bk rt>a-.i>n l,,r llk'k Clmtd1"• lriJI ln \\"ifml11Qt rn1M h.1\·t• l=Ul from tlit• lt•tlo•r 111 IYI)' br,1in .ind h.u k f>UI ill(ilifl d1tuu1,th mt of tht-, o.nd t·,·t't)' otlwt ,rn,1II tl.1il) in 1tw count')·, cr.111w the 'lto11r, Th(" pu1,lk tliiulc 111,11 ,I ,,.,,r i, 11 ftnr thin\;: fp,-tht> n1-v. •i:s.i1,cr-,., ,.i1,t'1! ii 1tln-.; 1tw11'l ~, 111ud1 Ot•\u. Um tht• 1u1hlic tl,,c-,.r1'1 figure \\h,o it ro,.,~ t•l ~l'I it. \\"h~. if .ill thO!< td1.,:r.1m.-1·1uht1 .. bt.J in 1hUJ>ll'l o( tl11' bop,. MW frooi 1h1• r,•. lk>rh'•l'ii° l'()f (:itbbirfrt. Th(")' .ill h.we ;1, IArnilaril)', 1,1, IMbf Meic1, whkh would pt-rmit •uch .1 lhh,a U. btp>od tn>· ('umpn>twn;i{on, fln lY,fl ~d1-. of the room Wt.'Nl Jiri\o\tt• box1"A "'h~-w drinking ,u·tlt on ;irk.i tM fun bc.'i.·.unc ,tty Lc-i~1trm1• .-nil hifarii>ut p;uticul,lrlr wa.~ lJ1t


    t-•- Lll ,..,., ... .,._._ • ._ lpu-..• ••w""' ~A-•U•1- ()....U.IIW ,.,_.___..,_ Ula-1-0VO."

    bu1 nn dt>u1,t he-v.-oukl not ha, c undC'r• ,-totlil m:-· ... ymp;uhy \\Just """"'('(! lu mt·;, tediou.- m:trh-rdom for ;1 t""hiltl 1\·.t., tu Jilm only tlu• J,1y'• v.ork. Poor li11k! Ru~ . .;:u1 l,oy !

    On '\londrt)· m,m1ilig nur N.>al ~gh1• "'ttil1): brg~n. We h;,d lort."ft 1old 1h.11 " m.,., fmm our Engll!Juu.;in·~ 11lti(',• v;oultl l:lt' dl't.1iltd 1u iJio•· U" .ilioul; \\~ v,1'ff (1) 1.-II him v, ha1 •,w v, ,u\l• f'II I ~- .mJ ht' .,,,,mid ro1ltluc1 u.-..

    .\• "1" v,ett fo1i~hiit~ our btt-J.kfa,.t in f>tlt !,;\Ion, .onM,Hlc r.lJ)Jlt"ll, anti 1h1-ft' 1o1,,od nur Ch·c:ron'-'. He 11111 hh 111,·h t()l(t'tht'r. l:M'1Wf'fl l11'\I, and ki"'-'1rl rJllttt ,ink wht•n nt)' hu~Ja11d numcd 1J1L" thUt('ht'" a-1 th(' lir,1 sigh!!< v.c '11.'(l'llld set•. J3u1 11,hcn r,ur nmwr i;lclppl~ 1u the Church of th(' R'"C1t.io11. the m.1gl'.lHk11.•nt nwmori;1I lo th1! m;,rtyrtd ..\ft-.-,;.;mrJt-r 11,. I lmcw, th,11 it w,11• 11111 an}' church thru wr V.df"I •• mil 1t"1.1lly tht 11M.-. 1111,ri.11 i .. 1>1.u.•rd on the ._..,..,, of tht· murder. In rhi .. r,1""1.' th~ churd, v..1:t1 liuih. ;1nci in 1lw rhun:h "d1,1pd v.;i .. ",..-ct•·d o\ff eh,· \l•r,-· ""ll"' in ttw J)."\'\'t"-nu-11\ v.ln-rl' At,•x,1n•kr', mutdt r V.,1·, t"lmmlill1't.l. To1fo 1hi-., 1b1.· CoUl"!ol.' o[ lhtc nmal h,t1J to I,• t·haugt-d .i.nd it m,tk,·!, .1 cl1-('Klt·d f'Urn•.

    On rntt'rinJ,!, our i;:uick al onn· 10C"a1n.,I a Ru,-.""•u1 1,0 1·xpl.1i1, to u, tlt.t.· hr.mllit.,. of tht< cdlht,_-, 'rh1•t1 fuUu'1-1--d ,1 1ht1."C-fold ~lf.ui,11t11n; JlrM iu ff.1111• !,i,,n 111 ti. who lxolit:,·~ 1h,a1 1l1c ,;,pi.rit or 1hc- man)'Tt'tl T63r will grnrn tbc-nt thrir prd)'l'"' "Yrjt('" IUld !'HU Fren.rh fril'llrl rr:1nldy told "'" th;1t tbet

  • ~00

    hind 1b~ halu,tr11do 11nd thl' ml"n of d,t" pu1y t"nlt-ttd t11notu,u1·. Thl" cuurtoou. R~, gul~ cspL.,iqed H• m)· ,...y o( con..i..

    '""'· As we •·tte Jm,•in11 th,c church, thr cui .Ntva. Anotbcr room th,11, l"t.uwls out. I• th" 1,i1t hnil

  • and •'clicve its rnii• 1itr11etion JJ'.IMcd over 1h~ rdgns ;:u,i,I tha1 iLli ~t n«'('{J1-rl 1httt .ind one •1111mtr million~ ,u .... lin,:.

    C\NADA MONTHLY I w;i~ v~• :ua:Nlc" to k'C thclh1.1mble

    hou:,c, or rNer the Gr-.:.1t, ,1(H:r M!e~1\g ~ m,u,~• of th~ "·onder. of hi;o time, ,o \l,'C! hurri«I thtro bc!orto QUJ" lunch. The tiul~ \\'o«lcn uructuA! h.,-u; h«n J~I hi it,., original H3tt, und CO\.¥rtd by .t rou( to (lfflll.'Cl it from the c-11'm-rnt1>. The ~:t~t n1.11l'• 1able. bed .-ind ch.Mr ;ire alwwn, made m0ti.tly by bin11,df. I le ne\+er wt as we do in ii,l dlait. but todt- it .ia he t••ookl a hOrtiC', .and cm the baek v..u fa.,U.'ll(-d :i hoard ._,•hidl ~-00 him a~ J._,.k, One or 1l1r rvom-< oontairni ('1;e of the n10,,,t "''~I uf tli~· ikons; the ont', it i,- daim«I, ,1,hich Pctn c.irrfod •.-:hh him to rfk. "'llt!I• nnd befc,n.: it 11ri, burn«t dav and nigh1 i,u,utnt,mbJti emdl('Jt bl"Ought by the: l>CO~e makil'I}: .-.in1~ S)()titicm :\1 all dmcg ~,pie: lltt' th~re 1>r.i)'i111t, ,md when the- room I'- (ull n pri(':st comeii in, dc.m11-.m cl:,bomt\' Vt'?l>tme-11t and ble.;.~ Cht' dC'\'tHett. On hia way om M tliplt hi~ enuifi,r in n ~I of v.·11tc.r, bl~nt; it: th~ illl'Qplt' drink o( it, bclfoving it 10 cut~ ,lll ilk Ue-~·ttn that, aniJ er.-" linit ;1t1:111ncl, kiSii-iug llie diny floor, I am 1vn $Uf'J1ri,,ed that Mcknc,,.~ .inti di~:u-c .irt' ~ pte\·• ,11(,111.

    Behind the- hou1"(! j.., Pc:cu·• b,-,.,1.

    301 m;1de b)· him.~lf_: p,:rlrn,p,: it "''-'" dH.-firtt fJne-Ju• built whc11 hr '\\~l in• 1.>ogni10 1n Amst.trdAm. Mtd \lo'OtkM for loOfll(' timt 116 a COlhffl\-.JI 1,bilJ"·tfght. I don•1 knc,w wl1i'«: he found tht' time to do so much n:.dly ilrtit.tic manual 11,•ork in \\·ood, h·ol"}' .1nd IQlw.r; u ht' i..,, r\'l)re!u1>: f\lrhm11tdy \t;c.-were told wh.n tn it, 11:nd ., were &a\'fd in tithe (rom a -.·cinl cx11t:riC)rt Yi-«i tw the pt,liN!.

  • ,.-iibt-r l'• ,ul,r h nu•" 10 a J..-1),"t' l-4111din11: ,rn,I \\('f\" 1,,t,t 1h11 it •••• lh•· l">nrn.'I; tMI M"llltd it \\'r .., •. ,t' .,c OIIKt' mln1'11tnl to tor\" thi-•o'l'lie ol ,., 11,.:ml ""°"I t,,,11!.n, 1wl ncl1td plrll,unh11, Our R. u:-~l.u:1 did nol lu1,iw lf v,1 ,n11114' t• •lmillc 'IU' Nld nt.'ilhtt IM.1''1Uil nor JU-'v-C• rl Uut \, Ill, uaul ...,illini:,a-... t, ,thft(•• .,Tid th 11 11o1• •·,~aid II'\' i1 \\ ,r,m1nl in ch,• 1rwt1,r, •hik- ht· •·c1.i in ,11,ml c-1,n, 1"hroll with " ,·1-r, t"ft.,,.111 ltu1,i,,c, in ullil,:w'tn: •r ~• hien J1'1 1ht1,:, t1 c:ml, ,u,d l11:·i1111'. urdull} -c-nuinl1f"d. Wt' Wff'I' in\'ittd rn C'l1mt m 'l'hrn f,!1111,Hd ,.ari1"111 tnu,.lu, rion..._ 1, "'hirh ••t· 1m,i .. ,..,.-, not ,11w -..U1d; ,,U thr •ittirioh llf.111\"1.I .m,t lnulta'i"I rm"'' .i If I I ,&r, our n.lrn .. • • ,,,..,. ••f,ttl 1hr, '''"''"' \h- M'.'1'1in;I tnintl -.." ,·.i.-t l,o,i;,,,il:,ili, tW,, h1r fr.iu,,I •• tbbi .,.,,u1,a·1n,rnt

    \\'b,u .a t.u11I ,,i ft:111.-I•' rtx-n.,,\\ 1n tbiie l .. te •;iit th.ti•-'-" nut ._.,..J•I' 1h.1l c~•nit~ lu1""'19U1.-ll4-All)' th.;snttt.lh IUUlll1t hllO Ip\ i1nd 61h'CI' 1,..,,., Iormina ,, l"'lllloll(" 11o1 r - • r•MI 1.-. tbt- R")·al llk'Ji\f

  • h.1\l l'IIHl.iin. .. 1111wl -.r ah,dl l'\t'f" br.1r ill f'f.llcJ11I 1tairnl-llf") the JJll.cntrr and u·U .ani.fa-c• of 1h, l"'th ( .iUI 1di.a11 ,tountt'li Ri~, t..n thttl •KQ..J1111.

    I .ti..11 •k• Ill i1 ..j jR'U\ '"\'Of H )T•U ..,,II kin, ly ~,nn."} to )-ot1r td1n.·ni. \_(' ,ith,,.·r, .111,t m,cu th•: rurp. ,t 11f .i,;,j ',:,111

    , Nin, , c::r-y I :;utblully J1.l111 RNH-.. ,

    t ·,,i..,mi l-t)m~tidir,g :?o,1 0.imdi,,n l'nm._. \'kt..•riA•• kn>•I lri.Ji Fu-H-lim

    ·•Oor Ain Charlie" (' >'lh .\I~ In.a p,af" ~

    ,, ht•,rt \\hilr ,,.._.,,_,. ta.1} 111, 11 JIIHI ~ lffC' ."llWAl'f, it i~u•t :aQ, J11.·;,.,)tf ... I !1-111ftlltiol th ,, li£rl111'K'0 11Nd tho..r •·bi1 h.t,·r rithc-r a l1iir11f'U)' fJf • prac1iral• t.·1pcnc·ncr k.D11¥dnl~ "' r,k,u,.'('r d•~ •• •ill ,111 )o,, ,1, .. t tt.,11o1t '""'"'"' ru, hit tJx, ull 11n tin- b.:.MI .ui Ill) utlx-r .,111,~rr t~, ,L,,1,· In ,m 1111" • h("ft t1i1w h,,ndn-rl ,11.nd ninu,.--ni1» 1,u1 oi ot"\ff'l' dwU1ro,111I tJoo,u an., 11111 ,111h· .a,·ov.cdl) W"C'UIJr, Lut ,id,,1i-nah· .. ,, h;,. "'-or-k M.,u,,t~ out •i1t1 ,1 MfllCTn.: timl,lik-it)· th.,1 n1-•""1ti OIII' turn 111 Ii ltl;lfl\ -lil'ht'II RMd cnp)" •·irh c·oafi.ldllC't.· .ind ~ti,... , .. ti,.,,

    lfh'll.·t•,·tt, t1larl

  • 316

    h Wh..t You Make It

    SAVE HALF cbe Cott ofYourDreues.

    )U_u ,:.,S ._ .. t II ··- _ 11~-~ ........ ,~·•lolf .... ,,..,..,_ :,;,,. ......... .._.."' --'"' ..... ~ .. -,lll(c---... _ ..... .

    Hall-Borchert Perfection Adjustable

    Dre• Fo~ 1-'l:1·1111h,. rik t urt ~;1u•. 11:&r and •1:&tuary (nnninr lull uf •·111nc (I('t hlJtoo· nf tt.UMiun ichtrVt"tll.-11t i-n artt,._ l'Ut""''".J1ip

    .:a.ll(! art. Our ftct ~I and t,Ur l(!Ci1iu.._,. )1111>-& out, bt.ft•t't we h.,tl t.aH tini.Jwd tht- 5:loriet, uf tl•i• "(.n..kl'(u, J)i.u.·t'. I "vullt IIU! iu aboci~ 'l,'OU Ir rW1:1il 1M thtmlf ,r.·11n, th«o Ck'folt-n n~ 111 1.llllnt~ orilb:11,1: m,uchln~ lbe i.aLud br, 1hr (llnbpy 111 fl'ltrkh '"'"'hi r o,·tr the thn,qt dai--. I would likt-to lillw• )'t.U Liu• ru~·al ch1pd, •ilh II mu,nmlftt haod of Jnba the fl.aJni•t • J)f"J)'t'f (0 •hid! i• .. .i M hA\t' 1- .. llttt'flTft'II in 1bf. hinl, uf tlw T .. 1r nitcb. Ttu. di~pd i• •1S)Clk.'tl OOCll • )l',lt, ,,n C.t .John'• IJ,1)·, 111 th,· 111,1imt-d. dK" lwlt ~n th(' bli.Otl t.f. t-he p,pulatt ,1ul thrtr 11 11111,d tu I~ o1lfflOM ll rl~

    in d~ ttfon t1£ th4" 1t11,1hitud4'" t

  • '.lr.c,·a. -.rbere UM!' T...-u-And WI CDUl'I, with lhc cntin:-di~•ma,ic nlf"J> ('amt' •1 ftt'Ar tn bcint wipt'd out th~t WIODl.lf'ilbk d...)' lo J "'nuary -1 ,~.,., )'eMS ar,,. at dM: rR•t 1)f tho 1,1.,.111ir or tht J\c:\'ll- Thoe s.llut~ fiAld frocn the 1\ttM,r,,ol lortffta oppoalu·. huc~I o( llC'!init bla.nk ca.mid~, wu TCill e,utl'lll'.r, .anct the front ol Lhl, me-. nw-r 1heo: rr,p, of lh" windo'l\·t w:u. l(lffl tJUl b)· the tbott h) kill the T,;a,.

    In uru.• ~ art' t-11.hlbtto.l the gth. At4 mMt all uf lh

  • CANAD.I ~I0:-1TIILY - -King of Highways

    Thia Canada.Made Goodyea.r Tire

    \lh..n,•tt )~JU go. thctt i~ ont.a111uo10Lilt tirt' tha~ ,.,and out 111prrrot' bcc-,;wq,, of i 1 be.tUt) ,md 5elf-c,·idM1 t--en-i"c (~llUrl't

    And \\ ht-tt"\ l"r muwri,.1 ·· .1rc-fmmrl in 1(rf"'

  • "bi-~ually." Tbt' r.,ces ,.1Jtno!ic t('II 1bc- iruiulu; thry ,ur hc;tping i,n th~· .ak-c-nc-Suh-an: o #oC'rihc is 'llt'1'1tin1; 1b..-lelttr, and h i.s bcing dich1t~ by all uf the: motk-y C!re\\'. A nM.ll'l" curir,u,, 1-,t c,f races I• ncn·r M!l!n t~·du.T: the tuft of hair,_,, "L,;cboup," a., it i.• WIL'\I, on tbe top u{ lhe 1,h;,n-d h,·o1d•. c-bc t,o;Jni,n.lkcd hodilc roomful ii( 1,ictuh.-, hr \'t:r1:1>1M"hagin ..n: hill of iim.-n·>t: grue:-,..,mI' wind 11n,I frost. "-Q

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