Page 1: 全新台湾环岛精装之旅 - Golden Dragon...Tsoumalai Leisure Farm – An area of 120 hectors, with a lot of recreation facilities such as guide to park, archery, grass skiing,

金 龍 假 期 (怡保) 有 限 公 司

IPOH GOLDEN DRAGON TOUR SDN. BHD. 125, Jalan Raja Ekram(Cowan. St), 30450 Ipoh Perak

Tel: 05-2551150-3, 2411498 Fax: 05-2559311

Email no: [email protected], [email protected]




汽車旅館 - 嶄新的房型,多樣的主題風格,豐富的視覺享受,讓您隨時都有不同的感受與最美好的體驗!

走馬瀨農場(含入门票) - 電視劇「愛似百匯」的拍攝場景,佔地 120 公頃,廣大的農場園區內設有射箭場、跑馬


車進行園區導覽、射箭、滑草、高爾夫揮杆練習、欣賞歌舞秀表演,更有山泉水 SPA 及夜間卡拉 OK 無限歡唱等


九族文化村(含入门票) - 結合了纜車、游乐、原住民文化、山地歌舞秀、歐洲花園多項功能的复合式游乐园

区,是设施最多、最好玩,全家亲子欢渡假期的好去处。喜欢刺激者,可以选择自由落體 UFO、懸吊式运销飞车。


1. 行程表所列载的航班资料、交通、行程、酒店住宿及膳食安排,将可能因应不同出发日期而有所变动,恕


2. 行程、膳食及住宿的先后次序,以当地地接待社(地接)安排为准。

3. 基本上全程中文讲解为主。如需以其他语言讲解,必需在报名时提前通知本公司。本公司将另作安排。

4. 任何三人房都以折叠式加床为标准。

5. 团队出发前建议需购买旅游保险,以则安心。

6. 确保消费者权益,详情请参阅单据背页之基本条规细节。

7 天 全新台湾环岛精装之旅 (台北 +野柳+九份/ 花莲/ 台东/ 高雄/ 台南/ 南投/ 台中) Tour Code : 7TNI

Page 2: 全新台湾环岛精装之旅 - Golden Dragon...Tsoumalai Leisure Farm – An area of 120 hectors, with a lot of recreation facilities such as guide to park, archery, grass skiing,

金 龍 假 期 (怡保) 有 限 公 司

IPOH GOLDEN DRAGON TOUR SDN. BHD. 125, Jalan Raja Ekram(Cowan. St), 30450 Ipoh Perak

Tel: 05-2551150-3, 2411498 Fax: 05-2559311

Email no: [email protected], [email protected]

7 天 全新台湾环岛精装之旅 (台北 +野柳+九份/ 花莲/ 台东/ 高雄/ 台南/ 南投/ 台中) Tour Code : 7TNI

第一天 接機 桃园 (-/ -/ -) 成旅晶赞蘆洲馆 5* 或 同级

团队集合于 KLIA 机场.

士林夜市 - 這是一個充滿台灣特色的小吃集中地,您可自費品嚐大餅包小餅、豪大大鸡排等當地美食之外,也可以购


第二天 桃园 - 搭乘高铁 - 台北 - 由蘇澳或宜蘭搭乘火車 - 花莲 (早/ -/晚) 丽格饭店 4* 或 同级

忠烈祠 - 主建築型式仿北京故宮太和殿,雄偉壯麗,像徵著烈士們成仁取義的大無畏精神。

野柳風景區 - 觀賞奇形怪狀的天然石朔,各式各樣的石頭造形全是渾然天成,如女王頭和神仙鞋等。

九份 - 是電影“悲情城市”的攝影場地,尚存舊時居民生活舊礦場的獨特氣息,這裡的風味小吃也不容錯過,如阿婆


花莲市区大街 - 體驗台灣後山不同風貌的市集生活,大街閒逛,還可品嚐一下花蓮特色小吃。

第三天 花莲 - 台东 (早/午/晚) 山水轩(药浴)/ 高野(温泉) 或 同级

太魯閣國家公園 - 為峽谷和斷崖,崖壁峭立,景緻清幽,「太魯閣幽峽」因而名列台灣八景之一,而傲視全世界的地理

景觀,也是台湾第 4 座國家公園。進入「東西橫貫公路」時,印入眼簾的是中國宮廷建築形式的太魯閣牌坊,是許多中


長春祠 - 橙瓦紅牆,採山洞式建築的古典式祠堂。

靈芝茶藝館 - 素有「仙草」、「瑞草」、「吉祥茸」之称的靈芝,中国药典古籍【神农本草经】将靈芝列为上品,视


瑞穗牧場 - 多元化觀光牧場,設有露天咖啡座、觀覽台等設施。另闢有駝鳥觀賞區,可任憑遊客近距離餵食。

台东饭店温泉或药浴(以入住的饭店为准) - 请客人自备泳衣及泳帽。

第四天 台东 - 高雄 - 台南 (早/午/晚) 走馬瀨農場 或 同级

佛光山 - 建於 1967 年,除了是台灣最大的佛寺之外,在國際亦富享盛名。寺院中安置了 120 呎高的佛像,周圍圍繞著

480 尊菩薩像,非常莊嚴神聖。

珍珠推廣中心 - 明代《本草綱目》記載:『珍珠』塗面,令人潤澤駐生。美顏及藥用價值備受肯定,更是有機寶石的


走馬瀨農場 - 擁有紐西蘭風情的農場, 擁有各式各樣的遊樂休閒設施,包括游乐园区导览, 射箭, 滑草,山泉水 SPA,

卡拉 OK 无限欢唱, 俄羅斯歌舞秀表演等等。

第五天 台南 – 南投 - 台中 (早/午/ -) 帝宝 4* 或 同级

日月潭(含遊船) - 台灣最大的淡水湖,面積 793 公頃,全湖被拉魯島一分為二,南部狀似月,北部狀似太陽,日月潭亦


文武廟 - 以供奉孔子與關帝為主。文武廟建於 1932 年,位於日月潭的北山腰上,廟宇依山方向而建,氣勢宏偉。

九族文化村(含入门票) - 結合了纜車、游乐、原住民文化、山地歌舞秀、歐洲花園多項功能的复合式游乐园区,是设

施最多、最好玩,全家亲子欢渡假期的好去处。喜欢刺激者,可以选择自由落體 UFO、懸吊式运销飞车。

逢甲夜市 - 遊客可在此購買物美價廉的流行服飾。

第六天 台中 - 台北 (早/午/ -) 汽車旅館 5* 或 同级

中正紀念堂 - 這座壯觀的建築物是為了紀念台灣的前總統蒋介石而建。

山地特產中心 - 擁有台灣原住民所自產自銷的土特產品。

台北 101 購物中心 (不含登观景台) - 台灣首座頂級國際購物中心: 精品、時尚、潮流中心。

天祿藝術中心 - 又称为貔貅,是中国民间传统招财除煞的吉祥宝物。

五分埔 - 是台灣規模最大的服飾批發商圈,讓您一次滿足質好價低的服飾新裝採購。

饒河觀光夜市 - 台北市第二條觀光夜市,現在已是外國觀光客每夜必來體驗台灣小吃的重要地點。

(备注 : 若汽车旅馆客房暴满,无法安排,将改住当地 5*饭店)

第七天 台北 飞返家园 (早)


风味餐:山地風味餐+竹筒飯、火烤兩吃 BBQ、原住民創意料理、農場風味料理、台式料理、邵族特色料理+三杯雞、伍角船板

团费 : 出发日期 :

机场税 (subject to change) 旅游社附加手续费 导游与司机小费 旅游保险费


* 航班时间 KUL/TPE CI 722 1440/1920

TPE/KUL CI 721 0850/1330 * 最后确认的行程将以旅行团抵达各地后由接待社安排为准 *

Page 3: 全新台湾环岛精装之旅 - Golden Dragon...Tsoumalai Leisure Farm – An area of 120 hectors, with a lot of recreation facilities such as guide to park, archery, grass skiing,

金 龍 假 期 (怡保) 有 限 公 司

IPOH GOLDEN DRAGON TOUR SDN. BHD. 125, Jalan Raja Ekram(Cowan. St), 30450 Ipoh Perak

Tel: 05-2551150-3, 2411498 Fax: 05-2559311

Email no: [email protected], [email protected]

【TOUR HIGHTLIGHTS】 Tsoumalai Leisure Farm, Hot Spring / SPA, 5 Star Motel, Yehliu, Chiufen, Night Market, Kaoshiung Fo Guang Shan, Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village, Sun Moon Lake With Boat Ride, High Speed Rail Experience, Train Ride To Hualien

Boutique Motel – Brand new room type, diversified design, rich of visual experience that you had

never try before.

Tsoumalai Leisure Farm – An area of 120 hectors, with a lot of recreation facilities such as guide to

park, archery, grass skiing, mountain spring water SPA, karaoke, dance performance etc.

Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village – A recreational facilities combine with ropeway, aboriginal

culture, Taiwan aborigines dance performance and European Palace Garden, is a place that suitable for

family and children.

Terms & Conditions: 1. Flight details, itinerary, hotel and meals which stated on the itinerary above are subject to change according to

different departure date without prior notice. Any changes after booking will inform accordingly.

2. The sequence of itinerary, meals and hotel arrangement are subject to the final adjustment of the local ground


3. Principally tour commentary will be conducted in Chinese speaking. However, others languages can be arrange on

request basis.

4. Triple room sharing will base on extra roll in bed basis.

5. We strongly recommend you to purchase travel insurance before departure.

6. To ensure the benefit of consumer, please refer to the standard terms & conditions at the back page of your invoice.

7Days New Taiwan Island Classical Tour (Taipei/ Hualien/ Taitung/ Kaoshiung/ Tainan/ Nantou/ Taichung) Tour Code : 7TNI

Page 4: 全新台湾环岛精装之旅 - Golden Dragon...Tsoumalai Leisure Farm – An area of 120 hectors, with a lot of recreation facilities such as guide to park, archery, grass skiing,

金 龍 假 期 (怡保) 有 限 公 司

IPOH GOLDEN DRAGON TOUR SDN. BHD. 125, Jalan Raja Ekram(Cowan. St), 30450 Ipoh Perak

Tel: 05-2551150-3, 2411498 Fax: 05-2559311

Email no: [email protected], [email protected]

7Days New Taiwan Island Classical Tour (Taipei/ Hualien/ Taitung/ Kaoshiung/ Tainan/ Nantou/ Taichung) Tour Code : 7TNI

Day 1 Kuala Lumpur Taoyuan (-/-/-) Park City Luzhou 5* / similar

Assemble at the KLIA for check-in flight to Taiwan.

Shihlin Night Market - great place of local handicrafts, clothes, toys, souvenirs and good try on local snacks.

Day 2 Take High Speed Rail from Taoyuan to Taipei

– take train from Su-ao or Yilan to Hualien (B/-/D) Lige Hotel 4* / similar

Taipei Martyrs’s Shrine - construction type imitation of the Forbidden City Hall of Supreme Harmony, Beijing. The

magnificent and it’s beautiful temple dedicated to the martyrs memorial tablets of sacrifice over the years.

Yehliu Scenic Area - to see the unique geological features. Due to wind erosion, fantastic rock formations as Fairy’s

shoe and Queen’s Head can be seen there.

Chiufen - the filming site of ‘City of Sadness’. The old-fashioned way of life and the aura of an old mining town can

still be been and felt here. Taste some of the famous local snacks such as beef noodles, yam ball and fish ball soup.

Hualien shopping district - experience the local activities and enjoy the various local snacks.

Day 3 Hualien – Taitung (B/L/D) Goya Hot Spring / similar

Taroko National Park - is one of the seven national park in Taiwan, characterized by canyons and cliffs, Taroko

George also is one among the eight wonders of Taiwan. You may also take photo at Taroko Arch Bulding.

Eternal Spring Shrine - situated on the valley with the beautiful scene.

Lingzhi Tea Art Centre - it is a precious medicine, good for our health.

Rei Suei Farm - farm with diversity facilities such as open-air cafes, platform viewing ect. Besides, you can enjoy

ostrich area to do some ostrich feeding.

Taitung Hot Spring/ Spa (based on hotel stay in) - Please bring own swimming suit and cap.

Day 4 Taitung – Kaoshiung – Tainan (B/L/D) Tsoumalai Leisure Farm / similar

Fo Guang Shan - the Buddhist centre of Taiwan, where hundreds of gilded Buddha images stand in line, one the

wondrous attraction of the monastery.

Pearl Center - pearl is kind of organic precious jewelry. The pearl powder can improve skin.

Tsoumalai Leisure Farm - An area of 120 hectors, with a lot of recreation facilities such as guide to park, archery,

grass skiing, mountain spring water SPA, karaoke, dance performance etc.

Day 5 Tainan – Nantou – Taichung (B/L/-) Debao Hotel 4* / similar

Sun Moon Lake (with boat ride) - the largest lake in the center of Taiwan. It is a beautiful alpine lake divided by the

tiny Lalu Island; eastern part of lake is round like the sun and western side is shaped like a moon. Hence named “Sun

Moon Lake”.

Wen Wu Temple - This is the temple to enshrine and worship Confucius, Guan Gong and Yue Fei.

Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village - A recreational facilities combine with ropeway, aboriginal culture, Taiwan

aborigines dance performance and European Palace Garden, is a place that suitable for family and children.

Feng Jia Night Market - experience the fun of bargain while you shop around for accessories and clothes etc.

Day 6 Taichung – Taipei (B/L/-) Boutique Motel 5* / similar

Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall - is a famous monument erected in memory of Chiang Kai-shek, former president of

the Republic of China.

Aboriginal product house - local product shop.

Taipei 101 Building - Taipei tallest building (observatory by own expenses)

Tianlu Art Centre - A mythical creature which Chinese believes it will bring them prosperity and good fortune.

Wufenpu - the largest garment wholesale markets in Taipei, sourced from Hong Kong, Thailand and Korea.

Raohe Street Night Market - the second famous night market in Taiwan, various characteristic snack you may try


(Note : If the rooms fully booked, will arrange to stay in local 5* hotel instead of overnight at Motel)

Day 7 Taipei Sweet Home (B)

Transfer to airport. Home Sweet Home!

Tour Fare : Departure Date :

Airport tax

(subject to change)

Agency Collection Fee Tip for Guide and Driver Chartis Travel Insurance


*Flight Detail KUL/TPE CI 722 1440/1920

TPE/KUL CI 721 0850/1330 * The itinerary are subject to the final discretion of the Land Operator *

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