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Caroline Maddock Hart

Caroline Maddock Hart was the second wife of Dr. Edgerton Haskell Hart.  She was born in Guelph, Ontario, Canada, on December 11, 1873, the third of ten children.  Her family moved to Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. in 1886, where she attended high school a few years before quitting to go to work.   By age 23, she had decided to be a missionary.  In 1901, at age 27, she entered the Illinois Training School program for nurses and did her training at Cook County and Presbyterian Hospitals in Chicago.  In August, 1903, she asked Dr. W. C. Danforth, a doctor at Cook County Hospital, how to seek work as a missionary.  The next day he brought his father to see her.  Dr. I. N. Danforth was on the Mission Board and had built a hospital in Kiukiang, China, as a memorial to his wife.   She followed his suggestion to write to Dr. Mary Stone who headed the hospital.  Caroline’s supervisor in training wrote a recommendation stating as a nurse and woman she “was of great value and when coupled with dignity, gentleness, uprightness and industry certainly makes a most desirable personality.”   She wrote to accept an offer to go to Kiukiang but had no stamps and had to delay mailing the letter.  “It has always seemed providential to me,” she wrote.  “When I came home at noon there were three letters for me.  One from Dr. Beebe, one from Dr. Hart and one from the Mission Board in New York, all suggesting I go to Wuhu.”

Caroline Maddock Hart是Dr. Edgerton Haskell Hart 的第二任妻子。她于 1873年 11月 11日出生在加拿大,安大略湖,Gwelph。她在十姊妹中排行第三。1886年,她们举家迁往美国伊利诺斯州的芝加哥。Caroline Maddock Hart在那里读高中,还没毕业就参加了工作。23岁的时候,她决定当一名传教士。1901年,27岁的她参加了伊利诺斯护士培训学校的培训课程,后来在芝加哥库克郡医院和长老会医院实习。1903年 8月,她咨询了在库克郡医院里工作的Dr. W. C. Danforth,问他如何能找到一份传教士的工作。第二天Dr. W. C. Danforth就带他的父亲Dr. I. N. Danforth来见 Caroline。Dr. I. N. Danforth是教会董事会的成员,为了纪念妻子他在中国的江西省九江市建立了一家医院。于是 Caroline就按照他的建议给这家医院的石美玉院长写了一封信。Caroline的实训导师还为她写了一封推荐信,信上写到“无论是作为一名护士还是作为一名女子,她都是非常出色的。她自尊,温和,正直,勤奋,无疑是医院里最需要的工作人员。” Caroline本来已经写好了接受去九江工作的信,但由于没有邮票,寄信被耽搁了。“好像我的运气一直都很好,”Caroline事后写到,“那天中午,我回到家的时候,收到了三封信,分别是Dr. Beebe,Dr. Hart,和纽约的教会董事会那边寄来的。三封信都建议我去芜湖工作。”

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Caroline Maddock Hart


She wrote her acceptance of the offer to Dr. Hart who replied at once.  Mrs. Rose Hart wrote to her the same day a warm letter welcoming her to Wuhu.  Caroline graduated from nurses’ training in May and left Chicago for China in September.  She sailed on the PMSS “Korea” from San Francisco and entered Yokohama under convoy, as the harbors were all mined during the Russian-Japanese War.  She arrived in Shanghai one month after leaving the United States and reached Wuhu on October 22, 1904. 

Caroline给Dr. Hart写了一封接受信并很快收到了他的回复。同一天Mrs. Rose Hart给Caroline也写了一封热情的信,欢迎她到芜湖来。Caroline于五月结束了护士培训并在九月离开了芝加哥到达中国。她是乘坐 PMSS “Korea”号从旧金山出发的,因为当时正处于俄日战争,日本所有的海港都处于雷区范围内,“Korea”号在护航下才得以进入横滨。在离开美国一个月后她终于抵达上海,并于 1904年 10月 22日到达芜湖。


As soon as she reached Wuhu she was taken to the bedside of Mrs. Hart and had tea.  After being with her a few days she agreed with Dr. Hart that she should go to the hospital in Shanghai to have the benefit of doctors other than her husband.   She hated leaving Wu-hu so soon but duty compelled her to nurse the critically ill Mrs. Hart.  She accompanied the family back to the United States, then escorted the children to their grandmother’s home in Canada, while Mrs. Hart was at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Maryland.   She and the Harts corresponded by mail while Caroline visited her relatives in Canada and Chicago.    She sailed for the third time that year across the Pacific Ocean on the same ship, feeling like an experienced traveler.   They were delayed four days during the Battle of Russia in Japan, but arrived safely in Shanghai in June, 1905.  She spent week with Dr. and Mrs. George Stuart in Nanking.  He was president of Nanking University and she had traveled with them on her first trip to China.  She also  spent a day with Dr. Stone in Kiukiang before settling in Wuhu.  She was assigned her own house on the hill near the hospital, with a cook, a coolie and a woman servant.   She worked with a teacher five and a half hours a day, learning the dialect to be able to give her nurses and other staff members their training and directions in adequate Mandarin Chinese.

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她一到达芜湖就被领到Mrs. Hart的病床前并与她一起喝了茶。在跟 Caroline相处了一小段日子后,Mrs. Hart同意了丈夫的建议:到上海的医院去接受治疗。她实在不愿这么早就离开芜湖,但出于责任她不得不去护理病重的Mrs. Hart。后来 Caroline 陪同Dr. Hart一家回到了美国,然后护送 Hart的孩子们去他们在加拿大的外婆家。而此时 Mrs. Hart 则住进美国马里兰州的约翰.霍普金斯医院。Caroline在加拿大和芝加哥探望亲人期间,她就通过邮件与Hart一家联络。在那一年,Caroline第三次乘坐同一艘船横跨太平洋, 她都觉得自己已经成了经验老到的旅行者了。虽然因为俄、日两国在日本海发生战争而耽搁了四天时间,但是他们最终还是在 1905年 6月安全抵达上海。后来她在南京与Dr. and Mrs. George Stuart生活了一个星期。Dr. George Stuart是南京大学的校长,而 Caroline第一次来中国时正是与他们同行。在定居芜湖之前她也花了一天时间去拜访了九江的石美玉医生。Caroline分得了一套山上靠近医院的房子,并配备了厨子、小工和女佣各一位。她每天花五个半小时与一名老师一齐工作和学习当地的方言,以便可以用准确的中文培训护士和指导其他的工作人员。



Before Caroline’s marriage was finalized in Nanking, Captain Hoag of the USS Tuckawoo, a Yangtze River gun-boat, offered to allow the wedding ceremony to be carried out on the deck of his ship if verification that Americans were to be married outside of the USA was needed. 

 Caroline的结婚日期在南京确定下来之前,美军 Tuckawoo号军舰的海军上尉 Hoag 答应,如果美国人有必要在中国结婚,他可以允许他们在军舰上举行婚礼。


One story I heard about the Quiros was that the Yangtze River flood of 1909 was one of prolonged tribulation and during its height such a volume of water was flowing that the 180 foot anchor chain could not find bottom when fully extended.

关于美国的Quiros 号炮艇,我听说过这样一个故事:1909年的长江洪灾历时很久,洪峰来临之时,水流湍急,Quiros 号将 180 英尺长的锚链完全抛下也无法探触到长江底部。


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                              长江上的美国炮艇Quiros 号

My grandmother retold a story of her parents plying the waters of Boyang Lake and the Yangtze River for a month describing what was one of the most enjoyable, yet exciting times in her mother's life.  There is an island in the form of a shoe, hence the name “Shoe Island”, but it has another name as well called “The Little Orphan”, and on it stands a Buddhist temple with a pagoda.  There was an old monk who had lived the majority of his life on the island who said my great-grandmother was the first woman, that he knew about, to have ever set foot on it. 




There was a time when on the lake a typhoon blew down for three days and nights.  Tossing the sailboat to and fro as it lay berthed in a secluded lagoon.  With hails of “Wife, are you still there?"  Would be responded by, "yes, but just barely”.  Another night had the appearance of pirates come aboard the craft as all lay sleeping locked inside.  As the commotion set the boat a rocking, both my great-grandparents shouldered weapons to shoot at the assailant’s who were not welcome on board, frightening them away with threats of bodily injury if they happened to fall within the barrel-sights.



Collection of short stories by, Caroline Maddock Hart

故事的收集者Caroline Maddock Hart

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                      Hart Honeymoon leaving Jiujiang late October,

1907                                 Dr. Edgerton Hart Scroll  哈特博士的卷轴

1907年 10月下旬,哈特离开九江市区去度蜜月

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                            Jacksonville的中国通Jacksonville Journal Courier: December, 24 1947  Jacksonville信使报:1947年12月24日

Conclusion: 结束语                                                        During the Autumn and winter of 1999, my grandmother had asked me, being the only grandchild not married or with commitments to take a journey to China.  She and her sister

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Helen partially funded my trip on the condition: I not travel beyond a second class or by hard sleeper and seat on a train. They requested photos be taken of prearranged places if still standing and for me to make contact with city and hospital officials to retell the Hart story.  My two month, several thousand kilometer trip was another one of many Stanimal adventures I have chosen to endure, that allows me to now live in China.

除了我以外,祖母所有的孙儿孙女都已结婚,而且都有事缠身。1999年秋冬时分,祖母问我是否愿意去中国旅行一次。她和她的姐妹Helen 可以承担我旅程的部分费用,但是要求我乘船和乘飞机不得高于二等舱,乘火车不得买硬卧车票,只能坐硬座。她们让我对她们指定的地方进行拍照,真希望这些地方仍然存在。我很愿意向与我接触的城市和医院的领导复述Hart一家的故事。我很享受旅行的辛苦,在这两个月的时间里我在中国旅行了几千公里,进一步丰富了我的冒险旅程。


In the spring of 2000, I was on my China vacation to begin locating the places that the Hart family had written much about in their journals and newspaper articles of Shanghai, Nanking, Wuhu, Kiukiang, Kuling and many others, and to see what sites, if any, were left of them.  My limited Chinese was not being understood by the hotel receptionist in Wuhu and she phoned a friend of hers to come down to translate what I was looking for.  When she arrived the first thing she wanted to know is why a foreigner was snooping around the city for things long gone.  When I pulled out the photos I brought with me a crowd gathered around and the conversation became boisterous amongst them with much finger pointing at things still standing.



After a couple of seconds of composing herself, she looked at me, then took a bow saying; "I must apologize to you for you are a foreigner and teaching me Chinese history I know nothing about".  She ended up taking two days from work to show me around the city.  This moved me to know that a new chapter was being made in the lives of some Wuhu residents who would have these photos to share with a new generation of family and friends to learn about how these missions stations spawned what is still today the largest hospital complex in all of Anhuai.


I was to find out where the old Boy's School was now long gone and the cemetery which no one could tell me the where-a-bouts it may have once been.  My grandmother told me that during WWII when the Japanese occupied Wuhu, they had dug up the bodies of the "Foreign Devils"

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and threw the remains into the nearby Yangtze River, burning the coffins for fuel to cook and boil water.  War brings out such atrocities in human nature that are subdued during times of peace and civility.  To be cremated and scattered will bring me comfort what was left of me to be spared of such indignity.我打算去寻找那早已消失了的学校旧址和那曾经存在但现今却无人知晓其方位的墓地。祖母曾告诉我二战期间日本人占领了芜湖,他们把"洋鬼子"的尸体挖出就近扔进长江,馆木被他们用来做饭和烧水。战争把人类在和平文明时代所隐藏起来的邪恶本性完全暴露了出来。为了以免死后尸体被侮辱,我觉得把尸体火化并撒散骨灰的做法很好。


I took my aunt, father and friend Marion to Wuhu in March, 2006 to see the places where their mother was born.  As we were walking around the complex and came upon the former Hart home - which is now residences for hospital staff, but six years previous was in dilapidated condition with hospital grounds employees occupying them - we encountered some nurses who wanted to know what we were doing.  I again pulled out my photos to once more give another set of them to people who work at the facility.  My aunt was frantic they were my only copies and I reassured her the ones I had in possession at the time were digitized.     

2006年 3月,我带着姑姑、爸爸和朋友Marion到芜湖去拜访祖母出生的地方。我们在以前的教会大院内东瞧瞧,西看看,突然看见了Hart以前的房子。这所房子现在已经成了医院职员的住所,但在六年前,它还破烂不堪,里面住着负责医院绿化的工人。我们还遇到了几个护士,她们对我们此行的目的很好奇。于是,我再次把那些照片拿出来给她们看,另外还赠送了一套给医院的工作人员。姑姑很担心,以为那是我最后一套照片。当得知我已经将那些照片保存为数字图片时,她才放下心来。

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