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What is Carbon Cycle????

The carbon cycle is the biogeochemical cycle by which carbon is exchanged among the  biosphere, hydrosphere, and  atmosphere of the Earth.

Carbon, like water, is cycled repeatedly through different forms by the various physical and biological activities

Some Terminology

andDefinitions- I

-Raechel Rose

CO2 in the atmosphere

Organic Compounds (Plants)


Organic Compoun

ds in Plants

Organic compounds are the complex compounds of carbon. Because carbon atoms bond to one another easily, the basis of most organic compounds is comprised of carbon chains that vary in length and shape. Hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms are the most common atoms that are generally attached to the carbon atoms.

Coal was formed from the remains of vegetation that grew as long as 400 million years ago. It is often referred to as "buried sunshine," because the plants which formed coal captured energy from the sun through photosynthesis to create the compounds that make up plant tissues. The most important element in the plant material is carbon, which gives coal most of its energy.

CO2 in the atmosphere

Carbonates in Water


Carbonates in Water

In geology and mineralogy, the term "carbonate" can refer both to carbonate minerals and carbonate rock. Carbonate minerals are extremely varied and ubiquitous in chemically precipitated sedimentary rock. The most common are calcite or calcium carbonate, CaCO3, the chief constituent of limestone . Carbonates are widely used in industry, e.g. in iron smelting, as a raw material for Portland cement and lime manufacture, in the composition of ceramic glazes, and more.

Lime Stone:

Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed largely of the minerals calcite and aragonite, which are different crystal forms of calcium carbonate(CaCO3). Most carbon grains in limestone are skeletal fragments of marine organisms such as coral or foraminifera.

Some Terminology

andDefinitions- II

-Bhakti Kalkani


Organic compounds in plants.

Organic Compounds (Animals)

Inorganic Carbonates (Shells)


Organic Compounds (Animals)

Organic Compounds are complex forms of carbon. Hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms are the most common atoms that are generally attached to the carbon atoms. First, plants receive them through photosynthesis and convert them into carbohydrates. Animals in turn get them through the consumption of these plants.


Petroleum is made primarily of mixtures of hydrocarbons, compounds of carbon, and hydrogen. When tiny organisms die, they sink to the bottom of the sea and are mixed with mud and silt. Over time, hundreds of feet of mud containing the organisms accumulate. Bacteria removes most of the oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur, leaving mainly hydrogen and carbon. Lack of oxygen keeps the animals and plants from decaying completely. The partially decomposed organisms create a slimy mass, which is then covered with layers of sediments. Over millions of years, many layers of sediment pile on top of the once-living organisms. The weight of the sediment compresses the mud into a fraction of its original thickness. When the depth of burial reaches about 10,000 feet, heat, time and pressure turn the organisms into different types of petroleum.

Inorganic Carbonates (Shells):

Shells are made up of a mineral called calcium carbonate. Seashells are the exoskeletons of mollusks such as snails, clams, oysters and many others. So when these organisms decompose, their exoskeleton over time, form shells. Exoskeletons contain chitin and calcium carbonate, which gives it its strength and hardness.

How Does The Carbon Cycle Work?-Maria Vincent

1 The carbon dioxide in the

atmosphere is consumed by the plants during the process of photosynthesis.

At the same time, carbon dioxide dissolves in water to form carbonates.


After the plants die, they decay over a long period of time, to form coal.

The carbonates in water in turn form limestone.


Animal indirectly consume carbon dioxide through the plants they consume or through the herbivorous animals they eat.

This takes place on land as well as in water.

4 Through respiration, animals give out

carbon-dioxide which goes back to the atmosphere.

When the animals die, their dead and decayed bodies get compressed under high pressure and we get crude oil, from which petroleum is obtained. Plants also contribute to this process. Under the sea, shells are made. During both these processes carbon dioxide is released which goes back to the atmosphere.

Jemima Mathen

• Elemental form of carbon-


• Combined State is carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

• Life forms are based on carbon containing molecules like-


• An endoskeleton is an internal support structure of an animal, composed of mineralized tissue. Endoskeleton develops within the skin or in the deeper body tissues. The vertebrate is basically an endoskeleton made up of two types of tissues (bone and cartilage).

• The endoskeletons and exoskeletons of various animals are also formed from carbonate salts. 

• Carbon is incorporated into life-forms through the basic process of photosynthesis which is performed in the presence of Sunlight by all life-forms that contain chlorophyll. 

• This process converts carbon dioxide from the atmosphere or dissolved in water into glucose molecules. 

• These glucose molecules are either converted into other substances or used to provide energy for the synthesis of other biologically important molecules

Glucose and Fossil Fuels in the Carbon Cycle

-Garima Gulati

The utilization of glucose to provide energy to living things involves the process of respiration in which oxygen may or may not be used to convert glucose back into carbon dioxide. This carbon dioxide

o Another process that adds to the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the process of combustion where fuels are burnt to provide energy for various needs like heating, cooking, transportation & industrial process.

o In fact, the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is said to have doubled since the industrial revolution when human beings started burning fossil fuels on very large scale.

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