  • Canolfan Adnoddau Integredig

    CYLCH CARON Integrated Resource Centre

    “…more than a building”

  • • Lle ydym arni

    • Lle hoffem fod

    • Model Cylch Caron

    • Pwy wnaiff wneud i hynny ddigwydd a sut

    • Cydnerthu Cymunedol

    • Yr Ymrwymiad i Bartneriaeth

    • Where we are

    • Where we want to be

    • The Cylch Caron model

    • Who will make it happen and how

    • Community Resilience

    • Partnership Commitment

  • Y Siwrne…

    The Journey…

  • Travelling from Aberystwyth to Tregaron film…

  • Ein Gweledigaeth…

    Our vision…

    “Byddwn yn adeiladu ar sail y gwytnwch a‟r ymrwymiad

    sydd ohoni eisoes o ran gofalu am bobl ym mro Cylch

    Caron, a byddwn yn creu model arloesol, gwledig o ofal

    cymunedol i ateb anghenion gofal, iechyd a thai yn yr

    ardal, sy‟n addas ar gyfer heddiw ac yn gynaliadwy ar

    gyfer fory”

    “Building on the existing resilience and commitment to

    caring for people in the Cylch Caron community, we will

    create an innovative, rural model of community based care

    to meet care, health and housing need in the area, that is

    fit for today and sustainable for tomorrow”

  • Unedau Gofal





    Canolfan Integredig ar gyfer Iechyd, Gofal Cymdeithasol a

    Thai gan gynnwys Gwasanaethau Gofal

    Cymunedol a Sylfaenol, Meddyg Teulu a Fferyllfa

    Gofal Tymor Hir

    Gofal Dydd

    Triniaethau Clinigol ar gyfer Cleifion Allanol

    Model Meddygol

    Cymunedol Gofal


    Gofal Nyrsio Cymunedol



    Rhannu Cymwyseddau

    Ymyriadau wedi eu targedu

    Y Person sy’n Bwysig




    Fforddiadwy Iechyd


    Cydnerthedd Cymunedol


    model Y model

  • Y darlun ehangach… The bigger picture…

    • Deddf Llesiant


    Dyfodol (Cymru)


    • Deddf


    Cymdeithasol a

    Llesiant (Cymru)

    • The Well-being of

    Future Generations

    (Wales) Act 2015

    • Social Services and

    Well-being (Wales)


  • Y gwersi a ddysgwyd… What we’ve learnt…

    • Dyfalbarhau!

    • Defnyddio sgrwtini allanol

    • Dysgu wrth eraill – ond rhaid gwybod ble i fynd ac at bwy

    • Pwysigrwydd „Tai‟ ar gyfer Iechyd a gofal

    • Ymrwymiad ac arweinyddiaeth ar bob lefel

    • Gwrando ar yr hyn sy‟n gweithio ar y rheng flaen

    • Hyder i herio modelau traddodiadol

    • Nid cau er mwyn gwneud arbedion cyflym yw‟r unig ateb

    • Rhoi sylw dyledus i‟r glo mân

    • Perseverance!

    • Use external scrutiny

    • Learn from others – but must know where to go and to whom

    • The importance of „Housing‟ for Health and care

    • Commitment and leadership at all levels

    • Listen to what works on the front line

    • The confidence to challenge traditional models

    • Closure in order to make easy savings is not the only solution

    • Sweat the details

  • Manylion cyswllt / Contact details:

    Parry Davies

    [email protected]

    Teresa Owen

    [email protected]

    Nerys Lewis

    [email protected]

    01545 574293

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

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