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Supporting Staff (+ employers):The British Dietetic Association

(BDA)Work Ready Programme

Sue Baic MSc RDRegistered Dietitian

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What is BDA Work Ready?• New workplace wellbeing programme

• Tailored to specific workplace needs

– including NHS ( a workplace with 1.3 million employees!)

• Led by BDA Work Ready Registered Dietitians

• As partners with:• Existing health + well being services

• Employees + workplace champions

• Management

• Trade unions

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Why the workplace?

Recommendations on improving the health and wellbeing of employees

Commitment to ensure the NHS as an employer sets an example in the support offered to own staff to stay healthy

New CQUIN Guidance NHS Staff Health + Wellbeing (2016)Creating an environment where health + wellbeing of staff actively promoted + encouraged

NICE 2015 Workplace policy and managementto improve the health + well being of employees

Workplace health initiatives identified in key reports

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Why the workplace?•Costs of ill health in adults of working age high

e.g. PHE estimate cost to NHS of staff absence from poor health = £2.4bn/year (around £1 in every £40 of total budget)

•Excluding cost of agency staff + treatment

•Healthier workforces lead to:•Reduced costs

• Better staff engagement + retention ( lower recruitment costs/better team cohesion)

• Improved efficiency , patient safety + experience (in NHS)

• Large proportion of sickness absence+ productivity loss attributed to lifestyle factors

BDA Supporting Healthier Working Lives Through Dietitian-led Wellness Initiatives

CQUIN Guidance for 2016/17 NHS Staff health + wellbeing

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Why nutrition in the workplace?• Diet quality + weight linked to mental + physical health

– Around 60% of total daily food intake at work ( for full time worker)

• BDA Review of evidence– Workplace nutrition interventions effective in changing dietary


– Improving health related risk factors + work related outcomes

BDA Supporting Healthier WorkingLives Through Dietitian-led Wellness Initiatives available from

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Aims of BDA Work Ready

• Promoting staff health + wellbeing via good nutrition + hydration

• Empowering, facilitating + supporting dietary change

• Professional programme tools for:

– Needs assessment

– Resources

– Evaluation

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How does diet impact on workplace health?Some examples applicable to healthcare settings ......

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Decision making, fatigue concentration + safety

• Positive influence of adequate hydration + regular meals(especially breakfast)

• Risk factors for dehydration + meal skipping:

– Warm environments/ air conditioning

– No access to drinks at certain points ( with patients/ relatives)

– Limited breaks /long + busy shifts

– Shift work

• Research on cognitive function/ fatigue/errors ( whilst driving)

• Potential to influence performance @ work

BDA Supporting Healthier Working Lives Through Dietitian-led Wellness Initiatives p 29;Chaplin & Smith ( 2011) Nutrients 3: 515-28

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Overweight/ obesity• 700,000 NHS staff overweight or obese

• Impact in workplace

– Links to sickness absence, mood , discrimination + poor sleep

– Employees maintaining healthy weight → fewer periods of long term sickness

• Workplace nutrition + weight management programmes (with behaviour change/ education/ support) → weight loss outcomes ( small but potentially useful)

• Effective if :

– Multi level ( also address food environment)

– Include physical activity interventions

• Limited long term studies (> 2 years) but good short term outcomes

BDA Supporting Healthier Working Lives Through Dietitian-led Wellness InitiativesCQUIN: NHS Staff health + wellbeing. Supplementary Guidance

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Employees involved in planning as well as delivering e.g. workplace champions

Approach: Key steps

Multilevel-supporting staff (individually or in groups) AND at environmental level (catering /vending/ drink facilities/policies)

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Types of Intervention

Providing healthy food + drink improves intake @ workSignposting – Availability-Pricing- Employee input

Hot Topics•Food + mood • Update on fad diets• Diet MOT

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Healthy Meetings checklist

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Evaluation: Essential to show impact• Evaluation measures agreed in planning + reported back

• Process ( e.g. uptake rates) + outcomes

• Realistic + valid tools

• Include changes in :

– Knowledge / attitude/ awareness/ self efficacy

– Dietary + fluid goals/intakes/behaviours/diet quality

– Organisational culture ( taking breaks/ lunch at desk)

– Health related outcomes( weight/ well being/ CVD risk factors) • Useful to remove emphasis from ‘body weight’ alone to include


– Work related outcomes (sickness absence)

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Key learning• Planning + targeting

• Employee involvement + engagement increases uptake

• Senior management consulted + committed

• Multi level: the food environment matters

• Communicating the message• Electronic can support face to face e.g. Skype/intranet/email

• Combine with physical activity

• Mix of types of nutrition activity = highest success

• Consider • Gender + culture

• Timing : in calendar + allow time in working day

• Evaluation + communication of results

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• Workplace : important setting for innovative public health interventions to support staff + employers

• Targeted nutrition interventions (addressing individual, group + environmental factors )improve outcomes

• Registered Dietitians = effective partners for evidence based interventions + support

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Thank you


For more about the BDA Work Ready

Programme visit

or email [email protected]

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