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    643ISSN 2041-599010.4155/TDE.13.33 2013 Future Science Ltd Ther. Deliv. (2013) 4(6), 643645

    Keywords:antibioticsncalcium phosphaten nanoparticlesn osteomyelitis n sustained drug delivery


    It is hard to be brave, said Piglet, sniffing slightly,when youre only a very small animal. Rabbit,who had begun to write very busily, looked up andsaid: It is because you are a very small animalthat you will be useful in the adventure before us.

    Alan Alexander Milne,

    Winnie-the-Pooh and All, All, All

    Osteomyelitis, one of the oldest documenteddiseases, the descriptions of which date backto times of Hippocrates [1], is an illness par-ticularly prevalent among elderly, diabet-ics, children and indigenes of Third Worldcountries. Although morbidity due to chronicbone infection has drastically dropped fromthe pre-penicillin era, down to approximately3% in the last 20 years [2], it is still high onthe global scale and the disease continues tobe challenging to treat [3]. Furthermore, thenumber of hip and knee replacement proce-dures performed in the USA has doubled in thepast decade, while the number of the reportedcases of bone infection accompanying thosehas been increasing in proportion with thenumber of surgeries performed [4], signifyingthe anticipated increase in the incidence rateof this illness in the future.

    The standard therapy for osteomyelitis hasbeen based on the combination of repetitiveintravenous or oral delivery of antibiotics over theperiod of a few weeks to a few months, depend-

    ing of the severity of the infection, and surgicaldebridement of necrotic bone [5]. This clinicalapproach has had its obvious disadvantages,predominantly in terms of:

    nSystemic administration of antibiotics and itsside effects;

    nFrequent inaccessibility of the infected zoneto the blood flow and the resulting low con-centration of the therapeutic around it, poten-tially inducing pathogenic resistance to the

    antibiotic therapy;

    nIrretrievable bone loss;


    For this reason, more advanced antibioticdelivery options have been actively sought since the

    early 1970s, when the first carriers for local deliv-ery in the treatment of osteomyelitis, composed ofpoly(methyl methacrylate), were clinically applied[6]. Even though poly(methyl methacrylate) beadsstill present the gold standard for the local deliveryof antibiotics to bone cavities, their downsides arenumerous, including:


    nProneness to biofilm formation;

    nNeed to be surgically removed;

    nTendency to exhibit burst release;

    nInconsistent release profiles, a corollary of thetypically manual presurgical loading;

    nLimited clinical data in support thereof[7].

    The problem with calcium sulfates and collagenfleeces, two other commonly used antibiotic carri-ers in the clinic, comes from their high resorptionrate and non-immunogenicity, respectively.

    Nanosized calcium phosphates (CAPs), incontrast, present potentially the most naturalchoice for antibiotic delivery platforms in bonetherapy. First of all, nano-CAP is the naturalmineral component of bone. CAP crystals inbone, stiff but brittle, have the role of impartingsufficient compressive strength to intrinsicallytough collagen fibers, thus yielding a compositematerial that is both strong and tough. Second,CAPs are bioactive, bioresorptive and osteo-conductive, that is, conducive to bone growth.Third, they are one of the safest and most bio-

    compatible nanomaterials assessed for toxicity

    Calcium phosphate nanoparticles: a future

    therapeutic platform for the treatment ofosteomyelitis?

    Tejal A Desai

    Author for correspondence:Therapeutic Micro &Nanotechnology Laboratory,Department of Bioengineering &

    Therapeutic Sciences, University ofCalifornia, San Francisco, CA, USAE-mail: [email protected]

    Vuk Uskokovi

    Therapeutic Micro &Nanotechnology Laboratory,

    Department of Bioengineering &Therapeutic Sciences, University ofCalifornia, San Francisco, CA, USA

  • 7/28/2019 CA Fosfat NP


    Editorial | Desai & Uskokovi

    Ther. Deliv. (2013) 4(6)644 future science group

    so far [8]. Fourth, they could be prepared innanoform and in a variety of morphologies usingsimple and eco-friendly precipitation procedures[9].Fifth, they are good adsorbents of biomol-ecules, which predisposes them to be used as the

    stationary phase in chromatographic columns [10]and is a prerequisite for achieving satisfying load-ing capacities. Finally, CAPs exist in a dozen orso different phases, whose solubility varies fromhighly soluble mono-CAPs to moderately solubledi-CAPs to sparsely soluble amorphous CAP andtri-CAPs to very sparsely soluble octa-CAP andhydroxyapatite, the CAP phase found in bone,dentin and enamel. The control of stochiometryof CAP thus makes it possible to tune its degra-dation rate and, therefore, the drug release kinet-ics. This effect has been employed to varyin vitro

    drug release time scale from hours to months[11]

    .Target areas in the body and types of the drugsdelivered require specific release patterns for theoptimal therapeutic effect to be achieved. Forexample,b-lactam antimicrobials are time-depen-dent, requiring prolonged presence in the targetzone, while quinolones and aminoglycosides areconcentration-dependent [12]. Then, vasculature ofthe target tissue affects the drug-clearance period,which is why different release profiles prove to beoptimal for highly vascular trabecular bone andless vascular cortical bone. Easily achievable tun-ability of the release rate thus presents a highly

    desirable property of the drug carrier.

    The capability of CAPs to augment the osteo-genic response of osteoblasts, the bone-buildingcells, has been demonstrated on multiple occa-sions [13,14]. Ca2+ and H


    4x-3 ions released

    upon the degradation of these compounds canalso stimulate osteoblastic differentiation [15]and proliferation [16] and be used as ionic ingre-dients for the new bone formation. With systemicand repetitive administration of antibiotics andsurgical debridement being two central prob-lematic aspects of traditional therapies, an idealdelivery carrier would ensure not only local andsustained release of the drug, but also the induc-tion of osteogenesis, so as to minimize, if notwholly eliminate, the surgical removal of affectedbone. Patients with diabetic neuropathy are, for

    example, prone to develop osteomyelitis of the

    forefoot, which often leads to minor amputation[17]; however, with the development of osteo-genic carriers that could revitalize the diseasedbone, such clinical cases could be coped with ina manner less traumatic for the patient.

    A critical intrinsic downside of CAPs comesfrom the fact that intracrystalline impregnationwith the drug via co-precipitation cannot beachieved, as in the case of polymers, which limits

    the loading mechanism to adsorption only andinevitably leads to burst release. Sustained releasefrom CAPs is, however, accomplishable and seemsto be contingent on the formation of compactblocks and encapsulation of the drug in the poresbetween the particles, so that the dissolution of thecarrier proceeds along the block boundaries, whilethe bulk of the drug is being internally protected.This aggregation state, however, does not favorclinical injectability, a limitation that requiresoptimal additives to stabilize the surface drug layerand at the same time prevent particle coalescence.

    These and similar deficiencies could be tran-

    scended by the usage of CAPs as the base forcomposite nanoparticles, the concept towardswhich the field of nanoscience unstoppablystreams. Coating of CAP core with a layer of apoly(a-hydroxy ester), such as poly(lactide-co-glycolide), whose degradation rate itself could betuned from a few years to a few weeks dependingon the lactide-to-glycolide ratio, is an option to:

    nStabilize the surface-bound drug layer;

    nPrevent the burst release;

    nPossibly produce multiple-stage release profiles

    that may additionally boost the antimicrobialactivity of the drug/carrier composite.

    Coating chitosan/tri-CAP composites withpoly(e-caprolactone) has thus mitigated the burstrelease and promoted zero-order kinetics for therelease of vancomycin during the first 6 weeks[18]. Another important limitation of CAPs, dif-ficult surface functionalization, a consequence oftheir ionic nature, which dictates that the surfacelayers would undergo rapid reorganization viadissolution/reprecipitation phenomena in ionic

    media, could be similarly overcome by coating

    Although chemistry of calc ium phosphates has

    been intensively studied for the last century,

    known facts about it still resemble the tip of an


    Target areas in the body and types of the

    drugs delivered require specific release patterns

    for the optimal therapeutic effect to be


  • 7/28/2019 CA Fosfat NP


    Calcium phosphate nanoparticles: a future therapeutic platform for the treatment of osteomyelitis? | Editorial 645future science group

    the ceramic particles with chemically bondablepolymeric layers. Through a series of chemi-cal steps, polymeric coatings could further beconjugated with various targeting, solubilizingor therapeutic ligands [19]. Another interesting

    feature of the combinations of alkaline CAPphases, such as hydroxyapatite or octa-CAP,with acidic poly(a-hydroxy esters), comes fromtheir ability to compensate intense pH changesthat follow the degradation of each of the twophases individually. This effect may explain whythe addition of demineralized bone particles topoly(lactide-co-glycolide) was able to reduceinflammation, fibrous tissue encapsulation, andforeign body giant cell response [20].

    CAPs, like most ceramics, possess a broadspectrum of possible stochiometries and struc-

    tures, which could be, in theory, correlated witha similar, though largely unexplored, breadth ofproperties and applications. Although chemistryof CAPs has been intensively studied for the lastcentury, known facts about it still resemble thetip of an iceberg. Not only is our knowledge ofthe mechanism of their formation, in biological

    milieus and simple reaction settings alike, stillfilled with vast gaps, but numerous other seg-ments of their structure property functionchain have yet to be elucidated. In the end,alongside all its qualities, CAP could be con-

    sidered as the abovementioned Piglet in thekingdom of inorganic chemistry. What naturewished to teach us by choosing this pale, frag-ile, rough, crumbly and cheap compound as theingredient of the structural basis of our physicalbeings is an open door to poetic insights thatwe will leave to the imagination of the readerand avid researchers of this remarkable material.

    Financial & competing interests disclosure

    The authors acknowledge financial support from the

    National Institutes of Health award K99-DE021416. The

    authors have no other relevant affiliations or financialinvolvement with any organization or entity with a finan-

    cial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter

    or materials discussed in the manuscript apart from those


    No writing assistance was utilized in the production of

    this manuscript.


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