

Established in 2001, the Centre for Humanities Research (CHR), formerly known as the Centre for Literature and Translation, supports various research in the humanities. In recent years, the Centre’s major research focus are on areas in modern and contemporary Chinese culture, including literature, cinema, translation, music, visual arts and comics. The Centre makes great endeavours to promote academic and cultural exchange among scholars and postgraduate students from Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan and overseas. Apart from organising international conferences, seminars, and research projects at regular intervals, the Centre also devotes efforts to academic publication, with the Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese (JMLC) as its flagship journal.

地址:香港新界屯門青山公路8號嶺南大學林炳炎樓一樓102室人文學科研究中心ADDRESS: Room 102, B. Y. Lam Building, Lingnan University, 8 Castle Peak Road, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong S.A.R.

電話 TEL:(852) 2616 8055 傳真 FAX:(852) 2838 1705 電郵 EMAIL:[email protected]

人文學科研究中心The Centre for Humanities Research

《現代中文文學學報》 Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese (JMLC)


The Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese (JMLC) is a bilingual journal published twice a year by the Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University. This journal provides a forum for discussing issues related to any aspect of modern or contemporary literature in Chinese. It aims to contribute to scholarly discourse on Chinese literature written in and outside of Mainland China. It is hoped that, by placing Chinese and Western scholarship ‘back-to-back,’ the journal will become a channel for fruitful interchange and dialogue among scholars in Asia, Europe and America.

Vol. 10.2 「跨語言的文化聯繫:近代中國的翻譯、文學與政治」專號 Special Issue: Translingual Cultural Liaison: Translation, Literature and Politics in Early Modern China

Vol. 10.1 「中心與邊緣」專號 Special Issue: Center and Periphery

Vol. 9.2 「五○年代的文學想像與政治文化︰香港、臺灣、中國大陸」專號 Special Issue: The Obscure Decade: Literary Imagination and Political Culture in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the PRC 1949-1959

Vol. 8.2/9.1 「香港文學的定位、論題及發展」專號 Special Issue: The Identity, Issues and Development of Hong Kong Literature

Vol. 8.1 「胡金銓」專號 Special Issue: King Hu Cinema

Vol. 7.2 「戰前南方城市與東京的文化交流」專號 Special Issue: Cultural Interaction Between South China Cities and Tokyo in the Pre-war Period

Vol. 6.2/7.1 「全球脈絡中的現代中文文學」專號 Special Issue: Modern Literature in Chinese in a Global Context

Vol. 6.1 「詩」專號 Special Issue: Poetry

Vol. 1-5 每卷兩期 (2 issues per volume)

訂購查詢 Sales Enquiry:

地址:香港新界屯門青山公路8號嶺南大學林炳炎樓一樓102室人文學科研究中心ADDRESS: Room 102, B. Y. Lam Building, Lingnan University, 8 Castle Peak Road, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong S.A.R.

電話 TEL:(852) 2616 8055 傳真 FAX:(852) 2838 1705 電郵 EMAIL:[email protected]

研究資助局優配研究金資助項目「一九五〇年代香港文學與文化 」研究計劃RGC GRF Research Project: ‘Hong Kong Literature and Culture of the 1950s’

《現代中文文學學報》Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese

訪問學者與作家Visiting Scholars and Writers

一九五〇年代香港文學與文化講座系列Hong Kong Literature and Culture of the 1950s Seminar Series

「 一九五〇年代的文化衍變:從國內到香港 」研討會Conference on ‘Cultural Transformation of the 1950s: From Mainland China to Hong Kong’

帕特里夏•達多教授專題演講 Prof. Patrizia Dadò’s seminar

洪安瑞教授專題演講 Prof. Andrea Riemenschnitter’s seminar

國立清華大學陳萬益教授學術訪問Prof. Chen Wan-yi (NTU)’s Academic Visit

作家阿爾諾•卡特琳先生(「兩儀文舍」)Writer Mr. Arnaud Cathrine (ALIBI)

文學與文化 Literature and Culture

「一九五○年代的文化衍變:從國內到香港」學術研討會 Conference on ‘Cultural Transformation in the 1950s: From Mainland China to Hong Kong’ (5/2012)

「翻譯香港」研討會 ‘Translating Hong Kong’ Symposium (6/2011)

國際青年學者中文文學學術會議系列 International Young Scholars Conference on Chinese Literature Conference Series (2007-)

「香港文學的定位、論題及發展」研討會 ‘The Identity, Issues and Development of Hong Kong Literature’ International Conference (12/2007)

一九五○年代香港文學與文化講座、研討會 Seminars and Conferences on Hong Kong Literature and Culture of the 1950s (2005-)

「全球脈絡中的現代中文文學」國際學術會議 International Conference on Modern Chinese Literature in the Global Context (10/2003)

創意寫作講座、工作坊、出版 Talks, Workshops, Publications of Creative Writing (2002-)

電影與文化 Cinema and Culture

「燦爛的黑白年代」:一九五○年代香港電影明星圖片展(與香港電影資料館合辦)‘The Glamorous Black and White’: Hong Kong Movie Stars of the 1950s Photo Exhibition (co-organised with the Hong Kong Film Archive) (4/2011)

「電影與教育」研討會(與嶺南大學社會科學研究所、香港演藝學院合辦) Conference on ‘Film in Education’ (co-organised with the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences [Lingnan University], and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts) (5/2010)

「本土關懷」電影研討會(與香港電影資料館合辦) 'Local Concern' Cinema Studies Conference (co-organised with the Hong Kong Film Archive) (6/2008)

胡金銓電影藝術座談會 Seminar on the Art of King Hu Cinema (11/2004)

「香港文化與香港電影:電懋電影」研討會(與香港電影資料館合辦)Conference on 'Hong Kong Culture and Hong Kong Cinema: Motion Picture and General Investment Co. Ltd.' (co-organised with the Hong Kong Film Archive) (4/2002)

文化交流 Cultural Exchange

到訪學者:顧彬、洪安瑞、安妮•居里安、桑德琳、藤井省三、池上貞子、白先勇、帕特里夏•達多、朴宰雨 Visiting Scholars: Wolfgang Kubin, Andrea Riemenschnitter, Annie Curien, Sandrine Marchand, Shōzō Fujii, Sadako Ikegami, Pai Hsien-yung, Patrizia Dadò, Park Jae Woo

比較文學沙龍 Comparative Literature Salons (3/2010-5/2010)

「瑞士與香港作家會面」研討會 ‘Swiss Writers Meet Chinese Writers’ Seminars (12/2008, 9/2002)

「兩儀文舍」中法作家文學對談 ALIBI: Rencontres Littéraires Franco-Chinoises (4/2007)

「班雅明與亞洲」學術會議 Conference on 'Walter Benjamin – an Asian Dialogue' (12/2004)

人文學科研究中心活動概要CHR Activities Highlights

人文學科研究中心出版CHR Publications

人文學科叢書 Humanities Book Series

香港文學與電影Hong Kong Literature and Cinema

香港當代作家作品合集選 • 小說卷(上、下冊)The Anthology of Hong Kong Short Stories 1949-2007 (Two Volumes)

香港文學的傳承與轉化 Hong Kong Literature: Legacy and Transformation

香港文學外譯書目 A Bibliography of Hong Kong Literature in Foreign Languages

香港文學電影片目(1913-2000)Hong Kong Literature & Film: A Filmography (1913-2000)

香港都市文化與都市文學 Hong Kong Urban Culture & Urban Literature

念人憶事:徐訏佚文選 Things and People in the Past: Uncollected Works of Xu Xu

現代漢詩論集 On Modern Poetry in Chinese

三、四○年代香港詩選 An Anthology of Hong Kong Poetry of the 1930s and 1940s

三、四○年代香港新詩論集 An Anthology of Hong Kong Poetry Criticism in the 1930s and 1940s

《紅樓夢》英譯筆記 The Story of the Stone: A Traslator’s Notebooks

當代作家專論 Critical Essays on Contemporary Chinese Writers

《星島晚報•大會堂》目錄 Index to Singtao Evening Post’s Literary Supplement

《詩風》目錄 Index to Poetry

女性與文學:女性主義文學國際研討會論文集 Women and Literature: Proceedings of the International Conference on Feminist Studies in Modern Literature in Chinese

漢語數詞現代化討論集 Selected Papers of the Conference on Modernization of Chinese Numbers

英譯武俠小說:讀者反應與迴響 The Question of Reception: Martial Arts Fiction in English Translation

創意寫作叢書 Creative Writing Series

西新界故事 West NT Stories

電影中的香港故事 Hong Kong Stories in Films

跟白先勇一起創作 Creative Writing with Pai Hsien-yung

新聞寫作 從心出發 Reportage Writings Come from the Heart

書寫香港@文學故事 Writing Hong Kong @ Stories of Literature

訂購查詢 Sales Enquiry:

地址:香港新界屯門青山公路8號嶺南大學林炳炎樓一樓102室人文學科研究中心ADDRESS: Room 102, B. Y. Lam Building, Lingnan University, 8 Castle Peak Road, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong S.A.R.

電話 TEL:(852) 2616 8055 傳真 FAX:(852) 2838 1705 電郵 EMAIL:[email protected]

「電影與教育」研討會(與嶺南大學社會科學研究所、香港演藝學院合辦)Conference on 'Film in Education' (co-organised with the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences [Lingnan University], and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts)

詩歌朗誦會「關於澳門,來自澳門」Poetry Reading 'On and From Macao'

嶺南大學人文學科研究中心•國立清華大學台灣文學研究所:文學交流與研究座談會The Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University & The Institute of Taiwan Literature, National Tsing Hua University: Forum on Literary Exchanges and Research

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