Page 1: byJohn Sempf, andChuck

byJohn Paul Mueller,Bill Sempf, and Chuck Sphar

dummiesAWiley Brand

Page 2: byJohn Sempf, andChuck


About This Book 1

Foolish Assumptions 2

Icons Used in This Book 2

Beyond the Book 3

Where to Go from Here 4


chapter v. Creating Your First C# Console Application i

Getting a Handle on Computer Languages, C#, and .NET 7

What's a program? 8

What's C#? 8

What's .NET? 9

What is Visual Studio 2017? What about Visual C#? 10

Creating Your First Console Application 11

Creating the source program 11

Taking it out for a test drive 16

Making Your Console App Do Something 17

Reviewing Your Console Application 18

The program framework 18

Comments 19

The meat of the program 20

Introducing the Toolbox Trick 21

Saving code in the Toolbox 21

Reusing code from the Toolbox 22

chapter 2: Living with Variability — DeclaringValue-Type Variables 23

Declaring a Variable 24

What's an int? 25

Rules for declaring variables 25

Variations on a theme: Different types of int 26

Representing Fractions 27

Handling Floating-Point Variables 28

Declaring a floating-point variable 29

Examining some limitations of floating-point variables 30

Using the Decimal Type: Is It an Integer or a Float? 31

Declaring a decimal 32

Comparing decimals, integers, and floating-point types 32

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Examining the bool Type: Is It Logical? 33

Checking Out Character Types 33

The char variable type •34

Special chars 34

The string type 35

What's a Value Type? 36

Comparing string and char 37

Calculating Leap Years: DateTime. 38

Declaring Numeric Constants 40

Changing Types: The Cast 41

Letting the C# Compiler Infer Data Types 42

chapter 3: Pulling Strings 45

The Union Is Indivisible, and So Are Strings 46

Performing Common Operations on a String 48

Comparing Strings 48

Equality for all strings: The CompareO method 49

Would you like your compares with or without case? 52

What If I Want to Switch Case? 53

Distinguishing between all-uppercase andall-lowercase strings 53

Converting a string to upper- or lowercase 54

Looping through a String 54

Searching Strings 55

Can I find it? 55

Is my string empty? —56

Getting Input from the Command Line 57

Trimming excess white space 57

Parsing numeric input 57

Handling a series of numbers 60

Joining an array of strings into one string 62

Controlling Output Manually 62

Using the Trim() and Pad() methods 63

Using the Concatenate!) method 65

Let's Split() that concatenate program 67

Formatting Your Strings Precisely 68

StringBuilder: Manipulating Strings More Efficiently 73

chapter4: Smooth Operators 75

Performing Arithmetic 75

Simple operators 75

Operating orders 76

The assignment operator 77

The increment operator 78

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Performing Logical Comparisons — Is That Logical? 79

Comparing floating-point numbers: Is your float

bigger than mine? 80

Compounding the confusion with compoundlogical operations 81

Matching Expression Types 83

Calculating the type of an operation 84

Assigning types 85

Changing how an operator works: Operator overloading 86

chapters: Getting into the Program Flow 89

Branching Out with if and switch 90

Introducing the if statement 91

Examining the else statement 94

Avoiding even the else 95

Nesting if statements 96

Running the switchboard 99

Here We Go Loop-the-Loop 101

Looping for a while 102

Doing the do...

while loop 106

Breaking up is easy to do 106

Looping until you get it right 107

Focusing on scope rules 112

Looping a Specified Number of Times with for 112

An example 113

Why do you need another loop? 114

Nesting Loops 115

Don't goto Pieces 116

chapter 6: Lining Up Your Ducks with Collections 119

The C# Array 120

The argument for the array 120

The fixed-value array 121

The variable-length array 122

The Length property 125

Initializing an array 126

Processing Arrays by Using foreach 126

Sorting Arrays of Data 128

Using var for Arrays 132

Loosening Up with C# Collections 133

Understanding Collection Syntax 134

Figuring out <T> 135

Going generic 135

Table ofContents ix

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Using Lists, 136

Instantiating an empty list 136

Creating a list of type int 137

Creating a list to hold objects 137

Converting between lists and arrays 138

Counting list elements 138

Searching lists 138

Performing other list tasks ...138

Using Dictionaries 139

Creating a dictionary 139

Searching a dictionary 139

Iterating a dictionary 140

Array and Collection Initializers 141

Initializing arrays141

Initializing collections 141

Using Sets 142

Performing special set tasks 143

Creating a set 143

Adding items to a set 144

Performing a union 144

Performing an intersection 145

Performing a difference 147

On Not Using Old-Fashioned Collections 147

chapter 7: Stepping through Collections 149

Iterating through a Directory of Files .149

Using the LoopThroughFiles program 150

Getting started 151

Obtaining the initial input 151

Creating a list of files 153

Formating the output lines 154

Displaying the hexadecimal output 155

Iterating foreach Collections: Iterators* 157

Accessing a collection: The general problem 157

Letting C# access data foreach container 159

Accessing Collections the Array Way: Indexers 160

Indexer format 161

An indexer program example 161

Looping Around the Iterator Block 165

Creating the required iterator block framework 166

Iterating days of the month: A first example 168

What a collection is, really 170

Iterator syntax gives up so easily 171

Iterator blocks of all shapes and sizes 173

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chapter s: Buying Generic m

Writing a New Prescription: Generics 178

Generics are type-safe 178

Generics are efficient 179

Classy Generics: Writing Your Own 179

Shipping packages at OOPs 180

Queuing at OOPs: PriorityQueue 181

Unwrapping the package 186

Touring Main() 188

Writing generic code the easy way 189

Saving PriorityQueue for last 190

Using a (nongeneric) Simple Factory class 193

Tending to unfinished business 195

Revising Generics 197

Variance 198

Contravariance 199

Covariance 200

chapter9: Some Exceptional Exceptions 201

Using an Exceptional Error-Reporting Mechanism 202

About try blocks 203

About catch blocks 203

About finally blocks 204

What happens when an exception is thrown 205

Throwing Exceptions Yourself 207

Knowing What Exceptions Are For 207

Can I Get an Exceptional Example? 208

Knowing what makes the example exceptional 210

Tracing the stack 210

Assigning Multiple catch Blocks 211

Planning Your Exception-Handling Strategy 214

Some questions to guide your planning 214

Guidelines for code that handles errors well 215

How to analyze a method for possible exceptions 216

How to find out which methods throw which exceptions 218

Grabbing Your Last Chance to Catch an Exception 219

Throwing Expressions 220

chapter 10: Creating Lists of Items with Enumerations 223

Seeing Enumerations in the Real World 224

Working with Enumerations 225

Using the enum keyword 225

Creating enumerations with initializers 226

Specifying an enumeration data type 227

Creating Enumerated Flags 228

Defining Enumerated Switches 230

Table of Contents xi

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chapter 1: Object-Oriented Programming —What's It All About? 235

Object-Oriented Concept #1: Abstraction 235

Preparing procedural trips 236

Preparing object-oriented trips 237

Object-Oriented Concept #2: Classification 238

Why Classify? 238

Object-Oriented Concept #3: Usable Interfaces 239

Object-Oriented Concept #4: Access Control 240

How C# Supports Object-Oriented Concepts 241

chapter 2: Showing Some Class 243

Defining a Class and an Object 244

Defining a class 244

What's the object? 245

Accessing the Members of an Object 246

An Object-Based Program Example .247

Discriminating between Objects 249

Can You Give Me References? 249

Classes That Contain Classes Are the Happiest Classesin the World 252

Generating Static in Class Members 253

Defining const and readonly Data Members 255

chapters: We Have Our Methods 257

Defining and Using a Method 257

A Method Example for Your Files 259

Having Arguments with Methods 267

Passing an argument to a method 267

Passing multiple arguments to methods 268

Matching argument definitions with usage 270

Overloading a method doesn't mean giving it toomuch to do 271

Implementing default arguments 272

Returning Values after Christmas 275

Returning a value via return postage 276

Defining a method with no value 277

Returning Multiple Values Using Tuples 279

Using a single-entry tuple 279

Relying on the Create() method 280

Using a multi-entry tuple 281

Creating tuples with more than two items 282

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chapter 4: Let Me Say This about this 283

Passing an Object to a Method 283

Defining Methods 285

Defining a static method 286

Defining an instance method 287

Expanding a method's full name 289

Accessing the Current Object 290

What is the this keyword? 292

When is this explicit? 293

What happens when you don't have this? 296

Using Local Functions 298

chapters: Holding a Class Responsible 301

Restricting Access to Class Members 301

A public example of public BankAccount 302

Jumping ahead — other levels of security 305

Why You Should Worry about Access Control 306

Accessor methods 307

Access control to the rescue — an example 307

So what? 311

Defining Class Properties 312

Static properties 313

Properties with side effects 314

Letting the compiler write properties for you 314

Accessors with access levels 315

Getting Your Objects Off to a Good Start — Constructors 315

The C#-Provided Constructor 316

Replacing the Default Constructor 317

Constructing something 319

Initializing an object directly with an initializer 321

Seeing that construction stuff with initializers 322

Initializing an object without a constructor 323

Using Expression-Bodied Members 324

Creating expression-bodied methods 325

Defining expression-bodied properties 325

Defining expression-bodied constructors and destructors 325

Defining expression-bodied property accessors 326

Defining expression-bodied event accessors 326

chapter 6: Inheritance: Is That All I Get? 329

Class Inheritance 330

Why You Need Inheritance 332

Inheriting from a BankAccount Class (a More Complex Example)... 333

Table of Contents xiii

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IS_A versus HAS_A— I'm So Confused_A 336

The IS_A relationship 337

Gaining access to BankAccount by using containment 338

The HAS_A relationship 339

When to IS_A and When to HAS_A 340

Other Features That Support Inheritance 340

Substitutable classes 341

Invalid casts at runtime 341

Avoiding invalid conversions with the is operator 342

Avoiding invalid conversions with the as operator 343

The object Class 344

Inheritance and the Constructor 345

Invoking the default base class constructor 346

Passing arguments to the base class constructor 347

Getting specific with base 349

The Updated BankAccount Class 350

CHAPTER 7: Poty-What-ISm? 357

Overloading an Inherited Method 358

It's a simple case of method overloading 358

Different class, different method 359

Peek-a-boo — hiding a base class method 359

Calling back to base 364

Polymorphism 366

Using the declared type every time (Is that so wrong?) 368

Using is to access a hidden method polymorphically 369

Declaring a method virtual and overriding it 371

Getting the most benefit from polymorphism 374

The Class Business Card: ToStringO 374

C# During Its Abstract Period 374

Class factoring ..375

The abstract class: Left with nothing but a concept. 380

How do you use an abstract class? 381

Creating an abstract object — not! 383

Sealing a Class 383

chapters: Interfacing with the Interface 385

Introducing CAN_BE_USED_AS 385

Knowing What an Interface Is 387

How to implement an interface. 388

How to name your interface 389

Why C# includes interfaces 389

Mixing inheritance and interface implementation 389

And he-e-e-re's the payoff 390

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Using an Interface 391

As a method return type 391

As the base type of an array or collection 391

As a more general type of object reference 392

Using the C# Predefined Interface Types 392

Looking at a Program That CAN_BE_USED_AS an Example 393

Creating your own interface at home in your spare time 393

Implementing the incomparable IComparable<T> interface 395

Putting it all together 396

Getting back to the Main() event 400

Unifying Class Hierarchies 401

Hiding Behind an Interface 403

Inheriting an Interface 406

Using Interfaces to Manage Change in Object-OrientedPrograms 407

Making flexible dependencies through interfaces 408

Abstract or concrete: When to use an abstract class

and when to use an interface 408

Doing HAS_A with interfaces 409

chapter 9: Delegating Those Important Events 411

E.T., Phone Home — The Callback Problem 412

Defining a Delegate 412

Pass Me the Code, Please — Examples 414

Delegating the task 415

First, a simple example 415

A More Real-World Example 417

Getting an overview of the bigger example 417

Putting the app together 418

Looking at the code 421

Tracking the delegate life cycle 423

Shh! Keep It Quiet —Anonymous Methods 426

Stuff Happens — C# Events 427

The Observer design pattern 427

What's an event? Publish/Subscribe 427

How a publisher advertises its events 428

How subscribers subscribe to an event 429

How to publish an event 429

How to pass extra information to an event handler 430

A recommended way to raise your events 431

How observers "handle" an event 432

Table of Contents XV

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chapter 10: Can I Use Your Namespace in the Library? 435

Dividing a Single Program into Multiple Source Files 436

Dividing a Single Program into Multiple Assemblies 437

Executable or library? 437

Assemblies 438

Executables 439

Class libraries 439

Putting Your Classes into Class Libraries 440

Creating the projects for a class library 440

Creating a stand-alone class library 440

Adding a second project to an existing solution 442

Creating classes for the library 443

Using a test application to test a library 444

Going Beyond Public and Private: More Access Keywords 446

Internal: For CIA eyes only 446

Protected: Sharing with subclasses 449

Protected internal: Being a more generous protector 451

Putting Classes into Namespaces 452

Declaring a namespace 453

Relating namespaces to the access keyword story 455

Using fully qualified names 456

chapter ii: Improving Productivity with Namedand Optional Parameters. 459

Exploring Optional Parameters 460

Reference types 462

Output parameters 464

Looking at Named Parameters 464

Dealing with Overload Resolution 465

Using Alternative Methods to Return Values 466

Working with out variables 466

Returning values by reference 467

chapter 12: Interacting with Structures 469

Comparing Structures to Classes 470

Considering struct limits 470

Understanding the value type difference 470

Determining when to use struct versus class 471

Creating Structures 472

Defining a basic struct 472

Including common struct elements 473

Using Structures as Records 479

Managing a single record 479

Adding structures to arrays 480

Overriding methods 481

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chapter 1: Writing Secure Code ....485

Designing Secure Software 486

Determining what to protect 486

Documenting the components of the program 486

Decomposing components into functions 487

Identifying potential threats in functions 487

Rating the risk 488

Building Secure Windows Applications 488

Authentication using Windows login 489

Encrypting information 492

Deployment security 493

Building Secure Web Forms Applications 493

SQL Injection attacks 494

Script exploits 495

Best practices for securing Web Forms applications 497

Using System.Security 498

chapter 2: Accessing Data 499

Getting to Know System.Data 500

How the Data Classes Fit into the Framework 502

Getting to Your Data 502

Using the System.Data Namespace 503

Setting up a sample database schema 503

Connecting to a data source 504

Working with the visual tools 510

Writing data code 513

Using the Entity Framework 516

chapters: Fishing the File Stream 521

Going Where the Fish Are: The File Stream 521

Streams 522

Readers and writers 522

StreamWriting for Old Walter 524

Using the stream: An example 525

Revving up a new outboard StreamWriter 528

Finally, you're writing! 531

Using some better fishing gear: The using statement 532

Pulling Them Out of the Stream: Using StreamReader 536

More Readers and Writers 540

Exploring More Streams than Lewis and Clark 542

Table of Contents xvii

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chapter4: Accessing the Internet 543

Getting to Know System.Net 544

How Net Classes Fit into the Framework 545

Using the System.Net Namespace 547

Checking the network status 547

Downloading a file from the Internet 549

Emailing a status report 552

Logging network activity 555

chapter 5: Creating I mages 559

Getting to Know System.Drawing 560

Graphics 560

Pens 561

Brushes 561

Text 561

How the Drawing Classes Fit into the Framework 563

Using the System.Drawing Namespace 564

Getting started 564

Setting up the project 565

Handling the score '. 566

Creating an event connection 567

Drawing the board 568

Starting a new game 570

chapter6: Programming Dynamically! .571

Shifting C# Toward Dynamic Typing 572

Employing Dynamic Programming Techniques 574

Putting Dynamic to Use 576

Classic examples 577

Making static operations dynamic 577

Understanding what's happening under the covers 578

Running with the Dynamic Language Runtime 579

Dynamic Ruby 580

Dynamic C# 581


chapter 1: Getting Started with Visual Studio 585

Versioning the Versions 586

Community edition 586

Professional edition .588

Enterprise edition 589

MSDN 590

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Installing Visual Studio 590

Breaking Down the Projects. 592

Exploring the New Project dialog box 593

Understanding solutions and projects 594

chapter2: Using the Interface 597

Designing in the Designer 597

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) 598

Windows Forms 600

Web Forms 601

Class Designer 602

Paneling the Studio 605

Solution Explorer 605

Properties 608

The Toolbox 609

Server Explorer 610

Class View 612

Coding in the Code Editor 612

Exercising the Code Editor 613

Exploring the auxiliary windows 614

Using the Tools of the Trade 616

The Tools menu 616

Building 618

Using the Debugger as an Aid to Learning 618

Stepping through code 618

Going to a particular code location 619

Watching application data 620

Viewing application internals 621

chapters: Customizing Visual Studio 623

Setting Options 624

Environment 625

Language 626

Neat stuff 627

Using Snippets 628

Using snippets 628

Using surround snippets 630

Making snippets 631

Deploying snippets •632

Sharing snippets 633

Hacking the Project Types 634

Hacking project templates 634

Hacking item templates 638

Table of Contents xix

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chapter 1: Introducing WPF 643

Understanding What WPF Can Do 643

Introducing XAML 645

Diving In! Creating Your First WPF Application 646

Declaring an application-scoped resource 648

Making the application do something 649

Whatever XAML Can Do, C# Can Do Better! 651

chapter 2: Understanding the Basics ofWPF 653

Using WPF to Lay Out Your Application 654

Arranging Elements with Layout Panels 655

The Stack Panel 655

The Wrap Panel 657

The Dock Panel 658

Canvas 659

The Uniform Grid 660

The Grid 661

Putting it all together with a simple data entry form 668

Panels of honorable mention 670

Exploring Common XAML Controls 671

Display-only controls 671

Basic input controls 673

List-based controls 676

chapters: Data Binding in WPF 681

Getting to Know Dependency Properties 681

Exploring the Binding Modes 682

Investigating the Binding Object 683

Defining a binding with XAML 683

Defining a binding with C# 686

Editing, Validating, Converting, and Visualizing Your Data 687

Validating data 692

Converting your data 696

Finding Out More about WPF Data Binding 704

chapter4: Practical WPF 705

Commanding Attention 705

Traditional event handling 706

ICommand 707

Routed commands 708

Using Built-in Commands 708

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Using Custom Commands 711

Defining the interface 711

Creating the window binding 712

Ensuring that the command can execute 713

Performing the task 714

Using Routed Commands 716

Defining the Command class 716

Making the namespace accessible 716

Adding the command bindings 717

Developing a user interface 717

Developing the custom command code behind 718


chapter 1= Looking at How ASP.NET Works with C# 723

Breaking Down Web Applications 724

Questioning the Client 726

Scripting the client 727

Getting information back from the client 728

Understanding the weaknesses of the browser 728

Dealing with Web Servers 730

Getting a PostBack (Hint: It's not a returned package) 731

It's a matter of state 734

chapter 2: BuildingWeb Applications 735

Working in Visual Studio 736

Two project approaches 736

Creating a standard project 737

Creating a website 748

Developing with Style 749

Coding behind 750

Building in n-tier 751

Modeling the View Controller 752

chapters: Controlling Your Development Experience 753

Showing Stuff to the User 754

Labels versus plain old text 754

Images 757

Panels and multiviews 758

Tables 759

Getting Some Input from the User 760

Using text input controls 760

Using single-item selection controls 762

Using multiple-item selection controls 764

Using other kinds of input controls 766

Submitting input with submit buttons 766

Table of Contents xxi

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Data Binding 767

Setting up your markup for binding 767

Data binding using the code-behind 771

Using commonly bound controls 773

Styling Your Controls 775

Setting control properties 775

Binding styles with CSS 776

Making Sure the Site Is Accessible 777

Constructing User Controls 779

Making a new phone number User Control 779

Using your new control 780

chapter4: Leveraging the .NET Framework 783

Surfing Web Streams 784

Intercepting the request 784

Altering content sent to clients 788

SecuringASP.NET 789

Changing trusts 790

Fixing problems 790

Managing Files 791

Baking Cookies 792

Coding for client-side storage 793

How ASP.NET manages cookies for you 795

Tracing with TraceContext 796

Navigating with Site Maps 798

Navigating a site with SiteMap 800


XXii C# 7.0 All-in-One For Dummies

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