

Emperor Penguin Facts

Largest of all penguins.

Male penguins don’t eat while taking care of newly hatched chick.

In early spring egg will hatch.

Its diet consists of fish, krill, and squids.

Uses calls do identify each other.


When penguins migrate they go from the ocean side to the mainland. They travel in circles and take turns going into the middle where it is warmer. They either slide on their tummies or waddle.

Migration Route

Why do they migrate?

Penguins migrate for many reasons, primarily for their young. Penguins go from the ocean side to the mainland because the ice is thicker and the young won’t fall through the ice as easily. There are better chances for the young to survive in the mainland because they are less predators.

Problems with Migration

Some problems for penguins migrating is food supply. When penguins migrate into the mainland there is no water for them to get food. The father and mother take turns going to the water getting food and then coming back and regurgitate it for their chicks. This cycle repeats 6 times!

How They Migrate

The migrate in colonies

They move on the bellies or they waddle

They go in circles and take turns going into the middle where it is the warmest

The End

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