
I think that a microscope at home would be amazing, as in

school we are learning about plant and animal cells. For

example, did you know that a nerve cell in our body is very,

very long and it carries messages at 400Km per hour? Only

plants have cell walls otherwise they would explode.

At home I would study the cells that I leave on things like

toothbrushes and forks. I might even use my blood (or my

brothers!) for some tests. Some of my class-mates said that

they would sell the microscope on e-bay, but if I got the

microscope I would keep it to study stuff. I want to be a

doctor when I am older and take all sciences for ‘A’ levels.

With my own microscope my dream is even more likely to

come true. I love science and would adore a microscope!

Entry 1






Cell-wall Nucleus


A poem about why I want a microscope!

A spider looked at with the human eye,

Could be enough to make you cry!

I think their gorgeous in every way,

Some people dread looking at them during the day!

Their friendly, soft and just want heat,

But they most certainly don’t want a beat!

A spider under a microscope,

I bet you wouldn’t be able to cope!

The hairy legs and huge big eyes,

You’d probably find a big surprise!

I’d be able to I honestly would,

Wouldn’t that just be so good!

I want a microscope mainly because it would be so cool to look at

jaws, but there are lots of things I can look at through a microscope,

like insects, animals or a bit of soap. I love science in every way and I

would love to experiment, what else can I say? Their thrilling,

fantastic and very fun, not forgetting they weigh a tonne! I would

look at it every day making it better in every kind of way! That’s why

I’d love to own a microscope!

Entry 2

Why would I like a microscope?

Who wouldn’t want a microscope! There is so much more to the world than

meets the naked eye that can only be seen under a microscope.

Imagine being able to see the very small hairs on a spider or to be able to

see an ant’s face up close.

Flowers and leaves under a microscope would show up complex patterns

which would otherwise be invisible.

A normal glass of water would expose its own little world of micro-


A microscope would enable me to see the building blocks of all sorts of

things from fabric to living things.

I could look at my own skin cells or my own teeth and discover how they

are formed.

It would open up a whole new dimension in my own home and turn the

boring and ordinary into something complex and fascinating.

It would enable me to discover the world and everything in it in its entirety

instead of the very limited view my naked eye allows. I would discover

things I never knew existed and turn so many things into wonderful 3d

images instead of plain, flat objects.

The possibilities of discovery and learning are endless with a


Entry 3

Why I need a microscope.

My eyes cannot see everything, I can’t see stuff that’s small,

That’s why I need a microscope, So I can see it all!

What lurks beneath my toenails?

What lives inside my spit? What horrors share my bed with me?

Will I still sleep in it?

What dwells inside my nostrils? Is it cool or is it grim?

What forages in my hair at night? What crawls across my skin?

What’s hiding in my belly button?

And what’s inside my drink? What’s got more bacteria,

the toilet or the sink?

I have so many questions, I really must persist,

To take the samples, make the slides And be a scientist!

Entry 4

Why I need a microscope?

I am writing this letter to tell you why I need a

microscope. I feel I need one to know more about

science as I find it’s a very educational subject. At

school we’re using the microscopes and I’m loving

every minute of it. I couldn’t believe at first that

you can use it for so many things such as; human

parts of the body, animal parts and even looking

inside onion cells etc. I also helped at my opening

evening still using microscopes. That’s what made

me think that there is so much more to see on a

microscope. It gives you the most incredible shots

of photos of things you thought you would never

see. Another thing that surprises me is not the fact

that they can zoom in it’s the fact of how much

they can zoom in. There is a lot more to science

with microscopes as you can see so many

fascinating things you wouldn’t expect to see in

public and it shows you how much your missing

without one of these lifetime gadgets. That is why

I feel I need a microscope.

Entry 5

Dear president of quekett

I am writing to explain why you need a microscope. you need a microscope to see the organisms that live inside water air. They can not be seen by naked eye so that's why we need a microscope. You also need a microscope to see the tiny cells in plant parts for example roots, steam and a leaf. You can use a microscope to examine bugs to see if they are edible. And last of all you can examine dust to see if there are any dust mites that need to be sorted around your house.

Entry 6

Dear Sir or Madam,

The reasons that I feel winning the

microscope would benefit me enormously are, because when I am older I

would like to be a medical doctor.

I have always had an interest in biology and a microscope would help

me study cells, bacteria and organisms. When my learning was complete

I would donate the microscope

to the school for more pupils to benefit from.

Yours Sincerely,

Entry 7


Why I want a microscope

I really want a microscope because I really enjoy

science and I would love my own microscope.

Microscopes are really cool and it would be awesome

to have my own.

One reason I would like a microscope is because I

would be better at science, another reason is my

brother would like one as well.

Entry 8

I really want a microscope

I really want a microscope to see things closer up,

I really want a microscope I could zoom into something like a


I really want a microscope to see what’s in a piece of wool,

I really want a microscope it would be really cool!

I really want a microscope to see cells from different things,

I really want a microscope it would be cool to look into bee


I really want a microscope to look in to dates,

I really want a microscope to show off to my mates!

I really want a microscope it would be such a treat,

I could invite all my friends over and examine what we eat!

I really want a microscope…

Entry 9

I would like a microscope so I can be able to explore things that the naked eye would not be able to see. I would use it to study parasites, bacteria's, blood cells, hair cells and many more different cells that would be fascinating to learn more about . It could be fun to see details on bugs such as : eyes, ears, hair (or not), wings. Looking at colour coordination's on butterflies and other colorful insects, bugs.

I could also look at differences or similarities between human, animals and plant cells.

Animal cell Plant cell

Human cell

Entry 10

I think I would really benefit from having a microscope because I

find it very interesting when we are looking at cells in class and

would like to investigate at home too. Without a microscope I

wouldn't be able to see all the different cells as they are really

small, hence why it is called a MICROscope. The amazing machinery

allows us to see inside of us and other animals something not many

people get to do. If I were to get the microscope I would buy lots

of different slides such as: blood, brain, heart etc. to make great

use out of it. I like looking at the different cells and focusing on

them as they are really interesting and would like to investigate

even further (not that we don't do lots of it in class!). I am

enthusiastic when it comes to science and am always willing to look

at the discoverys and am intrigued to know more. Thank you for

taking the time to read my email about 'why I need a microscope'. I

hope I am thought worthy of one.

Yours sincerely,

Entry 11

Why I Would Like a Microscope

I have always been interested in nature. At the moment I am especially interested in birds

as I was given a pair of RSPB binoculars for Christmas last year which have enabled me to

see animals and birds from a distance. Being able to see them in detail has made me even

more interested in them.

If I had a microscope I would be able to see things that would normally be hidden from me. I

would like to look at things such as pieces of plants and insects and I would enjoy the

opportunity to find new and interesting things to examine. I am especially interested in cells

and micro organisms. I would study things from the human body as well like hairs, skin and

blood. I would go on walks bringing slides to collect possibly useful specimens to examine.

The things I would like to see magnified the most are creatures such as dust mites and water


I have always found the idea amazing that there is another world that is impossible to see

with the naked human eye. These are the reasons why I would like a microscope.

Entry 12

Water Flea

One of the reasons I would want a microscope is because you can see things

like small plants, plant cells, small animals and animal cells which would be

impossible to see with the naked eye but with a microscope you can see them

very clearly. Whilst looking at these cells I could think about the different parts

of the cell and what each bit does.

Some other things I could look at are parts of the body like blood cells and

hair. Unlike plant cells, blood cells (if they aren’t dead) still move so they are

fascinating to look at. In my opinion, it is fascinating to look through

microscopes as it seems as if you are in another world where everything is in a

lot more detail.

I have seen some photos online of magnified animals like maggots and fleas. I

know most people would find this disgusting but I found it very interesting. My

favourite was the fly larva which looked cute and fuzzy. My least favourite was

a maggot which I actually found quite scary!

Thank you for reading my e-mail and I hope you will take it into consideration

Yours sincerely,

Entry 13

I need and would like to have a microscope because I enjoy science and I want

to learn more about it. Biology is one of my favorite subjects; it is a subject

where you find out about your blood, your body and yourself.

Microscopes are a clever piece of science equipment that you use for looking

at cells and things that cannot be seen with the naked eye. People can look at:

Mould on bread

Blood cells

Flowers and plants (the stem, the leaf and the roots).


Human and animal hair

Dust mites and microorganisms

In 1000AD the Romans discovered that if you held a lens over an object the

object would look larger. Today there are many different job areas where you

use a microscope, for example: forensic science (examining evidence at a crime

scene), medical science (researching different illnesses and medicine) and

environmental science (researching pollution, nature and our surroundings).

Technological advances now mean that powerful microscopes can view objects

magnified 4000 times and over.

I would love to improve my science skills and create more enthusiasm towards

it. Having a microscope would also help me explore the world in a new,

different way.

Entry 14

Why I would like a microscope

There are many reasons why I would like a microscope and this is what I’ll be

writing about in the next paragraph.

With a microscope it would most definitely help me improve and understand

cells when it is magnified. I still need practice in adjusting the dials because I

find it confusing and scary. I’m afraid I might break the lenses when I turn the

knobs too much when I try to zoom into the specimen on the glass. I’ve

actually already had a bit of experience with a microscope because I had one

for my birthday and it actually worked! I got to see the cells from membranes

of an onion. But unfortunately I can’t remember the names of some of the

parts; fortunately I know the functions. I would be extremely careful and

cautious when handling a microscope as it is an expensive piece of equipment.

I want to learn more about using a microscope and am more interested in all

the functions of a microscope. Who knows I actually might become a scientist

or a teacher one day.

I have attached a picture naming parts of the microscope

Entry 15

My song about a microscope!

When u need to look at mysterious things

Frogs, logs, hogs and other outdoorsy things

The microscope is for the job

That is why I want it so much


Zacharias Janssen was his name

If you think about it, it is true fame

Not any other magnifying thing

Can surely be as cool as this invention

Not just a light bulb or any old glass

It is put together with true intelligence


From a point of me everyone should know him

As an ooba amazing cool scientist

He isn’t just a man

He’s like a super-hero

With a microscope cape

Zacharias Janssen and his name

This of course was true fame!!!

Entry 16

Why I Would Like a Microscope

Entry from Isabella Ottevanger's diary, dated 25th

October 2042.

Today has been the best day of my career as I received my Nobel award


Science. That made me think back to the day I won my microscope. I still

have it, years later, up in my loft. With that microscope I managed to see

many wondrous things, but my favourite thing I saw that first day was a

butterfly wing which looked like it had come straight off a fancy fish, as it

was covered in shining tiles, every colour of the rainbow. That butterfly

wing, and that microscope, inspired me to become a zoologist. That

microscope came with me to university, where I saw even better images

like salt crystals, microbes, plankton and water fleas. My microscope isn't

used any more as I use more powerful equipment now, but I hope my

grandchildren enjoy talking to me about it.

My microscope is ready to inspire another generation.

Entry 17

I would need a microscope to see tiny things, such as germs, and even see the cells in big things, like

plants or animals. I think I would use it very often, as I like science lot, it is one of my favourite


I enjoy science quite a lot, and I would love to be able to have a microscope at home, as that would

mean that I would be able to use it anytime, and be able to do projects at home then show my

teachers. Microscopes are very fun to use, as I get to discover some new things every time.

I think people need microscopes because otherwise they wouldn’t have been able to discover so

many things as they have. Scientists discover a lot of new things with microscopes, so I could do

things that they did and see how they discovered them.

It would certainly mean a lot to me if I win this microscope, I would let my dad and step-mum use it

as much as they wanted and they could even learn things too, as well as me.

Entry 18

Why I need a microscope

I used to have a microscope but I was not sure how to use it

properly. It wasn’t as “high Tec” as all the professional ones at

Hedingham but it was still a good working microscope. It came

complete with a range of different slides such as onion cells and

cedar cells. I made a few of my own cells but they didn’t work out

very well. This is why I would love to have a microscope.

I would like a microscope because I adore all wildlife and animals. If

the microscope got given to me I would look at all the different

existing species and different foods they eat.

Having a microscope would be amazing.

Entry 19

Why I need a microscope?

I would need a microscope because I

have always found and interest in


It helps children in our generation

discover the natural world for what it

really is... Many children take an

interest in art or Geography because it

may be fun; you learn about the world

but you can’t really see the things that are hidden like

cells in body or on plants.

I would use my microscope to help me with school work

and practice for practical’s that we do in school. It would

help me to improve with my science skills and get better

work done. I would also use it to see test my plants if

they have different cells or not.

That is why I need a microscope.

Entry 20

Why I would like a microscope

If I won a microscope I would test it on objects that I eat (onion), parts of me (a strand of) and bits of plants. It would help me to be able to focus the lens and know how to work it better in school. And if I don’t understand something that well in school, I would be able to take it home and experiment further.

Some of the experiments I could do would be to leave a bit of food (bread) out somewhere and wait for some mould to grow so I could look at it under the microscope. I could also maybe experiment and view blood cells. I could cut a flower and examine the differences to different types and parts (stem, leaf, roots). I could also get a small bit of protein and investigate it further.

Almost wherever I go I could take a slide with me in case I find something interesting to test. And at weekends if I get bored (once finishing my homework) I could experiment rather than laze round and watch TV so I can become more resourceful.

Entry 21

Why you need a Microscope

Scientists need Microscopes to look at people’s

blood, to look at cells and bacteria, to make cures

for diseases and find out more about science! For

example, to see organisms that live in water and

air, or really anything, the point is that they can’t

be seen by the naked eye so it’s important that we

know whether it’s save or not. Another thing is that

when having a blood test they need to know if

something’s wrong with you and you can’t look at

the blood and you have a diagnoses. But with a

microscope you can!

I think that I should win the microscope because I

spent a lot of time on this entry, and I am hoping to

be a scientist or vet when I am older so it will help

me with my work and grades. But I won’t be

bothered if someone else gets it.

Entry 22

Science homework.

I would like to have a microscope to look into more detail at cells and

different types of things. Also I am interested in having a microscope

because they are fun and I like looking more in to detail of what

things look like over 40 times the size.

Interested as I am, I like to experiment with different types of things.

My granddad has a microscope and every time I go there I always

have a go on it so I would like to have one of my own.

I like cooking as well so I would look at food cells and drink.

Thank you for reading why I should win a microscope.

Entry 23


Why I should get the microscope The reasons rather clear

I might just become Young scientist of the year.

I would use this microscope

To look at things big and small While I’m sure some other people

Would not use it at all.

I might just discover Something no one else has before

A new life form or bacteria What else could you ask for?

Perhaps in the future Not so very far away

I’ll be a famous scientist Doing my speech of the day:

‘I may now be a scientist

Using scientific tools But my fame is also due

To a won microscope from school.’

You see here are the reasons The microscope should be mine

I may just become A great scientist in my time.

Entry 24

I am writing to express my interest in the competition related to a free biological microscope. I would like the microscope because as I am in my last year of

my Gcse's I am doing triple science which involves learning biology and I find science fun and

intriguing. In addition I feel that because I am interested in following a path related to biology, a

microscope can help and assist me in my education.

Furthermore I would use it for many things for education and for fun. Looking at the structure of

materials and structure of plant leaves to what my hair looks like up close. I realize that if I have

this microscope I will be able to learn and explore many aspects of things around me.

My ambition to be a forensic scientist or a doctor can be encouraged by an access to my own

microscope. This can support and assist me in years to come, when I am in sixth form or going to

university. Thank you for reading my letter and I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Entry 25

The Reasons Why I would like a microscope

I would like a microscope because I do not know that much about

science. I would like to explore the grounds of different cells

and other amazing things you can look at. Science isn’t my

favorite subject, but I think if I won that microscope I would

become very fascinated with the human body. Also I already know

quite a lot about the human body and it would be fascinating to

learn mot about it. Another thing, I think it would be a great

learning strategy for any upcoming homework we get.

Entry 26

Why I Want A Microscope

I would like a microscope because they are amazing and well developed

Piece of scientific equipment. They fascinate me at how they can magnify things

and make the findings so clear. In this picture there is a plant cell

Which has been magnified………….

Entry 27

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